A bunch of Arabs committed the biggest terror attack to ever happen in American history? False...

>a bunch of Arabs committed the biggest terror attack to ever happen in American history? False. It was a mossad operation

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Other urls found in this thread:


>A spherical earth? You've been fooled again, I'm afraid.

Are Saudis not sand niggers?

So you're saying united states government is culpable, maybe treasonous?

>an user is unable to accept that the world is full of chaos and chance when it is easier to blame an invisible all-powerful boogeyman for everything that happens, implying that the user’s own personal life failings are the fault of something other than himself? Surprisingly, this one is true.

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>An entire nation of people ignoring the jewish background of every major player in 20th century cultural change, including things like MKultra, the manhattan project, and transgender surgeries? Amazingly enough, this was in fact a true story

>a whole group of men who voted for a reality tv star because they couldn't get laid? actually, this really happened


Also X-files spinoff lone gunmen episode about remotely hijacked airliner being flown into WTC that aired like a month before the attacks..

Bonus: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler#Business_Plot

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Did you really believe this story of crematoria operating faster than mathematically possible even by today's standards? If you did, we fooled you. It's total fiction.

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>A supervillian elected as the US president, despite losing the popular vote? It's true. It actually happened in 1824.

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>an entire organisation dedicated to monitoring the internet and making sure the goyim don't know? interestingly enough, truth

>Did you really believe this story of crematoria operating faster than mathematically possible even by today's standards? If you did, we fooled you. It's total fiction.
I don't think the rate of destroying bodies is the implausible part here but Germany using critical fuel resources for something as frivolous as literally destroying its own slave labour reserve

>Jews being depicted as vampiric monsters may sound incredulous, anti semitic even, but was not a fabrication of our writers. No it was, in fact, based on countless ritualistic murders documented through out history.

A group of people who willingly works for free? Truth can be weirder than fiction

>based on countless ritualistic murders documented through out history.
Since of before becoming monotheistic?

Actually, I hear that Jannies make salary now.

Being on Disney's payroll doesn't count

I don't know how this became a meme, bu I fully embrace it. Beyond Fiction is one of my favorite shows to watch before bed,

I think the earliest dated was before Christ walked the earth and back then they were referred as "the sea people".

Fuck off Frakes you smug motherfucker

>highest percentage of white female votes too

Think again faggot

That was a Semetic population, but probably the one who founded Carthage. Not the Israelis. It's like saying that the Irish are the same as the Gauls.

trump can't spell

I think he does well for a 73 year old considering the volume of tweets .. on a tiny touchscreen display instead of keyboard

>my standards for president are "he can spell well enough"
lmao the alt-right everybody

the literal what now?

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