Netflix Loses $17 Billion in Value in One Day

>It was a record-setting day in the worst way for Netflix on Thursday, with the streaming giant’s valuation dropping $17 billion after the company reported a loss of 130,000 customers in the U.S. last quarter.

Why are so many Americans unsubscribing from Netflix?

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cuz they watched stranger things s3 and unsubscribed immediately till the next season lmao

Soros funded cuck shit has been showing up more and more

Are whites finally tired of Soros and his schemes?

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because there isnt much on it worth a damn?

i'm glad they are losing Friends and the Office.

those shows suck fucking dick.

That's gotta be fake news, right?

cuz I can just go to my local library and rent the new releases for a dollar. Plus, they have a huge selection of movies and tv.

>cuz I can just go to my local library and rent the new releases for a dollar
Libraries don't charge for movies

no we’ll just call all of his opponents racists or something and our country will turn into mexico

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>prices keep going up
>losing their popular normie shows
>people watched Stranger Memes then cancelled

just download it, grandpa

*blocks you're path*

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Of course, they would never admit it's not marketable

Learning that the office and friends are still the most watched shows on netflix made me realise how bad things still are

Get woke go broke.


noooo my softcore cuckold porn!

this is probably a ruse, they report a loss, so they dont have to pay some kind of tax or someshit and still keep their money

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>paying for media
i pay for prime to get free shipping on the 2 amazon things i buy each quarter. they have a way better selection than the last time i had netflix, many years ago.

honestly who has time to watch tv and movies anymore, there's shitposting to be done.

I keep forgetting to re-up. Beyond finishing Cheers and Frasier and waiting for Criminal Minds Season 2 I really have no reason to.

why is so satisfying to see companies like blizz and cuckflix leaking subs

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Pandering to a demographic that just steals everything anyway was a bad idea.

>almost every Netflix original is nothing but wall to wall anti-male, anti-white, pro race mixing propaganda
>wonder why people are unsubbing

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Maybe human societies are evolving away from audio-video entertainment?

Netflix have absolutely zero quality control and flooded their service with trash.

If the majority of your service is filled with garbage, how many people will actually bother to dig through the trash to find something half-decent?

Most people don't want to self-curate, they don't have the energy.

Netflix content has got worse over time, barely find anything worth watching on it in 2019 it's all trash. As a Brit I have nowtv and there's much more entertaining shows on it. Considering cancelling my Netflix too desu.


they did well for a while because the shit shows had the same branding and style as the good ones but eventually quality or lack there of shines through and the cheap acting becomes apparent

Some for political reasons I'm sure, but mostly because the service is just boring.

And once Disney and all the others start their services later this year they will lose a lot more.

Attached: your gf is Disney.webm (1920x1080, 1.64M)

>help us learn why
what did they mean by this?

honestly, why do you idiots pay for content? Someone is going to put it up for free on the internet instantly. Holy shit, imagine paying for entertainment to waste your life.

Fucking hell.

Get woke go broke.
Fuck you kikeflix.

One of the better features of living in Eastern Europe, desu

>help us learn why
These are people with advanced degrees who lecture billionaires at SxSW and Aspen and they cannot figure this out.

Their catalogue is limited and bad. Non-US Netflix is even worse, there's absolutely nothing on it.

Seriously though who under the age of 40 doesn't pirate everything? Who will pay for services like netflix when the boomers and older gen-xers die?

blizzards downfall is kino

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there's not enough good talent to create the amount of content at the rate required now that there's no schedule limit .
it becomes inevitable that content wil be bulked out with cheap shit posing as hot stuff.
companies are much too parsimonious to put out high quality content to fill every gap

itll be interesting to see if even a company as rich as apple manage to jump that hurdle . they have a lot of a listers signed up but it might still not be enough


I am honestly happy that netflix is dying off.
That means disney streaming services will do better and my stock will go up in value.

unrelated but im latefag in watching s3.
is it just me or did all the action scenes conveniently have the males get cockblocked so that the girls could save them?

Honestly their originals are just shit in 99.9% of cases, I'm not sure what the hell they're doing.

>paying for Netflix
>paying for any type of digital media
Thanks to those who pay for this shit, I get to watch it for free.

Pluto TV is just on demand content that's available to view everywhere else. Pointless.

17 billion is like 4 star wars

Name a single Netflix Original from 2019 that was good and did not have racemining besides Dark season 2.

Attached: Dark.webm (1280x640, 2.87M)

It's convenient and I'm not poor. Why would I waste my time finding a good quality UHD torrent for everything I want to watch when I can stream it with ease instead.

>supporting kikewood ever
thats a yikes from me, you have a moral obligation to pirate everything.

I'm pretty sure most Netflix subscribers are normie millenials who are too stupid/lazy to torrent and would rather watch the same 3 sitcoms on endless repeat.

mindhunter thats gonna be released
but nothing's gonna top dark

honestly, why do you idiot reply to these posts? Someone is going to get (you)s for free on the internet anyways. Holy shit, imagine replying to everyone for (you)s to waste your life.

Fucking hell.

people still can't comprehend a regular pc or now they just start with a phone and know nothing.

>thats gonna be released
>implying Fincher won't delay it to 2020

you're going to jail, scumbag. I have your IP. Get ready for Tyrone's huge dick in your anus.

too much niggers. they never have mexicans or hispanics on their shows.

Look at this faggot thinks 4K streams are true 4K. No wonder Netflix has all you normies by the balls.

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Seriously besides Dark did they release anything good? Any movie or show?
It all looks like garbage to me and I didn't even hear of half of it

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The way I use it it's worth the money over the time spent pirating. Also I got a firestick for my mom for christmas last year and taught her how to use netflix and her service is tied to my account. She's pissed the office is leaving and watches it constantly lmao.

There is a proliferation of new services making almost everyone go back to torrents. Those that don´t leave because of that leave because they are capeshit sheeps and will swtich to Disney+.

There are probably incels leaving too because of all the SJW content on the platform.

>These are people with advanced degrees who lecture billionaires at SxSW and Aspen and they cannot figure this out.
Have they tried increasing the BMWF pairings?

...just why?


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>help us learn why
But we've been telling you and you laughed in our face when we did?

To clean the 3rd (weakest) stomache.
It doesn't bother the cow

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Not enough diversity and interracial relationships between white women and black men.

No, it's real. There's a lot of people in these companies with an agenda and they don't care about profits. They think seeing black people on TV will make people no longer be racist.

Man there's no excuse for normies not to pirate these days. Set up a Plex server and you basically have your own private, free, Netflix with no limitations on the catalogue.


>what kind of retard pays for netflix why don't they just pirate it like me

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Netflix was popular for having reruns of decent shows and gradually stopped paying the rights to keep them.

Now Netflix has to get by with its own programming which is often pretty terrible. There's nothing around now like House of Cards and you instead have this child friendly stuff like Stranger Things.

You don’t even have to do that. Pirates have made it extremely easy for normies to pirate straight to their tv. Side load PopcornTime to a device that’s connected to your tv and you pretty much have almost everything on demand at ease.

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>family members all have steady income
>share one account
> Comes out about 3 dollars a month
“Why don’t people just pirate??”
Literally not worth the time

They have a decent selection of documentaries especially if you want to learn about how horrible the Holocaust was

Black spot? I’m only on episode 3 but usually you see some shit by ep2 so hopefully it remains that way.

>help us learn why
We tried but, last time, you released The Amy Schumer Special and banned the rating system.

This my mom and sister aren't going to set up a Plex server or side load popcorn time onto a device because they don't want to . You're not some genius if you're a pirate either.

this, in roman empire the estate would PAY ME for being entertained and not revolting around the entire province

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>paying real moolah for a junk selection that's constantly fluctuating

>source mysteriously cropped out

I bet mommy pays for your Netflix too

Everyone is sick of his shit.

based, the library is fucking awesome

low iq

This is why

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I torrentmost of my films however i'm gldnormies are still paying otherwise there would be noting to download. So let them pay and mind your own business

That didn’t stop the music industry. Dumbass.

This is why.

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>"Free? Pfft, no way, I'll pay thank you very much"

yes it did why do you think musicians dont have bands anymore

imagine being a poorrenter

I don't have an account

only my mom and grandad watch netflix and they say theyre kinda sick of it lmao

Imagine paying Jews for cucked content



Why go on a movie board if you hate movies?


A fool and his money are soon parted.

>Local library
>Paid rentals

What janky public library has you pay for on-time borrowing?

This just shows, you don't go to the library.
The movies are free to rent.


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imagine paying jews for internet access

I fucking forgot about that one

My dad still refuses to pirate because its "illegal". But mum pirated everything now that i shower her. There both in their 40s


>parents are in their 40s
wtf, how old are you

probably a ghetto area only way they get money or maybe they get newer stuff by having poeple pay

This constant push of interracial relationships in (((Hollywood))) has no bearing in real life.

In the US, over 90% of couples are the same race, and that's one of the most diverse countries in the world. Yet if you go by media representation the last 6 years or so, ~50% of couples are interracial.

Given how unrepresentative this is of actual reality, it's such a clear propaganda.

>parents are in their 40s
>wtf, how old are you
Probably his 20s?

>one of the better features of living in the third world is downloading American entertainment
It’s called a vpn

why would companies care about racism? shouldn't profit be their priority?

"So, you're saying if I do this show for Netflix, I won't get any money up front, but I will get millions in stock options? Well, that sounds like a safe bet to me. Sign me up!"

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I'm 24 and my mother just hit 50 last week, do you think it's still 2010?

i hooked my dad up with a plex/sonarr/radarr box up for father's day a few years ago and he's loving it. they ended up cancelling all of their streaming and TV services. it's as easy as them typing in whatever shit they want to watch, but the setup is still pretty involved.

Its almost like spreading your content over a SEASON keeps people invested in watching. What mouth breather thought oh lets dump an entire season all at once and think they would keep subscribers?

It unironically takes less time to find it on TPB than to load it on netflix. Unless, of course, you have no fucking idea how to torrent.

having people bitch and complain about the racism in your entertainment hurts profit more than catering to said people

Maybe it's just doing my head in because I'm 33

It's called not being poor dummy and I still have tvs around my house which makes things convenient.

>no Drive to Survive season 2

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>pirating is time consuming
Literally how? After the first time you download a torrenting client, you just fucking find the files and download them in like a few minutes. Is 5 minutes of convenience gone really worth paying?

>netflix streaming

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>Yea Forums still believes this is real
No hope for this board

enjoy your compressed garbage with crushed colors because netflix is desperately fighting to not pay their bandwidth bill

shit i have a few files going while i’m watching an episode.

its not real you dumb stormfaggot

go back

I can torrent on my phone

For some people yes, unironically. I usually watch netflix when im home from work eating dinner. Id rather just turn the tv on and pick sonething than pirate it. I like a lot of the true crime docs they have. If I want to watch a movie i usually purate it though.

I also occasionally babysit my niece so the kids profile is handy

Weird how BMWF is the least common pairings in the US, but the most common interracial pairing on Netflix. I wonder why it's so prevalent.

>Help us!
Fuck off Lucia Moses

Burger internet is pretty slow.

>third world
Why are Americans so fat and stupid?

fucking kill yourself you delusional fag. have your head stuck up your own ass.

Netflix has released nothing good this year. Thought the new ST season might at least be decent but that was shit too. Just canceled a few days ago

are you an idiot?
any company that has white only shows or whatever will be sued out the ass.

130k subscribers leaving doesn’t really feel like that many to be alarmed about.

They thought that since binge watching old shows (that have hundreds of episodes) is the same as binge watching 8 episodes of a new show once a year.

Not even an html edit of a real article, It's literally just 2 text boxes in paint.

I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

>cuz they watched stranger things s3 and unsubscribed immediately till the next season lmao

lmao, i aint subscribing next season. s3 sucked shit

thats 15500000USD they lose per year from subs alone. + the shares tanking


Mass repliers are pure cancer and ruin perfectly good threads

>Revenue for the April-to-June quarter came in on target at $4.9 billion, up 26% from the same period a year ago.

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That's what you get for Ruining Witcher!

>make nothing but vulgar trash
>w-w-where are all our subscribers going!?
It's a mystery.

>help us learn why

Attached: americucks.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

>something of value comes along
>literal culture of trial hoarders and account squatting
>why can't we have nice things
You're all unironically retarded and I don't understand how we're still alive as a species.

At least 9 people in my extended family use a single Netflix account. We also have Prime for free 2 day shipping and I have a Hulu account.

A fraction of a $100+ cable/satellite bill.

they keep pushing marxist shit and it's apparent. Huge turnoff.
Just make shows or movies with a good plot and action, christ. I think the only thing I've enjoyed in the past few months was Dark and even then it's really mediocre.

Looks pretty legit and heterosexual to me!

What show is he talking about?

>help us learn why

Attached: Netflix.webm (1280x640, 2.99M)

You live in Eastern Europe. You have bigger issues to worry about than to obsess over American

You do realize that if you have prime the two day shipping isn't free, right?

>help us learn why

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Maybe it's not the number but the quality, they could try finding darker black men and paler white women

Fuck you and your mass replying bullshit.

Not enough nudity?

It should be a bannable offense, but then again Yea Forums is shit in general so can’t complain too much. I mean it’s not like this thread wasn’t just an excuse to bitch about jews


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Yeah, it's what $100 a year? For unlimited two day shipping and Prime Video, it's worth it.

People are going to blame SJWs, and it probably had some effect on it.
But the main issue is that now literally everyone wants their own streaming platform, and Netflix's attractive part was that you paid for it and you got TV shows from everywhere.
Now you need Netflix, HBO, Disney's, Amazon's...
People now have to pay like 10 streaming services to watch the same shit they used to watch on Netflix alone.
All of what this is going to do is bring back a second golden age for piracy.

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Just checking. You never know man. I've see awful lot of stupid on the internet. Definitely worth tho.

I own netflix and I still torrent because of the shit bitrates netflix has

I used to have a subscription but I watch less and less these days so I just canceled it. Modern TV is shit, literally every Netflix original is some variation of this kind of filth and any old movies/shows that I really like I own myself.

honestly, I pay for the convenience at this point. I've had my time wasted so many times downloading the wrong MKV or some type of files my TV can't play from a flash drive, have to find my laptop connect the bitch up, etc. I could pirate all the shit I currently watch or listen to (Spotify) but the convenience is just worth the $10/mo for me. Granted, I don't have Netflix cause it's shit but I do subscribe to other streaming services. I just need to set up a Plex like my friend did and go back to streaming...

I don't

GET (clap) WOKE (clap) GO (clap) BROKE (clap)

>forgetting the tip

that's not really how the stock market works

That's the thing, the convenience is starting to dull away because now you need to pay for way too many services.
Soon there's not going to be a "main" streaming platform, it'll be like TV channels, except you have to pay to watch each of them.

I'm so fucking glad The Office is going off netflix I absolutely CANNOT STAND that stupid LOUD ASS intro theme song. My roommate puts on The Office to fall asleep to, and every fucking 30 minutes I hear that fucking song all fucking night, it makes me want to jump off a fucking bridge.

get woke, get clap

'help us learn why' instead of 'and this is why it's a good thing' lmao they're panicking


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>130k subscribers leaving doesn’t really feel like that many to be alarmed about.
The whole investment in Netflix is predicated upon strong growth, the company is over $20 billion in debt.

For investors to pump in more money so that Netflix can keep producing content, they need to see potential return, with Netlix losing subscribers that goes out the window as they need to pay off those $20+ billion before they can become profitable which will be near impossible if the number of subscribers shrinks instead of grows.

ya, you ain't wrong.

What are you talking about, user?

Is this why I've been getting constant emails from them to come back lately?

Quick. Cut another $10 million dollar check to AOC

>'help us learn why' instead of 'and this is why it's a good thing' lmao they're panicking
This, lol

>Netflix just lost 11% of their subscribers, but that just means they'll continue to create original and award-winning content that's too current for mainstream audiences!

Its a huge loss because of cash flow. You obviously have no idea how running a business works.

Let them pay. Normies can't into torrent. A fool and his money are soon parted.

the one with what's her name in it, the ugly sister

IO, that's what it was called

>more money is obviously better than less money
Killer insight, my guy.

No always. Amazon was in debt and losing money but had increasing cash flow per year.

I subscribe mainly for the romcoms, but even now they hardly have any of them. They are padding out their catalog with cheap foreign films nobody wants to watch.

gb2 faggot

And take your trips with you

Disgusting. Blacks are actually so gross

Don't be mad cause I am god's favorite.

People are still buying music moron, and music is far less expensive to produce than movies and TV shows

See, they thought cord-cutters were going to streaming services. NOPE. People are just finally sick of crappy TV shows.
The UK figured out that it's not good to pump out 100 episodes of the same tired premise. The UK makes 6 episodes a season, and shows are lucky to get a 3rd season. So we're talking 12 episodes MAX per premise.

have sex, asian incel

>imagine supporting content you like by paying for it
>holy shit lmao

Why are you so entitled? It's like buying a CD or merch of a band you saw at a local show. Not because you can't find it online, but because you'd rather pitch in so they can keep making music. Netflix isn't the greatest, but I pay to see movies I support.

what do you think is in error

This litterally doesnt happen outside of memes. Black men only fuck ugly black hippos

>implying I pay for my netflix subscription

says the guy that is so obsessed with black people that he posts about them all day

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oof ouch

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>tfw you canceled netflix and spotify
>tfw set up a home media server and went back to pirating everything

Feels good to come home.

Not giving these fuckers another penny in my life if I can help it.

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>So we're talking 12 episodes MAX per premise.

So Always Sunny would have ended at the beginning of season 2. Is this supposed to be a good thing? Fucking retard Limey's can't stop importing muslims and failing to make good television.

unironically go outside and have sex my dude

I bet ure granddad fingers your mum when they watch together

Lately the top trending programming whenever I log in is old episodes of NOVA, I took that as a bad sign

Just use any android box (less than $50) or an apple tv, with vlc.

I wonder why they keep pushing it.

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You should fight him

>help us learn why

Fuck I hate these people.

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>posts in 48 threads about how much he hates black people
>tells others to have sex
bend over, faggot

>Paying for your race mixing, anti-white propaganda
People are finally waking up.

I hope Netflix dies. Wasn't bad a few years ago at 8.99. Selection was better too. Now the selection is shit and they've upped the price. That's why I cancelled earlier this year and why most normies will cancel.

I have too much money to risk being exposed to legal action for me to not spend whatever it is that I pay for Netflix. I also dont feel like taking the time to teach wife/kids how to do anything besides use the smart tv.

>fetishize her relationship
Some white women are such fucking aids it's absolutely ridiculous.

Honestly, let them push it. If a woman is so weak that she'll fuck black guys, she's going to get pregnant doing that shit and their mongrel child wont be white. There will be 0 confusion for the next generation of who not to mate with.

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Netflix taxes studios for any WM/WF relationships and gives bonuses to any other combination. If the creative team suggests a WM/WF pairing, Netflix puts a kabosh to that and forces a sibling-like relationship.

I'm not even racist but even I'm getting sick the fact that every other Netflix original just throws a BMWF couple down your throat like it's supposed to be normal. Like goddamn you can only be so overt with propaganda before even every day normalfags get sick of it.

You could subscribe to every available service and still not have access to everything i can watch via pirate streaming. Don't even need to download just use kodi or shit like

Look at how often they've raised their prices. I swear it's been like 3 times in the past 2 years.

>movies = cuckshit
Imagine being so American you think this.

New releases are $1 for two days.
Everything else is free to borrow.


>honestly who has time to watch tv and movies anymore, there's shitposting to be done. this who I am now?

Yeah no, I'm not going to become a felon for assaulting someone for hearing that LOUD ASS stupid song at least 10+15 times a night.

Then why is that what 90% of Netflix is

>keep raising the cost of subscribing
>keep lowering the amount content
>constantly shlling those god awful original movies
Gee I wonder why people are moving away from Netflix? It sure is a real mystery.

Please give context.

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>netflix used to be about streaming old cool shows for cheap
>lose the licensing to 95% of those old cool shows
>fill the void with YAAASSSS KEEEEN
>double the price

I'm surprised shitflix hasn't capitulated to $150.


I got a free trial to watch s3 then realized they have literally nothing else worth watching and cancelled.

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Cap of the turbine somehow popped off. The webm you see is the turbine that had been shut down but is still spinning due to air rushing in

Good riddance. I will never get that smell of dvd box plastic and candy out of my nostrils thanks to you.

Cap came of, plane landed fine. Planes can above earth with only one engine

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>let's make low budget movies that appeal to white men like Jon Berrgerons Sniper
>fuck you racist white people will watch what we tell them to watch

I prefer tubitv, if you like older movies and TV shows they probably have it available.

he fingers me too

>now that i shower her

>So Always Sunny would have ended at the beginning of season 2. Is this supposed to be a good thing?
Maybe not season 2, but it should have ended by now. They started recycling stories in season 8.

The inconvenience isn't the time, it's thinking of/finding something to watch. With Netflix, you can stumble upon something that looks interesting, read a quick synopsis and decide if it's worth watching. I'm not saying there's anything good on Netflix, just that people don't want to spend the time, or don't know where to look for something interesting to watch that they may not have heard of.

idk if this is real or fake but i noticed there are more of those in there, and i dont know why. lets not get paranoid. its weird. maybe they feel the need to diversify to avoid negro getting agitated and make them feel like the studio is rayciss so they preemptively throw a few blacks in there even if it doesnt matter. idk. that probably is it, right, just some sort of "moral insurance" so their brand don't lose value. i for one will not watch interracial romances, hopefully i won't miss any kick ass movies or shows...

Plex is great. I got it because I moved and my computer is no longer in the same room as my tv, so I can't run an HDMI anymore, and I didn't want to spring for a laptop just to watch movies. It's super easy to set up too. You just tell it where your files are stored and it automatically finds all the info for your movies (movie poster, short summary of movie, even actors in it, etc) and they show up in a nice UI and you can stream your movies on any device. Although I haven't tried so could be even easier for you

>A Nigflix original

Attached: •interracial (BMWF).webm (640x774, 348K)

imagine being a schlub

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Canceled mine yesterday here in Hueland.
I dint knew, but they actually ask why you want to cancel. I just posted "too much left leaning movies in here".

>hopefully i won't miss any kick ass movies or shows
You aren't missing anything, trust me.

netflix keeps spending money on stupid originals nobody cares about while based prime gives us kino made by actual filmmakers

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The Medici series on netflix is great though.

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T-This isn't real, right my fellow kekkerinos of culture?

black people don't have credit/debit cards so pandering to them has gotten them like no subscriptions and pissed off enough subscribers with their constant political bullshit that they're leaving by the hundreds of thousands. maybe if you could pay for netflix with EBT they would be growing

>plex/sonarr/radarr box

i might look into this once i get my new pc , any ez-modo tutorial out there you recommend, havent bother to look yet

You sure are out of the loop. They also turned the central female lead who looks like pic related into some skinny Indian woman. Mind you this is a series that takes place in a fantasy version of medieval Poland but Cuckflix being Cuckflix couldn't help themselves.

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okay this shit is too fucking hot

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you just know


Are all the replies seriously that braindead that they'll accept everything they read here

She looks like my ex. Ree fugg. Get away, those feels

Come to England, half of the new releases are shit stand up specials about hating white men and the other half is a mixture of Bollywood and Asian soap operas.

Meanwhile Amazon Prime has picked up a bunch of old kino TV shows.

Netflix deserves to die.

>can above earth

Fly, you fools!

you don't? My wife is taller than me and I think about that all the time. I always tell her to wear heals, and the bigger the better. I love it when she towers over me.

Is this North American society in a nutshell?


I’ve got bad news for you user...

is your wife a man or are you just a short C H A D?

I think they just buy shit that would previously have gone straight to DVD.

imagine the smell

Because they keep jacking up the fucking price. I'm about to unsubscribe myself.

there is a thing in the engine

i see a trend of paying for music too. paying for shit radio or whatever spotify is. fuck thatttt i did not grew up with no culture no internet in my teenage years and early adulthood to start to pay for anything. fucking zoomers getting bamboozled and they dont even have a fucking clue.

price went from 12-15$ a month

that's a funny headline user but you need to put it near an article for it to work

>$17 bln


>why would companies care about racism?

The "company" doesn't. The PEOPLE who run the company do.
And the people that run Netflix happen to be completely insane leftoid zealots.

Sauce me baby

Netflix has Cheers now though

Example just at the top of my mind

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Another one and this one got cancelled so the views were probably in the negative

So many angry white men

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Forgott image

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It has a third season on the way?

What is even left on Netflix worth watching - that isn't Stranger Things?

cuz piracy is easy

>Business Insider ran a survey back in April of people who canceled Netflix. Cost were the top reasons selected, with 41% saying they cancelled to cut back on spending, followed by 23% saying Netflix wasn't worth the price. Other reasons had to do with dissatisfaction with the content on Netflix.

Anybody have a link for this survey? I can't find it.

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Netflix only picks up shit, and stranger things seaosn 3 is no exception. They have basically nothing to watch, even if you like their pc stuff it's just poorly written garbage.

Why are people turning on this Christian company that puts out family friendly content?

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Statistically, what is actually the most common interracial pairing? It must be either Asian female/white male, or Hispanic female/white male. In my experience, women of every race desire a white man with lighter coloured hair and either blue or green eyes. For women, a white man has both physical and socioeconomic desirable characteristics.

What’s so good about stranger things? I can’t stand that creatura kid and that mega Jewish looking kid Finn Wolfhard gives me the creeps.

>Why are so many Americans unsubscribing from Netflix?

1) hard to justify a sub to a movie streaming service with no movies
2) 99% of netflix originals are terrible
3) only thing worth watching is typically anime, and they obviously hate anime
4) pressing trash sjw shit on watchers

Every time I want to watch a movie, I search it on Netflix, find it's not there, then go to red-box. While driving to red-box I ask myself "why do I have Netflix?", I think the last thing I watched on Netflix was Thor Ragnarok.

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I just leach my sister's netflix and the only thing I find is even okay to watch are like korean shows.

>Interracial romance
Is this the new codeword for "content aimed at WOCs"?

I don't watch ST but apparently it's the only show people watch on Netflix these days from what I hear at work

because they increased the price yet again. Wtf did they expect?

I'm not at all religious and quite enjoy Sabrina but the level of actual Satanic influence were probably higher than anything seen before and I'm a big fan of Satanic horror movie genre.

Which must be odd for people who were used to the old kids show.

>What’s so good about stranger things?
First season was a fun adventure that was a love-letter to the early-mid 1980s horror movies. Second season was hit-or-miss. I haven't bothered to watch the third season yet.

Their propaganda sucks. If I'm going to have a streaming service I'd rather have the one that gets me free 2 day shipping.
t. Amazonfag

I guess Bill Nye couldn't even save Netflix, let alone the world

It's been said already but Dark is pure kino. Also no non-whites in the show at all. COINCIDENCE?

>So many angry white men

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Here is the new stuff on netflix and it's shit. I did watch blown away because glass blowing is kind of neat, but the competition was rigged for the woke hippy lady who made shit pieces but gave some oppression story to go along with them.

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Yeah but now they're going full retard and shoving in even more indentity politics into their series. I know quite a few people who weren't happy with the way the male characters were treated this season.


It's black guy/your girlfriend


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Netflix will eventually be the new Blockbuster. Bigger streaming services from companies like Disney will eat them alive.

Business Journalism is just shitposting for day traders

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I see they're trying to reach Asian audiences with gookshit and half-assed original anime but forgot Asians rely more on Amazon Prime

Whenever i visit my normie sister she’s always watching one of these Netflix or big network shows and they always forcing some black person into the family or relationship

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It's arguably the craziest reboot, or whatever you'd call it, ever made which I respect it for. No one can say they didn't go for it.

dump eet

Taco Chronicles was great.

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Outlaw King was kino.

nice dubs, look for the teacup /biz/bros

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My parents actually cancelled their Netflix account over the forced propaganda bullshit.

Congratulations on your future career as a worker bee slave

Pretty much. The primary purpose of it is to try to generate some directional volatility. No one actually gives a fuck. Is there bad news? Are people selling? Can I sell along with them? After awhile those press releases/news stories all become meaningless except for their capacity to move price reliably.

And you don't think Apple and Amazon won't absolutely ass fuck Disney?

Fuck off you delusional retard.