When was the last time you were truly happy, Yea Forums?
When was the last time you were truly happy, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Right now
When I was 18and19(five years ago)
wen i wach kino!
4 years for me bro
I miss her
formerly 4 or 6
Ten years ago
Before I started using this website
Yesterday........ was a bad movie. Don't go and see it.
2nd grade when my mom showed up to take me out of class to surprise me with a trip to a theme park
2007 before I met my wife
What's having a wife like?
It was almost 20 years ago for me.
Well I can tell you what having my wife is like. It sucks. If we didn't have two kids I'd be fucking gone but I dont want my boys growing up in a broken home so I fake it.
Every day when I hug and kiss and play with my toddler
I’m happy right now
Why does it suck though?
10th grade
She's a real fucking cunt. With anyone else it might be alright but if and when this thing collapses, I'm going bachelor till I die.
During the two years after I dropped out of college where I was a NEET.
when im with my pals on Yea Forums
Did you just get married too soon? Or was this something that happened after you two were already together? Reading stuff like this gives me a panic attack desu.
When was the last time you were truly sad, Yea Forums?
I was 19...now I am 32
Two weeks age when I had a breakdown and started crying.
7-8 max
News of the KyoAni arson tbqh
When my age was a single digit. Each day now is struggle to not put a pistol to my head and blow my brains out as solution to not suffer from being too poor to ever have kids, get a woman or even retire in the future.
This. I hope Yui, Mio, Azusa, Ritsu and Mugi are all ok.
I don't even remember. I just got a job offer with a $30k salary increase but it didn't do anything for me.
I think I'm going to move into a cabin somewhere and just live.
Trust your instincts, user. That's what I failed to do. The warning signs were there before we had kids but I wrote them off as typical female bullshit you would get with any woman. Don't fall into that trap. If there's bullshit early there's gonna be bullshit forever and it will almost certainly get worse.
Just think, if you were born a few decades ago you could have gotten a job with no experience that allows you to have a home, car, wife, and children.
my mum did something similar only it was to take me away to live some weirdo (who collected knives) in the middle of nowhere
19 years ago.
Exceedingly concerned about my Clannads tbqh
May 30th. These past few months have been hard
>lost my job
>broke up with possibly pregnant gf
>two root canals
>currently living in my parents basement
jesus man
tell her to abort it.
Last Thursday. It was a good day at work. My crush made eye contact with me.
Did you get cucked?
mid august 2006
>4 years for me bro
>I miss her
In retrospect I deserve all of this, but were all in the same boat here bros
Unfortunately, yes.
No. They are unquestionably my kids.
Whenever I drink (right now)
When I was hanging out with my friends cracking jokes and trying to catch the attention of girls in the library. Took me a long time to make any friends and do anything even close to normie-tier, and even though I'll never be a real normie, it felt good right then.
When I had to say goodbye probably forever to my oneitis, a few months ago. She was very cute and nice, but even if she wasn't leaving, she probably wouldn't have said yes to me.
My happiness and sadness revolves around women. Fuck me. I need to be better about investing myself in making art.
High School maybe
6 years ago, that's when I realized my own family loathes me and that I am a terrible person.
I don’t know.
>Honest and meaningful thread with only a few troll posts
>Jannies will delete it and leave up yet another 20 Sneed threads
Fuck everything tbqh
Been suffering from chronic tension headaches since then
Can you repeat the question?
fucking women. The sorriest excuse of not being around enough or caring enough as excuse to get dicked by another man. Never ever forgive getting cucked, cause they sure as hell won't forgive you if you did it to them.
before the insomnia and other mental health issues started at 15
I had no idea this word existed before now. It accurately describes my situation and I hate it. So fuck you for being the reason I learned this word.
i can drink a can of bang and still fall asleep in two hours.
That wasn't me bro, they're my kids.
probably around 17 or so. it was the last time i had a gf. am 25 now.
I might have that. Is there a way to get rid of it?
I peaked in high school and have not gotten laid since graduation
Every day was bright back then, but now i'm just a low-tier law school drone on my way to a loveless marriage with some woman who's been taught all her life to marry a lawyer
I'm "successful," but every day is empty
It's absolutely not better to have loved and lost
when i was 21 to 27 i spent my time on college haning out with my autistic friends at the TCGs club dam no a fucking worry on my head, now i'm married with a child i hate my wife, and my life and my child and there is not a single day i don't think about killing myself just to get away of my controlling wife and my annoying son
Probably a year or so ago, going on vacation with my then gf, making plans for the future etc. We're broken up and for good reason but goddamn I miss reciprocated love. Last time I ever felt "happy". This last time has just been darkness dotted with alcohol, substance abuse and existential dread. I'm giving it another year and then I'm probably buying the farm, I just don't see a point in anything anymore.
the root beer?
You must be pretty new, user. Good luck with your roastie though.
Not even memeing, have you tried weed? I don't smoke it myself but it sounds like the kind of thing that could help. Obviously it depends on the person. I say this assuming you've already been to a doctor.
Why are you even marrying her then retard?
she won't do it. fucking redheaded catholic cunt
about 15 years now
What's annoying about your son?
oh boo hoo. you are doing a whole alot better the most people in life. you sir need to fuck off.
>You must be pretty new
Nah, I just usually hang around in slightly normier boards
>Good luck with your roastie though
Not happening.
Who are you to decide who deserves to feel shitty or not?
He's half black
Went on a date a month ago. Was happy that she said yes and looked forward to it. She turned me down at the end of it and it was a very awkward date. We’re on bad terms and now I’m back to being a Yea Forums incel
A decent god fearing catholic priest.
when i just ate some reese's cups with resse's pieces in them. I'm getting fatter
probably around 2010 or something
before my ex-gf cheated on me and all the drugs I was doing caught up with me
its been awhile since I've been on drugs, but i haven't dated since then, just random hookups.
pretty suicidal, but just got a job interview for tomorrow after 4 years of neetdom, so wish me luck
Jesus, how old are you grandpa?
Nothing really i just never have feeled love or something for him i actually feel bad for not loving him, i never wated a son or even get married o did 't all out fear for my wife who has bullied and abused the shit out of me for years, yes i'ma coward i just recently understanded that but it was too late, by the moment i gathered the bravery to leave my son came into the picture and now i'm trapped here with her forever basically my son is my chain to her and he cries a lot so is very annoying to me at least
Poison her by putting arsenic in her food.
I can't remember. Every day I feel more miserable, wishing I only had yesterday's misery. I can't remember when this all started. I can't remember ever being truly happy. But things took a huge turn for the worse when my 8.5 year ex girlfriend cheated on me a little over a year ago. I saw her a few times since then and I don't recognise her. I have a two pronged sadness whereby firstly I mourn the loss of the girl I loved every day, cry about it every morning and fantasise abiut suicide every night. And secondly is the frustration of spending my entire adult life being faithful to her only to be cucked, now bitter and sexually frustrated having had sex only with her. When I feel angry and sexually frustrated it's a relief from missing her, and vice versa. I don't know when this is going to get better. I'm working on my life, trying to find a new job, working out, drinking less, nothing is working. On top of all this I'm a loner who doesn't make friends easily. Despite my efforts I spend every night alone and get through the week by drinking every Friday.
Work right now Is easy money but it’s at night, 12 hours and it’s boring as shit. Plus I don’t make enough to move out of my town yet. Still live with mom and step dad, sucks dick.
I think I’m gonna try to join the Air Force, again
After being dumped I've been trying to "get out there" again, seems like I have zero fucking pull with girls anymore though, I have no idea what's going on. It's really starting to whittle away at the old self image.
Resenting your child isn't as uncommon as you think, I've heard a lot of dads venting about this when anonymous. It's just social suicide to admit irl
You sound almost exactly like me. I hope things start looking up for you.
Dads aren't suppose to love their child the same way a mother would.
I preffer to kill myself instead she is a piece of garbage but my poor son needs a mother at least hat i'm planning to do is to at least protect him from her and fulfill my destiny then when he is able to take care of himself i will leave and KMS somewhere afther tell him the truth about who his mother really is.
I fucked a girl I'm friends with and she was good in bed, moaned like crazy and screamed a bit. Later on we were cuddling and she said she couldn't think straight or comprehend the sex, it was like I fucked her into another dimension. That's the one and only time I've ever been happy.
Come to the realization I was never happy
5 minutes ago
>broke up with possibly pregnant gf
At least you did something for the White race
So many old people here
How did you do it?
"who" really is his mother? What's so bad about her?
I hate you
She's an ex-prostitute who I fell in love with back in college
my dick is too small for this to happen.
yesterday i was doing road work at the local cemetery and there's an area for the dead babies called babyland, one headstone got to me for a stillborn boy from 1983 with rubber dinos faded from the sun. Budded on earth to bloom in heaven
wat, why would you marry a hooker. You probably married a bitchy money grubbing one.
I'm happy all the time :)
Based and literallymepilled
Some days are better than others, but I can always find refuge in Christ Jesus, our lord and savior.
Sounds like heaven man. I’m literally going to die alone. I wish I was as cool as you are. Can you tell me what it feels like?
I told off her ex when we ran into him on the streets. We went back to my house and watched a few movies, and I was giving her a massage because she was all worked up about her ex. I definitely worked it towards sex, by taking off her clothes "to make the massage better". Then I was naked, then I was teasing her with my cock touching her ass while massaging for like 15 minutes. When the feeling was right, I slide the ol' dick in. But i never stopped massaging. In porns, the massage just turns into sex. I did both, and apparently it blew her mind. I even pinned her hands down and used my other hand to keep massaging. It was easily the best I've ever performed in bed. Made me feel happy and like a god.
Where the hell was jesus and god when I was alone with father o'shaughnessy?
Yesterday when I finished reading Prague Cemetery.
My dick is not very big, but if you are passionate in bed it doesn't really matter.
Watching. Intently. Licking their lips. Touching themselves through their robes. They came many times.
how hard is foucault's pendulum for some who has barely read a book since high school?
oh hey it's you again!
I'm glad you got to experience something like that but the way you explained it is truly hilarious
Not hard at all, Eco's writing is very humorous and smooth.
h-how big?
I recently got over my break up with my ex. We broke up 5 years ago and we dated for 3. It will suck and it will probably suck for a long time but it sounds like you’re doing the things you need to keep your mind off it. Keep doing those things as they will distract you, plus those activities are inherently good for your growth anyway. Orientate yourself towards growth and healthy distractions when your mind starts to linger on your ex. If that doesn’t help consider speaking with a confidante regularly or see a therapist. Talking through your feelings with someone may help you resolve them. Just don’t stop, pick a direction and go, left foot, right foot all the way and I’m sure you’ll get to that better place. Good luck and Godspeed user.
Been tending to a tree that I spotted in a field a few years ago. It was just 2 inches tall when I found it. I've been trimming grass around it, snipping off bad branches, even fucking boiled willow branches to make natural fertilizer water for it. Been watching it for 6 years. It was 3.5 feet tall this year, but some cows got loose nearby and when I checked it over the 4th of July, it had been chewed/broke off and it's now dead. It was just a baby tree, no other's around it, no clue how the seed got there and managed to throw roots and grow but some shitty, fly covered cows broke through a shitty fence and killed it.
That is coincidentally the maddest I've been ever.
The problem is she laughed at its size and called a black guy who didn't know was in the apartment to do it in front of me. The humiliating experience has caused me to develop erectile dysfunction .
I... I don't know...
I... don't know this either...
shitposting with all my Yea Forums bros makes me happy
we give each other laughs for free but without all the burdens of friendship
I can't say for sure. I've never given myself an honest measurement. I'd say 4.5-5.5, depending on how hard I am.
You've given me a lot of hope user
Is not me
The problem with my wife is that everybody thiks she is perfect and good and can do no wrong but she really is insecure AF and has abused me mentally for years she is very good at hidding how bad she really is and at this point even if i tell everyone the truth about the horrible piece of garbage person she really is nobody would believe me.
Stopped reading right there
You should murder every single one of the cows
I feel for you. I couldn't get it up with a girl a few years back, and was so ashamed of it, I didn't even try to get laid for 3 years. And before that, I had a girl weirded out by my uncircumcised dick. I was in a pretty dark place for years. But I'm currently banging a woman and we both have agreed to not be in a "relationship", just sex. She also can't stand circumcised dicks, calls them dry and scarred and feels sorry for guys that got cut as a kid. Things always get better, friend. It may take years, but things turn around and even can get better than ever.
These threads and Truman threads are the most blessed on Yea Forums.
before high school maybe, but I would say that I was more oblivious than happy
It sounds like your son is very young. When he gets older he'll be more of his own person and maybe you can share your hobbies with him.
before i lost my dick to my neighbors pitbull when i was 9.
>things always get better, friend
Well I'm cut so probably not
Don't let the angry, little men on this site get you down too far when it comes to women. They'll lead you to believe they only care about size and can't be trusted, yadda yadda yadda. There are so many decent ones out there, the angry guys just don't want to admit that it's THEMSELVES that is the problem.
Begone thot
Friendly hamburger.
Corrupt people can hold a place in the church. It is not right, nor just, but much like the taxpayers in the times of Levi, it is up to us to weed out the inflammatory and derogatory behavior of the wicked.
yes, the neighbor is now bankrupt from the lawsuit.
This site in general is no good for people with a weak psyche, it's easy for it to get you down.
I'm in a mild post-cum bliss right now and enjoying shitposting as well. But happy as in fulfilled socially or whatever?
That doesn't exist for me. I just have fapping and distractions.
1998 when I got the newest edition of windows (my first GUI platform) and was finally able to play all the games I wanted
Had a glorious summer then it all went tits up from there on in
Moving when you’re a kid SUCKS
Especially at that age, no social media or way to keep in touch. All my best friends I’d known my entire life, cut out of my life in an instant.
Moved across the country and never saw any of them again.
That was the start of a downward spiral that’s still ongoing, it was the only time in my life I felt like I belonged. From there on out I was always on the outside looking in.
Sorry about that user :(
8 years ago
When I lost my best friend that I grew up with since I was 3 years old 2 week later my 7 year-old German shepherd dog died fast forward around a month later I got fired from my dream job because I always came late / drunk / high to cope with losing everything I loved the most not knowing it'd be the reason to lose my last thing that I cared about.
Ever since then nothing really matters, everything is grey inside my head I feel like I'm behind a glass window watching this person who used to be me walk and pretend he's like them, but nothing feels like anything.
Im 29 now gained 90 pounds living on alcohol cigarettes and hookers and leftover pizza from yesterday and I push anyone who ever tried to get near me, I don't talk to people not even my coworkers outside work dialogues, im gonna neck myself next year after I collect enough money for my little bro so he can live comfortably after I'm gone.
He's gonna be devastated after I'm gone but I hope the money will make it easier to carry on
Happy? The fuck is that shit
Bionic penises are a reality, you should seriously consider getting one
It will, and it will be when you least expect it. Sometimes you just need to be comfortable with yourself, even if that means you are comfortable being alone, depressed, and hoping you just don't wake up one day. Then something happens and your life gets flipped over. But you've already been as low as you can get, so nothing hurts you and you have nothing to fear, because the worst that can happen is your life returns to status quo.
You probably would've drifted apart anyway.
What this post means is that God isn't real so you have to do everything on your own.
Or you could worship Satan. Satan is real and will help you.
the cat from the schlock anime know as fairy tail.
>ywn be used as a sex object by women
Feels bad, man.
Don't let it happen. Women are literally succubi that drain male life essence out of our cocks
Oh yeah, Natsu's friend.
I don't think I've ever actually been happy. In fact the thought of being happy makes me feel guilty.
Being used for sex is literally what most men want, you selfish fuck.
I bet you carry condoms in your wallet you virgin fuck
if you can eat pussy like a champion, women will come crawling back to you for more, user. It's not common for most women to orgasm from dicking, but far more likely from oral if you have a good technique and stamina of your tongue and fingers
Teach me more.
Even if that’s true that’s a natural and gradual process, and you’d adapt like anyone else
Getting yanked out of your entire world as a 7 y/o and moving to the other side of the country to a shithole is traumatic af, especially back then.
I was given 2-3 days notice lmao, try coming to terms with that and saying goodbye in that amount of time
>tfw I’d arranged to meet Joe and Grace on our bikes at our special hideout spot on the weekend
>tfw I was on the road on Thursday, never to return
>tfw they would have waited for me there and we never got to say goodbye
It still hurts desu
why would you feel guilty?
I'm sorry, that's fucked. Why the short notice?
He touched a kid the wrong way.
What is your problem? Are you so insecure that you need some kind of validation for your existence? Being desired and being able to satisfy a woman is a rare thing for men. I have a friend I've been fucking and when she tells me that I fuck good, that I don't just lie there like a dead fish, and that she wants to try all sorts of weird shit with me makes me insanely happy. What is so wrong about being desired?
watch lesbian porn and practice both finger and tongue strengthening exercises
Because I am miserable and I want to be loved
Believe what you want friend. But nothing will deter me from the path of righteousness, which is faith in the blood of Christ.
probably when i was 12
>he believes in demigods and human sacrifice
I mean if that's you, that's you.
He's not wrong. Almost every single woman I've gone down on has been ecstatic that I'd do it. Sometimes they'll say "so and so" or "my ex" refused to. They absolutely love it. And if you're really lucky, when they are close to cumming, they'll want you to get up and fuck them at the tail end, so you can feel the way their pussy tightens when they orgasm. I always thought it felt like their pussy sloppily vacuum seals around your cock.
someone already did
My best friend told me he loved me recently. Cuddling him in bed, caressing his hair, pressing his head to my chest, and he whispers "I love you". I've never felt happier in all my life.
Too bad I'm mutilated. That sounds nice.
You're a man, you may have to come to terms that you most likely will never be loved the way you want to be. On the upside, the love you seek is probably self love, so you just need to find out how to make you love yourself for who you are.
So why would these exes refuse to eat the pussy?
I had abusive, ego tripping, narcissistic parents who viewed their children as nothing more than their property/extensions of themselves rather than actual people with their own lives, feelings, hopes and dreams.
Stereotypical fundamentalist boomers in other words, people who can’t comprehend any world outside that of their own imagination.
That answer your question?
I think it was when I was maybe seven, and my father was alive, and I was catching bugs and bringing them to him for his appraisal while he was working on some steps for the house. I found many unusual bugs.
Pills didn't work, liquor doesn't work, I'm just gonna blow my brains out
you should kill them.
happy for you trapanon
The cow was just hungry, anonymous. A tree exists to eventually by eaten by something. A hungry cow is a fine candidate.