T-the audience score is more reliable, r-right bros?
Remember The Last Jedi? The critics are agenda driven Satanic Jews right?
Is this /ourmovie/?
T-the audience score is more reliable, r-right bros?
Remember The Last Jedi? The critics are agenda driven Satanic Jews right?
Is this /ourmovie/?
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If there ever is a huge disparity between critics/audience scores on RT, it's almost always that the critics are the ones in the right.
So TLJ and Captain Marvel are great films?
Why wouldn't disney hire round the clock shills for the audience reviews
it based
How did (((they))) let a film so completely redpilled in every way get released in theaters in current year +4???
The lowest score is always right.
fifty six percent
the visuals are so good
Never go by the audience reviews with Disney
Or in general
Only audience review that matters is if you liked it or not
No, I could care either way what plebs think
RT verifies that people bought tickets now, so logically the people who bought tickets to see it already are most likely the ones who are most excited for it and will love it no matter what.
tl;dr: RT is now completely worthless.
Not ever since RT changed the system, they probably deleted the negative audience votes like they did for Fungal
Captain Marvel is nowhere near as bad as TLJ
>movie is out for a week
>no score
>week later bumps to this
Sounds legit
>less than 5k scores compared to the usual 30k
it's over, the new RT system means only shills can leave reviews
Satanic Jews. I knew it!
The reason its so high is because of nostalgia. Same thing happened to TFA and every other live action disney remake.
A movie stroking peoples nostalgia boners will ALWAYS get high ratings initially, if you don't understand this than FUCK OFF NIGGER.
A high disparity between Critics and Audiences is usually very telling. It tells you that audiences dont give a shit about critics and that critics are hacks who usually rate highly because they don't want to be blacklisted.
If you pay attention to rotten tomatoes, metacritic, imbd, or any other site of their ilk than you're a mouthbreathing degenerate who deserves to be gunned down in the street like disease-ridden rat.
>it's almost always that the critics are the ones in the right.
Agree completely. Cpt Marvel is okay at best, while TLJ is actively insulting. Probably the worst movie to come out in the last 10 years.
Capeshit is an anomoly
It is worthless now because it links to some ticket selling page. I saw some other movie and wanted to leave a certified review but I cant because of that bullshit.
The reason is because there are like 200 reviews. The movie is out for a fucking week (there are already camrip scenes) but they started to count audience reviews today.
>people have to actually see the movie to rate it on RT
>rating on RT is worthless now
You do realize how retarded that sounds, right?
>this minus all the autism dripping off this post
Are you really going to be surprised if this barely eeks to the finish line to 1 billion like Aladdin? I mean come on OP. And when did just barely rotten become such a bad thing anyway?
what an asshole
Not see, they have to link it to some fandango page. Worthless when you do not use it.
Pretty much. Critics review films as individual experiences. You read enough professionally written reviews to realize that they're essentially all just describing their theater experience, while also adding some of the basics of the plot for context (After all, reviews are meant for the single purpose of giving prospective filmgoers an idea of whether or not they'd enjoy watching a film, in other words, if a film is worth the time.) Audience members don't know how to write reviews in this capacity; their reviews are largely based on external factors. These external factors include things like, popular opinion (as in how is a film being perceived), politics (their own, and that tied to the film's marketing/release,) psychology (how does liking/disliking this film make me appear toward others,) and so on.
Furthermore, a lot of audience members who write reviews mistake the process of reviewing a film to be the same as film analysis. Some of these people will make their personal analysis of a film a part of a review in which they either describe a film's thematic elements, or technical details (such as a film's camerawork for instance.) What you usually end up getting is neither an impression of a film (as good reviews should be,) or a thought provoking analytical essay, but rather a fabricated mess of poor argumentation designed to serve as an authoritative statement, i.e. "this film is factually bad because I didn't like it."
I don't even know why would anyone care to read a random review written by someone who doesn't watch movies for a living; there is absolutely nothing to gain from it. At best you get a voice that may validate your own notions of a film, preconceived or otherwise, with which to hammer others with. And this, unfortunately, is the only reason most people nowadays read (or watch) reviews; in order to validate their own opinions.
They don't even really have to verify to review. It'll just say that particular review had verified theirs.
Thw reason it's so high is because it's on opening night. These people went in already wanting to like it because they shill Disney FOR FREE!
Oh okay, I’m the retarded one now I guess.
Yeah fuck RT then
It's high because it's polling only 300 people that were all paid influencers flown out to prescreenings and given goody bags. It's awful. By far the worst "real life" adaptation yet. Just listen to this trash: youtu.be
only alt-right manbabies disagree with this
>Op: blah blah blah blah hurrr durrrrrrrr derp derp derp
The most important question is what will our guy Armond think about it.
kill yourself
Jesus fucking Christ you autistic faggot calm down. Even if the critics are hacks the audiences are still brainlets for liking remake #5837382
Just proving their point lmao
>only alt-right manbabies
It looks ugly and extremely stiff with very washed out colours. Puma literally looks disgusting.
This movie will look as dated as avatar does now in less than a year. In stills it’s good but in motion it’s so bad
Fucking based and redpilled
It’s sad that people go out of their way to pay movie studios to stop coming up with original ideas and butcher their favorite movies instead.
Why do you care about Rotten Tomatoes, OP?
After the Captain Marvel debacle it became painfully obvious that Disney has control over that website. RT is irrelevant and probably always has been.
I'm not reading all that.
It use to be anyone could make reviews. Now the audience review score is hidden while the “”””verified””” audience reviews (people who only use the website and not other ticket buyers) are on the front. Which not only can be manipulated by companies using RT but has fans that give good reviews no matter what.
It’s just some film critic trying to convince everyone that his job isn’t total horseshit.
High iq post right here.
TLJ - Reviewed as an individual experience it's interesting and shakes up the Star Wars formula. Reviewed in the context of being a Star Wars fan it's incredibly polarizing. Hence the 86%/50% split
Captain Marvel - on its own it's a perfectly enjoyable popcorn flick, nothing terrible stands out. Rated in the context of other Marvel movies, it's pretty generic and lackluster. Hence the 95%/65% split or whatever it's at now.
This. Captain Marvel was merely middling, which came as a huge disappointment to some. TLJ was phenomenally terrible.
>I don't have an argument so I'm just going to fall back to parroting /pol/ memes
You can keep thinking I'm a tranny if it makes you feel better lmao.
>paid to shit on it
>pays to eat shit
I don't know why anyone here talks about Rotten Tomatoes at all, neither side of this is worth listening to.
the audience loves it because obviously only the stupidest people will go to see this
I stopped caring about the audience score on RT after TLJ. The flick was perfectly fine but they made it seem as if it was literally the worst movie ever made. Audiences are sheep who'll jump to whatever opinion they believe they should have. Pewdiepie says The Lion King is shit? The audience score plummets. RLM made a video shitting on John Wick? John Wick is literally the worst movie ever. (btw these are just fictitious examples to make a point). People don't want to think, they just want to be told what opinions to have about stuff and they have all by and large been conditioned to think like a group rather than individuals. Tie that to the newly (2-3 years) sprung fear and distrust of critics that they have and you get the wonderful metric that is the RT audience score.
What are you talking about? They still can. It'll only just have "Verified" next to their name.
Thanks for the (You)s bros
Nope. For once, the critics didn't eat the mouse's shit, but the public still did.
To be fair TLJ is pretty horrendous. By far the worst Star Wars movie. I agree with everything you said though.
Usually if the score disparity is that large, the truth is somewhere in between, probably more like a 70-ish or something.
I don't even know any more but I'm sure not sick of having to hold so many instances of doublethink in my head for the sake of fitting in with my unironically based and redpilled Yea Forumsbros, no sir!
That's so fucking weak compared to Ironside's performance
>I need someone else to tell me what I think
Peak NPC
God that mouse’s shit tastes so fucking good. I wanna feel Mickey Disney’s creamy brown shits rubbing into every pore on my face as I inhale deeply and listen to didney radio.
sometimes critics tank the score because the movie sends the wrong message in the current year
En pee see
you lied cunt
TLJ is great, yes.
>TLJ is great, yes.
The audience score has been compromised
You can thank zoomers for that. Zoomers think and live by memes. Memes are everything for zoomers. A generation of people who not only don't have an intellectual capacity to think for themselves, but a generation which actively discourages individual thought.
>Disney is saving the industry and box office!
>If it wasn't for them Hollywood would be in trouble!
I'd rather it all collapse thank you.
I like how you say this while posting on birthplace of memes.
Based and redpilled lack of self awareness meme-tier boomer cringe comment. You are epic and litty.
>After the Captain Marvel debacle it became painfully obvious that Disney has control over that website.
Aladdin and Lion King both have rotten scores on the site.
Just like you thinking that anyone that disagrees with you is from /pol/ or alt-right? Your lack of self awareness sure is funny, kid.
>went to the theatre, saw a movie in nice air conditioning in a comfy seat and had some tasty candy, 10/10
>is the film actually any good? oh, that's not the point of a review, it's about the EXPERIENCE
based normies
Online polling is the world's most reliable way to gauge public opinion
Not quite.
just kys
isn't this the anti american movie that refused to show the american flag? yeah fuck that
Also I think Ryan Gosling says something about not seeing any borders or some shit, I'm glad it flopped
el goblion king
>anti american
The entire main cast is white. Every important job is undertaken and completed by a white male. The flag shows up at the end, on the Moon, right in the middle of the frame.
Devoting 10 minutes to two astronauts struggling to erect a smallish flag in complete silence would make Americans look silly, if anything. Anyone who complains about this immediately outs themselves as a brainlet.
>And this, unfortunately, is the only reason most people nowadays read (or watch) reviews; in order to validate their own opinions.
that's the only reason anybody does ANYTHING, genius
there were at least three white women significantly over two hundred pounds in my audience when I saw this, and all of them bawled loudly during the Mufasa death scene
I swear to fucking Christ, ever since they forced people to show tickets the audience score is purely just faggots who would actually love to show some random strangers at a faceless web aggregate their movie ticket meaning everyone who posts there is a onions swilling faggot. At least with the old way the audience score felt real. If they are ALL going to be 90% what is the point?
Had to get it off my chest.
First Man deeply shook my faith in Damien Chazzelle, first for him allowing the film to get hijacked by the right wing so badly and second because if he wanted to portray a globalist message, all he had to do is show the US flag, then make it transparent, then show the Earth inside of it like on some 1940s Frank Capra shit.
I actually laughed out loud at the 2019 version, please tell me this isn’t real.