Why there are so many documentaries about fat people being fat?

Why there are so many documentaries about fat people being fat?

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modern freakshows

Americans relate to them

any recommended fat kino?

I think these are all made in America and stereotypically there are a lot of fat people there in certain areas.

every area in america has a ton of fat people. literally 90% of black people i see are obese. hispanic children are almost exclusively obese. old white people are mostly obese too. it's incredible once you have a frame of reference. i went to china recently and i don't think i saw a single fatty.

70% of Americans are overweight. 30% are obese. We are a disgusting country.

>iterally 90% of black people i see are obese. hispanic children are almost exclusively obese.
It's actually worse for blacks and hispanics. About 80% of us are overweight and nearly 50% of are obese.

t. Black latino

Basically to make other people feel better about their shit life and weight

There are very few fat people in America, contrary to popular belief. When a fat American pig decides to sign a contract for a show to be made about them, Americans are naturally interested to see what life is like on the other end of the spectrum

This really, a fat person sees a horrendously fat person and thinks "well at least i'm not that bad"

I'd really like more documentaries about how they became that fat. Too many focus on the weight loss.

% of Americans are overweight.

If 70% are overweight then overweight is normal weight.

Failing that, coping mechanism, an overweight person will look at morbidly obese people and think "I'm not THAT bad uh" and just continue consuming shit like a fucking sea lion.
Or just plain old Nurgle worship.

>If 70% are overweight then overweight is normal weight.
Yes, but it's not a healthy weight, which is what the charts actually say instead of "normal".

You wish fattie, overweight is objective because there's a certain treshold that decides if you're at health risk or not.

Then the chart is wrong.

>there's a certain treshold that decides if you're at health risk or not.
>health risk

This phrase has always made no sense. Being alive is a health risk. Sitting too long at your computer or phone is a bigger rish to your health than being "overweight (actually normal weight)."

health risks are cumulative. being overweight is an easy risk to correct which is why it gets attention.

Then clearly, doctors are just being lazy.

doctors and their disgusting fat patients, yes.

I wouldn't call being fat beautiful but it is not disgusting

t. fat enabler

>Black latino
I'm sorry.

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low hanging fruit

to make people not as fat feel better about being fat

>we are a disgustimg country
>t. Dominican

Don't make me post crime stats

I mean it’s not attractive, and a lot of obese people are off putting to look at

Yeah it's a rough deal. Culturally we're supposed to be racist against blacks even though objectively we are black.

>t. Dominican
No, Cuban. And only half-Cuban if that makes any difference.

>even though objectively we are black.
that never stopped anyone from being racist against blacks


You could always not eat the food but you won't because mofongo is delicious

Mexico has as many if not more fatasses

Because in the human zoo these creatures are the most morbid and sickening. There suffering is completely self inflicted.

Oh I agree 100%. My grandfather is 1/4 black, he married a half-black woman, they had a son who is darker than Lebron James, and yet he still says racist shit about "the blacks" in Miami as though he isn't one of them. Racism is very strange.

Stop trying to justify your disgusting corpulence.

Oh please, the American blacks are the worst on earth not even the african blacks want them

But we aren't "American blacks". We're Cubans.

hence why you should be racist against the american blacks

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Don’t t bring her name into this.

Amerilards can't stop shoveling lard into their mouths, so there's a lot of potential. I miss my 600 lb life btw.

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>t. Black latino


Im actually ethnically chinese and go there every summer, there are lots of fat people once you get into the wealthier areas. China has more obese numerically than US does IIRC

that's weird because i was staying in downtown shanghai. maybe the fatties stay off the streets?