cast him
Cast him
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Danny Trejo's left nut
I never know if this means to cast him as an actor, or an actor to play him in his inevitable biopic.
based autist
idris elba
Just let him play himself
Jaden Smith
>cast him
How is this not auto-banned yet?
Michael cera
Peter dinklage
like I told that faggot on the Twitter
looks like pic related but without any of the charisma
Isn't this faggot like 5'4 or something hahaha
I never know either :(
I legit thought about this the other day and came up with a hilarious casting choice...
...and now I can't remember it.
Going nuts over here, can't remember wtf it was.
Jay Baruchel
I thought of a multi-million dollar idea one night before I went to sleep and forgot about it by the next morning. Don't beat yourself up too much.
You will never be white.
He's like an edgy neckbeard and a dorky college republican rolled into one
He's not wrong.
based. Finna bouta start watching this guy's stuff.
is he still going to talk to schizobear or not?
i'm craving some shitflinging these days.
he constantly references MDE and uses Yea Forums lingo irl. pretty cringe if you ask me
he's right
>knowing who this is
You best start believing in zoomer threads, user.
have sex
Is Yea Forums a Owen Benjamin or a Nick Fuentes board?
Did you not include me because you could instinctively tell that I'm a Chad?
Owen wants Nick to pay him for a debate. Pathetic.
Being intimidated by women having jobs from secretaries and nurses instead of being "Stay at home" mothers when you're 25 doesn't make you a Chad
Explain how he's wrong.
Nick needs to get woke on anti-market capitalism like Tucker
>self described white nationalist
>has the last name "fuentez"
the right as a whole needs to
Elliot roger
Man, I haven't seen a Reviewbrah episode in a while
He literally makes fun of libertarians all the time on his show you idiot
He's literally denounced the free-market idealism of the right a million times you retard
He’s not a white nationalist lol. He’s a self prescribed afro latino campus conservative
you alt-retards are fucking pathetic.
I'm a Socialist, but I've seen him in a few debates.
They aren't as pathetic as you are, though.
I'd lean more on Nick, but that's cuz I really hate jews
I don't know who this is
>Streaming live from my garage because I've been banned from family gatherings for threatening to beat up my wife's father over the legitimacy of the moonlanding.
The Chad retard
Then who would play his superior nemesis SteveMRE?
>B-B-But posterity!
Move on Booger Nick, you've been dunked on.
>you've been dunked on
The miz
any Afro-Latino campus conservative will do
>has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Lauren Southern, Dick Masterson, Fuentes, Digibro, NakedApe, NoBS in debates
>Blaire White is scared of him
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog
>Destroyed his marriage
>Destroyed the development of his son
>Destroyed His Twitter account
>tfw im a castizo white nationalist that looks totally white and theres nothing you can do to prevent my 1/8 native american self from infiltrating your neighborhood
who could we cast that is really eating their boogers live?
he's a neonazi
and? theres nothing wrong with national socialism, ww2/holocaust were manifestations of early 20th century central european politics
How can a man so tiny be so based
I will never not love watching Owen spiral into abject psychosis.
Denzel Washington
>tiny white nationalist beaner manlet who eats his own boogers on camera and can't do a single pull up
>this is who zoomers look up to
He works out at the library and can use his big brain to neutralize any enemy.
Nick's top five favorite films
>Taxi Driver
>Its a Wonderful Life
>Citizen Kane
Does he have good taste in kino?
pretty good, ngl
I like Nick. He's a young inexperienced faggot but his powerlevel is still pretty high. He is dead wrong about being a Christcuck though. He laments jew orchestration of western degradation but also supports being a christcuck moron whose pope authority tries to browbeat white nations into accepting hordes of brown invaders and washes brown people feet. lol. Christcuckery is not the answer Nicky my man.
That list says to me he is afraid of taking risks in expressing himself. It's too conventional. That's ok and normal for a 20 year old though, so nothing against him for the list.
Every Catholic: Jews are a subversive gay cabal who fuck kids
Also every Catholic: Support a subversive gay cabal who fuck kids.
Everything Catholics say about DA JOOS applies directly to them. The only argument they have against this is "b-b-but da joos do it too" as if that's a valid excuse.
shut the fuck up pagan
ok zoomer, someday you will understand. If only more white nationalists understood spiritual power and mechanics they could see why the most potent figures/political organizations all employ spirituality and occult thought-forms instead of goy-bait red herring organized religion.
He's a spic, of course he supports the brown people religion of open borders. The fact that he and others have fooled "white nationalists" into supporting it shows how retarded and easily misled they are.
imagine actually thinking this creatura makes good arguments
I wouldn't go that far. The kikes at the top are a special brand of parasitic evil ritual occult spiritual alchemists. They certainly do not subscribe to the written word of any religious code that is publicly available and well known That is a ruse for dumb fucking cattle, jews and gentiles alike.
These people are operating on levels that are unfathomable to normies and even a significant people on Yea Forums who are exposed to fringe "out there" ideas.
>joining a gay open borders pedo cult because you like the "aesthetics" and racists on the internet told you it would own the jews
He'd have to play himself; I don't think you could find any actor who is Chad, based & redpilled enough to play him.
I like him, but Eric Striker is much better. He isn't afraid to come out and say that he's a literal nazi and doesn't give a shit any optics.
Not a pagan. Enjoy your judeo-christian values lmao!
He's literally the spitting image of the virgin meme
If you think Nick Fuentes has anything worthwhile to say you are literally retarded.
>destroyed NakedApe
I wouldn't really categorize ragequitting the debate because you're getting completely owned as a victory but, to each their own, I guess.
Too bad he only pretends to be Catholic
Both are great but shouldnt cross streams. As much as i like Enoch and Eric if Nick started talking like them he'd lose his show in an instant. We need people on both sides of the fence, those who speak total truth and those who can speak some truths to power
But he makes le epic gamer references while saying the same shit boomer conservatives do. That is based and redpilled.
meant for
Dude that's most Catholics. It appeals to criminals, homosexuals and hypocrites.
I've never met a Catholic who didn't come from a broken home or wasn't a homo.
boomer conservatives shill for big business and zionism, nickj is a literal fucking fascist. you have no idea what you're talking about.
>I'm 91% white if you add in the fact that my soul is also white
Maybe you should move out of the barrio, retard
lol he's a conservative weasel. Ben Shapiro + antisemitism, live from his mother's basement.
If there was to ever be a live action adaptation of Bob's Burgers, he would definitely make a good Jimmy Jr.
traditionalist monarchism isn't fascism retard
This. But it's somehow even LARPier.