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Formally ice



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bonjour mademoiselle


This is one of those threads that has no good reason to exist after about 10 posts. Good job, nigger.



Where can i watch this series?

Keep going to Best Buys until you find one where they're playing it on the display TVs and then cry cry cry if they try to kick you out at closing time.

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Damn azula is so cool

Anyone else think earth is OP? You get hit by any of those big ass rocks you're dead

that's where tahlia is and i want to fuck her

entered the thread to make sure this had been posted

Air'll let you dodge and water can erode stone I guess. Fire probably relies on getting the first attack, maybe?

There but for the grace of God . . .

Bruh if a big ass fucking boulder is flying at you you aren't gonna be able to erode it in time

Air would be the most fun for non-fighting purposes. Water is the most versatile, especially since you can heal with it, but it also requires you to have water on hand or be near it. Earth is very useful offensively and defensively and is used for architecture, so no real downsides, but I don't think it's quite as versatile as water. Fire is only good for offensive fighting.


Sooooooooooo cute!

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I'm a xiaolin showdown chad

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>Fire is only good for offensive fighting.
I'd argue it's also pretty handy for metalworking and industry too. That's what seemed to give the fire nation the edge in the war.