>why yes, I do have Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui on blueray
Why yes, I do have Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui on blueray
Other urls found in this thread:
>a fine choice, however...
>I must admit that Mask of Light is my absolute favorite
Bionicle got confusing as hell after the first two iterations. So the second one is about the Mata Nui elders in their glory days (Metru Nui) and then the third one is on a completely different island... and centered on villains? And then everything was underwater with ocean monster things? I tuned out after that
Is this a chad thread?
>when the toa metru came out and had posable arms
it was like discovering fire
I don't remember his fingers being like that
>why yes, I've red the 2000 pages of expanded lore in the novels and comic books, how could you tell?
I don't remember Makuta looking like that
Post Kardas Dragon
Axxon and Brutaka were possibly the most based sets ever made besides the Vezon and big dragon one. God I loved Bionicle so much. Had thousands of dollars worth of it over the years, had two versions of a "Bionicle Encyclopedia" I reread multiple times, all of it. Hero Factory was one of the first things I ever called soulless as a sequel before I learned about the "soulless" meme
G2 was mishandled
Here's a brief overview
>1st: OG, fought against the Bohrahks
>2nd: Nuva. OG but a bit more powerful, fought against the Rahkshi and Makuta with the aid of the new Toa of Light
>3rd: Metru. Mata Nui Elders in their glory days, tried to top Makuta from making the great spirit sleep, failed and found their way to Mata Nui
>4th: Hordikka, an in between where the Metru toa are still trying to rescue matorans, they fought against the Visorak horde
>5th: Inikia. A group of matorans from Mata Nui explore the lands looking for the mask of Life to reawaken the great spirit. A group of prisoners known as the Piraka try and take the mask
>6th: Mahri. Mask of Life plummets to the bottom of the ocean so the Inikia grop must follow it down. They come across warlords turned prisoners known as the Barraki which are looking for the mask to return back to the surface because the water mutated them
>7th: Phantoka. OG Toa split up to find out how to actually awaken the great spirit. These ones take to the skies and find members of the brotherhood of Makuta.
>8th: Mistikia. They are close to awakening the spirit which turns out to be a giant robot that had islands growing on it, brotherhood of Makuta destroyed. OG makuta still alive and takes the body for himself. Mask of life containing the "spirit" of the great spirit is flung into space
>9th: Glatorian. Mask of life lands on sister planet, gladiator battles ensue before the great spirit finds another giant body. Goes back to original planet and fights Makuta in his original body. Slams Makuta into a moon, saves the bionicle world
Note this is only the bare minimum and scratching the surface.
Oh shit yeah, just when it got mildly interesting they cancelled it. Fuck Lego.
For me? It's Kopaka
G2 kind of sucked to begin with. just not the same standard of designs
>when vidya ascended to kino
Jesus I stopped at 3rd but that is pure kino
>Not on VHS
>white people cartoons
This shit had an issue with it's massive head always drooping down
Not gonna like it took me like 15 years to realize bionicles were just buildable action figures
th: Mahri. Mask of Life plummets to the bottom of the ocean so the Inikia grop must follow it down. They come across warlords turned prisoners known as the Barraki which are looking for the mask to return back to the surface because the water mutated them
The water set was great along with the Piraka from the 6th.
Funilly enough in the Lore Axxon goes into the water to retrieve the mask and btfos a shit ton of Piraka in the process.
I never made far left giant, but hell I wanted too.
I'm pissed that I've lost all mine/parents got rid of them when I out grew them. Really want to just fiddle with them now.
>buildable action figures
Building them was honestly the funniest part outside of fucking them up in set battles.
get out zoomer
A real Toa never skips leg day
Tag your favorite era Anons
Metru for me, those were my first
has them all listed
Nothing beats the atmosphere of 2001
Mahri for me.
The dragon was Badass, is it still the tallest bionicle to date
those animated shorts of them gearing up and fighting in the water were based
god, life was simpler then
toa nuva no doubt
>Building them was honestly the funniest part outside of fucking them up in set battles.
My favorite spring break was spent building the KARDAS
Had to use a shitty pdf on a small ass phone in a small dark closet
loool why the fuck were you assembling a bionicle set in a closest? I used to spread out the pieces out on carpet and try my best not to loose parts mid assembly.
those first two had this weird hunchback design I could never really get down with
I appreciate your taste though user
>h-hey guys, does anyone miss us yet?
Metru and Inika
OG and Nuva for the lore, but metro for the build quality.
Metru, of course.
Still own all of the Hordika line up
Reminder this originally had a deeper lore than Bionicle but Lego threw it all out. Then it was to be adapted into a feature film but they halted production to bring back Bionicle instead.
Bonks have the deepest fucking lore. I miss the days of 5th grade where my friends and I would pass notes in Matoran.
I never liked how the original design for pigsty was using the bottom heavy body piece, so that the gear mechanism let him kick. I used to always build him like the other figures, straight neck and all. Earth bionicles will always be my favorite. Kopaka a very tight 2nd
Where can I look into this “deeper lore?”
Lewa was always my fucking guy.
Brutaka used originally has Pirhaka feet as his hands and Axxon's were the limb pieces of the Metru Nui Matorans. whoever built these bois made custom hands and honestly they look great
Pohatu* what the fuck?
Nowhere really, because the original blog post about it was deleted. The text was saved (see link) but the writer couldn't elaborate on the details because he didn't want to look like he was shitting on Lego for ruining the series.
>OP image
>the madman did it
The Metru sets were both visually and mechanically excelllant. nice thick parts with more muted tones that made them seem less plasticy.
>That shit-brown kicking Bionicle no one wanted.
That is CalArts as fuck.
i've been interested in bionicle for a while now. is it a decent show, like beast wars, or is it just the toys that are the main draw
The true OG Lego Technic Slizers because of the nostalgia of all the kids in daycare fawning over them as someone got one.
Aside from that I also really liked this gen even though I was getting a bit old because it introduced my nigga here, favorite bioncle.
Green Guy>White Guy>Red Guy>Blue Chick>Black Guy>Brown Guy
>favorite bioncle
The Toa Inka all looked chad as hell and had the best shooters to date (hite on target with actual force). The black one I never owned but wanted so badly because he was the only one to have a shoulder mounted shooter.
Fuck you brown is my favorite color.
Only 3 real BIonicles in this thread.
It was more that he didn't get a cool weapon like the others. Just big feet.
Ok then yes I agree with you.
>is it a decent show
Gen 1 Bionicle never had a show. It was a decade long multimedia epic told over comics, chapter books, guides, a guide game, and a handful of movies.
Gen 2 had a 4 episode miniseries but the story is generally considered inferior to G1
>is it just the toys that are the main draw
As kids we were drawn in by the cool toys but stayed for the insane lore and plot that was slowly built up. Honestly the Bionicle story is really hard to get into because there’s so much scattered across different formats. Maybe someone somewhere has a reading/viewing guide
ah, i see. well thank you for the info. afraid i don't have the time to invest into getting into it then. too bad.
I want to go back bros
Yeah that's the major downside of the franchise. You gotta work for it just to piece together the story. And kids couldn't keep up with it because there was no cartoon, so eventually Lego had to cancel the series. But if they had made a cartoon, there's a high chance it would have ruined the lore because even the four movies they made didn't have the same tone as the comics and books and they introduced a lot of bullshit into the story.
There's a multiple thousand page document compiled by fans that has all of the written material, so should anyone want to get into this shit, it's worth hunting down.
The flash animations, CGI ads, and Flash games had SUCH a better tone and atmosphere than the shit films.
For example, in the games and animations takua is a BADASS who constantly puts his life on the line to save others, in the movie he's a whiny buffoon who gets scared of a cave
Who's your favourite bonkle who never got an official set?
Lariska or Tuyet
Edgy Film reboots of beloved childhood toy franchises happen quite a bit and are usually shit, but I would welcome Bionicle one with open arms. It was always gloomy and edgy, it's a perfect fit.
Bodies are good but the masks are awful.
Throwbots were the best Bionicle and they weren't even Bionicles.
The goddamn Great Spirit Robot. The central figure of the entire thing and it doesn't get a toy, nor does the design look like it was meant to be made with Bionicle pieces.
And G2 Makuta with his mask is still a sour point, especially since Lego hyped it up, then the next day they came forward and said they won't be releasing it.
I always wanted pre-mutation Karzahni.
Good choices, my friends. But Web of Shadows is underrated.
Kinda looks like Guyver
formerly 1080p
Really wish I owned those two figures. Fucking hell do I cave and buy?
Vakama and Onewa's masks are peak Bionicle aesthetic.
Yes, do it. Otherwise you'll be tormented by the dreaded Bionicle store dreams where you find toys you missed out on as a kid in a store, only to wake up when you're about to buy them.
>It has been nearly 15 years since you had these dreams regularly.
>tfw had most the bionicles I could want as a kid
>parents donated them all to charity
it hurts, only a little bit...
Little brother liked to ruin my shit so it was the best way to keep it from him, he eventually was the reason my KARDAS was destroyed and all the pieces were lost
I still remember when LEGO first introduced it, I was at LEGO Land and they were singing some Bionicle Jam song
Black one was cool, made a cool addition to my set way back
Who LEGO Knights Kingdom here?
I remember feeling scared they would replace Bionicle for a while, but ultimately I had to buy them for the badass swords. Also, I learned to pinch their helmet visors onto Bionicle heads to make up new masks. Good times.
They looked cool but I never wanted them because they didn't have any lore
*blocks your path*
>they were singing some Bionicle Jam song
no fucking way, like an actual festival in the street of lego land?
The only good "brown" bionicle, and he's mostly black and amber gold too so go figure
Hewkii was such a bad ass, but nothing compared to Matoro aka Bionicle jesus.
>newfags won't remember Voriki, Toa of Energy
Sonic OC-tier junk.
Yep corny as all hell, there were even life size suits which looked pretty cool
Too bad there not enough Bionicle world exploration online or fan art. Personally I think this guy makes really good adaptions of them but his work can be a bit "jojo" flameboyant at times
here's another
I believe that's what he was aiming for but an alternate version of them, like how there are space/sound/lightning Bionicles too
gay tumblr tier shit. the fanbase got worse when it got away from its roots of autistic, home schooled christian kids.
Last time I got a dream like that was last year
Vladek did nothing wrong
Based and redpilled, but wrongpilled about the art
Hordika because Roodaka my supreme waifu.
>yfw BZPower became a war ground between homeschooled Christian kids, tumblr gays and trannies, and proto-incels
>all thanks to Bionicle ending
Holy shit I forgot all about that
>when you get that PM warning from Black Six
Metru + Bohrok
What is it about Bionicle threads that are always so monumentally based? Even Yea Forums has good threads on Bionicle including running a few hunger games shout out to the GSR suicide
It's a shame their characters were such faggots compared to the mata/nuva
I had a dope ass lime green one from like 2008/2009 but I can't remember wtf it was. It was one of the bigger ones and I recall it had a shooter thing but idk. Pls respond if you know what it is.
Mata/Nuva for me. What really seals it was the online games, specifically the second one. It was a slow, buggy mess of a game with vague mechanics and major holes in the story if played on it's own, but the aesthetic and atmosphere were incredible and the soundtrack was special enough to still have bits of it still stuck in my head almost 2 decades later. Truly kino.
>true evil defeated
top lel
You got all of these? Archived link works too.
Anyone played the rpg desktop game
I guess I get to flex
It always bugged out and destroyed my save data online, so I never finished it.
There's been these three from what I know
>the "what makes you a hero" trailer ends on a shot of Matoro
Fuck bros
The first one. I really hated Tahu Nuva mask, it was so ugly.
probably Phantoka Lewa
wait.... what the fuck am i reading? People really are into bionicle lore? It's this deep? wtf?!
i had the rock one who kicks boulders
Can I still buy OG Tahu? I threw mine long time ago, and now I regret this.
The Chad of ta-metru himself, toa lhikan
Bionicle lore is really rich
My main motherfucker
This time the great spirit will win it, this time.
These look like the gigachad photos lmao
jesus this thread is incredible
I'm stuck between Nuva and Inika.
Dancing Tahu
>inika are all the matoran from g1/2 all grown up
Seeing them kick ass was a good point in the story for me
i love that Yea Forums has better bionicle threads than both Yea Forums, /toy/ and Yea Forums
I dunno, Yea Forums threads are pretty comfy when shooting the shit about the lore.
>Some dude won one of those building contests and made this thing canon in the books. Extremely powerful look him up
All 3 of those boards are gay as fuck so it makes sense
I actually fucking do what the hell
>tfw Bionicle will never come back again since the last reboot failed
Huh, looking it up I didn't know the original goals of the Makuta were to make Rahi to populate the lands. I knew at one point before Terridax they were good but this puts it into another perspective.
very based and thank you
give this to Yea Forums and /toy/ to make their threads better
Tahu Evans
Can I get a two for one?
Nigger 1, Nigger 2.
post two seperate pics and yeah no worries
The thinking man's model.
MOC Bunny Style
Mata and Inika
>all the slots are filled
Fuck I always wanted to build this guy, never got around to it
whoops forgot my second
>District 12 is the red light district
he's in I just had to use a different pic
>Karzahni already getting some blood on his hands
>Pohatu Nuva drowned by two
Female population drops 50% and GSR NEVER EVER TIER
>voriki dead already
o shit
>GSR dead
Fucking hell.
>great spirit dead already
>Miserix is a bro
>A web os shadows DVD
Go figure that the women are fighting amongs themselves from the same fucking district, what are the odds 5%? hehe
Bases smol
>a web of shadows dvd
and since we have a total of 15 dead already he is a a check on everyone's status
Based Brutaka eradicating manlet midgets.
>Axxonn dead
Brutaka's taller so Axxon's automatically a manlet beta
>Axonn ded
The Guyver is pure kino and the sequel is even better. Who knew yankees could produce decent tokusatsu films.
absolutely brutal first day
but m8 slow down your posting to 10 minutes each so we can space these out more
>Web of Shadows DVD
>4 kills
Was Matoro the Inika to save the world and finally retrieve the mask?
I usually go 5 minutes personally but this thread seems pretty lively so I'll switch too 10.
If we have a few quiet days I'll speed through those however, one time I had the final 3 or so doing nothing for 3 days.
a very based and redpilled synthesis
Jesus Christ Chad, leave some for the rest of us.
>There he goes. One of God's own prototypes.
If the thot wins this I swear to god.
>Wow it took 5 of you to kill me
Revenge for smol, i guess.
God damn it
>Work together to kill Basedtaka
Beta uprising is here
>Toa Lhikan looks at the night sky
*surpasses kino*
>shipmaster, they outnumber us 5 to 1
>then it is an even fight
Let be honest here, Web of Shadows is carrying that ban of dipshits right now
>Makuta Miserix chill af
What did Mata Nui mean by this?
Perfect timing.
Something bad is going to happen to bestToa soon.
>web of shadows
>Toa Likhan still living up to Kino expectations
Also rip my boy Miserix, he was a good guy.
>both Brutaka and Axonn go fishing
fast posting hg8 because it's a quiet day.
trips confirm top tier timing
Does "Voya Nui" mean "Dick island" ?
So is Thotonical pleasing all the male Toa's?
Toa Lihkan is coming out victorious, mark my words
Based Dragon
Dunno about the books but the old online games, comics, and a whole fuckload more can be found at biosector01.com
yeah you can find all the old Bionicle sets online, there only 1.5x the price from 15 years ago which is less than what they should be as with inflation and being collector items
A Legend is (not) Reborn.
hg10 onwards will be spoiler marked from now on, let's hear who you're betting on winning.
Real Chad coming in
W... what was Thtonical doing to Toa Lhikan before leaving?
>Lhikan left to die by a thot
>leaves him to die
You bitch
Kardas winning it all.
>Thought betrays and kills the boomer chad
Many such cases
these were badass
avenge him /fit/ tahu
/fit/ Tahu takes this, easy.
>the part where he uses his perfected kohlii move to btfo Makuta
>Kardas Dragon pushes Hewkii into the border while he is not paying attention
Why is this so funny to me
cute day, hg11 in a sec don't worry
>teaming up when it's only them left
Dancing Tahu is going to win, check em
>Thot dies of dysentery
holy fuck kino fight for the finale I can fucking feel it.
>thotonical dies of dysentery
Ahahahah eat shit
>Sleeping in shifts when no one is around to attack you
This must be some high level strategy I simply can't comprehend
Is this final fight going to be kino?
>thotonical dies of dysentery
>Thot dies of dysentery
i always knew my man tahu would make it far
I do Hero Factory was based as a successor, bionicle would of gotten stale if it when on for too long.
All my money is on Tahu
Undeniably. /fit/ Tahu takes it of course.
Battle of the century, Speed vs Strength
Me wanna fuck a bionocle
danced right into his grave
Kek I didn't know any meme vids or memes at all were being made of Bionicle anymore.
Well that was anti-climatic
You had one job dancing tahu..
Victory lap posting I guess
would of been nice to at least have a fight or something
The gang on the loose Nothin' you can do
based /fit/izen. Gay spirit robot eternally btfo
Called it.
>Tahu vs Tahu
cringe and bluepilled final, we got cucked hard /kardas/ chads
Nigga, mine got killed by a pack of mutts. Didn't even get to do anything.
>dancing requires enough dexterity and finesse to pull off
>mistake pulls him into a pit
Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
Mine got left to die by a thot
Mine literally committed suicide after being such a bro, especially for a (((Makuta))). Rip bro, rip.
I hoped the great spirit would've done... something.
fuck niggers
have sex
What do
>he killed tahu
Absolute fiend.
I never thought I'd masturbate to Bionicles until now. Thanks lads
Anyone down for round 2? we forgot /our/ guy
fuck off lord Nito, your jobber boss tier in Darksouls 1
>each and every part was heavily scrutinized for maximum feminine look
If so, I nominate Onua
Thread is approaching the limit.
Could we migrate to another one somewhere else?
>There will never be Bionicle series by HBO
People are not ready. In time they will.
Why yes I am about to log onto biosector01.com, how could you tell?
holy shit make more
What's your BTC wallet ID? About to send you .05 bitcoin.
God dam i hate finding the bionicle thread when its almost over
For me, it's Takadox
lmao I know you won't do it anyway
I'll probably make some more when I can think of a decent pose to use.
I just realized that 5% of a single bitcoin is 500 USD right now.
Are we dare I say, on the /rise/ boys?
Okay this is on almost every board, what is the obsession with this anyways?
>all grown up
The matoran weren't children user.
Look up Sleek n' Tears. That's the answer.
Long story short though it's a /fit/ meme from early 2017 that has only now reached stage 4 meme metastasis.
You got the wrong thread m8. Sneed thread is 2 blocks down.
I think he means Bionicle
>yfw all these threads are just part of Ace’s recruitment strategy
It's obviously meant to be the Rahkshi Kaita.
Literally says Kaita at the bottom
Energized protodermis? No of course I don't use performance enhancing drugs.
Do a different one. Go figure you picked one of the least looking boncles (look at his head) I can remember.
user, how did you so perfectly identify the core market for early bionicle? I was a homeschooled Christian, as was a lot of my family, and the males always loved Bionicle. Granted, I could never play with them until I got older because my parents thought Bionicle was demonic
>t. newfag
because i was on bzpower for multiple years and that was the exact demographic for a long time
>another 300+ bionicle thread
mission accomplished lads, see you next time
The Barraki were by far the best enemy sets, they all looked different and had a very cool underwater creature theme going on, much better than all the others that came after it.
The fuck? Karda Nui is supposed to be his heart. Why is it his butthole
The rise of a new meme, and a glorious rise it is!
Hearty kek.
God damn, even after all this time this still brings up pleasant memories. God bless Bioncle, the purest kino on earth.
1) 2007 (Mahri Nui)
2) 2006 (Voya Nui)
3) 2001
The Makuta Phantoka are my favorite villain sets, though.
Those canisters though...
Not bad, friends but The Legend Reborn was undoubtably the best Bionicle related media ever made.
Get out filthy proto-zoomer
Also, Kiina is best biowaifu