>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good match before 2006 and even then was carried by vastly superior workers
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out his WWF comfort even when Ted Turner threw millions at him
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '90s
>Main evented the lowest drawing Wrestlemania of the '10s
>Tanked the buyrate of King Of The Ring in 2002 so hard the PPV got cancelled
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of The Brothers of Destruction
>Only the 4th best member of The Ministry
>Only the 8th best member of The Corporate Ministry
>His backstage clique "The Bone Street Krew" was utterly BTFO by The Kliq and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Savio Vega on us
>His biker cosplay was cringeworthy
>His MMA cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEST PURE STRIKER IN DA WWE""""""""
>Shit taste in whiskey
>Shit hairline
>Has his ex wife's tattooed on his neck
>Failed at his first marriage so badly that he resorted to marrying an anorexic bimbo
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a Wrestlemania streak
>Is the wrestling equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 1997 title run that Bret Hart of all people had to take the belt off him
>spent the latter part of his career burying superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was sitting around in the back and telling one of his no-draw buddies to job to someone who could actually draw dimes
Never the guy
Other urls found in this thread:
There are few things that are truly badass. There's me, The Undertaker, the American Badass. There's the Hells Angels. MMMMMMMMMM You don't wanna mess with them! There's the Special Forces, the Seals, the Rangers. . . and there are those who play football in the XFL. To the man, they're bad to the bone.
Mmmmmmmm... Sneed
>Hold on a minute playa
>I can see y'all are rarin to fight
>If that's the case, then Yea Forums and Yea Forums are gonna be fighting Yea Forums and /woo/ in a TAG TEAM MATCH
>And Yea Forums? You are gonna go one on one with the UNDATAKAH
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Yea Forums you don't want to mess with them
>You see op...
Never got this guy's appeal, wasn't one of his shticks where he's like, literally a fucking spirit of vengeance come back to life or some shit?
early 90s undertaker was based af, not that you'd remember anything about it
>le purple boots man
This. Had nightmares as a kid since I really taught he's a dead man.
Post Yea Forums approved wrasslers
In the summer...
Very brave guy
>died due to an obese hawaiian sitting on his face
Imagine the smell.
Anyone who disagrees is a faggot
Don't work yourself into a shoot.
Shane is based. Could have used his name to have a breezy career but instead he's going to get CTE just like everyone else.
mmmm you don't wanna mess with Sneed
The Deadman gimmick was the coolest shit and it brought awesome, interesting storytelling stuff to the show.
RIP based Paul Bearer.
He was loyal to his cappo.
God, Undertaker's career keeps feeling like it's really about to end, then he comes back. It's like fucking Okami, 3 non-endings and then it's finally over. Seriously:
>could've ended at the last Streak win
>could've ended with the Brock Lesnar loss
>could've ended with the Roman Reigns loss (shit match, but powerful ending and a decent passing of the torch which we just saw continued with their Tag Team debut)
>brings him back at Mania 34 for a nothingburger squash match against John Cena, spends more time entering the ring than he does wrestling
>wrestles Goldberg in Saudi Arabia, clearly out of shape and botching his moves horribly
>aforementioned tag team match vs. Shane and Shane and Elias, is carried by Roman through the first half and then has an effortless win after several minutes of getting his ass kicked
When is he just going to fucking retire already?
Finna ya seethe
Is The New Day based or are they good goys?
>>Never had a good match before 2006
the hell in a cell against Shawn Michaels was a good match
So was the one with Mankind.
>As God is my witness, he is broken in half!
That match was a once in a lifetime spectacle and Taker worked it with a broken foot.
You have to be 18 or older to post here.
so leave
Jesus Christ, that match with Goldberg was one of the most horrendous things I've seen in the ring. I legitimately thought there was going to be a serious injury.
Due to the heat and their ages and styles, I wasn't expecting anything great, but holy hell Taker couldn't even be fucked to help for the simple suplex portion of the jackhammer, and almost got his neck broken for it.
Like Flair, Taker is going past his expiration date.
the one with Mankind was a shit match with good high spots the majority of the match was just stalling so Mick could regain consciousness
Easy to say that when the match has existed most of your life. Back then it was a genuine surprise that no one saw coming. If you look at the crowd when Taker throws Mankind off for the first time they're all clamoring and jumping out of their seats. For all they know, they could've witnessed a homicide right there and then.
Mick Foley did not go into it expecting to take two 16 foot falls. He legit had a fear of heights that he kept secret for the sake of his work.