Watching both as a double feature tonight. I don’t care for Scott at all, but I love Denis and 2049 looks visually stunning.
Needless to say, I’m more hyped for 2049 than the originals Blade Runner.
What am I in for? Which is better in your eyes?
What am I in for?
original is better, both are good movies
You will see how shit the new one is,the score is terrible.
The first one is a masterpiece of cinema. Blade Runner 2049 is just eye-candy. Don't get me wrong it looks good, but it has little in the way of substance. If I were you I'd skip the original, sounds like you'll hate having to sit through a film with a good story and thematic elements.
Both are must see kinos, especially if you like cyberpunk.
Jared Leto's performance in 2049 was amazing. It made me completely forgive him for Suicide Squad.
He was the worst part of the movie.
Worthwhile opinion
This is true, literally the only problem with the movie why didn't they cast someone older??
If you think a performance like that was the worst part of the movie, that pretty much solidifies it as a must-see masterpiece.
Original is literally the best movie Scott ever made and will probably make you a fan. Honestly his recent stuff is more understandable once you realise he's about to turn 80. 2049 is about as good as a modern day sequel could be although I do kinda glaze over at certain points with the visuals. It looks good but once you realise how much of it all is digital it just kinda bores me where the originals sets and models still captivate me everytime I watch it.
I think 2049 is slightly better than the original.
>i just love the A E S T H E T I C of blade runner 2049, it's just so dynamic and reminds me of my FAVORITE FUTURISTIC DYSTOPIAN ANIMES!!! Also the Ryan Gosling AHHH :D face really hits home when I realize I will never pass or have my dragongirl GF sit on my face in real life
Acting and dialogue in the new one is shit. It's a decent movie though. The original is kino.
My recommendation is that you watch the two films a day apart.
Both are extremely good, but there is a large timeskip and a nice over night reflection over the first film will only improve your experience of the sequel that more.
this, don't listen to the trolls
The only good actors in 2049 were Gosling and Ford. Everyone else was extremely poor
same, and I love them both
They're not trolls you fucking faggot. I bet you're one of those incels who use Ryan Gosling as reaction images.
Sylvia Hoeks had one of the most impressively subtle and deeply nuanced tragic performances in recent cinema history though.
>inb4 villenew discord trannie brigade
>extremely poor
False. Bautista's character? Joi? Love? The memory maker? That guy that ran the child labor sweat shop? The hooker? And no, Leto's performance was incredible. Above and beyond what I thought he was capable of.
Cuban women are prime.
I love both Blade Runner films and I hate trannies.
I honest to god can't believe there's now a movie where fucking Dave Bautista of all people gives the best performance despite only having 10 minutes of screentime.
>Bautistas charcter
Yeah he was decent but he didn't have much screen time. His acting wasn't very impactful.
>Joi and Love
Love played a male character. Everything about that casting was a disaster. Her dialogue was awful too. "Aww come one get your fucking job" had to cringe during that scene. Her whole character had no development. She was a slave to Wallace but expressed discontent at what he did (like when he killed the newly born replicant) but they never developed on it. Joi wasn't very good either. She played a loving housewife role adequately but she was nothing compared to Sean Young's performance of Rachel. Leto was a disaster.
Movies are much different, it won't even feel like a sequel. You will probably love one and hate the other. They're both a must see anyway
The score would seem better if the mivie was better.
Why are Brie Larson and Emilia Clarcke everywhere but Hoeks vanished after BR?
because americans are born eating shit
Leto was the only interesting thing in the movie. He wasn't in it enough.
Autism 2049
He was fucking shit. He was trying to come off as some sort of "God" character but it made no sense. He was acting as if he was the main character. Tyrell made far more sense since he was portrayed as a capitalist who built disposable work slaves and felt no guilt for it. Wallace whole character made no sense.
>Her whole character had no development
I disagree, Luv wants to be special just like K, but her only way of becoming special is by being "the best one" to Wallace, which is the tragic existence of her character.
She's like a 12 year old girl trapped in a killing machine body desperately wanting to prove herself while being unaware of the moral severity of her actions. She went from flirting with K to trying to hurt him in any way possible in order to become "the best one", even by mimmicking Wallace's actions (slicing K and then kissing him), so your point of that not going anywhere also isn't valid.
I mean her character development is so apparent that the costume designer even put it in your fucking face by transitioning her outfit from angelic all white to darker and darker outfits as the movie goes on until she's in full all black in her final scene.
>BR 2049
>Eye candy
Nope. The Emperor has no clothes and the movie looked like it was shot all indoors on a film set.
personally I enjoyed the sequel more than the original, though the original is probably a better film and more rewatchable.
Don't watch 2049 right after the original. Wait at least a day.
>but it made no sense
How so? That's the entire point, that he desperately wants to feed his God complex while only being a shadow of Tyrell not being able to replicate his brilliance.
His character made sense and you described him p3rfectly. It wasn't his fault that he stole every scene that he was in. It was the rest of the movies fault for being so mediocre.
I bet you liked Alita.
The new one is better than the original.