Any kinos out there with this feel?

any kinos out there with this feel?

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Damn, they fucked that little guy up.


Based Yibo.

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Holy shit no wonder niggers hate niggers so much when they treat their little kids that way. Fucks sake orange shirt nigger at least tried a little bit while other two niggers ready to beat the little niglet for not being good enough.

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he was 22

my life

well fuck. sad

jeez he almost looks human

These middle aged housewife tier garbage talent shows would actually be watchable if they judged as objectively as this council of gorillas.
3 years later little snotling comes back shredded to fuck doing back flips and insane shit he's been training for years, fuelled by his drive to be good enough to qualify.
Really shows just how feminised western society is.


Nigeria is like the biggest moraless shithole on the planet, there is a whole ecosystem of parasites that live by scamming ppl on Internet

fucking savage

Am I the only one that was upset by this? I normally don’t give a fuck but he’s a little guy that can’t help he has that condition and he’s just trying to do his own thing. That big big and that cunt were absolute assholes. Of course his dance wasn’t the best but crucifying him like. I just feel bad for the little guy. Want to buy him a beer and tell him to not let those fuckers let him down.

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I don't feel bad for him. He didn't do anything. He just shuffled slightly on his feet.

Nah, the little dude didn't have any redeemable skills. We can't as a society begin to lower our standards as low as that guy is.

Yeah it was shuffling but I liked his heart for it. It wasn’t skilled obviously but what can he do with his condition right? I don’t know user it just feels like someone pure like him shouldn’t be put down by people who are complete shit.

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I would've like to see his next level though.

Yeah at the very least. Like we’ve all done retarded stuff or sucked at something. It’s not like you can’t get better. He just seems really wholesome and hopeful. He didn’t deserve to be treated like that.

>Not listening to the Glue70 Casin mix featuring him dancing for 2 hours
Disappointed, anons

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