What was it about The Last Jedi that made it so enraging to alt-right manbabies? Now TLJ is hardly unique...

What was it about The Last Jedi that made it so enraging to alt-right manbabies? Now TLJ is hardly unique, since these easily manipulated children throw a temper tantrum every time their masters tell them there's a new thing to be angry about, but TLJ was on a whole other level. The right-wing struggle sessions over things like Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Little Mermaid, Netflix's Witcher show, etc. pale in comparison.

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It literally has a whole plot arc about how capitalism is evil and contributes to war and oppression.

> The right-wing struggle sessions over things like Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Little Mermaid, Netflix's Witcher show, etc. pale in comparison.
Yeah, I don't think so.

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Mainly the contrived plot and terrible capeshit tier graphics and characters

1)Lack of Sneed
2) Nothing wrong with me
3) Nothing wrong with me
4) Nothing wrong with me

I hated the niggers

Both equally valid

Babby's first troll thread? Cringe.

Hey bros

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Unironically this. Finn's character is shoehorned into these movies because they needed a black character. Everything he does in TLJ is pointless and inconsequential.

dont mind me just swoping in to post serious in your crap thread

its because everything in the plot is driven by women who range from overly competent to overbearingly perfect, and all the male characters are either evil, dumb, or both -- including luke fuckin skywalker the most beloved hero of the series. it's like fully straw-man levels of unsubtle grrl power discourse. that is genuinely a pretty bold decision because they had to know it would land badly with a lot of people, but it's also a pretty stupid decision because they didn't have a really good movie to sell it on the strength of. so they pissed a lot of people off with a mediocre movie and the woman hating crowd were the most pissed of all, and the story of the piss became dominant over the story of the movie because the movie itself is just a mess, just as much as any of the prequels or the spinoffs, and there's not really much to latch on to apart from the controversy.

The most toxic and meaningless waste of your precious life is making and posting in threads like this one.

Often times the Op had psychological issues, and exposing yourself to those kinds of people is really bad for your health.

If you’re posting a topic like this you definitely have psychological issues and are probably borderline psychopath. Keeping these kinds of emotions inside you day after day is real cancer causing shit.

I’m sorry op, did you say something about a Star Wars movie?

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>no young and handsome Jedi main character

It's so tiring to have to put up with you /pol/ crossposting incels every fucking day of the week, I don't know if I want to keep visiting this board anymore. Every day you are bitching about something new, something that doesn't affect you in the slightest, and then you have the nerve to call other people 'sensitive' or 'snowflakes'. There's always something race or gender related bothering you, and for some reason you come to bitch here instead of staying in your containment board. You always come here and post the same comments, the same old memes, it doesnt matter what the subject is, you are going to say the same shit regardless. You're all so boring and repetitive, like an old broken record.

You are legitimately taking the fun out of this place. This board used to be great, but now it's turning to shit. You are driving old posters away and replacing them with more like-minded incels. I dont like this board anymore.


Ah, I recognize this argument!

>What was it about The Last Jedi that made it so engaging to SJW white knights? Now TLJ is hardly unique, since these easily manipulated children throw a praise every time their masters tell them there's a new thing to be happy about, but TLJ was on a wholly unoriginal level. Praise sessions over things like Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Little Mermaid, Netflix's Witcher show, etc. pale in comparison.

If you are going to promote the film, try avoiding poisoning the well you faggot

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Because incels can’t comprehend the mastery behind that movie. Think about how many main characters they introduced so perfectly that you can easily recall who they were and what their motivations were. How many primary settings that were so numerous I lost count. The intelligence behind how the plot was so expertly taped together.

How cheap the new hope was to have like 2 or 3 primary characters and ONE story being told instead of like 5 concurrent stories in TLJ

They need to have sex

This is bait.

The Last Jedi was great because it made me realize how dumb Star Wars is.

Actually this. Rian Johnson pulled back the curtain

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>its because everything in the plot is driven by women who range from overly competent to overbearingly perfect, and all the male characters are either evil, dumb, or both

Even then, some of the male characters were somewhat competent.

>Poe leads the attack and destruction of a dreadnaught, saves the lives on Ratus and other frigates
>Poe leads a coup after their retarded leader kept them in the dark for no reason.
>Finn would have sacrificed himself to (attempt to) stop the laser from breaching the gate and saving the remains of the resistance

But yeah, every character acts completely retarded