Would you suck a cock to keep your job at McDonalds?

>Would you suck a cock to keep your job at McDonalds?


Is this the kind of question Americans have to ask themselves on a daily basis?

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Do Americans really do this?

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dunno lol

Why'd you stop making this thread so frequently?

Should give you an idea

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Dreama is pretty based for showing off her Bolt-ons in this role

i interviewed at mcdonalds and i was told they want to hire someone with fast food experience so i'd say it's worse than sucking cock

indeed shes a treat. shame about her fake titters though.

I genuinely have no idea what I was banned for but I guess I'll make sure to not do it again

anyways OP's memeing got me to check out the movie since it was decently rated. It's not bad, just small scale

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such great acting. love her

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>be american
>get your dick mutilated as baby
>raised as a jew worshipper, muh 6million ingrained and as the saviours of the world in both World Wars
>get kicked out of the house at age 18
>rack up on student debts
>work like a dog for your kike boss
>have only 15 days of vl and sl
>get guilted in taking any of it
>get sick, wrack up more medical loans
>wife divorces you for not empowering her enough
>get called racist and evil everyday
>get shot

Americans explain this shit

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i get aircraft carriers in return i guess

>the original CCTV footage

Next level retarded for everyone involved. And the guy who did it got away with everything scot-free.

We fought for the wrong side in WWII.

Yeah, and their crews have health benefits, early retirement and right to a paid for college. For your taxes.

kek i'm 36 and haven't worked a day in my life
stay mad

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it's based. It means no other country will shoot me, only my fellow citizens or myself.

I can’t

This shit is my worst nightmare.

You won't suck any cocks faggot

Where did you get that photo of her?