>calls himself a film critic
>criticism consists entirely of pointing out plot holes in films
why is this allowed?
Calls himself a film critic
Other urls found in this thread:
why did he do it
>fucks dogs
>thinks he can criticise anyone for anything
Why is this allowed?
It's fun watching him tear into garbage, and he has a good depth of knowledge which makes him good for recs, but his criticism of actual good movies is mostly pretty shit.
>he has a good depth of knowledge
>"The cinematography was decent"
>Doesn't ever go beyond this
He's a massive hack
Holy fucking shit dude
How does he even think he's qualified to talk about film casually
Even so, he at least keeps up with modern films, so he's good for that.
But good goddamn. Does he actually think that?
Nobody gives a shit, dogfucker.
>film critic
>calls himself a furry
>private life consists entirely of fingering dog buttholes irl
why is this allowed?
Honestly I don't know how anybody can take him seriously
Watching him on the Sardonicast is one of the worst things ever just seeing him constantly be an asshole to IHE and Ralph, especially when he was an asshole to IHE for buying legos when he's a furry
Pointing out plot holes is fine. But not when that's pretty much 95% of what you talk about
Are they even plot holes most of the time? It just seems to be things he doesn't enjoy or a character not doing the 100% most rational thing in the moment.
Literally 99% of all YT movie reviewers.
this guy fucked my dog and gave his asshole a solid 8/10
He's a degenerate faggot, but other than that he's alright.
That's a high mark, user. Congrats.
because internet film critics are not real film critics
Cinematography is the thing that hack critics like to mention to appear like they know their shit but they actually have no idea what it is.
His far from home review was so fucking stupid
>start of the review "I really liked this movie it was fun"
>end of the review "this movie fucking sucks I have no idea if I like anything in this"
What the fuck did he mean by this?
Tbf IHE is a giant faggot and everyone should bully him.
tbqh, this dude needs to lay off the movie reviewing and get back to what he does best: fucking dogs
I showed my dog a picture of Adam and he started whimpering uncontrollably, what gives?
he got dog shit on his dick
>plot holes are the only example of shitty writing that exists
If you believe that someone can't be a critic without extensive knowledge of the history of the medium they critique, fine. I disagree strongly, but it's an opinion as valid as any others (at least, in MY opinion). What I don't like is all of the bashing. Using this as an excuse to shit on someone. It's the most film student-y BS, where you have all this knowledge that mutates into an unfounded superiority complex. It's the kind of elitism that breeds anti-intellectualism simply by being so repulsive. Can none of us have mercy?
Trannies love pointing out plot-holes, though. That's why they hate people like based Patrick Willems
>calls himself a film critic
>criticism consists entirely of jizzing in dog holes
why is this allowed?
>It fucking sucks I hate it so much
What he said about Citizen Kane doesn't represent a simple lack of depth, it's outright ignorance. You want film student-y BS? Sucking Citizen Kane's dick.
Quickie: My Dogs Ass
shut the fuck up Adum
What disinfectant does he recommend?
>calls himself a critic
>rapes dogs
why is this considered okay?
how fuming is he that there isn't a Dogs film right now, cause he fucks dogs, get it, haha
he doesn't disinfect anything, especially his penis. which smells like the shitty assholes of a thousand stray dogs.
How do you know that.
Now you know why little Ratboi left him. He was always a huge cunt in his livestreams, too. Always getting drunk, belligerent, whiny and self-loathing.
Yea Forums critics films the same way he does
>having seen literally any film made before Citizen Kane is an extensive knowledge of the medium
Das Hund
I don't like him as a person because he seems pretty dickish and he's okay with people raping animals. As a film reviewer, he isn't much better. He has absolutely no respect for the history of film, nor does he know very much about it. He's made several comments in the past about the subject of film history, and his knowledge of it is so pathetic that I could have pointed out its stupidity when I was 15 (the whole Citizen Kane thing was just embarrassing). His reviews are extremely nitpicky. In his YMS for Frozen (the horror film, not the Disney one), he spends a great deal talking about how there's a light on the characters at night, and concludes that it's bad filmmaking because of how unrealistic it is. I personally don't like the film very much, but this criticism shows that he knows absolutely nothing about the art of filmmaking. Cameras are much less sensitive to light than the human eye is. In order for a camera to pick up on anything at all during the night, there has to be a light, and Frozen did do a pretty good job at not making the light too noticeable. This may seem a bit specific, but I think it nicely shows the core flaw in his criticisms. He has this weird standard of absolute and total realism, something that is seldom demonstrated or even attempted in film. I have absolutely no idea how he finds any enjoyment in film at all, and if you took the films from his top 100 list, you could easily make YMS styled reviews on all of them. The only possible use his videos can have is that they're sometimes entertaining, but even then, you have to turn your brain off in order to enjoy them.
>Yea Forums acts like film critics
>Criticism is mostly wojaks along with greentexts and buzzwords
>Its fucking great I love it so much
This. Watching him talk about real movies is just embarrassing
What does Yea Forums think about Mauler?
I put them in the same box m8 chill
it's probably the eyes
so what's he think about that cat movie?
>character not doing the 100% most rational thing in the moment.
I hate it when retards do this. I don't understand how someone can so autistic they don't know what emotions are. It's especially worse when the thing they critisise is caused by a character trait that's been built upon and established over the course of the entire film.
literally who?
To be fair, though, those two deserve it.
Ralph isn't terrible, but IHE is fucking awful
>fucks dogs
why is this allowed?
>I don't like him as a film reviewer because he seems pretty dickish and he's okay with bad film criticism. As a person, he isn't much better. He has absolutely no respect for the dogs, nor does he know very much about not raping them. He's made several comments in the past about the subject of raping dogs, and his knowledge of it is so immense that I could have pointed out its presence when I was 15 (the whole meat eating is worse than dog fucking thing was just embarrassing). His animal abuse is extremely nitpicky. In his YMS on Bestiality (the one about dogs, not all the other ones), he spends a great deal talking about how there's a light on the dog's anus at night, and concludes that it's bad rape because of how unrealistic it is. I personally don't like dog rape very much, but this criticism shows that he knows absolutely nothing about the art of dog fucking. Dog's anuses are much less sensitive to light than the human penis is. In order for a dog's anus to pick up on anything at all during the night, there has to be a light, and that instance of dog fucking did do a pretty good job at not making the light too noticeable. This may seem a bit specific, but I think it nicely shows the core flaw in his criticisms. He has this weird standard of absolute and total chihuahua annihilation, something that is seldom demonstrated or even attempted in the fucking of dogs. I have absolutely no idea how he finds any enjoyment in raping dogs at all, and if you took the films from his top 100 most fuckable dogs list, you could easily make YMS styled reviews on all of them. The only possible use his animal abuse arguments can have is that they're sometimes entertaining, but even then, you have to turn your brain off in order to enjoy them.
>gets high as a kite
>furiously masturbates to dog magazines
>criticism consists entirely of pointing out plot holes in films
It's not true that the only thing he talks about is "plot holes", but even if that were true you'd still be a retard since the plot is important and there are plenty of professional critics who do the exact same thing.
I'm guessing you're a teenager who used to like him until he made fun of a movie you like, right?
thanks for stopping in adam
lol, stay mad, adam
Does he fuck dogs or get fucked by them?
his taste is pretty average but he's still the best mainstream critic on youtube
LMAO. What a fucking onions redditor.
>watching YMS
>”well this movie is bad, I mean it’s before CGI was a thing so how can it be good?”
>taking intensive notes, this guys IQ is so vast I’m barely keeping up
>”uhhh this is unrealistic”
>yes... yes how dare they try and experiment or try and make the film enjoyable... you’re on fire adam!
>as I observe his perfect form, someone managing to look like a skeleton while being fat, looking like a botched tranny and a rapist truck driver simultaneously, I see this as a physical metaphor for the duality in film
>”hold on guys”
>hear whimpering in the background of an animal, and a cage open
>oh no
>loud whining and yelping as I hear adams pinner stretch his dogs asshole apart
>dog is rasping for breath, desperately crying
>I realise I’ve written all this down as analysis notes and have to discard the paper
>”okay guys as I was saying the holy mountain is the best film ever made, next to zootopia”
>turn off the video
shut up about the dam plot holes
pedo calls out dog fucker
Haha, okay, this is based xD
>duckduckgo = pedo
t. google slave
imagine trying to appear cool when wearing hulk hands thats made for kids
yet the same people (manchild) want to hype star wars as some sort of high art masterpiece, pic related of course, bunch of hypocrites
Explain this dog fucking meme. He really fucked a dog?
he defended bestiality live on stream while playing ME2
in one of his old let's play, he says that because cows are forcefully impregnated, there is nothing wrong with raping dogs
>calls himself a film critic
>criticism consists entirely of pointing out dog buttholes in films
why is this allowed?
Hey now, in his defense, he may also fuck a variety of other animals too.
No, he said that fucking animals isn't morally any worse than any of the other things we do to them and a bunch of mouth breathers decided that meant he was pro bestiality.
Not true, he advocated fucking them for the human's enjoyment.
He's also the guy who genuinely doesn't understand why blind people wear clothes.
>character doesn't act like a robot and does something irrational or stupid like an actual human would do
>"this is a shitty movie and plothole. 6/10"
>Lindsay Ellis
Abortion shit aside, her transformers stuff is great.
He also compared bestiality with 'rock climbing' like it's a hobby or recreational activity one does in their spare time.
>He's also the guy who genuinely doesn't understand why blind people wear clothes.
Where did this one come from?
except for the fact that there are multiple cases in which he claimed that animals (particularly dogs) were capable of consenting to intercourse with human beings
Daredevil review (3:40)
one of his LPs, I think; those are a bitch to dig through but it might be either Half-Life 2 or one of the Mass Effects
dumbest most embarrassing statement ever
>immediately starts talking about furshit
I thought people liked him because he kept quiet about it?
It's the ME one. Someone made a clip of it anyway.
IHE really is one of the biggest faggots when it comes to YT reviewers. I dare say he is even worse than Quinton or MovieBob. His Star Wars videos showed that he is not able to deal with the fact that he likes something universally despised and tried to make the autistic argument that most normal people are just naturally biased at hating LucasFilms.
Some of his content is ok. He as a person needs to be shipped to a camp.
>so I just got gassed and it was HILARIOUS
>thinks all characters should have perfect cold logic in stressful situations, uses perfect hindsight vision to go "Well they shoulda-" in every single review
>hates any stylized aesthetic and technical proficiency in his movies, prefers flatly-lit television look
>puts children's cartoons on a pedestal because they contain anthropomorphic animals
>has no sense of humor or satire, can't understand them
>hates emotional reactions from characters, particularly romance, fear and anger
>refuses to watch older movies because of their "technical problems"
>says people who like older movies are only pretending, in order to get online film aficionado street-cred
>after getting lambasted for this criticism, goes back and gives token "essential" classics good reviews
>can't understand any sort of allegory or subtle metaphors unless it's blasted into his face every second with the bluntness of a bullet train like Holy Mountain, his favorite movie
>fucks dogs
>considers lion king be the greatest animated movie
>hasn't even heard of Kimba the White Lion
I’m starting to understand why he likes the way Destiny thinks. That faggot literally says bestiality is okay if the animal isn’t harmed.
>"And I'm giving this Labrador's anus a 6 out of 10. Maaaaybe a 7, I'll seeeee"
>*the dog begins whimpering in pain and fear*
>"Quiet! QUIET!"
>*Adam begins beating the poor dog whilst shilling Sardonicast*
>"Hmph! A-and one more thing!"
>*Adam kicks the dogs in the ribs and into a dark closet which he closes and locks. As the dog continues whimpering, Adam pants; his grotesquely fat face is red and sweaty*
Reminder that Mauler ruined him when he called him out for not even getting the plot of fucking Alien right.
Mark's knowledge of the existence of Kimba the White Lion is probably what broke them up in the first place
I liked his Walking Dead stuff, that was about it and he never returned to it.
>now go watch some movie reviewers of color
>watching YMS
>”well this movie is bad, I mean it’s before CGI was a thing so how can it be good?”
>taking intensive notes, this guys IQ is so vast I’m barely keeping up
>”uhhh this is unrealistic”
>yes... yes how dare they try and experiment or try and make the film enjoyable... you’re on fire adam!”
>as I observe his perfect form, someone managing to look like a skeleton while being fat, looking like a botched tranny and a rapist truck driver simultaneously, I see this as a physical metaphor for the duality in film
>”hold on guys”
>hear whimpering in the background of an animal, and a cage open
>oh no
>loud whining and yelping as I hear adams pinner stretch his dogs asshole apart
>dog is rasping for breath, desperately crying
>I realise I’ve written all this down as analysis notes and have to discard the paper
>”okay guys as I was saying the holy mountain is the best film ever made, next to zootopia”
>turn off the video
How can anybody stand this fucking annoying prick is beyond me.
Jesus Christo that's a dog of a comment
YMS was funny when he made fun of obviously bad movies. but he gained too much confidence from that and thought he was a legit movie critic
he didn't realise that his editing and easy material is what made his videos good
was that in one of his 4 hour "essays"
>now if it was a kid animal character
Being a guy who watches a lot of movies doesn't make you smart.
If you wanna be an expert on anything you gotta read about it unfortunately.
If Adam's read more than three books on film I'd be very surprised.
You don't need any talent whatsoever to autistically probe the narrative structure of the worl in order to find "plot holes" in it. If you wanted you could find "plot holes" in Shakespeare or Dostoyevski, but that doesn't diminish their work in the slightest.
Uneducated brainlets like canine sodomizer pride themselves as some sort of narrative critics, yet they know literally jack shit about actual narratology sans knowing about Campbell's monomyth or Feytag's pyramid from a wiki article. If you watch people like IHM, Nerdwriter and other similar college dropouts for fun, it's ok, but you're retarded if you think they provide even somewhat decent film commentary.
Duckduckgo sells your info just as Google you absolute mongoloid. It's been thst way for yeats.
is this guy actually blind?
he wears clothes so he can't be
I liked his Ice Spiders video.
>implying he dresses himself
but that's just autism
disgusting....can't believe there are people that genuinely believe this
>Easy to hate kids when you can't get your dog pregnant, Adam.
He made an annotation.
but how did he not realise that this clearly isn't Japan
i'm sure he was making a fair and reasoned assumption based on the traditional nihon hula lei
why does he need 50K monthly?
>why is there a white family at this luau
>why aren't they speaking Japanese
But plugs.
He probably dreams of owning a stable and fucking all the horses and dogs inside.
HOLY SHIT IT'S UP! he finally did crossover with RLM
daddy needs a new body pillow
he wanted to make a movie. should probably do a kickstarter if he does
Why does every goddam YouTuber movie critic think would make a great movie? Crowdfund budges like 50K, only to come out with an awful movie with that looks like its budges was 100€.
How about these "visionaries" write a book and after that, if there is still a demand for a movie adaptation, someone will pick it up and make a competent movie out of it.
Because they don't want to write or tell a story. They want to create film. Sounds absurd, right? Well, that's because they are all retarded.
There's literally nothing wrong with dog fucking as long as the dog is doing the fucking.
Can't argue with this.
t. roastie
didn't know there were so many white girls on this board
It's hilarious that every youtube film critic is fucking awful at making films themselves
makes you think Roosevelt might've had a point
Don't be so presumptuous. I just support decisions of my gf.
Go fuck a dog, nigger.
alright, mate, my bad
I'm just a champion of women's rights.
Why does he put on the voice?
How do you support this guy?
Avoiding the dog-fucking controversy (WHICH IS TRUE, YOURMOVIESUCKS THINKS YOU CAN FUCK A DOG IF YOU EAT A HAMBURGER), why listen to this drone?
His commentary sucks, he's maybe ironically monotone throughout his super cool breakdowns that don't make you laugh. Or even think. They're there because he's a complete mess and youtube is his only outlet.
Now I get being into a stupid fucking mess. I truly do. But I will never (understand) revel in the fact that I'm some social reject asshole who takes furry loser friends to a movie and then beats of his dog as a normal coping mechanism.
If you side with this guy on anything, you're not only just stupid beyond belief, I pray Rescue Centers around you know of you can blacklist you. YMS is fucking BATSHIT.
I hate this fucking shit as well. Hack youtube critics always mention the "technical aspects" in passing to give their criticism a veneer of objectivity, but they never go in depth because they have no idea of what they're talking about.
>one sentence about cinematography
>nine paragraphs about how annoying the kids were
>makes you think Roosevelt might've had a point
what did he mean by this
>His commentary sucks, he's maybe ironically monotone throughout his super cool breakdowns that don't make you laugh. Or even think.
Didn't he do that big Synecdoche analysis where he spent an entire first part masturbating to the fact that the opening credits fade in? It might be the most pretentious, quasi-intellectual thing I've ever saw.
>If you believe that someone can't be a critic without extensive knowledge of the history of the medium they critique, fine. I disagree strongly, but it's an opinion as valid as any others (at least, in MY opinion). What I don't like is all of the bashing. Using this as an excuse to shit on someone. It's the most film student-y BS, where you have all this knowledge that mutates into an unfounded superiority complex. It's the kind of elitism that breeds anti-intellectualism simply by being so repulsive. Can none of us have mercy?
Does anyone have that video where Adam talks about The Guest and its intercut with interview from director and the writer of the film, kinda like this video
I like adam (despite him fucking dogs, which is based by the way) because he makes pseuds seethe while beings a pseud himself.
>which is based
No wonder you like him. You're a certified retard.
It is based, but I didn't say I liked that fact.
>no...n..no guys... i dont actually like that he fucks dogs... it's j-just based
fucking mongoloid
>says people who like older movies are only pretending, in order to get online film aficionado street-cred
He's right here
fuck off ralph
Mark was the only reason why watching his gaming channel was worth it, dogfucker even replaced him a guy that sounds strangely similar to him
doesn't take himself too seriously I don't think and he seems to have an actual likeable personality, so he's alright
please help keep this thread about this dogfucking piece of shit alive for another 12 hours
I would never fuck an animal but the guys analogous to a minor is false
The animal has some understanding of sex, animals are not children. Animals brutally kill. Human children don’t (unless there is something wrong)
Most people who have a go at Adam for his view are hypocrites
You support the dairy industry, which systemically rape cows
Oh dear.
YMS is peak midwit.
>he thinks animals have sex for pleasure and not strictly reproduction and domination
I hate the fact that it's no longer okay to point out plotholes because dogfucker and cinemasins turned it into a meme
Kind of hate watched him for a while but completely dropped after his First Reformed review, his bit on the ending proved he's a pleb
>Call yourself a film critic
>Don't watch movies made before the late 1990's/early 2000's
It's literally impossible to know what you're talking about. I don't care how many film festivals you go to.
There's a difference between pointing out plotholes and bitching about inconsequential shit
And claiming any slightly bad movie was so bad it's funny.
And freaking out because a character in an incredibly stressful life or death situation made a *gasp* irrational decision.
Has this been posted to his circlejerk subreddit yet?
Adam's problem is his analyses rarely evolve beyond that very critique. It's funny to critique a shitty movie like "Amusement" because it's full of ridiculous, nonsensical plotholes, but it's somewhat unsubstantial to do it for many other movies on its own. Incidentally, he always gets really anal about the problem people have with his rating system, and he explains that the reasoning for the rating could also come from technical stuff that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the screenplay or writing quality of the movie... But then he rarely goes into these very "technical" things. So a movie it seems like he's just shitting all over then gets a 5/10.
>doesn't take himself too seriously
Didn't he once said that he has a gift of seeing objective flaws in movies?
If you own a dog and the dog is in heat with no way of sexually pleasing itself. It is immoral to not fuck your dog.
You are torturing and physically abusing your dog by not having sex with it when it's in heat. If you aren't willing to fuck your dog then you shouldn't be allowed to own pets.
does that work with fishes too
>TFW my dog had sex with my girlfriend but I still haven't
is this what you tell yourself at night adam
gay furry
fucking your dog irreversibly fucks them up psychologically, not to mention physically
>Yt tier post in Yea Forums
>makes twice as much as I do
feels bad man
If you aren't willing to get your dog spayed you shouldn't be allowed to own pets.
$1,500 a month is below minimum wage.
Also a cut of that goes to patreon and a cut goes to taxes so what is left is probably like $1000. he spends time recording and editing footage as well which means he probably makes below minimum wage for the amount of work he puts in and he would make a lot more by just getting a normal wage job such as McDonalds or Amazon storage worker.
The kid in the Babadook is the most annoying kid I've ever seen. Wanted her to just abandon him on the side of the road
Patrick Willems is GARBAGE
that video of him trying to fix the matrix sequels is embarrassing
yes it's vital to Yea Forums culture that each and every user can say dogfucker
>I would never fuck an animal
How did I know the rest of your post would be a defense of animal fucking?
Take this (you), now improve your bait
Has he ever even written anything? You don't just wake up one day and are able to make a brilliant movie cause you went to Cannes a few times.
How can the act of sex between an animal and a human make you feel anything but disgust? I don’t care what logistical reasoning you have for or against bestiality, it’s just straight up disgusting.
But for real if you eat meat you can't complain about fucking animals. Do you ask for consent every time you slaughter cows and chickens?
>But for real if you eat meat you can't complain about fucking animals.
this is what happens when you try really hard to defend something retarded
>review films your entire existence
>when you finally make one of your own its dogshit
How do people like ralphmoviemaker live when their entire existence is a paradox? He will literally do shit in his films that he critisizes other films of doing
Is he wrong though? Why is it okay to force enseminate something, take its offspring, keep it in a cramped area, slaughter it and eat it
But only doing the first part and enjoying it is bad?
>pointing out dog holes in films
because one has a function for starters
cause eating animals is natural
fucking animals means you're an incel who needs to be gassed because you have mental problems and cant get a human gf cause you're a big gay virgin loser
Fucking has a function, feels good
Plus you can quite easily replace meat in our modern age so im not sure you have a case at all
>appeal to nature
>source needed
>oh no he gave my capeshit movie a low score because it didn't do anything good
wtf I didn't know mike was gay too
>equating farm insemination with fucking an animal with a human penis
this is your brain on atheism
Why is that not a good argument? Can you go further than
Why is it wrong to equate these two?
So are you going to post an argument or?....
The amount of deontological retards in here is crazy
>its bad cause... ITS BAD!
Lmao take a fucking debate class, i dont even want to fuck animals but i can run circles around you goobers if this is all you have
the amount of reddit in this thread is staggering
So are you going to post a counter argument or
>Fucking has a function, feels good
Yes just like eating meat, it feels good
who are you quoting adam
And then Mark went to ebegging and cuddling up to E;R. King of lateral moves.
>dog fuckers itt trying to prove how fucking dogs is not morally bankrupt
>inb4 "are you going to post an argument, or"
This guy is the epitome of talking like a fag and shit being retarded
tfw no qtpuh2t teacher to smother me to death between her butt cheeks during detention.
more like pointing in the holes of dogs
keep this dogfucker's thread alive Yea Forums! this is vital discussion!
>characters are scared or emotional and make a bad decision
>Wow this is stupid what an annoying movie
>Character is a faggot alcoholic who wallows in self pity and also makes bad decisions
>Wow so relatable and thought provoking
>I don't even want to fuck animals
I doubt that
>animals do bad thing therfore it ok
so do humans do retarded faggot
and there have been cases of kids murdering people
>all dogfuckers can do is project human thought onto animals
God you fags are so fucking dumb. They do not think of sex like you do, retard
Both are bad. Saying one other bad thing (dogfucking) should be legalised just because another bad thing happens is not only false equivalence but arguing in bad faith, brainlet
No, you should do it friend :^)
>movie critic
>own movie is shit/never even tried to make a movie
Why would anyone take these people seriously
What are you fucking talking about?
How so? i only saw a faggot replying to comments made by spergs.
Sounds more like you cant stand that there's ppl that like things that most ppl dont like but cant articulate properly why the movie itself is a shitshow.
He gives most capeshit a decent score cause he doesn't even know what's wrong with them most of the time.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to think this? If older films weren't able to get audiences emotionally engaged, why would newer films even attempt it?
He specifically says "if you go back far enough". He's talking pre Birth of a Nation, stuff like Trip to the Moon, or the "Men leaving work" shorts, shit like that. And Citizen Kane did invent a ton of aspects of film that we take for granted now, that's not a false statement. He just said it really poorly.
Also how embarrassing to have an entire channel dedicated to trying to show how bad a literal dog fucking meme critic is, jesus
He was specifically referring to going back to Citizen Kane. That's why he went on the apology tour after that vid came out trying to explain that he just hasn't seen anything before it so just assumed.
In the clip it sounds like the statements on Citizen Kane and the statements about "people fucking around with a camera" are separate, but I'm not up to date on my e-drama knowledge and the apologies and whatnot so maybe that's not the case.
Where did he say he's never seen anything before it?
Kids are cancer tho.
I actually kinda like YMS, but I really don't know how somebody who claims to be so passionate about film hasn't watched anything pre-1960
In this video at 9:43 they talk about older films, and it's painfully embarrassing
>Another pseudo-intellectual channel thread
He's watched movies from before 1960, but I have a feeling if you counted them all, it would be under 50 films. This is shameful for someone who has an interest in film, and has had it for as long as he has
Aight, fair enough, that was pretty dumb. I get what he's saying about the dick measuring people do for seeing older stuff (like people in this thread) but it's great how Ralph is trying to be so gentle and not call him a fucking retard since he actually knows some film history and its importance due to film school
There's just no time. He is extremely busy too, he has like 4 channels + collaborations.
To actually watch film for 2 hours and have attention and keep notes, it's not that easy.
He's also only like in his mid-20s so in order to have watched everything good before 1990 it would have to start from when he was 8 which would be pointless because he wouldn't remember them or understand them.
Also, his thing is to also watch A LOT of stuff from current year to make lists of best films so that in itself is something most incels here will never do.
It's probably also against his income because most losers watching youtube mainly care about blockbusters.
>Also, his thing is to also watch A LOT of stuff from current year
So then don't do that, Adam. Sure, watch the blockbusters for the views, but mixed in with the foreign and arthouse stuff you watch, watch some classics too. Make videos on them, I'm sure a lot of them would get a lot of views too.
>the dick measuring people
It's funny though because he does the same shit with modern foreign and arthouse films
> So then don't do that, Adam.
No, why don't you fuck off random anonymous incel? His thing is to be extremely detailed and picky about stuff that are released today and the years around today and that's where he gets any depth he had.
Sure, I do not have his taste. He likes slow movies way more than I do and I don't think he's into sci-fi that much (it's my favorite) but I respect his quality.
The fact a few /pol/ack incels that hate him for his homosexuality found a click that make him slightly embarrassed for not having watched a lot of stuff before the 1990s changes nothing on that.
Why don't you fucking /pol/ack incels admit you know absolutely nothing other than blockbusters today and your depth in movies is no more than jerking off for Emma Watson?
This is true, and it's fucking obnoxious when he does it too. It's annoying when anyone tries to show how cool they are by talking about what movies they watch
>but I respect his quality
Okay, Adam.
>hate him for his homosexuality
No, Adam. I hate you for your approval of animal rape and your shitty film criticism
>admit you know absolutely nothing other than blockbusters today
Because I don't know that much about modern blockbusters, Adam, so I'm not gonna talk about films I know nothing aboutsomething you should do too.
I think most of the hate stems from his dog fucking habit, mate.
The problem with ALL reviewers of his type, INCLUDING the child (Ralph) and IHE, is that 90% of the time they literally dismiss the value of just having fun about a movie.
They take it too technically to the point of becoming comical. It's a fucking movie, it's not a university lecture, it's supposed to make you have fun, not wreck your life.
That's why with the exception of very few channels (that are mainly comedy, e.g. RLM) I just don't give a shit about their opinion. If it's fun to me, it's fun end of.
It's also why nobody should care about the score of "pro" reviewers. Most are kids anyway that know nothing, go by the popular score on imdb and meta.
>dog is "manipulated" to fetch stick
>therefore we can fuck dogs as it is on the same level of abuse as a dog fetching a stick
you cant make this shit up
get a load of this /pol/ack incel. He has the delusion Adam would spend hours in this shithole talking to him.
>The problem with ALL reviewers of his type, INCLUDING the child (Ralph) and IHE, is that 90% of the time they literally dismiss the value of just having fun about a movie.
"Having fun" is for children.
he's not that big of a deal, user, I don't that's a preposterous thing to imagine.
then go kill yourself. What is life without happiness?
Do you still have the delusion there is afterlife.
poor idiot.
I don't know what would be more pathetic, if this is Adam, or if he's managed to manipulate someone else into defending him
He is a big deal compared to the incel losers here. He has 4-5 channels and collaborations, he does trips to film festivals all the time, he gives lectures occasionally.
Watch one of his side-channels editing a single video of 20 minutes. It takes 8-10 fucking hours often.
It's not the overage lazy bastard lurking around here.
Sure, he's not Harrison Ford, but he's not the avg.
I really hope it's you Adam, otherwise this dick sucking is frankly getting pathetic.
Again, this sounds like Adam, but it could be a 12 year old who really loves him
Incel /pol/ack, the pathetic one is you that you spend your life trying to destroy a person just because you hate homosexuality. You are probably in the closer too, the ones that screech so much are the usual closeted ones.
He comes back later and says he was wrong you dumb fucks.
PS. Plus they make him a big service by hating him so openly. Bad publicity is good publicity here, nobody sane wants to associate with /pol/acks so they take his side and make his channel more popular.
I am gay because I hate bestiality? Sign me the fuck up
>because you hate homosexuality
I hate animal rape, not fags
He does that here If you think this makes him look good, I don't know what can help you
How can you call somebody else a child when you think that the sole purpose of movies should be to make you have fun? That's insanely stupid
he fuck dog
god fucking damn it
this thread almost got archived
No one gives a fuck if he is gay. Every does give a fuck when u fuck animals like Kero and those degenerates
lol nice bump
So having sex with animals is now normal? How hard has society fallen......
why is this allowed?
>he tries to educate people about film history
>im trying to catch up on tarkovsky and bergman
oh my
Those incel /pol/acks only make him more famous with their hate against homosexuality. Nobody wants to associate with them so when they see them hating on yms, they go and subscribe.
You idiots are going to turn him into a multimillionaire soon with his own movies and I don't even like his taste that much.
Though I'd like to see him directing something with a budget. He can't be as bad as the rape Disney does to all the dying franchises they buy.
He always assumes too much about a director’s intentions and almost ends up being wrong.
Thought that Lars was incapable of having a sense of humor and thought that the house that jack built was a straight drama
Thought Kevin Smith was trying to prove that he can do something beyond comedy with Tusk when in reality it was him making his little absurd podcast film
Thinks Paul messed up the ending of First Reformed when in reality his preferred ending is actually how it ended
Is incapable of thinking any film other than a straight up parody's can be self aware
*Almost always*
"refn and the red light" is worse than anything disney's ever done
>i dont know anything about film history and films made before 2000. so i wont talk about them
this is all he had to say. you know whats anti-intellectual? being dishonest and pretending like his lack of knowledge is the problem not the nonsense he said instead of admitting his shortcomings. having sex with animals is also a big minus ofcourse
>And Citizen Kane did invent a ton of aspects of film that we take for granted now
what, narrative structures? please list a few things that citizen kane invented and we wouldnt have without it.
you're like people who think everyone going to the opera is only pretending to like it. deeply insecure and forgive me for saying but uneducated people who cant enjoy something and they cope with it by assuming everyone else dont enjoy them either
This. Citizen Kane isn't very innovative. It's just a really good film. Adam has (or at least had) this idea that older films are only loved because of their influence. He seems (or seemed) to think that old films couldn't be emotionally engaging, so people only like them for their influence. If you have this idea in your mind, then when you hear that Citizen Kane is considered by many to be the greatest film ever, you would assume that it must be incredibly influential. So that's what he said, without doing any research
>be gay
>fuck dogs
what did he mean by this?
he's full blown furry
imagine fuckung dogs
>he gives lectures occasionally.
What in the fuck is he qualified to give a lecture on?
>fucking dogs is okay because muh cow rape and ackshually it's ephebophilia mr. hansen
whataboutism is not valid in supporting bestiality. the fucked up shit jews do to animals does not justify this hedonistic cabal. plus, he's okay with animal rape too as he implies. he doesn't actually have a problem with the things the meat industry does, he uses them as an excuse to do things just as bad.
moreover, being okay with this degenerates society to the point of no return. "dogs can give consent" is the exact same argument pedophiles use in every forum discussion I've seen. why can they NOT give consent? because they don't have the same comprehension you do, although they're probably smarter.
when an animal wishes for sex it is instinctive, it needs to pass on its genes. by sucking its dick you are doing it a disservice. it's also worth noting that animals are not equal to humans in any way, trying to apply these rules from one kind to another has the same effects as (((multiculturalism))) and will inevitably kill this race. commit suicide.
nobody wants to associate with dog fuckers to an even greater degree, sorry pal.
Contrapoints and Linsday Ellis are unironically great.
another masterpiece of thought from adam "dogfucker" johnston
you want to have sex with lain
sshhh dont tell Yea Forums about mauler
But he likes Michael Haneke movies, which is based.
yes, however lain can consent since she is the goddess of the wired and therefore possesses all knowledge within it.
Well for one opera is great so shitty example. Also I'm not talking about ALL people that like older film, that's retarded. In fact I'm not talking about people that like older film at all, my issue is specifically with people that judge other people based on the fact that they don't know enough about a specific film or era of film based on their arbitrary ass goalposts.
Like whatever you want, just stop being an autist because someone else hasn't seen the same thing.
Narrative structure not really, but it's retarded to say it wasn't influential.
Again, to me it initially sounded like Dogfucker was saying the narrative structures as one point, and Kane being influential as a separate point, but based on his later comments I now see he's was legitimately just poorly informed
>$3000 a month for his shitty quickie reviews
>criticism consists entirely of pointing out plot holes in films
Not even that, not even that.
>101 results.
You should never discredit someone’s reviews on their lack of knowledge of film history (unless they make a false statement on the history of film) but dude said that only pretentious people like Welles. His reviews could also benefit from proper film history knowledge as instead of going into a five minute rant about a minor plot hole or peoples reception of the film he can actually talk about the directors influence or homage. Like his I love you daddy review where he doesn’t mention woody Allen once despite the film being a homage to his films.
he doesn't even seem to be aware of how the modern films he's actually watching slot into film canon. if he did maybe he could say something meaningful once in a while.
>dogfucker calling someone else pretentious
also I doubt he's even seen a Woody Allen film
>You should never discredit someone’s reviews on their lack of knowledge of film history
No, you should, because an uninformed opinion is worthless.