I was wrong about women

I was wrong about women

They are actually better than men in every way

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Women are worse than men even at being women.

Is there a single man out there whose life haven't become worse by marrying a black chick?

>Is there a single man out there whose life haven't become worse by marrying

Fixed for you. Thank me later.

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MGTOW is a mental illness

Did anybody watch Bull Burr presents his wifes daughters fathers stand up special?

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What the fuck happened to ol' billy bob? He talked shit about getting marries for decades, gets married, and his comedy immediately goes to shit.

For fuck's sake man, he even kept that mutt.

ive never wished so much to see a man get divorced than bill burr his comeback standup would be goat

>For fuck's sake man, he even kept that mutt.
What the fuck dude, that's his daughter...


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>he even kept that mutt.
you're the mutt if you want to abandon your own child

His was always a beta and was projecting his frustrations and self-hatred into his act. Now he's successful and has less reasons to give a shit about being talented due to settling down. He has even said himself that comedians only have two good specials in them. Nia has to annihilate him in a divorce battle for him to become funny again.

If having self preservation instinct makes me mental, then call me Forest Gump and fill my ass with welfare money.

>self preservation
Yes, never reproducing and giving up your homeland is the greatest way of self-preservation

Yes. SELF preservation, not the preservation of the nation, race, society, or whatever greater ideal you have. When I said self preservation I was being literal, preservation of the self.

No divorce rape, no alimony, no child support, no false rape claims. All that shit that is bad for ME, as an individual, is better left avoided.

Call me selfish, I don't give a fuck. I will just protect the personal interests of the person who cares about me the most. You know who.

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Ol' billy redface said that? Fuckin' brutal.

>I agree with whatever my feminist nigger girlfriend says
> t. formally based billy burr

>Nia has to annihilate him in a divorce battle for him to become funny again
She absolutely will, but there's no guarantee that this will make him have a comeback.

Individualism is a mental illness

yep. Was a mistake to have a Bill Burr audience instead of a black audience. He bombed.

>Individualism is a mental illness
Imagine being this much of a brainwashed cattle.

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So is being a redditor, and you're still here

Mark my words, as soon as the lovely nia divorces bill burr, and takes half of everything from him as well as his mulatto child, he will become the best comedian the world has ever seen. He will usher in a new age of enlightenment and expose the roastie menace for all to see.

>muh homeland!! You can't just care about yourself what about your homeland?!
kek you're cucked by your homeland and race

This hits too close to home, it's all true

Why would she divorce him? She got him obedient making all this nigger shit for her.

so is collectivism

why would you work in a team to build something
lmao just take drugs and jerk off

based strawmanning retard

how much of his comedy was true regarding his pittie, including whether his gorilla gf got it or not
because if she was the one who got it, made him fall in love with it then made him get rid of it within the span of 4 years Id have stabbed the bitch in the face

>why would you work in a team to build something
Because you will get something for yourself by doing so, either recognition, or money, or the benefits that the thing you are building will give. You are not doing it "for the group" without taking anything in return

Humans are not bees, they are not ants. We are mammals. We live in a society because it makes life better and easier for you, the individual. But in the moment the social group interests go against YOUR interests, you will absolutely go against the social group itself. You can see that in every social species of mammals, from monkeys to wolfs, and humans are no different.

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she would take everything then force bill to watch his kid so she could go out and party

Women always want more, especially when you're famous.

>oh man, I'm telling you guys. Nia's got me in this thing called a cock cage. It's BRUTAL.

>Nia has to annihilate him in a divorce battle for him to become funny again.
why do people think this? he'll turn into an even bigger cuck and probably say he deserves it or some shit

What's crazy is how this comedian goes all the years without a gf and as soon as he starts picking up fame these chicks show up out of nowhere. If I ever got big doing comedy sets I would realize that shit and tell them to get the fuck outta here. At that point I'd just get escorts, would probably be cheaper too lmfao.

this desu, he mellowed out due to age and the PTSD he suffered from the constant barrage of cunts on every social media outlet about him being a MRA shill

it's the only chance he has. he'll just be set in his ways more and more as married life goes on and he ages. if something sets him off then he'll lose half his money/child, eat child support, and possibly get enough rage back again which was his shtick to begin with.