What's your favorite mafia movie Yea Forums?
What's your favorite mafia movie Yea Forums?
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I want to say The Godfather but it's probably actually Goodfellas.
Maybe not my favorite, but still a very fine film. Most people haven't seen it.
goodfellas is the wrost movie ive ever, ever seen
New World
a bronx tale
That's true, I haven't seen it, gonna watch it tonight.
The Many Saints of Newark
shut up retard
Warning, you will either love it or you will hate it with a passion that burns your soul.
If this thread is still alive, I'll tell you what I thought
this desu
Scarface 1932
Payback (1999) Directors Cut
Probably due to rampant sexual abuse by their overseers. It's like revisionists aren't even trying.
because they were raped and forced to have those babies shitlord.
The Funeral(1996).
Nigger did you just post a picture of the DVD instead of a png of the poster
It was the first one that came up of a reasonable size. But since you're trying to be the hall monitor, here.
Stopped reading right there
>muh signs
Did you seriously spend time photoshopping pictures of Paulie schooling people on Holocaust denial?
None, I fucking hate Italians
You got cucked by a big dicked dago didn't you? How can your little Anglo chode even compete?
Here's another for your collection.
Thank you.
Now where the fuck's your hall pass.
Holy fuck, this is kino so far.
Based user triggering jews
>Not posting the original one
Madone, I didn't know this was becoming a Paulie thread.
best one so far
Why were so many nazis trannys? I've seen a lot of pics like these, seems p interesting
Confirmed shit taste
It's something /pol/ doesn't want you to know and mainstream history keeps hidden because they're afraid it'll make modern fags look bad.
But Hitler, his inner circle, a huge many nazi party members and soldiers etc were all gay and trans
The camp was huge, it was more like an industrial complex or a small town. They had not just Jews there, but also POWs and normal German prisoners and even political prisoners, all getting treated in different ways..
Interesting, you have any links about this?
Their porn industry explains how fucking weird they can be. Japan does the same thing and they were allies. Really makes one think.
Ya I bet all those women who were burnt to ash in the death gas showers for being useless as laborers were getting knocked up left and ri- wait a sec
Anyone who has a basic understanding of histiography knows that shit changes. For instance, they are still unearthing skeletons of soldiers during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. In the case of the holocaust and other massacres, they find new evidence. For instance, recently a mass grave of greeks massacred by Nazi occupying forces was found
Many were pulled aside to be used as sex slaves, etc. In many cases they would do this willingly as it meant them and their kids might survive. This is assuming that picture is of Jewish prisoners. The German criminals and political prisoners were treated better, it could have been them. It may not have even been Auschwitz, you can't trust fucking memes of all things
Well I mean muh sign being proof of a big conspiracy has been debunked a long time ago
I bet its the reason why Alton More was '''''''killed'''''''
after the war. Cause he was hoarding hitler's tranny album
The funny thing is that despite this debate nobody gives a fuck about the gypsies that got killed. I've heard a single people defend them from either side.
A bit of an overexageration. Many of Hitler's top guys in the SD were gay, before he purged it. Himmler was violently homophobic, but there was still homosexual behavior among the Nazis after the Night of the long Knives. Just not among so high up people or at least so openly
Based and mafiapilled
***haven't heard
That does interest me. No one also debates the amount of Soviet POWs killed, and they were the SECOND largest victim group in the holocaust
was at least 40%. Anything else is just damage control by SJWs trying to pinkwash or angry /pol/ trannys
Nobody with an IQ over 60 debates Nazi or Soviet warcrimes in general anymore. It's just butthurt incels on a malaysian weaving board.
I honestly don't know the exact numbers
that's why I was curious about gypsies because even the biggest SJWs don't give a fuck about them
I'd say 40% of the 12 million or so Nazi Party members + Wehrmacht Soldiers so 6.4 Million
Certainly the biggest force of LGBTQ people to have ever assembled. The Nazi's had several all-homosexual fighting units as well like the Dirlewanger Division. That shit doesn't even exist today in Sweden or Canada!
I leave this thread for one fuckin hour and you fucks turn it into a Holocaust debate thread? Geddafuckouttahere I never wanna hear about wooden doors and swimming pools again, I just wanted some fuckin mob movies to watch and I can't even have that. Fuckin faggots.
of the 16 million or so nazi party + wehrmacht soldiers*
Incels ruin everything
your fault you didn't kill paulie on that boat bro
Once Upon a Time in America is alright, not great
On the Waterfront you may like, but it isn't very violent
Raging Bull is great, has mob elements
Kill the Irishman is a bit corny and cliche but good overall
I thought the HBO Gotti film was good. According to an actual former mob captain(Franzece), it was the most accurate film he has scene
Mean Streets is regarded as being good and pretty accurate
>Watcha ya doing Rabbi ?
>can't refute the argument
>S-shutup Jew
cry more tranny
Thank you user, that's all I wanted
Np. The Gotti one I mentioned actually has tons of Sopranos actors in it
I don’t get this image. If the argument Holocaust deniers make is “there is no way this many people died here, it’s not feasible” and you counter argument is “a less egregious amount of people died here than was originally claimed” with no bones or mass graves to support your numbers even after the adjustment...
I think if you dilate less it'll all come together
It's not an argument against the numbers, it's explaining why the signs number changed as opposed to some convoluted giant conspiracy.
Nobody ever claims today that every single person died at Auschwitz, And in fact, genocide numbers do change over time as new research is conducted yes. They saw between 500,000 and 1.5 million died in the Rwandan genocide. Between 1 and 3 million where killed by the Khmere Rouge. Between 2 and 20 million in the Belgian Congo. Between 250,000 to 1.5 million Armenians. Between 800,000 and 3.9 million in the Holodomor. The only thing unique about the Holocaust here, "between 5 and 6 million jews and 4 to 5 million non-jews" is far less extreme in variation than most other noteworthy genocides.
>A council of centralized Jewish leadership that has no documentation or evidence to ever existing decides to fake "the holocaust" as part of a plot to take over the world and enslave the Master Race
>Plant the seeds for decades (centuries?) in advance long before WW1 even happened (/pol/ often uses the old "six million" references as evidence of a conspiracy)
>None of this is ever discovered or found out
>Somehow orchestrate in the middle of WW2 the mass disappearance of 11 million people including 6 million jews and 5 million non-jews
>covertly relocate these people secretly to ??? (Israel I guess?)
>build all these complex facilities and phony camps that were actually resorts with theaters and swimming pools and etc
>falsify thousands of documents, photographs, etc
>create thousands of fake mass graves and fill them with fake bodies in the middle of nazi-controlled territory
>pay off millions of witnesses of dozens of nationalities, none of whom EVER break the silence that they were in fact in on a gargantuan conspiracy
>Pay off every single historian to have existed at the time or has existed since, they're all in on it too and none of them ever blab
>All the nazi's are in on it too as not one of them denied the holocaust took place at their trials, just their individual responsibility.
>The leaders of every country in the world is in on that, including both sides of the Cold War
>Jews coordinate all this despite no real method of communication at the time. Moreover not a single document exists of them communicating so it was all psychic I guess
>No paper trail of this MASSIVE unprecedented operation that has spanned now many years exists.
>Somehow THIS is more believable than the nazi's killing the people they said they always wanted to kill
Holy shit, Jews really are 300 IQ master race to pull off this comicbook supervillain-tier shit. idl why /pol/ wants to fuck with these guys, they're far above any other race by their own admission
Nazi Germany was the first rainbow nation. Then the Homophobic Russians attacked...
based but garrison obsesses way too much over that guy
>hyperbolic strawman
Nazis BTFO forever
>how dare you use my hyperbolic strawman to question my hyperbolic strawman
strawman? It's literally what you trannys claim happened instead of the krauts just killing a bunch of juice.
So... pretending that Holocaust deniers believe that not a single person died in concentration camps is all you have really. Hyperbolic strawman. Shot posting. Big ole yikes. Best part? I’m just a devils advocate, not even a Holocaust denier. 1/8 Jewish in fact. This whole thread is fucking embarrassing. The clingiest shit in the world, in the goddamn world, is people who can’t see a joke about the Holocaust, some fucking levity, like a stereotypical Italian monster not understanding the Holocaust and react to it with “reeee Nazis gay Holocaust denier big dumb tranny.” Fucking hell lads.
Not Italian but Yellowstone is ranch mafia
Not trans or gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Most Holocaust deniers, real ones I mean and not the fantasy strawman you made up, posit that the number of deaths is artificially too high. They don’t deny the existence of camps or deaths of many prisoners, Jewish, Polish, or what have you.
lol way to goalpost/damage control tranny. You just see how ridiculous your own platform is when someone repeats it back at you
>my own platform
Again, wrong. And can you cook it with the transphobia. Maybe if the world had been less transphobic and homophobic in the 1930’s WW2 would never have happened, you ever think of that? Or is it all hatred for straw men living rent free in your head
you trannys usually say only 100,000 died, all of typhus at these luxury resorts etc right? Well orchestrating the deaths of 5,900,000 people and then setting up a massive logistical/document/witness network that at no point ever contradicts itself is still an extremely impressive feat. Easily the most complex psyop in history. Really nothing even comes close.
Just think of how many germans the elders of zion must have had on their payroll, never to blab...
Nobody supports your degenerate lifestyle here fairy
can you weebs stop talking about the holocaust in a thread about mafia movies
100,000 seems a little low, starvation and disease and abuse would have killed a lot more people. And accidental soviet shelling too probably. But out of curiosity, how do historians arrive at the number of 6 million exactly? Do you know? I’m asking since you’re an expert an all.
>not a single person died in concentration camps
he never implied that
So how do you fake all this stuff without it being an insanely convoluted process? Seems to me you still have to have millions of people working for you, construction crews to rebuild everything and cover up they were actually nice places with swimming pools etc, cause millions of european jews and such to simply vanish, forge all this paperwork, create fake mass graves full of fake bones etc, have both sides of the cold war cooperate fully, and not have any germans actually deny any of it. And all in the middle of a massive war.
You invent these conspiracy theories then get upset if someone questions the complexity of pulling it off. It's like you know deep down it's all BS
qt pie
I like the scene in The Sopranos where Hesh says he is a friend to the native Americans becaus ebith their people were victims of genocide, and then immediately goes full OY VEY when his Cuban employee says Christopher Columbus was as bad as hitler
Ya having both sides of the Cold War cooperate seems tough. It would be impossible for the USSR and the USA ayo be on the same side. To be, how you might say, allies. Allies. Allies powers, so to speak. Based retard
it's not "exactly" 6 million contrary to what trannys claim, it's between 5 and 6 million.
As for the exact process I guess you can read about it here
Germans kept good records of it at least, which is how we know that many of them were fags as well
my people were the white mans nigger when yours were still painting their faces and chasing zebras
>Jews are more nigger than literal niggers
Chad as fuck power move to pull
Nearly all historical research on the Holocaust was conducted after the war and the Soviets or US never changed their story. This was at a time when Stalin was actively waging purges of Jews in his own government and into the 1960s when the communist bloc was basically at war with Israel. So seems odd they still went along with it all.
Also seems weird there wasn't 1 whistleblower in any of these many governments at any point, even a secret one, showing how this was all a diabolical plan.
Jews are 300 IQ master race if you go by this thread, look at what they pulled off
>anime poster with shit taste
It's a shame /pol/ spergs had to ruin this thread I just want to talk about mobster movies and tv
the only solution is to start one right now. a bunch of scorsese's filmography is automatically a good start.
fuck what time it is just do it and abandon thread. then report results later.
>anime retard
>bad opinion
every time
it does tend to be a trend
bronx tale
Now go get ya fuckin shine box user.
Yeah it's pretty great. Still can't touch Goodfellas nand Casino as the ultimate Mafia movie though.
No its a conspiracy theory, inb4 mods delete my comment
wtf is going on in this thread?
JIDF shills
I'm at the fourth season of the Sopranos, and while I'm enjoying it I don't think I fully appreciate it for what it is. Is this a rewatchable series?
>Is this a rewatchable series?
honestly better the second time because you notice way more shit
You're lucky this is a Mafia film General thread and not a sopranos thread pleb.
You aren't allowed to post about the sopranos in a sopranos thread until at least your second run through. Third or fourth if you want to discuss the metaphysical aspects or the path through the land of the dead.
take it easy on him
the sopranos is based and should be a human right
Iknow, right. No mention of millers crossing, ghost dog, or resevoir dogs