I cried. Am I a bitch?

I cried. Am I a bitch?

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I laughed when Pickle Rigg did it

Great movie.

>You're willing to die for this

All that shit where they entomb her in the wormhole machine is great sci fi
Movie is perfect blend of spooky and realism

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Sorry to steal your thread but I've made Contact with something VERY DANGEROUS and I need your help anons.

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Congratz, you decide.

Yea Forums

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Looks like you're deciding brother. Where we headed?


Yea Forumsega

>Ellie, you ever think that space travel was a tragic misstep in human evolution?

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Palmer Joss was literally right about everything

Really good movie, great cast, awesome camera work

I don't usually say this because I know realistically movies can't and shouldn't adapt books perfectly, but Contact was a horrible adaptation. The only good part was the sequence at the beginning that ended in the mirror.

>awesome camera work
You mean the bathroom scene, or in general? What are some examples?

How about we make the intragalactic spaceship a place of quiet reflection?

>Oh man, we really need to do something about all this white Christian terrorism.

I know you might be just b8ing, but don't be a brainlet. The main theme of the movie was faith, losing and regaining it.

Jake Bussey terror kino
That scene where he blew up Tom skerrit messed me up

I didn't know that a was Busey boy, I can't believe I didn't connect the resemblances.

No, you're human.

Lotta dubs not deciding where we're putting this fucking bomb.
Just incase I get dubs. Yea Forums gets the bomb.

Nothing wrong with crying if something gets to you. It's healthy and cathartic to let it out.

It was already decided I'm OP, I got the roll. Coincidentally, we're on the same page. It really is a blessed thread on an old, and now little talked about movie.

Did you set my antenna coordinates, Palmer? I like setting my antenna coordinates.

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Great movie. The opening sequence is actually kino.


Holy fuck science Jodie is so qt I want to scan the cosmos for radio waves with her :(

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There are so many clones of this type of zoom-in, zoom-out scene of the universe, but this one might be the best.

Anyway this movie is basically a fantasy for STEM fags.
>Be SETI radio grill
>No finding, no aliens, no future
>Meet dreamy Palmer Joss who gives your life meaning
>Discover aliens anyway
>Go to white house, become super famous
>Go to space
Way to set the standards impossibly high for girlstem fags lol


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Are you saying girls go into stem because they have or the lack of father issues?

They sure want to make major discoveries and become famous kek

I loved this movie. Haven’t watched it in years. I remember it got some hate because of the alien reveal at the end but the story was great.

I mean the writer address the likely reality of it.
Rust: Believes in God, but is the realist
Jodie: Atheist (due to being orphaned), but is the dreamer

I'd say the writing, though a bit saccharine at times, is pure kino.

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I will not Jodie Foster this kind of behavior, young man!

Ellie is a self insert for Carl Sagan (and Jodie foster who was obsessed with this and did the audiobook) so that's exactly what he'd say. Which is fine, one of the reason the movie is so good is because it shows Ellie to be a lunatic willing to sacrifice everything for some crazy space dream. Good for her, I guess
>Follow your dreams

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I cried because not a single SF film as good as it will ever be made again.

The movies pacing felt weird to me with large jumps forward in time during one cut but still a fantastic movie that made a really good point about faith in post faith world

>Jodie foster who was obsessed with this and did the audiobook
Didn't know that. It really shone through her performance too.

Sometimes I forget this was adapted from a novel.

LOL. respect.

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It was weird that they made him the love interest instead of the other guy in the book

good movie but what's to cry about. i don't get that

I'm reading the screenplay right now. The dialogue's bretty gud.

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Mainly due to Jodie's performance. It was so good.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Ken her boyfriend in the book? Peter was the astronomer, Ken was the biologist.


I've never read the book, but plan to. It's common to combine characters to save time in movies.

Jodie Foster kino still makes my peepee hard.

>when they mix in her child voice

hard to adapt a book like that though. i think this was about as good as youre gonna get for a movie that was going to be released to general audiences

In the book, which is obviously much more complex and detailed, Ellie's love interest was indeed Ken (another character entirely by design in the movie), and in the novel it wasn't one person that went - it was 5 different people all in the same "machine" and each one had similar experiences upon their return to our reality and of course no proof from any of them.

It is one of the better adaptations from novel to the screen, yes, but the book is still better overall.

>it was 5 different people all in the same "machine" and each one had similar experiences upon their return to our reality and of course no proof from any of them.
In that case, I kind of like the film version because it leaves you with some doubt, and hammers the theme of faith once again.

Reading the novel would not be a waste of time, especially if you do like/love the movie. It's Carl Sagan, for fuck's sake, it's not like it's some cheap Harlequin romance trash or something, it's actually a fantastic story with a lot more depth and faith, if you will, than the movie could ever have hoped to convey.

I do plan to read it. I want to compare it to the screenplay and moobie.

Is this better than Arrival?

Are you asking earnestly?
Contact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>>>>>>> interstellar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> star wars >>>>>>>>>>> star trek >>>>>>>>>>... etc. >>>>>> arrival

Arrival is simply not a good movie at all, really, no idea if it's based on a novel or story prior to the screenplay. I watched the movie and the whole time all it reminded me of was "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" and yet that movie was infinitely superior on every level that matters.

But of course the only way to say which one you find better is to watch both of them and then make your decision.



(don't watch this if you haven't seen the movie)

10/10 acting, better than SotL

>first signal from Vega
What did Zemekis mean by this?

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james woods ruined it for me

>nothing about radiation levels on ship thing

>Matt was in both Contact and Interstellar
What did Nolan mean by this

Also in True "tips fedora" Detective. TARS set intellect to 100%.

>Show us how to make a bigass expensive space teleporter just so they can say hello to one person
Is this how aliens fuck with people? Is this funny to them? Fuck off, aliens

How did the book handle 5 people having the same experience?
I understand from the movie that people doubted her experience as she had no proof whatsoever.
But if they were sending 5 and all returned with the same experience but no proof, wouldn't that only make their case stronger than Ellie's?