Name a more based Yea Forums robot. Protip: you cant

Name a more based Yea Forums robot. Protip: you cant

Attached: pg-40-marsden.jpg (968x681, 50K)

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The whole time I thought the robot was evil, but it was actually based. Until I found out it molested boys.

My based Electronics Instructor told me about this movie.

I really liked how Interstellar turned to robot trope on its head

>sci-fi movie features creepy, non-humanoid robots
>formerly used in the military
>initially presented as threatening
>shades of 2001's Hal
>turn out to be complete bros you could trust with your life

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>subverts expectations once
>Subverts expectations again
>cancel-culture cancer
Make up your mind

Gonk Droid would fuck that Robot in the ass.

Teddy from Ai

If Gonk's even came with dicks installed, they would prematurely explode

>turn out to be complete bros you could trust with your life

>hey TARS every hour we spend down there will be seven years
>hey TARS the signal from there is weird and elongated, and they’ve been broadcasting it for seven years
>hey TARS this planet is 100% covered in water and next to a supermassive black hole
>Hey TARS see any problems? No? Alright let’s land!

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He wasn't really based but he was a good friend

fuck you

>tfw no quirky messy-haired spectacle-wearing alien qt3.14 gf

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>the robot grabbed my benis abloo-bloo
>he should give me his money

Based. Not a lot of love for Get Smart these days

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Based; is one boomer posting these old-school robot kinos?

I dont give a fuck what Lucas or Disney does with this dead horse of a franchise, but this little can of midge deserves a spot in the top 10 all-time bot rankings. I mean, how the fuck do you give sad puppydog face to a construct that arguably does not have a face?

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Having a robot that turns out to not be evil is really refreshing, his smiley face makes me feel happy

Imagine if it had a holographic waifu face.


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Sleezy sexbot repairman is unironically my dystopian cyberpunk world dream job.


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