How do you guys feel about HD remasters of old shows?

Attached: Remasturbation.jpg (1000x1124, 554K)

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Which show did it best? Which worse?

Where’d they get all the extra footage?

It's literally always been there, top is how it had to be displayed on old TVs you fucking retard.

Don't call me a retard

Then don't say retarded things you dumb cunt

Why didn’t they just reformat the film so that it would fit TVs?


Post the Malcom in the Middle one. The one with the Dewy replacement.

I don't mind them if they didn't specifically film the shows with 4:3 in mind like Malcolm in the Middle season 1-3 where in the wide screen format you see stand ins and camera crew.
In that case obviously stick with 4:3

Attached: Not Hal.webm (706x390, 581K)

Attached: Malcolm x in the middle.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

Wow, molestation really changes you, huh

My personal favorite remaster has to be South Park. Since the show is computer animated the crew could just go to the old files and change the resolution so there's no need for cropping.

Attached: South Park Remastard.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

It took you under ten minutes to produce this
You dont have to open up 'joke' tabs, we all know already that you are mentally unwell.
The worst part is your tray is real lol.

Christ you're fucking retarded

Why would they have cropped it to get it bigger?

Don't call me retarded.

So what? I have loads of machines with fucked up clocks for various reasons plus I dont know if the guy is American how to understand the non standard format.

it took all the time to write this shitty message but none to look at the image
apply yourself moron

Attached: laughing business people.jpg (448x311, 19K)

A lot of remasters crop themselves to get a 16:9 image. Seinfeld is a good example.

Attached: And what's the deal with remasters.png (1280x1518, 3.9M)

Malcolm in the Middle one is weird, Seinfeld as well since at times it cuts their heads in the wider shot. I think Friends had it too.

I just googled Malcolm in the Middle 16:9 to get this image. It's not mine.

Some shots of Friends were cropped and some weren't. Not sure why.

Attached: 8cw61fbq0hh21.png (581x525, 55K)

Woah bored huh?

You accusing me of samefagging? I can prove you wrong.

What is it about friends that stand the rest of time so well while all the other copy cats like how i met have already been forgotten

You only replied to one post from me.

Attached: Get Fucked.jpg (465x154, 13K)


Buffy did it the worst without question

Attached: 10447393_590286621073630_7162366785964720669_n.png (712x200, 192K)

Pan n scan is such bullshit, it's really bad with The Simpsons
I don't get why people just can't live with the black bars. Like boo hoo not everything was meant to be displayed in widescreen, how awful

There's even a scene where the cameras/cameramen are FULLY exposed.

Attached: Holy fucking shit.jpg (1200x672, 67K)

I noticed this when watching trailer park boys again, the first few seasons have clear black bars but it adds to the guerrilla look and charm of it.
Then Season 7 comes along and it's fucking HD out the ass and it's incredibly jarring

Whenever many costumers see black bars (whether it's 4:3 or 2.39:1) they get confused or even angry. It's insane.

It's just marketing and at best ruins the framing and at worst does shit like this . These shows were filmed for 4:3. Watch them in 4:3, it's the better ratio anyways.

golly gee if you hadn't added that red arrow to the screenshot I would have never seen those guys, thanks user for pointing that out!

Again, I just google these images.

dude how the fuck am I supposed to see what's going on in this image

>change night scenes to day scenes
>alter color palate
>randomly crop shit even when you don't have to
>still leave production people everywhere
>DNR the everloving shit out of it

This level of incompetence had malice behind it.

It's so bad that there's an entire video on it.

shut up retard