Jay and Silent Bob



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Fucking christ that looks bad


His daughter is so ugly.

I just stepped in chicken.

Can Kevin Smith hurry up and die already?

>Jays old man dentures
>Jason Lees hairline
>skinny Kevin Smith

Damn these niggas look like shit

kevin go to bed

why is everything dead?

Shit is right

Pure shit

Total shit

Jesus Christ is that fucking shit

naw, she gonna get it

Dante and Randall aged terribly too, Dante looked like he got weird plastic surgery that made him look oddly feminine and Randall just looked plain odd.

Ugh its so bad but you get to actually go with a primed audience all high on weed, I might seriously do it.

wait, randal is in this but he wouldn't do clerks 3?

I hope they make one of these every decade until they are dead.

This idea/reboot aged as horribly as Jason's teeth.
And I love JASB:SB.
Please don't go through with this mistake Kevin.

Wow that looks really fucking bad and also fuck niggers

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You're all a bunch of pseud contrarian cocksuckers, that shit looked great. I'm seein it for sure.
90s style kino incoming

It's missing something and I can't work out what.

actors who aren't old as shit now? I don't get why Smith can't just find young new actors to make whatever kind of films he wants

It’s all the reaction shots of Jay and SB (of which there are too many in this trailer).

Duuude, it's a fucking mangina!! HAHAHA HILARIOUS

Nah, it's not that. His movies have always been "Kevin Smith gets a bunch of his friends together and they fuck around". But it just feels so fake and processed. Like the scene at the start where he's clearly replicating the Goodbye Horses bit from Silence of the Lambs/Clerks 2 just comes out of nowhere in the trailer. Maybe it seems more organic in the movie itself but right now it's offputting.

I think it's a combination of the incredibly generic stock soundtrack and cinematography that's not doing it's job in covering up the low budget nature of it. His previous movies were all shot on shoestring budgets, but they didn't feel as much. Mosier worked well as his producer, god knows who's doing that gig for Smith now.

originality and a sense of spontaneity

looks like kickassia. holy shit. terrible.

This why did they have to add a black sidekick chick?
It feels forced and out of its element
I hope it's just the trailer but the timing especially for a comedy looks terrible


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>old man dentures
More like "crackhead dentures"

Where are Dante and Randall?

This shit makes me feel old as hell, I remember watching the original in the theaters. Also that goodbye horses outta nowhere scene was cringe as fuck. Why is Hollywood so creatively bankrupt

This is a parody of reboots with forced diversity.

It's this 90% of the trailer is Bob and Jay mugging for the camera. The old movies were about the dialogue

>Why is Hollywood so creatively bankrupt
Nepotism. It's filled with literal hacks who have no original ideas. They either pilfer from books and stage or they recycle successful films.

i was talking about how they looked in Clerks 2 i shoulda clarified. no idea if theyre actually in this. shit that was over 10 years ago, they must look even more like shit by now.

one step closer to finally getting Mallrats 2 i guess

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>the silence of the lambs/clerk 2 bit
It was too self-referential. "Hey guys, remember jay and silent bob?"

Well time to go watch the original for the 50th time

>Mallrats 2
He tried. Every studio told him to fuck off. Then every network told him to fuck off. It was made even more embarassing by the stupid social media "campaign' he did in getting the Mallrats cast to pose with him one by one putting two fingers up.

>Kevin Smith

Didn't he originally want to do Clerks 3 but then that failed because Randall, then Mallrats 2 but that failed so he just ended up doing Jay & Silent Bob?

this better have Hamill back as Cock Knocker.

the view askewniverse is making a comeback. w00t!

Only one that hit me is Jason, saw both smith en mewes far more recently but i hadnt seen him since earl

Yeah. If I remember correctly it was Hit Somebody, then Hit Somebody as a TV series, then Clerks 3, then Clerks 3 as a Broadway show (or it might have been Broadway Clerks 3 then Clerks 3 as a film), then Mallrats 2 while Clerks 3 was being shopped around Miramax/Weinstein, then Mallrats 2 as a TV show, then that became Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. There was also meant to be a third movie in his Canada trilogy along with Tusk and Yoga Hosers, but I can't remember what happened with that.

jesus i hope there isnt as many cringy DUDE REMEMBER THE FIRST ONE throwbacks as this trailer seems to indicate

i just looked up Brandi Svening
apparently this year she's in some horror/thriller where she's in an affair thats caught by her psycho husband?

anyways she's still a fucking 10/10.

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They all look so old.
This is just pathetic.

remember when Jimmy told him he's a hack loser that cant direct movies for shit on yes dear?

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I cunt wait smith is the best

He's a much better writer than a director, and he's not that good of a writer. But as much as I take the piss out of his carerer, he'd be great if he co-wrote with someone.

I remember watching Red State when it came out really stoned and thought it was scary. Then I tried to watch it sober and it was just awkward and badly paced. He tries really hard but misses the mark consistently. I kinda liked Comic Book Men but that rat faced prick was just too much

I got the same feeling I get while watching any AVGN video past the 100th one.

Holy fucking shit this is awful.

One of my fantasies is seducing her and slowly turning her against her father by helping her realize what a stupid piece of shit he is.

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>That bit where they indirectly call Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back a piece of shit

I've got a feeling that this movie's got no place calling that one a piece of shit. Also, how do Smith and Mewes somehow look less like shit in the little video after the trailer than they do in the movie itself, where there were presumably makeup artists and shit on set?

You mean that it's a guy continuing to drag a character out that he's both too old for, and no longer has any passion for simply because that's what brings in the fan bucks?

kevin smith is trash

I don't remember Red State all that well, aside from feeling like it had really weird issues with tonal consistency. Like, it starts off as a quasi-horror/torture porn, and then suddenly becomes almost a shoot-em-up. It's been a long ass time since I've seen it though, so I don't recall that much.

IIRC, it was basically going to be Jaws with a moose instead of a shark. He needs to stop making movies that he brainstorms as a joke on his podcasts, it's kind of ruining what reputation he has left.

>Clerks 3 but then that failed because Randall
What a smart guy.

>Jason is a fucking weirdo off of drugs.
>Kevin Smith is pathetic looking old and skinny.
>Uses jokes from Smith's past movies.
>A bunch of early 2000s slapstick, randumb xD, and "look we're aware" 4th wall jokes as filler.
>Uses his friends and daughter as cast like the Sandler crew, a bunch of washed up Canadians.
>Even uses the gay character from Zack and Miri, plus Method Man/Redman for some reason.
>Comicon because Smith is in love with capeshit.
>Inserts his daughter's "girl power" crew in a movie that should gear toward his past audience, who are all loser stoner dudes.
What an absolute failure. Incoming nothing in the box office.

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Red State was shit, Yoga Hosers is unwatchable.

They all look old as fuck, and if there's one thing that ruins a comedy for me, it's being reminded of my own impending mortality.

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Kevin Smith has such a wasted career. He's got all the money and connections, but still churns out pure garbage

>OMFG it will be so epic I can't wait

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He peaked right out of the gate, and it's been a downhill slide to irrelevance ever since.

because he doesn't have any talent

do you think smith or one of his goons would spam this on here, just to get reactions like in strike back

what the actual fuck is it with thor being cast in god awful reboots

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They're gonna repeat the "Jay and Silent Bob beat up fanboys from the internet" scene again right? Except it'll be his daughter and her black friend and something about incels.


I think his entire career up to this point has been "Oh, I liked that thing as a kid, sure I'll be in the new one", and he just got really lucky with Thor.

hamill is jobless, he will do anything.

can't believe I used to like them.
at one point I thought Clerks was really funny.
I'm depressed.

Well, to be fair, Clerks is still enjoyable. This is just consistent with Kevin Smith's recent output.

Didn't the pig say "Put the plants down!" ? Jay may have heard "Pants" instead. Still, the scene sucks dick.

What's Mosier been up to since he made that shitty Grinch movie?

Probably more animated shit for Illumination. Imagine if they gave him the Mario film they're working on

wtf it's true, he's had a weird career

>shit that was over 10 years ago
Jesus fucking Christ I just googled it because I couldn't believe it.
Clerks 2 came out 13 years ago.
Fuck me I'm getting old.

Pretty funnt that Benoist shat on yoga hosers in her announcement of this

What did she say?

looks awful, disappointed but I shouldn't be.

this bit gave me a chuby

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