Beep beep, Yea Forums. Ready for round 2?
IT: Chapter 2 Final Trailer
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Unironically this is the only movie i look forward to.
I feel like it should be better than chapter 1 but I can't say for sure if it will...
I really liked chapter 1 and the kid actors were very convincing. I'm not to sure about the adults however
Looks really good unlike the made for TV adaptation of IT which totally dropped the ball on the second part. One of the few movies I'm going to go to the theater (Alamo Drafthouse) for.
Was it still good though?
What are they going to do now that they killed Henry in the first movie? Doesnt pennywise use him to find the other kids?
why isn't he in full makeup at the end?
I don't think they confirmed if he was dead or not though it was heavily implying with that deep dive into the well. Guess we'll see
Well I know macavoy, skarsgard, and Hader will bring their A game. Not sure of the others.
Probably around the time it landed on earth.
Chastain will probably do well she looks like she is actually interested unlike Dark Phoniex.
t. zoomer
first one was dogshit
2nd will be the same
pennywise looks too goofy to be scary
is that in the book? I was under the impression the story started with the kids
>No Sophie Lillis in a bikini
I guess I'll watch it if there's nothing else coming out.
>is that in the book?
Pick up a book for once, it won't bite. I promise.
>Sissy boy would rather like a bone chilling slow burn!
can't believe they didn't give one line of dialogue to Bill Hader in either trailer, that cold man
I read plenty but mostly non-fiction or theater (I'm an actor I kinda have to)
>reading king ever
Pls no
I thought it was the grown up bully wearing clown makeup and being crazy
it's clearly Skarsgard though, also there's that eye twitch thing
Considering how Pennywise can make him appear as nearly anything, it's clearly IT.
What's this movie supposed to be because i didn't feel scared at all
I don't even know what that means. But i'm legitimately excited for IT-2
I liked both the original and remake.
should make him appear as a nude tranny displaying huge tits and a huge penis
Where the fuck is Xavier???!!!!!
Who are you talking about? If you mean James McAvoy, you're blind because he's clearly in the trailer.
Okay, this is epic
Xavier DOLAN ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
no he means Xavier Dolan, he plays a very minor character but he's a biggish name as a director so
I go by she/her pronouns, pls and thank you
Excited for this
>someone just applied the dog snapchat filter to pennywise.
Anyone here is a fag for JDG?
I can't wait for it to come out so Yea Forums can have 4000 threads about "why wasn't there more with the kids?" and "post Sophia's feet".
I see. I don't think I've heard of him until now.
is the giant spider in this?
He's mostly directed/played in french canadian movies so if you don't watch those you wouldn't have
This grown up henry?
No, it's Pennywise. If I was going to guess it's a flashback to closer to when he first started attacking the people of Derry. Look at the old timey clothes and oil lantern.
I apparently saw him in Martyrs as one of the kids that gets shot in the beginning.
it's Bill Skarsgard
>Look at the old timey clothes and oil lantern
good point
i THInk this is a young stellan
wrong Skarsgard, Stellan is the GWTDT one
will Pennywise's Minions return in part 2?
Do you think they're gonna do like the tv show and just sorta knock him over and hit him with pipes?
>pennywise’s speech about the children
>you lied and I died
Is that in the book?
Mebe some origins of IT?
Origin story time?! nigguh
>you will never watch the original IT as a child.
>no hype.
>no internet.
>not even sure what is and isnt real.
I don't think it will be that boring, but I also don't think it will be Cosmic Turtle Mind Battle. Somewhere in between.
>spooky clowns scare me :0
Is there a more reddit phobia?
>you will never watch the original IT as a child.
I saw it when I was six when it first came on TV here, couldn't sleep that night. Literally nothing has affected me like that since.
How the fuck is a phobia reddit.
I'm almost 40, it was enjoyable
Just start with the Harry Potter books, by the end you will be trained to read King
Hopefully they'll tone down the jumpscares a bit. By the end of the movie I was getting angry with the jumpscares instead of startled/amused.
There's spooky clowns, and then there's Pennywise.
Dude's eyes are like a iguana's, he's got teeth that range from britbong tier to lamprey-esque, can swiggity swooty with the best of them, and can also transform into whatever you fear most, be it a werewolf or a stack of unpaid bills.
Somebody ahegao this please
anything can be reddit if you just believe
That seems like more of a boomer phobia to me. Actual boomers, not the 30-year-old kind.
>WAM/Gunge fetish
>Chastain submerged in fake blood
Instant boner
I'd fug the clown
I was looking forward to it albeit a little cautiously, but after this trailer i'm fully cautious now, especially since the writing and dialogue seems a bit goofy.
I wasn't a fan of the heavily used "you'll float too line" in the first movie (which I did enjoy overall). But this one seems like it's going for more of that with stuff like "you lied and i died" which is fucking corny as hell. This time with Cary Fukunaga + Chase Palmer's writing totally out, and only Gary Dauberman writing I'm very worried; especially when you see his previous writing credits
Apparently the director has hinted at the turtle being included and if true then I actually have pretty high hopes about this movie
A bone chilling slow burn, I hate jumpscares!
its fuckin corny ass writing
I don't know where this "meme" came from, but you should give it up.
you have to be 18 to post on 4channel
Are they changing bits of the book again with that guy becoming Pennywise
Are you female.
They're clearly changing a bunch of things.
Clowns are inherently fucking freaky, this isn’t 1910.
Things that the story ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY does NOT work without, and will never ever be in the movie:
>underage gangbang
>ritual of chud
>the turtle
>the deadlights (end of part 1 doesnt count)
>did I mention underage gangbang? not memeing, it's very important to the story
The book works because it's a giant epic and it bounces back and forth between time periods to develop the story. You get interested out the gate with kike suicide and the ride never stops the whole time. The book also works because King was coked out of his fucking gourd and put a FUCKING. UNDERAGE. GANGBANG. in the book. Fuck this reddit shit, oh wow spooky clown movie yeah that totally needed a sequel. I bet we get more spooky set pieces where nothing really happens before some slapped together Hollywood ending.
Oh I also forgot
>based man eating cockroaches devour a faggot whole
>underage gangbang
Stopped reading. Fuck off.
go read twilight you fucking faggot, how can you get offended by a fucking book
I'm not offended by a book, I'm offended by your purile reddit opinion.
I watched the TV version and the first part of this new movie series, and I plan to watch the second part.
But if you haven't read the books, even if you think they've been "spoiled" for you, I highly, highly recommend it anyways. None of the adaptations have come even a little bit close to capturing the tone.
There is something heart-wrenching and poignant about the book. There's this sense of fatigue -- that the losers are tired more than anything else and want this to be over at all costs. I seriously doubt part two will come anywhere close to portraying that accurately.
Crawling through the sewers filled me with such an enormous amount of dread and terror. It hit on all my fears of claustrophobia, bacteria, the dark, etc.
Even if you know how the story ends, it's still worth reading the book, because the path you take to get there is so rewarding. READ THE BOOK.
>Is there a more reddit phobia?
they have a subeddit dedicated to trypophobia, and another for thalassophobia
He isn't dead.
Drowning gay guy screaming out for help.
Literally all I could think of during that scene. Ruined what is clearly supposed to be an intense moment.
The real origin story happened millions if years that wiped out the dinosaurs
Now if they have that scene where they start hallucinating and witness where IT came from in the macroverse, that'd be great
I doubt we'll see anything back that far, but the scene from the trailer could be from the founding days of Derry, which would still be cool.
Do you think Xavier will die painfully in this film? Unironically, I enjoy his body of work.
You do realize the underage gangbang actually happens in the book, right? He's not trolling you. It's real.
This movie and the first one really doesn't need the jumpscares IMO
You do realize that it doesn't actually carry any significance to the plot, right? That the guy he was replying to was shitposting. It's true.
Except it was stated in the actual fucking book that that was Beverly's way of helping them escape.
Yeah, not important. Moving on.
>gets blown out by someone citing the book
>Yeah, not important. Moving on.
Just because it's in the book doesn't mean it's important. They could have done anything to bond, it was only included because King is a hack and a pedophile. The movies are better without it.
That was me and I wasn't shitposting. You are trolling for attention and it is just so sad and desperate. Fuck off from this thread and go watch Avengers again you absolute fucking pleb. I would wish harm upon you, but the greatest punishment I can think of is to be born with your shit fucking taste and nigger-tier intellect.
Gangbang is literally the most important part of the book and I won't bother explaining why, everyone who gets it just gets it and you never, ever will you sad little fuck.
go make millions selling fucking GENRE FICTION and then you can have an opinion on what does and doesn't belong in a multi-chart topper bestseller. You FUCKING cunt you don't deserve to read a grocery list. I hate you so much I wish you would die.
Sorry, I was just trolling for attention, you're right. I am a huge faggot, please rape my face.
All shit that has nothing to do with him being a clown.
>zomg a cluster of little holes
>zomg a clown
"Reddit" can be difficult to describe but I hope the similarity comes across.
Why does it feel like capeshit?
>also reusing the carnival set from Shazam
What the fuck is Yea Forums's obsession with capeshit? It's horror movie. A. Horror. Movie.
Why? He's only a star in the US, people in the rest of the world are indifferent to him. If you ignore the source material (and the popular first movie) it's McAvoy that has to "sell" the movie. Because Chastain is box office poison.
Henry bowers did survive. He is the guy that goes crazy when the single balloon flies past the window.
>Ziggy from The Wire
I'm in
Didn't realize Pennywise has a lot of fanart on pixiv
Although most of it is sewer memes
Hes sucking up belle delphines bathwater in the sewers.
Any script leaks?
The best part about the first movie was the pretty child actress. Audiences who don't care about a horror movie with shitty tropes that they've seen before would still go to the theater just to look at a pretty female white child on the big screen. Because of that, second movie will not be as successful.
Hes fine
I'm calling the FBI.
looks good desu
>n-no stop making fun of me for hating jumpscares, that's mean :(
clowns are not scary
Haha can you imagine if he fucked you and then had you fuck him back and stroke his little feminine penis lol that would soo scary haha lol
Especially "scary-fied" clowns.
Japan seems pretty amused by American horror.
I'm only interested in the Richie and Eddie banter and tragedy. They were the best part of the first movie.
True suffering kino
shut the fuck up.
IT landed on Earth millions of years ago. I think it's just a guy who lived in Derry a while ago that It took a liking to, and wanted to take his form.
>not memeing, it's very important to the story
Stephen King was on enough cocaine to kill Secretariat when he wrote the last chunk of the book. It's funny because of how absurd it is but has literally nothing to do with anything.
>implying anyone gave a shit about her
People went to the movie for the little boys. It has a huge fujo following.
looks kino
hope it doesn't fuck up
I like how faithful these adaptations are in comparison to the made-for-TV miniseries but they're not scary in the goddamn slightest.
Nah but they're pretty enticing.
There's a lot of shit that was genuinely terrifying to think about that the movies never touched
Compare what happens in the movie
>Leper pops up and leans into the camera showing his icky face and jogs like a retard towards Eddie
to what happens in the books
>Leper offers to suck off Eddie for cash and chases him in a full-on sprint while chanting "Bobby does it for a dime, he will do it anytime, fifteen cents for overtime"
I guess it's too lewd to have an adult man chase around a little boy for a blowjob.
Is this the best child to adult casting of all time?
God, Eddie's death was painful to read.
Itll be great in the film.
Read the book in prison. Only other book that filled me with dread like It was Intensity by Dean Koontz.
God fucking dammit part 2 of the tv show sucks so fucking bad.
Just looking at the actors make me cringe.
>reading a 1,100 page King book.
I read The Stand, I won’t be tricked again.
It is significantly better than The Stand, but neither are even close to being his best work.
I mean, yeah it's not that great. It has a few good parts. Part 1 was really kino though.
Honestly, I think people would just find it unintentionally funny in a movie.
>“It’s too dark,” Richie sobbed. “You know... it’s too dark. Eds... he...”
It’s Niles Crane
what is autist and their obsession with the gangbang.
it doesn't add much to the story, they literally could have bev doing anything else and the point would be the same
the nu-horror meme was true all along
>Beep beep
i think you mean
i remember watching the x-files episode that's done like an episode of COPS, i mustve been eight at the time, and it scared the living FUCK out of me because i couldn't process whether it was actually real or not. that was also the first time i'd encountered freddy kreuger, and presenting it that way (and learning about his powers) just scared the shit out of me because it seemed absolutely real
You're my favorite shitposter on this board
i think you describe the tone accurately user, well put
do people really find this shit scary
he's mimicking Bev's father in this scene, you zoomed cunts.
only soiboys who are scared of clowns and women
god i hate these nu-horror movies. what happened to creepy atmosphere, music and camera work
absolutely based
Reddie kino is back.
new horror movies arent even scary because they all have music that leads up to the scares
Donald Trump
t. Reddit pleb
Based qt finn
Is Jack molesting him?
I have no idea what's going on there.
guys I'm not a pedo but...
>Feeling scary might spook some kids later idk
How come he looks much younger here than he did in Stranger Things?
Also this based las advocated Bill Hader to get hired and he did
He looks hideous and uncanny valley.
Stop being rude
Sometimes I think about facefucking IT.
i had to turn this shit off at the first BWWWAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW
why are all trailers the same nowadays?
The fuck is this
last issue will print this august
What me worry?
So anons how’d Eddie die in the book?
Also I don’t think I saw Stanley in that whole child to adult actor transition
I don’t think I’m ready for his death
What did he lie about
Original IT script
why are king adaptions always such shit. never been more disappointed in a movie than IT.
>So anons how’d Eddie die in the book?
He puts his arm in Pennywise's mouth because he hears Richie scream for help and basically aborts Pennywise's baby with his aspirator. He then gets his arm bit off and dies bleeding out in Richie's arms.
Kino death.
Kid Richie and teenage Richie
>he fucking dies in Richie’s arms
You mean like how when they hugged in the trailer and it clearly showed only one arm
I’m not ready anons
I’m not ready
Well it doesn't look scary if that's what it was going for.
Yep, in the book Eddie's final words are to Richie and Richie tries to insist they carry Eddie's body out of the sewer
>"It’s too dark,” Richie sobbed. “You know... it’s too dark. Eds... he...”
Then kisses him on the cheek when Ben and Bill convince him they have to leave him. Then once they get out Richie flips out for a moment in rage over losing Eddie. People are already guessing gif related might be that moment.
short stories are the best medium for written horror and poetry, so that's why King's novels always devolve into being a gay magical adventure. his short stories and novellas are a lot better.
anybody remember the name of the one with the diabetic grandma and the kid keeping an eye on her while her mom's working? I enjoyed that one more than any of his novels.
Could IT beat Cats?
My favorite Stephen King book is the Night Shift collection.
Like the first one it probably won't be scary, but it'll be good. Only really scary parts of these movies are when they're looking through town history and finding out that IT was always there, but they can't expand on that kind of existential horror so they just do loud music and have Pennywise threateningly try to grab at them.
Ok just for forewarning how much darker we’re the adult moments in the book
Pet Semetary, The Shining and Misery are my favourites.
Friend had the double VHS. This scene scene gave me a feeling of uneasiness around public showers at pools.
Oh god too qt
legit looks good
I'm not that familiar with IT
Is this based off a book or is this fanfiction?
Gramma from the Skeleton Crew collection
nigga you think i watch this because it's scary ? It's fucking not, but it's super entertaining and a great cinema experience hearing all those normies get spooked. I laughed so much during the 1st one
watch Dark, a TON of good examples there
Of the King stuff I've read, I've genuinely liked:
>The Mist
>The Dark Tower 1-4
>Everything's Eventual
>Nightmares and Dreamscapes
You can definitely tell that he rushed to pinch off Dark Tower 5-7, because he was scared of dying before he finished it. I've also tried multiple times to get through The Stand, but always lose interest after Captain Trips runs its course, and it just becomes hundreds of pages of people just sort of milling about in a post-apocalyptic setting, not doing much of anything. Haven't read IT yet, but I'm thinking about getting the audiobook on Audible or something.
It’s passable but it’s obvious that the kid won’t grow up nearly as good as that guy
That's Ziggy to you.
Nobody cares about your pedo hero.
the kids on the bottom look so generic and dollarstore, but they were pretty good actors. the new ones are good too, except the jewish and black kids.
>Jonathan Bandis was the Stan of the losers
i think so too
i wonder how they're going to handle stan's suicide scene. i they'll make a big scene out of it, or just pan away and imply it.
Feels kind of weird that Mike is still the one who brings them all together and the one that stayed in the town when he had so little impact in part 1. I can't even remember what he did other than bring the cap gun at the end. In the original he was researching the history of the town since he found it interesting or something, so it kind of makes sense he stayed, but in the new one he really doesn't have any motivation to do anything he did in part 2.
Mfw I was an extra where Bill Hader had to be on a comedy stage.
Mother fucker just riffd stand up material and roasted Toronto for a good 3-4 hours.
Guy is p based.
this .there's a lot of stuff in the book that's unintentionally funny, like the gangrape scene in the sewers.
top: soulless
bottom: soul
Noah Schnapp and Jack Dylan Grazer are insanely handsome.
Sam Ashe Arnold is insanely handsome.
>but they were pretty good actors.
They were all fucking terrible besides Bill's actor.
Reminder that this movie is basically Warner Bros. studio's last real chance at having a smash hit this year. Don't like them odds.
>like the gangrape scene in the sewers
It wasn't gangrape, Beverly initiated it. In fact, she basically forces herself onto Eddie who's terrified and doesn't want it.
these movies are fun but they overdo it with the jumpscare/ dramatic zoom in on CGI thing. could've been great if fukanaga directed it.
The kids in the new movie were fantastic and had great chemistry. They objectively have more soul.
>no Amy Adams
I'm still mad.
I just want some more lovecraft style spooky monstery stuff, honestly. I love unexplained horror. The big tongue in this trailer just doesn't do it for me but i LOVED the last one with the spooky granny.
What do i have to look forward to here?
I want to beep beep Richie
>implying Chastain won’t bring her DD game
It went from having wolfhard and the kids as the stars to McAvory and Chastein, seems like a huge downgrade to me.
Me too.
lol kill yourself, wigger.
i remember kids at school talked about it existing but none of us knew if it was real or not. because it was made for tv and it wasnt at the local video store its very existence was an urban legend. then finally getting a copy and watching it was a practically transcendent experience.
Didn't even bother watching the first chapter.
I’ll drive to the kinoplex just to watch it for Finn even if he had only 5 minutes of screen time
the director previously said there was a scene they ended up cutting from the first chapter's script that involved Pennywise in colonial times killing and feeding on a child, I'm hoping that's what we're seeing here. I'm honestly gonna be furious if they don't show gruesome kills in chapter two, the first one barely deserved an R rating, it's like they filmed it so they could easily make a PG-13 cut if Warner forced them to. now that IT's a cash cow I'm hoping they gave the director free reign
never saw the first one but there was a webm of the clown doing the gangnam style dance. looked a bit silly
user you do realize what being this excited about a preteen gangbang implies, right?
Amy Adams is not a natural redhead as Jessica Chastain you gingerfaces fucker
king isn't a pedo, you are underestimating the power of cocaine.
it's an absurd scene that 100% does not need to happen, but it is explained adequately in the book. IT is a metaphor for childhood and how scary it can be, and how adults turn their backs to many of the things that happen during it. so when they finally defeat the great evil (for the first time at least), what Beverly does with them is meant to help them cross over the threshold from childhood to adulthood, which is why the group quickly splinters apart for the rest of the summer. again, King could have picked a million different ways to show this than the sewer orgy but what can you do, he was wasted for an entire decade. if you want real lunacy read The Tommyknockers, that was literally the book that preceded King entering rehab and it is BONKERS
Are you a woman or a Twitter agent?
I enjoyed the first one quite a bit, but as with all horror movies the less you see of the monster the better. It went a little cringe when you saw more of Pennywise and the monsters.
>hot underage redhead with daddy issues is no longer hot underage redhead with daddy issues
Into the trash it goes.
100% fag, the other kid is a naive cuck
>go to the theater (Alamo Drafthouse)
hope you enjoy harry's piss-soaked diapers
just wait until you discover the pennywise fetishists. they call him "pennydaddy".
Which one is which please make it clear
You mean mommy
Will the Albert in a can joke make it in?
i bet he's one of the gay couple as one of the first victims of Pennywise
so it fits pennywise like a glove
pennywise is female
He looks like Stephen King here.
>pennywise looks too goofy to be scary
Hasn’t he always? I mean Tim Curry wasn’t exactly scary.
>stranger things
This kid is on a roll this year and the next
the kids bonding in the miniseries was much more natural (and accurate to the book)
Beverley has fans too and the actress did a great job with the role.
I wish they would cut this scene, I know some people think Bill Skarsgard is scary even without his clown makeup, but I really don't see it
>can't believe they didn't give one line of dialogue to Bill Hader in either trailer, that cold man
He said "This meeting of the Losers Club has officially begun" in the teaser
Lol most anticipated capeshit for me
They obviously stay really close friends until they all left the town. It's not like the ending of chapter 1 is the last time they see each other.