How you holding up boys?

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Going out of town with the fwb this weekend while gf is visiting family :-)

just bought some LSD gunna trip this weekend

got work in 8 hours but I can’t sleep

I sleep very irregularly and it's taking a toll on every aspect of my life

Based. I always say to my Bros cheat on that bitch because women cheat all the time more than men in the first place

Pretty good, it was like shit before but now it ain't that bad, hope you're holding up good and if you don't i hope you do eventually



heavily addicted to porn and alcohol and don't care anymore

>Anonymous 07/18/19(Thu)23:49:06
Stopped reading right there

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true. don’t fall for the memes boys, wagecuckery is still cuckery

quitting cigarettes... again

I'm still a failure at life with no hope of recovery

Craving vodka again even after what happened last weekend.

I stopped smoking weed 3 months ago and the panic attacks and suicidal depression have finally left

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Why is that? How old are you user there's is always a chance at recovery

A month and a half in here. The dreams have been fucking insane but the cravings are pretty much gone


I'm not exactly happy, but I'm not really sad either

Just sorta drifting aimlessly through life I guess

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My new goal is to fully and truly come to terms with the idea that it's too late for me to change and I'll always be an awkward, retarded, aspie that everyone hates.

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I'm getting laid off from my job of 8 years on Monday. I'm also going on vacation next Wednesday that was booked months ago. I guess it's back to the drawing board when I get back.

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How hard is it to lose weight? I feel like I have Chad potential if I slim down a bit. MY BODY IS A CAGE unironically

i'm 24 and still live with my parents. all my coworkers around my age either live with roommates/gfs/bfs and have social lives and party all the time but my autism prevents me from even attempting to not be a fucking loser.

>25 and burgeoning career as a structural engineer and rope access bridge inspector
>graduated top of my class with a BS and MS from world-renowned engineering school
>qt gf who is madly in love with me, as am I with her
>great body and am a very high level amateur cyclist

time of my life bros

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go on (you)

I turned 30 this week. Feels bad man. I'm still a man child. I'll never be a real adult.

>the game

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Literally just eat less. I used to be fat and I'm by no means in good shape now but after starving myself I am skinny. Literally just stop eating you don't even need to exercise (though of course it helps). At first it will seem impossible but it only really takes a couple weeks to get used to it.

no money, no gf (dumped in feb), happy though kinda. also way too old to be this broke. 31. fuck

I ended my relationship with my gf a month and a half ago. My birthday was on the 10th and I had so much stuff planned. I still love her and wanted the world with her
Now it's just back to hating myself and being a retarded fat fuck. I'm beginning to understand people who want to end it all

this. wasn’t even that fat but i lost 15 pounds in a month after switching to one meal a day

27 year old never had a job neet

professional cooking makes me want to drink myself to death. the upside is i might get fired if i go in with a hangover again. after that? probably manual labor. landscaping, general labor, etc. ditchdigging. something outside and physical.

Holy shit are you me?

Been unemployed 6 months, looking for work in the accounting/finance field. It fucking sucks, I've gotten to the final stage of interviews twice and haven't received an offer, I'm going to have to start temping soon otherwise my gap in work is going to be a major problem.

I hate this fucking bullshit. Then again it's cool being able to browse Yea Forums all day.

>tfw Yea Forums is collectively collapsing in on itself

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fuck fuck fuck

Think I'm gonna kill myself. Tried five years ago and was hosptialized. Its been an on and off feeling ever since. But its not even something I feel depressed about anymore, unlike how I did back then. Now it just feels very matter of fact "I've gotta do it."

I hate being a cook. I get paid good because I work at an upscale place but it seems like everyone is on drugs or an alcoholic.

8 years is a lot of experience, you'll be able to find something else without too much annoyance.

Good luck buddy