Jesus Christ, woman. It's a fucking TV show. Not even that crazy.
Jesus Christ, woman. It's a fucking TV show. Not even that crazy
I cried when I was done with ATLA just thinking of how kino it was. But I didn't tell anybody.
smartphones were a mistake
Women's 'liberation' was a mistake
You told us though. Whats the next step of your master plan?
>white women of all economic backgrounds now voluntarily talk in broken black vernacular
jesus christ
>your tears are precious potato
what did he mean by this?
Access to the internet should have remained exclusive to the military.
She's Irish
i think that's fucking retarded because i don't care for the show but maybe she does
i'm not going to sit here and pretend like i haven't cried because of a movie before
Women are a meme.
>I cried when I was done with ATLA just thinking of how kino
Stopped reading right there
yeah but who are you gonna tell?
check mate
Why do white women try to talk like negroes
I'm guessing you're an expert on that?
If you didn't have a single tear roll down at Billy's death then you're a closeted faggot.
Time to die, onions
have sex unironically
I can't wait for Islam to take over the world
Agreed, but I didn’t go on social media to post pictures of myself.
Only the chinese can be trusted to put women in their rightful place
Is that why she's trying to sound like a wog?
Irish are just black people but white skin by mistake
I blame rap music. I put a 3 month moratorium on it and it felt like my IQ went (back) up several points.
>black men
>strong handsome confident
>white men
>weak pussies
Women always follow the stronger culture
Stranger Things is terrible
That's a theory I had, might be on to something
She cute
the whole thing's mostly terrible now, yeah
What about that is black vernacular, or as I like to call it: ebonics?
"on snap" might be the thing because it's the most retarded part of the OP picture
"got me like"
>take photos
>delete coz not great
>take another
>Looks good enough
>take video
>also upload
>make versions of them for several platforms
>think of captions for all
>types and upload there as well
>fully lucid and conscious of every step and decision
Are people even people or just the representation of a type of golem or thing
the word 'based' was popularized by a gay black rapper
lil b is not gay and most likely fucked your bitch
Based and aidspilled
Stranger things is a trash normie show for female zoomers born in 1999 that think that they have some connection to 80s nostalgia. Imagine getting emotional about some shitty tv show that will be forgotten in a few weeks.
Invented, but popularised by based Yea Forums, freshcunt.
I cried because season 3 was a steaming pile of shit.
White bitches be crazy.
islams a mistake too
Social Media is taught kids not to have genuine emotions
You fucked up, he set you up perfectly and you missed it, fucking newfag
having lived in China, I can honestly say that I really wish they'd take over the world. Fuck, they are more liberal than before but there's at least a shred of tradition over there and people don't pretend like they don't know their place in society
haven't watched since season 1 i have no idea how you continue the show from there
I teared up when El read Hopper’s letter and I’m a 30 year old man
Season 3 rampant russophobia makes me sad too.
Poorly. Every season just kinda repeats the same basic beats. The pre-teen relationship drama gets old quick, especially when the teenage and middle-aged relationship drama is just as insipid. Season three has a running gag of Hopper and Joyce bickering before another character tells them they just need to fuck and they both get all tsundere. Season three literally ends with a character sacrificing themselves to close the gate (literally every season has ended with a gate closure, arguably the same gate closure in fact), only to have a post-credits scene reveal that they survived but nobody knows yet.
As someone who enjoyed season 1 and 2 when they first released, yeah i agree
don't you have some welfare to collect jamal
men are women
women are children
Based and redpilled
Yes, when I go to any major city in the west, all I see are employed strong rich fit black men in suits! It's the white men in the back alleys doing crack and sucking cock!
>Your tears precious potato
Do incels actually say this?
Shut up faggot. Learn to appreciate great acting before you show your face here again.
>that bait for attention
Ah, women. Never change.
It's not about what you see, it's about what these brainless thots see on instagram and snapchat when they are glued to their phones, and it's mostly low IQ blacks flaunting their rap money
Social media and rap music are destroying western civilization.
Fuck off ching chong shill. They have a whole culture in China where the women are abusive to the men in relationships and "shame" them in public by slapping them and yelling at them while they stand there and take the abuse.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Crying over social media on Yea Forums should result in a 5-day vacation
Because its a women she got 100s snap from horny incels trying to comfort her
If a guy this this he wouldnt get one single snap
I fucking hate betas and orbiters
is that why it feels like Americans on /pol/ are so stupid?
coalburners are on the rise. but you still in denial about it so that's not gonna change in a near future...
if youre a man you never admit to crying
>having a breakdown on snapchat come look at me
Fuck people
>coalburners are on the rise
You faggots need to leave this website echo chamber. Interracial relationships are rare in general.
Chinks shit in the streets
>If a guy this this he wouldnt get one single snap
Social media is the worst thing mankind has invented
smartphones stupidpeoples
think different
Why is it always Liu Bei who "coincidentally" does horrible shit?
No, just Americans, and that includes American men.
It's pathetic seeing Yea Forums, which is supposedly full of right wing Americans, who speak like fucking hood rats using "words" like "ho", "thot" or "based".
Not to mention that most American men are a bunch of cuckolds who have nothing in their mind besides interracial cuckoldry and entertainment media consumption.
I firmly believe the future of humanity relies on destroying the USA, a third world nation of rabid dogs.
Culturel cancer.
‘Fringe’ predicted Donald Trump’s Election.
Fringe also predicted, that in the future, women will be eliminated, and children will be grown in a lab from men’s dna, to create ultra high functioning autists.
So there’s hope.
All of humanity should be eliminated.
Nothing in stranger things moved me at all yet a few episodes of futurama left my crying like a baby that'd been dropped on it's head.
I have cried at the end of Breaking Bad because the ending was so fucking good and also it was the ending... No more episodes.
the USA will implode from within in a couple of decades when whites become a minority
Two wrongs don't make a right, Takbir