>Splinter's the teacher so they are the students
>Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Donatello
>Make up the team with one other fellow
>Raphael. He's the leader of the group
Wait, Raphael was the leader?
>Splinter's the teacher so they are the students
>Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Donatello
>Make up the team with one other fellow
>Raphael. He's the leader of the group
Wait, Raphael was the leader?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Childhood is thinking Michaelangelo was the best
>Adulthood is confirming that is correct
what the fuck are you quoting?
Mike and Donnie are the best in that particular movie. Raph was annoying.
No one likes Leo, though.
The voices in his head, I assume.
That's not a shock considering they are the goofier ones and leo and especially Ralph are fucking edgelords
I always thought Leonardo was the "leader".
The guy with the swords.
you would think niggers at the very least would understand the TMNT hierarchy considering how much they obsess over DBZ.
gimme a break
>leo and especially Ralph are fucking edgelords
That's what makes them great, retard.
>No on likes Leo
You are a fucking faggot, and I am sorry your uncle raped you
Clearly it's just written like this because it fits the tempo and rhyme of a rap song. This dudes never read or probably heard about tmnt in his life and has just been handed a page of bullet points.
>here make a song out of this bullshit
leo is a straightedge, raph is the edgelord
I'm pretty sure a committee of white people wrote it.
Also, cricket?
Donatello had the most versatile weapon
Donatello is stupid because he's smart
>That panty shot
In the comics they were all edgelords
>He's claustrophobic
>HEY, I never even looked at another guy!
I liver in NYC. 50% of the time pizza guys can't find my fucking apartment but you want me to believe they got pizza delivered to a fucking manhole?
we're talking about the movie fucking retard.
why have zoomers determined that to be a bad thing again?
Then Casey Jones was the only edgelord because he literally attempted murder although from his perspective it was murder.
I live in the boonies and 50% of the time they try to deliver the pizza next door.
That said he wouldn't have found it if they didn't yell at him.
Leo = Cyclops
Wolverine = Wolverine
Why arent either of them banging April?
fucking this
>Wolverine = Wolverine
Because they don't even remember 90's dark n edgy.
>Wolverine = Wolverine
Checks out.
a crumpet?
He was. Any child could understand this.
Leonardo leads
Donatello sticks vibrators up his own ass
Leo was shit in the original cartoon but they made him better in some of the other adaptations. There isn’t much to him aside from him arbitrarily being the leader
I like him a lot in the 2012 show. He's endearing.
I've genuinely never met someone who's favourite was Donatello
He's my favorite, if we're talking about the 80s cartoon. I like his voice actor the best and he's genuinely the most useful at any given time, half of those stories wouldn't work without Donnie. Pretty much anything else I like Raph the most.
>I always thought Leonardo was the "leader".
its in the fucking song
t. jock
you must be some soft ass pussy boy to think that's a bad thing. redddit is that way, incel.
gimmie a break
Ive gone through phases of liking each turtle. Donnie is really great in the Nick and IDW itterations.
I thought the whole point was that Raph needed to deal with his rage and WAS a good leader. However the best leaders are the ones who didnt want to, hence Leo
I really hated the Nick iteration of Donnie's visual design and the fact that his most prominent character trait was the April obsession. Interesting casting choice that really worked though.
Same here, in the 80's cartoon, Donatello is the strategist and Leonardo is the tactician.
>Raph needed to deal with his rage
I was always more of a Raphael meself. intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor. Me in red there.
Poor Timothy
Leo is the responsible one and hence the leader
>who is the leader
It was obvious the whole time
>2008. a certain "Shredder" shows up on Epstein's island. The rest is history
It was the werewolf
I completely agree with you, Mike is the best. He's a party dude.
Their solutions were to throw trash cans at everything
Whoa is your favorite turtle?
Little kid or stoner
Probably a dork, but he was always the best in the video games
Based, but also most likely to go Columbine all up in this bitch
Fuck off, loser