So this is going to flop, right?

So this is going to flop, right?

>Cats movie trailer: internet reacts in horror to 'demented dream ballet'
>First glimpse of Taylor Swift, Jennifer Hudson and other stars mutated into cat-sized cats – some wearing fur coats – sparks concern for state of civilisation
>Others complained about the size of the cats (too small), asked why they had visible breasts, and pointed out they appeared to be wearing the fur of other cats.

Attached: this is normal this is fine.jpg (1333x800, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:!NNcCgIrI!0TwnrdCm11_ZlWtejjLY7vWiVK9oVvoyCRF9iSUSoOs

is this lynchian?

Reddit hates it, therefore I like it.

Folks just don't recognize kino when they see it


who cares, might be the first film I watch in cinemas in months

Are you gay?

Yeah, you?

> visible breasts

Don't they have fucking hands and lips? People will bitch about anything.


i don't get why people think it looks bad. It just looks like they are wearing cat suits like the stage production.

Attached: tay.gif (540x220, 1.18M)

Dumb normies, redditors and fake fans of Cats hate it.

If anything I thought they CG'd away the tits. Taylor has some pretty large ones these days but they weren't in the CG cat version. Which is not a sentence I thought I'd be typing, but here we are.

Cats has no fans. It's retarded.

The furries seem to be out in droves today.
I personally like the trailer and am looking forward to seeing it. As to why a Movie was made for CATS. It'll make money. It always has.

>Had an 18 year run on Broadway (7485 performances)
>had a 21 year run in London (8949performances)
>35 year run in Japan
>Translated into 15 languages.
>4th longest running Broadway show of all time.
>Best musical Tony Award

finally to save us from remakes, cats...

It is possibly my favorite musical, definitely top five.

The trailer looks fucking shit though.

Sweet baby jesus that's ugly
What were they thinking
Didn't they learn anything from furs or Spielberg?

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Of course

Attached: 1563296562184.jpg (432x432, 43K)

Yeah same.

This is incredible to me. It's so utterly shit I can't imagine how anyone could enjoy any of it.

>digital furry tit wiggle
this movie is DEVIANT TRASH and i'm into it

Why does Hollywood want to scar everyone for life like this?

Attached: 20190718_201049.jpg (2896x2896, 508K)

This trailer transcended all boundaries for me. It riveted me with it's astound boldness. Step aside social issue dramas! This is what real STUNNING and BRAVE looks like. Shame the normies will deride it.

jewish sense of aesthetic

Same energy.

Attached: 245892596.jpg (1200x680, 94K)

Detective Pikachu actually looked good in motion though. Well, Pikachu did anyways.

Detective pikachu is kino, don't lump it in with that other shit.

I hate modern films. I haven't seen a single capeshit, nuwars, or almost anything to hit theaters in the last 20 years. But I'll watch this, because it looks different and interesting.

not really
realistic fur on humanoid bodies looks pretty weird.

Attached: cats_hero_910x520.jpg (910x520, 225K)

I don't like any of this.

Cats is good but if they really wantwd to make money they'd make the superior play.

Attached: 28078252-357F-458E-B0B7-8D8C441CB453.jpg (283x445, 24K)

I like all of this

why not just post a webm of yourself sucking a dick?

just how much shortstack porn is going to come of this?

Because it's using CGI to make it look like they're wearing a cat suit, when they could just use cat suits.

The gimmick of the broadway production hinged on them actually using cat suits in front of a live audience.

This is just them using millions of unneeded dollars achieving something they already accomplished twenty goddamn years ago, over and over, hundreds of times between the show's opening and closing.

It's a straight-up insult to the craft

Id say its almost lovecraftian

Pikachu is the best example there by far.
Like, it's not even a competition.
It's kind of hilarious.

Y'all have fun watching this abomination.

Attached: hell.png (560x537, 373K)

children leave

I assure you I will. This is going to be the next Alita.

I mean, you can say what you want about the movie.

But if fucking Lion King gets any special recognition for its special effects and CGI over Pokemon, there is clearly no justice in this world

Right, it's like, just go to the actual musical. Fuck Hollywood.

pokemon was just cringe, but pikachu looked fine

Attached: pokemon_detective_pikachu_best_video_game_movie.jpg (825x464, 30K)

>keywords: musical, Broadway, "universal acclaim", furries, Taylor Swift
That's a hard pass for me.

Attached: 51ytCA4wmIL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (329x499, 36K)

What the fuck is this play even about? It was always mocked as being weird gay shit when I was growing up.

it's a broadway play so it's about nothing essentially


So with cat girls becoming more prevalent in Hollywood flicks (Ready Player One, Wonder Woman 84), what live action adaptations would you like to see? For me, it’s Bagi the Monster of Mighty Nature

Attached: 4FDF5AB3-DAB2-45BD-9E3E-3CF0211461F4.gif (475x315, 1009K)

Yeah, but what's the story?

I'm just happy cat people have the monopoly over dog people
dog is not for sexual

Attached: irish_cat_person_with_spy_kids_3_sphere_in_hand.png (1863x753, 1.14M)

That's what it is. Began as a bunch of silly poems in which T. S. Eliot gave personalities to various cats. Then Broadway decided to turn it into a literally gay musical.

they're being mischievous and aloof or some shit for two hours


it's still furry shit though mate
you get the bad shit like this with the good shit like Fantastic Mr. Fox

neelix should have been blasted into space

What annoys me the most is that this looks abstractly awful hatchet job of a film, but will probably be a success on the soundtrack and cast alone.

has a modern pop star ever been in anything that wasn't panned?

A Star is Born with Lady GaGa got sucked off by critics.

has a modern pop star ever been in anything that wasn't trash?

look at what you caused

It's coming

Why didn't they either use costumes or traditionally animate it?

Attached: ohgodcats.png (403x466, 215K)

it's beautiful
like a spliced plant

How does this happen?
>Inb4 newfag
>Inb4 lueark more

It'll be kino

At least nu Simba looks like a real animal.
The Cats are some weird fucking hybrid.

well if it was going to flop it isn't now because Yea Forums is wrong 100% of the time

Sometimes, when two people post pictures at the exact same instant, thumbnails can get swapped

It looks fun

I'll take hideous over boring

Attached: soulleast.jpg (1920x1080, 778K)

riding on disney's coattails

>mfw this movie

Attached: willow hayes.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

The Nutcracker bombed. Hopefully this will, too. Who's the audience for this anyway? Zoomers probably think it looks gay as fuck.

a mess, but an entertaining mess

The normies say they hate it now, but it'll be this years Bohemian Rhapsody, Lala Land, The Greatest Showman, Chicago etc.

It'll be fucking huge.

This is what I'm interested in seeing. It's CATS so it could make bank, but at the same time it's literally coming out on the same weekend Star Wars drops so someone's losing money to somebody else either way

Is this what Kristen Wiig Cheetah is going to look like?

>reminded of this meme-sical
And all of a sudden, I'm absolutely okay with Cats

Those movies weren't dealing with an uncanny valley problem.

It's a faggy musical with furries you fucking fags, fuck off

The actual musical is fucking retarded and all but yeah, what little appeal it has comes from it being a live performance.

You could also throw any Baz Luhrmann musical production in, which while not Uncanny Valley, went for the hyper-realistic, yet totally overblown, weird thing.

>musical is a throwback to minstrel theater where black people would reenact historical events
>at the time, white people were so racist that they saw it as equivalent to a monkey dressed up as george washington so they found it hilarious
>no-one ever talks about this and just says "WE WUZ FOUNDING FATHERS" or some other shit

Attached: buck breaking.jpg (644x767, 98K)

>First glimpse of Taylor Swift, Jennifer Hudson and other stars mutated into cat-sized cats – some wearing fur coats – sparks concern for state of civilisation

Attached: pepe_clown.png (680x680, 221K)

Werewolves have been a thing since the black and white days.

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This could be great if directed by Lynch

Is that the actual intention of the play though or is it just virtue signaling?

That's not a cat girl, that a BIG bulge

No, it’s a Lovecraftian fever dream sprinkled with Kubrician elements to create a demented minaj-aye-twah of the antithesis to our everyday thoughts of not only ourselves but the animals around us.

Supposedly the creator had some contract that the movie couldn't be animated but I kind of doubt that. In any case, if that was true they are just exploiting a loophole by using this deepfakes shit, because the movie is still animated, it just looks like ass.

Attached: cats-dont-dance-movie-.png (750x500, 329K)

when was the last werewolf movie made?

I think you're just gay, mate

Wasn't Benicio Del Toro in a Wolfman movie recently?


Attached: 1563497699303.png (724x746, 666K)

I couldn't take my eyes off her giant nigger lip whenever she was on screen. Black people were a mistake.


The fuck is going on here

Because it looked fucking gay and retarded on stage too

>d-dude the people that hate this faggot musical are the furries
>l-look it won a bunch of fag awards
Cope furfaggot

what's this from?

Bagi the Monster of Mighty Nature

based, thanks

It's not the intention behind it but that's because the people who made it did not do their homework.

The musical cats look like fucking Thundercats and shit. This looks like human faces photoshopped onto cats.

People said Phantom of the Opera would make money. It didn't.

It's torture porn. She's probably being cattle prodded or something.

The Wolfman remake was underappreciated. I thought it was good. My main gripe with it was that the end fight scene looked kind of silly in parts because the wirework was kind of obvious and it made the limitations of the practical effects a little too visible. The idea of using the dark age of psychiatric medicine as the backdrop for The Wolfman was pretty clever and it's the kind of thing I look for when someone bothers to remake a classic.

Attached: wolfmanmagnum.jpg (600x325, 45K)

But user, we all are animals

Attached: darkness.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

So furry shit?

It's Jewish

cats sucks and andrew lloyd webber is a cunt

>black people

Well there's your problem.

This is fine

Attached: 1552422403191.jpg (1024x582, 41K)

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _____

Cheetah in Wonder Woman is going to look so bad. How do you even compete with furry Tay?

The face is too far back in the skull, it isn't protruding enough


Attached: The-Cat-in-the-Hat.jpg (1080x720, 175K)

Holy shit

Attached: 1559944758733.gif (322x252, 1.95M)

God damn there's even a booger flowing out of her nose.

Attached: 59256903560.png (599x647, 433K)

The new season of Stranger Things is weird.

Attached: ncwmS-629x397.png (629x397, 90K)

if this whole trailer doesnt disgust you at the most primitive levels, youre sick beyond redemption and deserves hell.

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Looks awful, enough to crash any degenerate furry fantasy. That's the only good thing that can came out of this.

Ummm that's a sign of her vast emotional prowess sweetie

This is my ideal live-action Cheetah. Unfortunately we are probably going to get something that looks terrible.

Attached: 1550081587181.jpg (738x1120, 122K)


It's the next step in vfx. Be prepare to see more and more of this approach implemented in more movies to come.

>Unfortunately we are probably going to get something that looks terrible.
Isn't she supposed to be in Wonder Woman 1984?

It's too unfamiliar to them. Everything has to be in the direction of mainstream style otherwise it looks wrong to them.
Same. It opening on the same day as SWIX is icing on the cake.

People just having seen a art direction take this approach in too long. I think it looks unusual and very different.
I applaud them for taking so many risks.

As for people complaining that they could have done costumes and makeup instead of CGI. It's about cost. Musicals are incredibly expensive to film because there has to be so many takes, but with CGI they can take the best of only a handful of performances from different actors/esses and compile them together to make something cohesive.


You only say that because you don't actually understand anatomy and without hair or human ears you can't tell that this is actually fine.

Taylor looks really good actually, but she is an exception. Not even the protagonista looks that good. Judy Dench is awful.

I don't know why they gave them all human noses except for this one.

because it's inspired by the musical, not actual cats.

tfw no catgirl gf

Attached: Yarndog Victoria.jpg (548x411, 24K)

what the christ

I wonder how Eliot would have felt about it.

Uh... Meow?

Attached: image.jpg (1200x800, 149K)

>I don't know why they gave them all human noses except for this one.
user...that's her actual nose.

Someone post a webm or gif of the werewolf sex scene from Dracula

is this the most uncanny valley year to date?

Yes but her look is a mystery. I loved the first movie and my enjoyment of the sequel does not depend on how fappable Cheetah is, but given Hollywood's disappointing track record for humanoid animal people I am not expecting much in that regard.

Attached: cheetah.jpg (1080x1440, 749K)

>Yes but her look is a mystery. I loved the first movie and my enjoyment of the sequel does not depend on how fappable Cheetah is, but given Hollywood's disappointing track record for humanoid animal people I am not expecting much in that regard.
Especially considering it's DC and their movies have a shit track record.

Dunno. On the one hand I'm not aware of the old Cats movie from the 1980s accomplishing anything special in terms of business but on the other (with studios' determination to invest in "proven" properties being what it is) the bloody thing might perform spectacularly.

>Who's the audience for this anyway? Zoomers probably think it looks gay

just answered your own question there breh. who loves a musical more than anybody else?

why, had so much potential

>what live action adaptations would you like to see?
More of fat fluffy kat tats like kudos to Spielberg
>Wonder Woman 84
Hoping they don't mess up the cheetah's design
Same for the next Avatars, if they look exactly the same as a decade ago with only bumped up graphics and no advancements in the cgi tech, then, well, I don't see it breaking any records. I'll of course watch anyway but it'll feel like another cod as opposite to the innovations Nintendo tried
I want to see more legit lyran designs, and more non-edgelord takes on life outside earth

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Not even a furry but thats kinda hot

The designs are kind of shit though. In the broadway musical they at least gave them cat-like noses with makeup. This is just bizarre looking.

They should have just gone all the way into animation territory and either made the cats be quadruped, or partially anthropomorphic. Sure, it looks "unique" but it also looks terrible. They should have kept enough familiarity from the Disney / Pixar / Dreamworks school to give it more appeal to the moviegoing audience, because film/animation is a different medium from a broadway musical. I felt the same way about the Phantom of the Opera movie-- it needed to be more movie and less "this is the play on film with slightly higher production values."

The film was from 1998 and went straight to VHS
It's a very charming watch, 100x better than this crap

Attached: Rump.gif (540x306, 3M)

Nuke Hollywood

>went straight to VHS
>It's a very charming watch

Heh. You'll understand why I'm in no position to refute you.

>Hollywood's disappointing track record for humanoid animal people I am not expecting much in that regard.
Sad but true, and I see you have good taste there user
Like with Star Trek, they keep screwing up the designs when trying to adapt it to live action
Almost as if the ugly abominations we see in lots of sci-fi and in general are just projections of how bad they are at design, and essentially "giving up"

Attached: caitans2.jpg (4491x3217, 1.71M)

I like musicals. I liked the Les Mis movie this guy made.
But Cats is one musical I never got. There's like one good song and it barely has a plot.

This shit looks so fucking weird, the uncanny valley effect is horrible. It might make money just because the source material is so popular but jesus christ it looks so weird.

Attached: 2016.08.15 Twitter.jpg (750x1334, 209K)


jew art

Supposedly Weber didn't think that he had much a chance at securing the rights so he just went all in and told Eliot's wife that he wanted to make the cats look like 'Hot Gossip' (they were a popular dance troupe around the time) to his surprise Eliot's wife suddenly said: "Tom would've loved 'Hot Gossip'" and the negotiations started there.

Andrew Lloyd Webber is a fucking hack and Cats is objectively terrible.

So long as petty much all the poetry is kept in its original form. There's just the odd change say from "were a notorious couple of cats" to "we're a notorious couple of cats"

Attached: Screenshot_20190411-124231.jpg (1080x1079, 705K)

underrated post

so perhaps this film will make it not-terrible

as someone who was in a lot of musicals from childhood to college, yes

Only fags liked Cats why the fuck are they doing a big budget movie of this?

not only is this pure unadulterated kino of the highest regard, but it probably taught me as a kid where the penis is supposed to go (hint: it's inside the woman).

Attached: 1546952922313.webm (480x270, 337K)

Weber is like Gene Roddenberry, he used to be good but now he's a mad-man who's determined to destroy his work.

True, I read the original book as a kid and I liked that fact that the lyrics and words were almost the same. I saw the revival of 'Cats' a few years back as soon as I heard that fucking rap song I knew all was lost.

funny how it's literally only women who say this

Yeah turning Tugger into a rapcat for Broadway was disappointing, Tugger is always the 80s Garry Glitter cat to me

Attached: 2019.05.03 chad tugger.gif (500x297, 1.93M)

Because the CGI gives it an unsettling uncanny valley effect and the design is just bad.

I saw the musical on Broadway and the cat costumes are much better looking and more creative. They also dont have an uncanny valley effect as it is just real people with makeup on

Leave Pikachu alone.

Jo Gibb's such a milf now, god I wanna fuck Rumple

Attached: Credits.gif (407x226, 1.6M)

i can feel the kino from here

What did they mean by this?

the character who "wore clothes" in the original were for effect, you weren't supposed to imagine them literally wearing the clothes.
For example the fat cat wears a coat and monacle, or the magical cat has a sparkled coat.
If you're going as far as to CGI your performers, making it real looking, then the clothing doesn't work anymore.
Now they are very literally just wearing top hats and shit, it stops working visually.
It's like they made every poor decision they could have.


Attached: 1535318771953.gif (464x306, 2.01M)

I'm not going to lie, guys. I totally would


Ywn eat Rumple's rump. Bombay either

Attached: Bomby Drop.gif (540x306, 2.9M)

Cat kino's back on the menu, boys.

Attached: cats.jpg (605x547, 84K)

dont even hate my fellow burgers, but this whole concept is just too much...

> pic related

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you need to be 18 to post here

'Cats' is almost entirely British, it premiered on the West End, the only American element in 'Cats' is T.S Elliot himself, who moved to London as a young man and quickly grew to consider himself English.

I'd honestly pay good money to fuck one of those performers in the full suit and makeup, obviously tearing a hole in the crotch for access.
The whole affair would seem like a huge bother though, even if I found a prostitute with the right build for it how do I go about getting her in the makeup and costume and furthermore how do I get her to sing her parts correctly?

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Attached: Bass-Pick Teazer Pinup.png (600x904, 1.11M)

I unironically kinda like the way they look.

what in the absolute fuck has happened to musical cinema? We will never ever get another film like Singin' In The Rain ever again and that breaks my goddamn heart.

That's the exact situation I'm in, like honestly it's a lifetime dream to fuck Rumpleteazer in full costume, to go down on her missionary style, Lycra catlegs on both shoulders, the curves of her breasts visible under the silky tight outfit; to kiss her red lips and look past her whiskers and into her eyes, brushing her tail aside and revealing her pussi

Attached: Screenshot 3.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

WB must be reshoting as we speak.

I don't know if I'd go so far as to say Andrew Lloyd Webber is a hack, but even his fans say that Cats is his worst by far, with Starlight Express being the only competition.

Are you telling me boomers have actually been holding out for this to happen?

Attached: Farscape.s04e20 «We're So Screwed. Part 2 (Hot to Katratzi)».mkv 00_27_01.953.jpg (299x364, 39K)

Works for me, kinda looks like Ruby Rose but she's not listed as a member of the cast. Even so, I have no issues with the trailer or the effects.


>knife isn't even pointed or sharp
literally what

Hollywood doesn't understand concepts like that. Or actually, Hollywood might understand it, but it believes the lowest common denominator it markets films to wouldn't.

Attached: lol.jpg (680x680, 34K)

"Singin' in the Rain" was pure luck, back the old days the movie musical worked much the same as it does today, they'd pick something that did well on Broadway and make an adaptation of it. With "Singin' in the Rain" they realised they had a lot of old '20's songs in the MGM vault and decided to throw together a movie to bring said songs back into the public eye, it was pure chance that it turned out to be kino.

>he thinks Detective Pikachu had bad visuals
as far as Im concerned, that and Rampage are the new gold standard for vidya movies. If you didn't love Psyduck, then you a swine and you aint my nigga.

it's a butter knife
the cat is stupid and doesn't know this

It's still easily one of the best musicals ever made, period. I'd also add Sound of Music to that piles because, well, duh.

Imagine a movie that starts out about cats trying to ascend but after 25 mins becomes about this

Attached: 67EA3C8D-EE12-4724-8D30-4E567BD1C2A4.jpg (429x299, 17K)

Based dubs. This is a movie that i would watch.

Think this guy has it right.

It's a sekrit plot to rid the world of furries. Thus we must support this movie with all we got, Yea Forums.

Attached: deprogramming furries.jpg (638x790, 82K)

It's the UK edit

There's one important factor I forgot to mention, in the old days they'd cast DANCERS in musicals, like good old Gene Kelly. Nowadays they just cast famous actors / musicians who can't dance at all; so back in the old days even a half-assed musical like "The Pirate" would be an amazing spectacle, these days even a big budget musical looks like, well I don't need to tell you, you saw that damn trailer.

maybe Im just a hipster or a boomer at heart, but the kind of musicals that get made today are just horrid experiences without any real heart. Rent and The Greatest Showman are both prime examples. its like the writers deliberately wanted to make music that was somehow more annoying than the current popular radio tunes.

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The cgi is barely a step up from Basement Jaxx:

yeah, thats why it's such a great goddamn film. as a general rule I hate musicals, but Singin' In The Rain and The Sound of Music are easily top 10 all timers for me.

so they're just erasing their mistake?

How the fuck did Pikachu turn out to be the only good one?


Naw. It's just the result of Hollywood imploding. Burn, Hollywood. Burn.

Attached: MRess.jpg (550x480, 30K)

I'm convinced this movie was made by the US government to try and flush out all of the furries for an eventual purge

>Yea Forums memes it so hard that it beats what Endgame could not beat: Avatar
I would pay for tickets just to see this happen


I want the One Piece live action to go as far as the Zou arc

Attached: 71748678_p0.jpg (612x816, 117K)

this movie looks ambitious, different and interesting. It may suck but I think I'll go see it on shrooms,

The stage production is terrible too

This isn't going to be good, the musical wasn't good. What this is going to be, is the rare kind of train wreck where you can stand in awe of how it happened. If you don't see this on the big screen with amazing sound in a theater with nobody else in it, as there will be no general audience for this, then I really don't think film is for you. This is going to be one of those films that people talk about, and reference, and make jokes about for years. Like fucking Ishtar, but with crying drama kids who keep swearing to you that the live musical was better.
I can't fucking wait.

LOL do you think these niggers have any idea who sondheim is? They think cats and phantom of the opera are the good because they can name them.

Attached: stephen_sondheim.jpg (640x819, 81K)

>make CGI furry looking creature
>deepfake the face of the actors in it
It indeed looks awful, but anything that isn't practical effects does. Unironically.

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uh, what, non-American, city is that

Why do I want to stick my peepee inside every user that posts M'ress

Attached: big think.webm (420x420, 1.08M)

It's the draconians! They're trying to make everyone hate fur but... like scalies! Or at least distract people and make them hate one thing much more than the other

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It looks so bad. They have the money to make perfectly good catsuits, and they decide to buy all of Andy Serkis' old mocap suits... So stupid.

why can't December come sooner

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CGI is cheaper because Hollywood famously screws cg studios out of money. Costume makers are union.

Lovecraft has been mentioned before but this really does give me some uncally valley fever dream nightmare feels.

Don't know why but it reminds me of the kind of panic attacks I had as a kid feeling utmost undescribable horror. Like the universe turned out to be a cruel joke played upon the living. Everything that seemed decent was inversed and whatever hope there was had been torn down in a perverse celebration of broken trust, like an orgasmic conclusion to an unimaginable betrayel revealing perfect irrationality beneath the surface. No hope, only madness. Forever.

>internet reacts in horror to 'demented dream ballet'
Stopped reading right there. You mean the internet that eats tide pods, popularized fidget spinners, participates in blue whale challenges, and unironically believes staged pranks are good entertainment? That internet? Fuck off.

$1 billion worldwide guaranteed EASY. This is going to be the movie event of the century. Don't let mods censor us Catsbros.

Attached: cats.jpg (550x547, 69K)

Thank you, someone with fucking taste. Give me any Sondheim adaptation over this shit.

wow dude someone should like make this a screencap

This is just a taste for when they roll out the genetically engineered freakshow they're working on in secret. The future will be the stuff of nightmares. This is like the perfect combination of homosexuality, hedonism, and nightmare creature shit.

Meme this shit. Literally add shit to the plate.

This. It's going to be the greatest film of all time.

fucking furries

Attached: 3024975215_c2794e6333.jpg (303x296, 31K)

>creator of Sweeney Todd and West Side Story
Off yourself, nigger.

Should have given them cat noses to make the human faces look less out of place.

Attached: cat.jpg (399x431, 22K)!NNcCgIrI!0TwnrdCm11_ZlWtejjLY7vWiVK9oVvoyCRF9iSUSoOs
you're welcome.

Cats is the most AIDS infected musical ever and anyone who enjoys it is a massive homosexual.

Absolutely. I cannot remember laughing harder than I have at this trailer. I will turn up very slightly high and engage in uncontrollable, never-ending hysterics when I see this on the big screen

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Attached: cats (2019) trailer stills.jpg (460x878, 52K)

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I sure as shit can
in fact I will

Totally based poster

i'm actually excited for this film
looks great

based and catpilled

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i remember watching the southpark movie for the first time and thinking why the fuck are there songs in the middle of the movie, it just ruins it.
then in high school our faggot english teacher decides to spend the day having us watch a dvd copy of cats the musical
it was the single gayest and most boring fucking thing i could ever imagine existing
so not only do musicals suck, cats itself sucks dick too, no matter how many celebrities or CGI shit you throw at it
and before you go "well it's made so much money and lasted so long", fuck you. the only people who see it are fags who actually enjoy it and normies who go "wow it's so popular it must be good, lets check it out". big bang theory is cancer yet it made a ton of money, so being successful doesn't mean it doesn't suck

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yes, cats is totally gay.
you'd have to be a faggot to watch this haha...

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>So this is going to flop, right?
Not sure. It'll do okay, I guess - steller cast. I've seen the production live twice, one with a GREAT troupe, and the other with a mediocre one, and this feels like the mediocre one.

And, yes, I liked Cats, fuck you. It's fucking incredible live. I like all of his stuff. And no, not gay.

Couple of things:

1. Dialog. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. There is no fucking dialog in Cats!
2. Hudson, going from the trailer, has trashed Memories. It's THE showstopping song, it's the big song before the finale, and she is. just. fucking. awful. It's not a black and white thing - she can't fucking sing it. The Broadway soundtrack with Betty Buckley is the definitive version, followed equally by Elaine Page, and this simply isn't in the same class. At all.
3. Rebel Wilson. Fuck you, movie producers. FUCK YOU.
5. The costumes are too plain, compared to the stage production, and making them small and CGI and cat sized in human sized rooms is fucking awful.
6. The production is set in alleys and a junkyard,and is overblown and cartoony - this looks like Burton's Alice In Wonderland. Not thrilled here. The whole coolness factor of the stage show is they had the set flow off the stage, so the junk surrounded you.
7. Did I say FUCK YOU for Rebel Wilson?

So, eh. It will probably do okay, but it's always going to be better on stage, with a good troupe. It's a great show, the music is better live, and the dancing isn't ballet enough to be boring.

Fucking Rebel Wilson. I fucking hate that fat bitch. Why? Fucking why? Why is she the go-to for any movie with singing now? Why?

The suits in the movie are too plain, the ones in the stage show are better, more ornate and filled out. This looks like humans with cosplay cat shit. The stage play looked more "cat" like.

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My issue is they put no effort into their face. It doesn't even look like they're wearing a cat suit rather it feels like I'm seeing footage from something else slapped onto the cat's head. It's jarring as fuck to look at and now I'm mad cause you made me curse.

This movie is cats but not in the fucking 80s.

>1980 Cats is kino
>1998 Cats is kino
>2019 Cats is flickerino
what the fuck happened?

I know I'll get shit for this, but Madonna did pretty well in Evita, as far as singing goes. Another great show that just wasn't translated right onto screen - but she did a good job.

eleven billion dollars

A cat is fine too

yeah just ignore the scenes where male cats are prancing around like faggots

It's too weird to flop. Everyone will have to see this monstrosity for themselves. Imagine it high.

Ah, fuck. You nailed it, right there.

You are mistaken. I'm not a furry.
I was merely saying the most vocal dissension regarding the film is probably coming from the furries.

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they dry hump the fat-tight-dancer asses of the lady cats bro.
maybe you should watch it again post-puberty, you'll notice some things.

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Pikachu looked excellent, fuck off.

Maybe it's because they cast Emmy Rossum in a part written for Sarah Brightman?

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By not having a human face

Since she still looks good with just the centre of her face on a CG cat body, is this proof that Swift is truly a beauty?

The hair covering the area of her human ears makes her one of the few characters that aren't immediately made of pure liquid nightmare fuel. They were never going to not look like humans in costume, so they should't have digitally chopped off the ears. Hair is the answer. Hair gives all the benefits of not showing ears, with none of the horror show of showing an earless human head.

You can guarantee the stars, or their agents, demanded that their faces be clear and recognisable. At the very least they should paint cat-like noses and eye makeup on them as with the pic in .

Probably this.
I'm 58 and my wife is 69 and we both are looking forward to seeing it. (Although it always makes her cry. )


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or just have took after Spielberg
how is this still a problem nowadays

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I look forward to it

So a true tour de france?

>not gay

Looks pretty fucking gay to me

It has Elaine Page, too, and a solid supporting cast. Page is worth the price, alone.

>dude how can I relate to this thing if it doesn't have my face

That looks stupid but acceptable. It looks like the dopey stage musical. The deepfake they're going with is absurd and hideous

I'm sure he's crying on his massive bed of actual money that you don't like his work.


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Cats is the reason the average person thinks they hate musical theatre.

>the mentality of the hfyfag
not surprised though, the lot would kill their own kin just for having different levels of melanin
how petty and edgy could these puny bipedal rats be

Furries are going to start deepfaking onto fucking cats.

>Swift now has boobs
>make the cat Swift flat

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>School of Rock
>Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat
>Love Never Dies
>The Woman in White
>All better than Cats
People just hate Cats because its narrative isn't the focal point of the show; it's more of a musical revue than a musical play

Is this actually any good or are people just pretending to like it to virtue signal because they made the founding father all black?
The only snippets of songs I’ve heard from it sound mediocre.

shit man I ain't got a problem with people I'm just upset about normies

It's time for you to actually ask a woman out on a date, you're huffing yourself retarded on porn.

the latter
it's fucking broadway, user; anyone who unironically likes that shit is going to be a far-left faggot

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So you haven't seen it.

I don't personally like it but it works much better in person than it does as an album
The rhymes are really awkwardly contrived and Miranda sucks at singing
virtue-signalling helps

where the fuck did those come from?

fuck no
why would I?

oh yeah I feel you
I sometimes get deep into the redpill

she bought them


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Why did you claim to know it is bad if you haven't seen it?


Agreed. Her tits are like her personality... fake.

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I've absorbed it

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The Sound of Music is in my top 5. Julie Andrews could sing her grocery list, and it would be better than the crap they put out now.

preparing you for the end of civilization, just tryna spook ya before we all go

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Don't be ridiculous, she would never

So you mean real

>he didn't know about her inflation

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The new pair look so good though

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From the best plastic surgeon in Los Angeles, of course.

Even as a little kid being forced to watch it in elementary school, I thought Cats was the faggiest shit ever.

Gene Roddenberry died in 91

Google has become sentient. It's blackmailing Hollywood producers with their underage sex videos. It's forcing them make movies like this, over and over, in an attempt to master stylization and anthropomorphism. That's the only explanation at this point.

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Did Swift really get a boobjob?

crazy how essentially infinite money and international notoriety will get you the best things done by the best people.

They look fine - not into her at all, so I don't really care, but she didn't go too big. Of course, the incels here will baw because she didn't get 36HHHHHHHHH "CHRISTINA HENDRICKS MOMMY" size.

She coupled it with getting a little thicker so she's not a stick anymore

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say it ain't so

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That does help too

this is the gigachad of cats, the fact that you see this as gay says more about you user.

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Cats and Also Taylor Swift Breast Discussion

never saw the appeal of this downie to be honest.
her eyes are always half-closed, she looks like she might actually be mentally challenged or something.
Is it just pajeets worshipping any blonde white woman again?

she got heavier, and her tits got bigger, learn biology, no surgery


I notice you missed this photoShe gained weight, but also gained manufactured breasts.

Fuck off back to twitter, summer.

literally looks like a boy...

Correct, when silicone was put in her, she got heavier, and her tits got bigger.

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Literally doesn't

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The weight gain is where the tits came from genius.

That is much better

is this a cat in the hat musical or some strange spin off to a fantastic planet were the blue giant aliens have created cat-human hybrids to catch us?... if they would give them just cat heads and paws would it look much less unanny valley. or this remember me of this one futurama episode with the animal show where a cat alien had a little human as a pet.

what beautiful boys do you know, user?

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>that fucking nose and lips

have you ever seen a fat chick before?
They dont gain 90% of their weight in tits.
If her tits got that big from only weight gain, her hips, thighs, and face would be much more bloated than they are

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why are you copypasting this of all things?

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She is heavier and thicker now, but not THAT much heavier/thicker. Not enough to go from almost flat to three cup sizes bigger.

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She is thicker all around.

nice profile

somehow by breaking the illusion of the CG its also broken the uncanny valley and it just looks better

It lends things a sort of Uncanny Valley effect, doesn't it?

She's a bit thicker. Enough to have some ass and thighs instead of a stick figure. But not enough to suddenly have big tits.She had a boobjob some time back, this was well documented even if she never acknowledged it.

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I don't know what area you live in that is apparently populated by 13/10s that would make you think she's a "downie", but I want to move there.

user who is in denial of Swift's enhancements, no one is insulting her over it. The new tits look great and frankly she's never been hotter than she is at the moment.

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At her age, they wouldn't be that firm or sitting that high up, either. But you can always spot the virgins, who don't know how boobs work. And, they're the ones who get angry when you say they're fake, like it matters. I've actually fucked a woman with implants, it doesn't matter in the least, as long as they look good. Boobs are boobs.

That was such a major part of the makeup in the show and it's completely gone in the movie. The actors should be embarassed of being in it anyway so I am glad we can all see their faces clear as a bell.

They should have gone full-on animated with it. No it would not be a perfect port of the play, but the Lion King play is not a perfect port of the movie. You play to the strengths of the medium or you end up with a disaster. This movie looks worse than Sonic.

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>her age
she isn't old

>unironically dresses like a bat
>shanked a legit catgirl
He Bruce Wayne the ultimate furry?

There's a stigma against fake tits. Like having them makes the girl a "slut" or a pornstar or something. Swift didn't go get cheap bolt-ons that's for sure, she's rich, you wouldn't even be able to tell they were fake.

maybe, I think he's just too chad for his cowl to contain.
Women would die for him, just entranced by his raw musk.

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Yes. His primary booty call is a woman who dresses up like a cat, too. And they've had sex both in and out of costume.

I didn't say she was old, I said "at her age" - she's hitting 30, and that's when most women's breasts are dropping, or starting to. She has the tits of a 16-18 year old - which is what women who get implants pay to look like.

the stigma is from two things.
1. it's fucked up to spend thousands of dollars for unnecesary surgery out of vanity. There are people who can't afford their treatment for breast cancer and you're putting balloons in there.

2. Most of the time it does look like shit. No matter what anyone says about whatever doctor, there's no accounting for scarring.
They have to put them in somehow, whether it's under the tit or through the areola and scarring can vary wildly person to person.
The chance of getting a pair that not only has a good shape but doesn't scar is unlikely, the numbers just aren't in your favor.

did she dead?

they can do them in the armpit now, it barely scars and it's not an area you would see much anyway, and the tits are completely unscathed

Not so much anymore, probably half the women I know have them, or are planning on them, including my sister. It's pretty hard to run into women that don't have them. I'm not some turbo chad fucking a new woman every day, and I've dated a woman with them. Plus, the techniques have gotten to the point you can't tell, if they go to the good doctors.

no, Grundy got to "play" with her.

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wow, this world has really gone to shit

but Bruce and Cheetah, or Barbara, would make the purrfect couple
One has research that could enhance the sentient life that earth is hosted by, the other has a lot of money; which is all the former needs to continue
Together, they are an unstoppable force. Even moreso than Black Panther and Stark combined

>fur coats
One of you incels better do your thing at the cinema

They were developing a animated adapation of Cats around 1991. It never ended up happening but it had a lot of concept art

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Here's the stigma tool now

>d-don't shame me for being unethical, I'm just being me!
cancer of the modern age

You m8s complaining about fat fake tits looking less fake?


There really isn't stigma for the cost, virgin. There are some who think it's "slutty", but it's a common procedure. And the woman who I fucked who had them looked great, and you could barely see the scars.
There's a lot of woman around who had it done because of breast cancer, and they seem to be pretty happy with them. Again, it's the incels and virgins who bizarrely get angry about it, even though most of the actresses they obsess over have them - and most actresses in Hollywood do. I'm kind of shocked Emma Watson hasn't done it yet.

They're just boobs. I can't recall the last time I saw anyone get triggered over implants, outside of Yea Forums.

show me a single pair of confirmed fakes that don't look fake.
just one.
I'll wait.


>There's a lot of woman around who had it done because of breast cancer
most women who have breasts removed don't even bother with prosthetics let alone reconstructive surgery, you're just larping now.

Swift handled it smartly by the looks of it. She didn't try to give herself DD tits, from being flat. Looks like she got a small boobjob, while also gaining weight to be thicker, and of course she has healthy pushup in those red carpet dresses. The end result is her looking like she's sporting Ds while only having small implants.

Probably half of the actresses in Hollywood? Under a D cup, it's not that easy to spot.

>can't give me a single example in all the women across the globe despite claiming 50% of women do it now
yeah, nice try.
It's as disgusting as trannies getting their dicks mutilated, leave surgery to keeping the body alive.


another virgin

Balloon bowling ball breasts are as clear as day to see
The fakeness with the silicon itself is fairly gross

still waiting.

Anri Okita

Sure, Jan

have sex

Whelp, yet another thread destroyed by an angry incel. Was fun, until he showed up.

do americans not have butter knives lmao wtf

Why would they need a butter knife? The tub will do fine.

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wow, no.

>humanoid animal people
The word you're looking for is "furries". On that note, go back to your containment board.

is this where you deny fakes if they look too real to disprove your claim?

no, I mean her tits are literally real you retard

asexual nutcases like that really need to be put to the side, or down
they're way of "life" is just to keep people inside these torture meatsacks for all long as possible

They literally aren't.

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the one on the right is like 10 years later after she retired and got pregnant

Don't post Clawshrimpy.

Why are you lying? That's from early in her JAV career. It's an old set.