Literally horror kino
Literally horror kino
kino more like see? no
t. Horror brainlet
brrrrrrrrrrr HAH
yeah no thanx
Embarrassing post, OP, gay as usual.
i read the summery, it sounds pretty dumb.
>hipster “horror” movie
Pick juan
It is dumb, although to be fair ever movie sounds dumb from their summaries.
It's the feel-bad comedy of the summer
ITT: Pretend we don't like horror movies
yeah but where's the torrent?
>this but unironically
This. Boring chick flick drama disguised as 'horror'.
This movie sucked.
Pretty, but that's it. Pretty BORING too
No, we just don’t like bad horror movies.
>thinks reading SUMMARIES is the same as watching the film
you have to be 18 to post here
Yea Forums sees crying girl in flower crown and assumes snapchat thot, Yea Forums has always been full of incel plebs who need quirky memes to get invested in some kind of art
I love The Wicker Man (the original), but thought Hereditary was mostly overrated (thought it was trying to be too many things at once). Would I like Midsommar?
name 5 ways it's not the same
>Literally horror kino
Nothing about the movie is scary but there were several scenes that had everyone in the theater laughing, and not just the one or two intentionally comedic scenes either, so yeah I’d say this is actually an accurate description of Midsommar. The overall tone of the movie is boring and kinda depressing, but it’s also pretty funny how stupid it is.
Its a fucking ripoff of The Wicker Man
Would you give your life in order to deflower her?
Mental processing
kek, no
i refuse to believe this is a serious query
>that scene where the girl puts pubic hair in the guys pie
>you can also see she put her period blood in his drink from its color
I almost threw up and got a boner
That bitch was ugly as hell, I would throw up too
It has some horror elements but I'd say it's more of a psychedelic film like El Topo or The Holy Mountain.
This, the horror is just there in parts to establish tension, the main focus of the movie is the main girls assimilation into the cult and eventual abandonment of her boyfriend through a spiritual and emotional journey.
ITT This sodomite A24 shill pretends his piece of dog shit movie is "horror"
Le atmospheric soi garbage
le soi face of concession
Cringe horror
I'd say it's more psychological than horror
Movies are a visual medium, that's the only reason needed.
Modern audiences have it twisted, a movie does not need a story or a plot to function, they only think it does because those kinds of movies are easily digestible.
If visuals/what you see on the screen is good enough, then a (good) story isn't needed, kung fu movies are the biggest example of bad/no plot movies having great visuals via camera work and choreography.
Midsommar functions in the way that story isn't being told purely through dialogue, but through visuals, details, and camerawork.
I'm not trying to say it's a super intelligent movie, but it definitely doesn't hold your hand like most modern movies do.
literally worse than paranormal activity 3. its pretentious melodrama at best
Would have been kino if the bear was used to hunt down people who fled on foot
The kung fu movie example only works because the kung fu IS the point of the film so the audience is willing to excuse whatever halfassed plot is thrown in there to give the characters in the movie an excuse to fight. For pretty much every other genre, the story itself is the point of the movie and if that sucks then it doesn’t really matter how visually appealing it is, it’s a gold painted turd.
Didn't watch it. i only like supernatural or monster horrors.
Pretentious melodrama is the height of entertainment to most filmsneeds
>movies takes place in Sweden
>not using the black bull to mate with everyone
Would have been a 10/10 if they did that
You probably won’t like Midsommar.
>the story itself is the point of the movie
Sure, but that still depends on the movie's "intended" purpose.
That's why Refn movies are good, he understands that plot can take a back seat
Style = Substance
holy shit you faggots have terrible taste
The only thing I taste is cum while I watch Midsommar with my wife’s boyfriend’s cock in my mouth
>posted from Samsung Galaxy
Hairy Assturd couldn’t direct his way out of an empty parking lot.
thats retarded
your problem is that you didn’t read the sommary
This movie is the Rick & Morty of horror.
you’d like it more than hereditary, but still think it was just okay. better than schlock but nowhere close to great
it is literally nothing like el topo or holy mountain wtf