Did anyone like this guy?
Did anyone like this guy?
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I'll turn you into every meal from orange chicken to kung pow!!
Every guest character on his cartoons are more entertaining then Foghorn.
He's literally a Trump supporting bigot.
>t. dog
Yeah he was based af
he's the feech la manna of looney tunes
>t. chickenhawk
Plush the weasel and chicken hawk.
He's based I say I say based
Does anyone still even watch boomer cartoons?
>boomer cartoons
they're fucking timeless you tacky little zoomer shit
Lmao triggered boomer. How are these timeless? The humour is rather cringe and dated. I don't see how kids nowadays could like it
yeah, they were better than anything else when I was a kid and they're better than anything on now
Not enough flossing or alternate gender pronouns, I agree.
actual kids don't care about things being "cringe" and "dated" not overgrown manbabies watching cartoons
It's b8, m8. Please don't plac8.
>cringe and dated
nice words
literally the best loon, which the fullness of characterization. they caught a real subtle behavior with this guy. the absolute essence of the good baby boomer. big ego but humble at the same time, real hearty, feelgood laughs. you watched him fuck shit up and get fucked up but you didn't feel bad about it.
i'm positive tim allen exists because of this chicken, unfortunately he doesn't get it the way foghorn leghorn did. too much ego and too political - really just too much self-awareness for his own good.
for all the weird sexual shit going on with animation of this era, i think his arc was a real accomplishment in wholesome entertainment.
>Lmao triggered boomer. How are these timeless?
the false bravado of the adolescent shithead, everyone
Didn't care but it would've been hilarious if he was casually racist toward darker chickens.
Honestly, the animation here is better than anything CN has put out in the past 10 years. Anime still beats it though.
Literally what did he mean by this?
Foghorn Leghorn was alright. I didn't hate the skits but they weren't my favorite. He always came off as a knock-off Yosemite Sam to me.
>Anime still beats it though.
good lord, to be in this state. i'm so glad i put down the computer and got away from it.
everyone on this website would benefit enormously from a self-imposed grounding.
Adulthood is realizing Foghorn was the best Tune.
I was just okay on him as a kid but ever since checking him out again in my early 20s I piss myself laughing. I have family from the south so that helps I’m sure.
Please stop wasting everybody's time with this redundant string of words
it's time we switched to an abbreviated form
>hand drawn and filmed
>adobe flash
fuck off
He was supposed to be a caricature of the Southern man but unfortunately they copied that aspect too well and thus isn't that funny a character.
Foghorn Leghorn was always my favorite. Those speech mannerisms will never not be funny.
My my, let's see who's in Allen's Alley today. Why, it's Senator Claghorn:
old school asshole who busts the balls of those who he views as his subordinates.
God I wish I was the dog
Yea Forums has no idea how big this was, or why Foghorn Leghorn existed, or why they're not allowed to know. Although I guess Mel Blanc is just the new Duffer Brothers, although it is pretty ballsy to sue the guy who you stole your character from.
Mel Blanc will never be funny then, since every single one of them was lifted from the superior radio personality Kenny Delmar. Bet people who like Foghorn over Claghorn love that faggot Jack Benny and not Fred Allen.
that's real funny stuff actually, thanks for sharing
he has some weird gay rapist vibes about it
is that sneed
cry more
Here's the debut, we go down Allen's Alley at 4 minutes 27 seconds.
that's just your modern conditioning, poisoning everything you see
Debut, biggest star after WW2
get stolen, turned into a chicken
release feature-length film to mixed success
was foghorn leghorn created so that anyone who tries to imitate that senator character gets automatically thought of as imitating a cartoon rooster than a wrongthink character?
The fact that (((Wikipedia))) doesn't mention anything about the lawsuit that prevented the original from existing anymore, and the only link on the article that could point to something about it is a 404, points to meddling. Although Blanc "allowed" Delmar to continue doing the character, but he might have ceded rights to Fred Allen since that's what the link would have gone to. Which was moot because they used Jack Benny to prevent him from moving from radio. I think the Italians rivaled the Jews back then so there are all sorts of interesting things that could have gone on.
Sneedhorn Chuckhorn
you guys all talk like the same person, you've got this snooty presumptuous vibe that's pissing me off.
Gilbert tries to explain the situation to Howard once and Artie keeps insisting that Foghorn Leghorn has examples of racism in himself, but this just makes Gilbert explain Kenny Delmar harder.
ShareBlue 2.0 fears the cartoon rooster
too white..where's the bbc
they're shit
Noice dood U sir show he xD
Wouldn't these be great generation cartoons?
Yosemite Sam has some anger management issues. i don't think i ever saw Foghorn Leghorn turn different colors out of sheer rage.
that first animation has a lot of frames missing. which chinese website did you rip that from?
Warner brothers animators were based. they would time the sound effects so that if you were sitting in the exact center of a theater, the visuals would match the sounds perfectly.
how is a tiny chickenhawk going to rape a large rooster like that
Very interesting. Claghorn is a lot funnier than Foghorn.
Add Claghorn as #28319 on the list of people cucked by copyright.