Slap Jap kino incoming

Slap Jap kino incoming

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finally a ww2 flick that isn't just 'muh holocuast' over and over

THE CGI sucks, looks fake

Looks like a war thunder trailer honestly

How so?

>its another shitty Pearl Harbor flick

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Kill all nips kino. BASED

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Jesus Christ, it looks like a straight sequel from the Michael Bay Pearl Harbor movie, shitty CGI, plot and historical inaccuracy included.

real midway kino comming thrrough

>t. Buck-tooth yellow manlet

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>Another movie by straight white males starring straight white males targeted towards straight white males

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Name 3 movies like this from this year

looks really shit.

Kek just the movie to remind Japs that America isn't their friend.

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is this gonna be another pearl harbor? yikes from me pensai

Have Sex.
Have Sex, and
Have Sex.

Trolling bullshit aside, it looks cheap and corny as hell. Haven't seen a movie like that in years, definitely gonna watch it.

CGI looks 10 years old and it hasn't even come out yet.

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Mfw the Akagi sinks

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Yep, I miss dumb masculine action movies


because the US military influences Hollywood and they're gearing up for WW3

>WWII film
Into the trash it goes

>Making a war movie in 2019
It's not 2002 anymore, this shit is gonna bomb HARD. Audiences want MCU/quips.


>Brits made Dunkirk
>Yanks made this

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>Japan and China uniting against the US
lol, this will NEVER happen. The only thing that surpasses jap hatred for chink is jap hatred for koreans. And there's nothing that surpasses chink hatred for japs

Why are Americans so obsessed with war movies?

Why did they cast an English actor to play an American? I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. Hollywood really is run by kikes.


hahaha wtf is this bullshit

Not really anymore we're obsessed with capeshit now.

lol stop whining incel

We're really good at it.


they deserved it

marketing from 2002. This movie is going to tank, US doesn't care about patriotism and war movies anymore. Just capeshit.

The Americans did way better before

Sush a terrible trailer, jesus.

Like with almost everything on the planet, Dunkirk was made with American money.

You are now manually remembering the Michael Bay Pearl Harbour movie.

looks like a video game

what happened to gritty realism

This would cost 1b today.

What episode of I Love Lucy was this from?

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Because where the money comes from that's what counts. Hence why to this day everyone talks about the Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Pope Julius II.

This. I'm not watching some cgi fest about ww2.

>everyone talks about the Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Pope Julius II.
No, everyone talks about the Sistine Chapel Ceiling by the Catholic Church.

It looks like absolute trash.


ur mum, ur mom and eeeeet my cunt, faget!

I challenge you to come up with a WW2 movie that has a unique premise and isn’t shit.

Save everyone's time and tell us what would you consider a non-unique premise.

2 hours of Russian soldiers raping German women

This is what civilizational decline looks like.


That's not the issue. The issue is there are a million war movies they'll never make and about four that they continually remake.

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See comment below yours.

Yeah, I'm sure they'll mention Anthony Burgess' first wife.

Kelly's Heros

What’s the story with that?

It's so tiring to have to put up with you /pol/ crossposting incels every fucking day of the week, I don't know if I want to keep visiting this board anymore. Every day you are bitching about something new, something that doesn't affect you in the slightest, and then you have the nerve to call other people 'sensitive' or 'snowflakes'. There's always something race or gender related bothering you, and for some reason you come to bitch here instead of staying in your containment board. You always come here and post the same comments, the same old memes, it doesnt matter what the subject is, you are going to say the same shit regardless. You're all so boring and repetitive, like an old broken record.

You are legitimately taking the fun out of this place. This board used to be great, but now it's turning to shit. You are driving old posters away and replacing them with more like-minded incels. I dont like this board anymore.

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Wrong on all counts. Chinese opinion of Japs has only risen since Trump's trade war.

"The Last Battle: When U.S. and German Soldiers Joined Forces in the Waning Hours of World War II in Europe"

It's a tenuous and temporary relationship though, literally an 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' thing, but what happens when US is gone? Japan and China go back to being competitors over East Asia.

Violently gang raped during a blackout. Required hospitalization and was slightly mad afterwards.
Black men in WWII behaved like black men before and after WWII.

this, in case anons don't know what happened

Last I heard it was getting a movie

>anyone who disagrees with me is /pol/
Remember that whole Russian hacker thing? Why did that fizzle, is it because Mueller was an inept nothing whose main job was being Whitey Bulger's protector?

Fast forwarding to the first possible point the Americans weren't getting their asses handed to them. Kek.

That’s very racist of you

Hacksaw Ridge was kino. Just about bravery and faith. But nerds will cry because Vince Vaughn does some call of duty stuff

The fuck are they suppose to make a movie about? Nips taking irrelevant islands full of other Asians?

Tamaichi Hara had a truly amazing career. He should get a movie instead of redoing a movie that was already made better.
>recognized as brilliant while still in Japan's naval academy
>invents a new type of torpedo which becomes the standard
>rejects corporal punishment, treats his men like men
>defeats or evades superior forces at every encounter
>loses steering in a fight. Rigs up an old-fashioned rudder like Oddysseus would recognize. Makes it to drydock. Engineer says, come here, we want you to see something.
>there's a perfect circle punched out of his original rudder where a torpedo shot through it.
>Hara: you know, at one point it did become more difficult to steer.

Yeah, funny thing about skin color, it can make a take-back-the-night feminist argue for legalizing rape.

Fuck that Mary Sue writer self-insert

>Fast forwarding to the first possible point the Americans weren't getting their asses handed to them
when did they get their asses handed to them?

Have you seen Kokodo?

Pearl Harbor and many early naval engagements.

>Nips taking irrelevant islands full of other Asians?
minus the island part but city of life and death

They should do one about the Japanese conquest of Singapore and British Malaya. Imagine Pearl Harbor lasting a month, with both sides staying awake nearly the whole time and fighting desperately through the jungle on no sleep.

Right. Because movies like
>Hacksaw Ridge
>The Imitation Game
>The Monuments Men
etc., do not exist.


there was tons of kino battles in Burma.

Do the Chindits have a movie?
Imagine a force of pogues doing office stuff, being asked to come into the big room, and being told that everything was just blown up, and they are now front-line mountain and jungle infantrymen with minimal support.

>Battle of the Java Sea
>Battle of the Coral Sea

nothing i can think of.

Bridge over the river Kwai há the Chindit


>Slap Jap kino
Again? Pacific is all we need t b h

>Amerilards living in the glorious past.
Ready to follow the british empire.

>Roland Emmerich

Absolutely not

I just cannot take Andrew Garfield seriously. He has by far the most punchable face in hollywood. The fact that Vaughn is in it is kino repellent.

My only concern is that it's directed by Roland Emmerich, the most globalist man in hollywood. He won't do it justice.

It's always about Pacific, Nam and Gulf War to the burgers isn't it. How about a high budget movie about the Korean War for once, jesus

At least there wasn´t a nigger in sight.
Emmerich was probably too German autistic to get the Jew memo.

Is this even interesting from the American perspective? It was a crushing victory, so where is the drama?

kek, he talked about Tiananmen and triggered the chink gov

>It was a crushing victory, so where is the drama?
We don't really care about drama
In fact drama irritates people, they want to see a slamdunk victory over the enemy, whoever they may be

too bad japs don't feel the same.

Name the last action movie in which you felt actual tension or any kind of real threat

I can almost guarantee it's over ten years old.

Letters from iwo Jima was the last good ww2 movie

Hard to make a movie about a war that doesn't have a single good thing to show for it.

>Battle of the Java Sea
That was more of an Allied loss considering the fleet was made up of Dutch, British, Australian, and American ships

>Battle of the Coral Sea
Tactical defeat, Strategic victory. They may have lost the Lexington, but the USN sank Shoho, damaged Shoukaku, and destroyed enough of Zuikaku's aircrew that both Shoukaku and Zuikaku wouldn't be available to join at Midway.

>a war that doesn't have a single good thing to show for it
But that also applies to Vietnam and Gulf

Vietnam has longevity tied to numerous presidencies, some with pretty significant moments, plus most of those movies were made when that generation was still going strong. They're getting phased out now, though.

>Hara, as told in his memoirs, was a Christian and refused to let his men mistreat American prisoners.

>Korean War
Honestly, I haven't heard of let alone seen most of these. Why is there no big Korean Kino on the level of ww2 or Nam?

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>All CG and bad CG at that

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>How about a high budget movie about the Korean War for once, jesus
literally nobody cares about the korean war

Just need a modern version of this set in 1942 with Mr. Limpet taking on German subs as in the original novel.

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Then let's hope America is gone soon.

They do. Ask them.


Also, are there even any Gulf War movies?

A lot of pilots died though and it's only the last wave of fighters that dealt the killing blow.

Looking at it from the IJN perspective makes it more heartbreaking. America got lucky.

They would've gotten away unscathed if it weren't for that final wave of planes.

Three Kings. It was more of a heist movie though.

>intelligence didn't predict pearl harbor

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>lets put the entire navy fleet at one location during a world war

fuck off mel

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>Violently gang raped during a blackout

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they dont and it wont

>non american

source they were black?

They hit you with the rolling propellor right before the title, they knew it was kino.

Slap a Jap.... So that's what the enemy is to you, huh? A fuckin' buck-toothed cartoon dreamed up by some asshole on Madison Avenue to sell soap? Well let me tell you something: the Jap I know, the Japanese soldier, he has been at war since you were in FUCKIN' DIAPERS! He's a combat veteran, an expert with his weapon. He can live off of maggoty rice and muddy water and endure misery you couldn't dream up in your worst nightmare! The Japanese soldier doesn't care if he gets hurt or killed, as long as he kills you.

Now you can call them whatever you want but never, ever, fail to respect their desire to put you and your buddies into an early grave, IS THAT CLEAR?!

Fires On The Plain
The Dawns Here Are Quiet
To Be Or Not To Be
12 O'Clock High

dunno lol wiki it

Check out this trailer:

dude, the Japanese were invincible until the very last moment, it was ridiculous

Cave of the Negroes


There was a code breaking angle.

The victory was far from certain. Every time the battle is played as a wargame, the Japanese side wins.

Black Cat movie when?

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That CGI is so bad it's almost illegal.

Remember when they made war movies with actual planes from the war?

Watched The Battle of Britain. No tracer rounds of any kind. They could have animated them in.

>mini trailer before the actual trailer

The fact that it ended up being any sort of victory at all for the Americans is what makes it interesting. If you look at it all on paper and (as another user mentioned) in all the wargames done on the subject, America shouldn't have won, especially not so thoroughly. Even in the event of an American victory it should have still been a bit more balanced.

Go read up on it, it's crazy shit.

This, greatest war movie of all time

Intelligence told Stalin that jewrmans will attack. He trusted the treaty they signed.
I'm sure at some point intelligence knew about everything, but it was dismissed or deliberately ignored.

>Patrick Wilson

Those special effects look BAD!
>Roland Emmerich
NOPE. I'm a massive WWII history buff and Emmerich is not the guy to do this kind of adaptation, Christ it looks like Pearl harbor 2.0 with worse special effects.

They needed to spend at least $50 million more to make that shit look more acceptable, that scene in the trailer showing an aircraft carrier looked like something from an xbox 360 game.


this is red tails without the niggers

Red tails really shit on the Tuskegee airmen didn’t it

Reminder that Midway was won largely on luck. The Japanese were objectively the superior warriors in that battle. Despite the battle starting favorably according to US plan.

If only Japs weren't such bugmen with a destructive disregard for their own side's lives and had some sort of competent damage control system, they might have won.

The Coldest War would make an amazing outline for a movie. First third is the marines slowly pushing north and finding absolutely, then them finding Chinese soldiers but blowing it off, and then the last half is just total mayhem.

>The Japanese were objectively the superior warriors in that battle

how were the japs attacking american freedom?

nice propaganda

Taeguki is the official Korean kino for the Korean war. But personally I thought it was very mediocre and cheesy.

Tora x 3 is my favorite war film and one of my favorites overall but its also a film that makes me sad considering what could have possibly been. Initially the Japanese part was supposed to be directed by Akira Kurosawa who signed on to direct on the understanding that among other things the American part was to be directed by David Lean. These ware all lies from the start by Fox so he eventually dropped out of the picture but I like to think there is an alternative timeline to ours somewhere where a Lean/Kurosawa version of Tora! Tora! Tora! exists. Its probably 6 hours long and its glorious.

>superior warriors
nice meme country you got there

>Reminder that Midway was won largely on luck

Thats bullshit. The very way they discovered that the attack will take place at Midway was a 300IQ 3d chess move.

I think the same

>Its probably 6 hours long and its glorious.


This is really impressive propaganda tbqh

I lol'd

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>Nolan pushes the boundaries of WW2 cinema by using actual planes
>Meanwhile the US propaganda machine uses CGI that looks worse than the CGI from a film that came out almost 20 years ago

Neck yourself