It's just a red storm trooper with a clone helmet and laser etching on the armor.
Other urls found in this thread:
They're not even trying.
>who dis?
now this is hella epic, star wars is saved!
That’s a trooper!?
I didn’t even notice...
It just looks so different.
They're damage controlling the fact that they will eventually have nothing to do with the first order while looking almost exactly like the first order troopers.
based david.
Why am I supposed to be outraged over this? You faggots really need to put all this frustration into something productive. ie have sex
Oooooooh now I understand...
So these are the guards that Sheev have where he is hiding?
That is why they are called Sith Troopers?
Maybe they even are trained in the force by Sheev?
>Sith troopers
Can this get more retarded?
Foolish OP. You should've known by now that JJ Abrams never produces anything original and always rips off something else.
>Maybe they even are trained in the force by Sheev?
Force sensitive operators operating is too hardcore for nuWars. They'll just end up being different colored mooks to get killed by Rey.
the merch is already sold out
I wouldn't be surprised if this is like the history of the Cloverfield name. Some faggot accidentally dropped his strawberry coffee in the model and JJ's secretary just sent it to Disney with "conceptual" in the subtitle because fuck it, people will eat shit with a cool logo.
It's almost like this is what the first order troops should have looked like in the first place
Imagine being a star wars lore buff and having to witness disney add retarded shit to the lore
The silhouette is the same, but the design is totally different in the good way. The rest of the armor actually matches the complexity of the helmet this time.
I didn't recognize it because of the red armor.
It's a Sith trooper.
Not a First Order trooper.
They were hammering it into our heads that First Order has nothing to do with the Sith in TFA and TLJ and media blurbs.
It's basically also 101% confirmed, in the new leaked book Sith troopers are said to belong to the new 'Sith' group, along with Vader and Sidious, while older stormtroopers belong to 'The First Order' group along with Kylo and Phasma.
They just kind of forgotten that they're supposed to represent some other faction and made them look too similar to duck troopers imo.
Or maybe they're trying to make this intentionally confusing.
I need more details on this hilarious shit.
Second part is a bad joke, but the Cloverfield name should be Cloverdale (the name of the street where JJ worked). The problem is, a guy wrote it wrong and no one cared because it was part of the mystery.
>completely different
>This is what J.J. considers to be innovative
Why the hell couldn't George Lucas come up with this? Bloody brilliant JJ.
>but seed's got a new feed
>this isn't a fucking joke
honk honk
While we're on the subject, Storm Troopers are obviously insanely recognizable and a staple of star wars, but what are they fundamentally. They're supposed to be advanced elite space marines, basically. Their armor is a big part of it, but the look is obviously dated. I get that it's insanely popular, but it's very dated, it was an attempt to look futuristic with crap laying around 40 years ago.
My point is, why not just actually create a futuristic look? Keep some of the core details, but make them actually bad ass space marines. Stop treating them like a comical joke, that's how we end up with Hux.
Maybe you think they should keep the aesthetic with more minor changes than an overhaul. But jesus christ, just applying a red tint. People were paid hundreds of thousands for this each
>no young and handsome Jedi main character
Mit Zimmerit, in case der verdammt Ruskies attack mit magnetic minen!
Mik mak mok makka mokko mikki.
Red Trooper... to go with... Red Guard?
>new hat
>formerly gloves
meh, stormtroopers still look futuristic. Only thing that's lost is the "elite" trooper look due to their horrible in-movie performances
"Could there literally BE more texture on this Stormtrooper armor?"
Nice dress, faggot.
I'm gonna buy some for roleplay, hopefully they come in adult size.
They're unaffiliated with The First Order which makes the fact that they look almost the same as the First Order troopers even more retarded.
This is probably correct but OP made an incorrect autistic assumption that the threat is Yuuzhan Vong.
It's Palpatine who has been rebuilding his army in secret. That was literally JJs original idea for TFA.
Don't forget it's been three decades after a major war. Imagine how little the Nazi's would have done if people were too busy laughing at them for wearing WW1 duds.
What is "camouflage"?
Does this mean the spoilers about Kylo fighting the Knights of Ren and the true enemy from The Beyond is real?
who is this new , never seen before character?
Episode X is no doubt going to be called "Return of the Sith".
Are they going to tell us the plot? Nothing is reassuring me this movie is going to fix what TLJ broke.
At least the weapons make sen---
gardening equipment
this is JANNY TROOPER, he picks up garbage with the GRIPPER DEVICE
"ill stop those jedi with my force claw!"
>We want the 8 years old boys from early 2000s audience
Can they store stuff in those blocks on their armor or is it just a weird aesthetic choice?
"A Sith works in the shadows...."
with new ACTION GRIP
Used to be sneed. Now it's chuck.
It's their colostomy bag, they had their anuses removed during an extreme Sith circumcision ceremony
>You can't have a dirty asshole if you don't have an asshole
It's more hygienic this way and girls love it
stormtroopers aren't elite, they're massed conscripts in pvc that are only scary because of what they represent: a million shiny boots kicking your ass
Fuck you, I can't believe this is real. These designers are just parodies of themselves at this point, it's breathtaking.
>same say its was period blood on a toilet seat at lucusfilm HQ that gave them the idea
>you might not recognize me because of my new red arm
60 years prior they used camo armor but I guess they forgot about it
I honestly can’t believe how fast Disney has fucked Star Wars. In the span of five years I went from loving the franchise to complete and utter apathy.
The fucking handhold grasper is a gimmick off a GI Joe that you, as a six year old, would discard in favor of a weapon from another toy set
Has the stormtrooper had her blood?
Doesn't look like anything to me
Red is to symbolise Drumpfff supporters. As we now live in a fascist America and only POC's can save us with Communism.
I think he one of the guys from Daft Punk.
oh my god. Even TFA is laughing at them.
You don't want toys with camo. They're toys, that's what they are.
Disney employees are literally NPCs at this point.
All of those blocks and the cylinder are one big colostomy bag? Why not install an automatic masturbator and devote at least one of the blocks to holding their ejaculate? Then they could maintain focus in battle more easily.
You know it's weird when you think about it
There's an ENTIRE generation of people who have now lived in the star wars universe that lived through THREE wars on a galactic scale
That much carnage and bloodshed is probably on par with what you'd find in a w40k setting
Jesus man I fucking miss TFA
maybe they live on that planet that Darth Vader lived on, so it's the blend in with the lava
>handhold grasper
I think it might actually be one of those tweezer things girls use to apply fake eyelashes....
They use the manual masturbator, there's a picture with the "alternative weapon" few posts earlier
Well nah the OT wasn't really a galactic war, it was a galactic empire fending off some terrorists
It was a rehash, but at least kept most of us hopeful.
I couldn't even think of what to call it
maybe it's a pair of spreaders for a gynecologist, the designers seem familiar with it
maybe the moutbreathers
user, even on a lava planet, you don't literally live in lava, that would probably not be good for your health.
Could one of you faggots turn the colour brown and call it a SHIT trooper please?
It's scifi bro you don't know they don;t live in the lava, they might not even be human and instead be lava monsters, or robots who can withstand the lava
Why does the Sith have troops? Isn't secrecy a big part of being sith
>He's so new that he doesn't remember Yea Forumss original reaction to TFA
It was revered as a second coming of Jesus until the glib facsimile review came out and has proven to be so memetically powerful that it has singlehandedly changed everyone's mind.
Do it yourself faggot.
Boot up photoshop and do it, stop expecting people to spoon feed you
of course. All the spoilers seem to be true. The droid factory and the evil mountain jumbo baby in the lake.
I see
Literal NPC, god damn
Hey, the Sith even have a logo now. For their letterhead and marketing at job fairs.
They're retconned to a fully fledged faction with their own agenda in the new movie, they even got a new fancy logo.
No. I've been here since 2009 and it's nothing to brag about at all.
Anyway that was all shilling back in 2015, only the mouthbreathers were excited for it. Literally no one was hyped for TFA except 75 iq retards.
>New Sith Trooper!
>The new evil enemy!
>grab em by the pussy with the claw!
>cut taxes for the rich with the batonblade.
>only 99$99 exclusively at a Disney store near you!
you stupid niggers
Maybe they're from the Old Republic.
30 years ago, they were still giving some troopers a camo shoulderpad each. They must have run out of brown paint.
But the sneed is new!
I want to be spoon fed.
I am tired from making my sneed meme.
JJ said he was inspired by The Old Republic games before TFA release. Plausible that he would make the secret Sith Empire the baddies.
there are no other sith logos that look like this, this is a new one
that's too smart for JJ and even if he wrote something like that, he'd fuck it up somehow
I swear to god we already saw this guy in TFA
Why are you fags always doing this stuff? Trying to retcon popular Yea Forums opinion, like "nobody liked the prequels until the sequels came out" in every prequel thread. The consensus has always been that while TFA was a good movie in and of itself it was a bad idea and adds nothing to the saga.
Not brown enough, but admirable effort. If your shit is this red, you should really see a doctor.
If the "pop" said "poop", that would be cool.
How can a man be inspired by Kotor, Kotor 2, and even fucking SWTOR, and then go on to make The Force Awakens?
I thought he was just going for that cash grab.
Couldn't they have based the armour off of the Old Republic Sith troopers at least?
He wants to repeat the love people had for TR-8R
It gets boring wearing your mother out every night. She also makes me shit banana pancakes that I throw in the trash every morning after
>On tv for 10 years and yet calling other people mouth breathers
You're both retarded.
t. mouthbreather
I have one of those toys and I still wonder what that shoulder thing is for. Looks cool though.
If they went this route and made an old republic trilogy, it would actually create a rounded story and justify the sequels' existence.
holy fuck that is shit tier lore
just self-insert the planet
>that planet description
That's just someone's idea of vandalism right?
Kylo Ren looks like Revan though.
>Couldn't they have based the armour off of the Old Republic Sith troopers at least?
Eeeehhhh, it's probably for the better, in KotoR they looked like their heads were upside down and they had crossed eyes, let's not kid ourselves that they were some amazing design.
Did you know that KKKennedy flat out admitted that their new shit is all self inserts?
They aren't amazing designs but i would rather that than stormtrooper painted red.
Its to show your rank
the orange one IIRC is to show that you're a captain
I always thought the pauldron was either for troopers with heavier weapons or NCOs
It was confirmed someone's writing an Old Republic trilogy, about a month ago.
Fuck did JJ actually plan something that smarmy fuck, he might redeem himself and then I'd only have Rian (and an old hag) to hate.
I consider it an act of revenge personally.
It's to protect the right arm in particular from falling rocks and stuff. The Empire doesn't care about left handed people.
It isn't like KOTOR had a good story. Great world building but the plot was generic as shit.
Didn't all the officers just wear those nifty green/grey outfits?
That planet is Coldsteel tier self-fellating lmao. Please tell me that's vandalized.
women take this shit so much more personally lol. my sister is a huge SW fan and the level of rage she feels when I say I didn't like TLJ is comical
You're correct. What I wanted to say is that it was the right call to come up with a new design, the end result is questionable.
Holy shit, new lines??? That's revolutionary!
>garbage recycled plot from a bioware game
>too smart
Nah, it's not vandalised. That's real. Check out the wookiepedia.
There's no Old Republic in the new canon, Republic is only 1000 years old and was formed immediately after the discovery of lightspeed (which also happened 1000 years before the movies).
The concept of technological stagnation has been completely retconned.
This. KOTOR worked because of it being an RPG which lends itself to be able to create great worldbuilding. Same with KOTOR 2, though it tries to branch out but comes back to being another star wars story.
Anakin brought balance to the force by
leading to an army of zillions of red sith troopers
If that's the case then they'd have a coherent plot with a logical beginning and end. They'd have to end the series there and not go any further, only releasing in betweens and spin offs, and I say that because they're never gonna stop completely.
You mean eg not ie you dumb faggot, read a book retard
Nice order 66 you have there.
>she studies astrology
>the study of where the fucking planets and stars are in the sky
>despite the fact that none of it makes any fucking sense the moment you leave your planet because now your frame of reference is constantly changing
Holy shit
Yeah, in retrospect I really should've added more yellow to it.
Maybe it's advanced 3D astrology instead of sphere projection astrology.
Still retarded though.
Don't forget how things could change when the Death Star and the Starkiller blew up planets.
The ones with the pauldrons(shoulder pads) command small groups of troops while the ones with the green/grey outfits command massive amounts of men, ships, planets or sectors
Yeah. Fucking retarded. kek.
>ah yes with Alderaan now in alignment with the Death Star I'm predicting the people of that planet will have a bright future ahead of them
Why do white women love astrology so much?
could be a tad darker and shittier but feel free to take a shit on it
what bothers me is the actress would look acceptable (no word on perfomance) if not for the hair and halo which I forgot about until now
It's beautiful, you're a wizard.
same reason they like other retarded shit. cause they're women.
same reason autists like MBTI
>omg that's soooo me rn
Is it 3x as fast?
Just made this badboy
>Vice Admiral Holdo the First Order approach what do we do?
This was the lady Leia chose to be her second in command by the way
Did J.J. Abrams play Doom 2016 and come across one of those red soldiers because that's what it looks like to me. Why not just bring back the imperial guards from Return of the Jedi?
That actually looks better.
It actually looks significantly better than the real thing.
> Identical clones
> Left and right handed
Because Sith need new designs that are not associated with TFO or Empire.
I'm willing to bet that this ship from old TFA concept art will make an appearance, the troopers are strikingly visually consistent with this design.
Feel free to share it
The SHIT SHIPS where the SHIT TROOPER comes out of?
Are those miniature death stars in the middle of the ships?
The Turd Trooper hehe
Dominant hand is a social construct
You forced my hand user.
God dammit it does look better.
The shiny brown makes it look almost bronze, especially in the right lighting.
>okay so this is the bad guy ship
>you can tell because it's a super star destroyer with a death star in it
>and it's red
I don't like Star Wars, but this one looks better than the red version.
Yes it is and if I had the skill, I'd photoshop a butt where the mini-deathstar is supposed to be.
>you just blew up virgo!
Haha. Fuck Star Wars.
>When shit trooper looks better than sith trooper
The state of starwars
JJ is just reintroducing his original ideas for TFA. Rey was supposed to find Luke's lightsaber in the underwater ruins of the Death Star.
He's really doing this.
Oh lawd.
Shit Pooper
Now THAT is a top quality poop!
You could work for Disney!
Nothing like a YouTubePoop!
It ,maybe needs to be a stinkier brown, because that looks like quite a healthy pop.
>The Rise of Death Stars
OZOM, fkn saved.
I´ll go now tho and play a bit Star Wars by myself (and maybe cry a little).
Wow, what a shitty design!
I love it!
The First Order was a red herring then? Palpatine really does know how to play the field shit
>Virgin Snoke's Starkiller Base
>Chad Palpatine's Death Star Destroyers
Who would win?
What was the safety pin shit about again?
Look at the SIZE of that BATTLESHIT!
The red armor for the Sith Troopers in Ep IX is a rehash of the red elite Sith troopers from KOTOR.
JJ hacks it up again
Probably some pedophile ring.
Sheev will bathe the entire galaxy in blood.
Wait, did you re-colour that, or is it literally a flying space turd concept?
SHIT POOPER,... now we need to change all our fucking memes. Fuck.
I find it kind of amazing that we've worked out the core premise (and possibly a big twist?) of this movie only through power of sheer shitposting.
Because why sell an Emperor's Royal Guard™ figurine when you can sell an Emperor's Royal Guard™ *and* a Sith Trooper™, coming soon in Star Wars™: The Last Jedi© available in 70mm IMAX® 3D HIGH FRAM RATE™?
Resistance against racism or some shit. Lol.
You're calling the bad guys white supremacists, but remember, White supremacy just means White people to these stupid cunts.
It's a bad quality book scan, they're vibrant red.
But it's even more appropriate on the context that they came up turd-coloured like this.
>when a joke made by one user with free time and photoshop looks better than the design created by professionals working for a multi-billion dollar company
astrology virgins btfo
they literally have normal soldiers for that and they were in Solo. Stormtroopers especially Vader's 501st legion were supposed to be elite troopers. They had regular troopers in the old EU as well, it wasn't a new concept. Also how fucking lazy is Disney? The Sith troopers look like ass. They couldn't give them cooler armor or update the Imperial Guard uniforms? I seriously hate what Disney has done with the franchise.
The one thing that actually bothers me in the whole shitshow is the complete lack of different helmet designs
Literally everything is just a trooper recolor when OT had for example those bitchin helmets for biker troopers
Crap, that´s good.
Trooper is still fine too, though.
We need a vote.
>takes him 3 films to realise this
>Get shot by Shit Trooper
>Shit Trooper say his catchphrase of "Get shit on"
I want to believe
Boys, we might need to change it to SHIT POOPER.
It has a crappier ring to it perhaps?
And he was TRYING to intentionally make him look bad.
I'm not saying disney's doing anything good with it. 501st was a kind of retroactive invention which is nice but doesn't mesh with what's shown in the OT
The Stormtrooper corps gradually absorbed the regular army until the civil war started, by then the white armored Stormtroopers were the main force of the Empire
They have a new TFO scout trooper in this one.
Probably going to be some handwavium BS that the armor having that texture helps it disperse lightsaber blades or some other nonsense. Like they get caught in the little cracks and fizzle out from the increase in surface area.
Should we put it to the galactic senate or the council of mothers?
Why are they smiling
They just did a fuckin sweet 360 noscope on some rebel scum and papa snoke promised to bring home hot pockets and mountain dew
Welp, looks like we'll be getting more persons of color.
the original silhouette is still kind of there but it just looks bad and not at all sleek despite that being the general design direction
But Snooku is ded
Says a lot about the state of the franchise, doesn't it?
I wish someone would wake up and see how fucking patronizing this vicarious anti-prejudice white woman(?) thing is
Can we select a faggot of mother fuckers?
I liked it better when it was the Crowd Control Stormtrooper
How does he control the crowds, by picking people up and putting them in prison?
What did disney mean by this?
He works for ice?
69 hours in mspaint
God, what a retard. I hate Twitter
This man's chin is strong enough to alter the shape of mass produced helmets
You're a hero user.
Truly a masterpiece to behold.
You have to go back to the Outer Rim, no Coreworlds for you
it fucking hurts man
Not only did they add retarded shit to the lore, but they actually DELETED all of the old lore.
They basically blew it all up.
Kyle Katarn? Gone.
>>Kyle Katarn? Gone.
Not from our hearts. No one's ever really gone
Redid it. Side part was really tough to do.
Damn, I guess I should've just waited for your edit instead.
god damn it
Best thread this year yet
Another fine addition to my collection!
Yours looks better I'd say, but yeah, it was annoying. But autism etc.
it broke new grounds.
the 3rd war feels really small and localized compared to the Clone Wars/Galactic Civil War. Even the Galactic Civil War was mostly just insurrection since the Rebels would get squashed by the Empire if they ever grouped up their fleet like what was supposed to have happened at Endor.
The third was wasn't even a war, Republic has demilitarised.
Is it ever addressed by ANYBODY in-universe that getting rid of the military was a bad idea and that there would be plenty of loyalists to the Empire willing to fight on for strong autocratic government vs an incompetent senate?
The "first order are neo-nazis/alt-right" shit they were trying to force falls apart when there were plenty of humans better off under the Empire than they were under the Republic, an entire generation of people grew up in the Empire.
I think leia knew which is why she set up the resistance.
It's just that the republic look so comically fucking stupid that I lose all sympathy for them. They are basically the Democrat party at this point.
Some rogue Admiral would've assassinated Mon Mothma and the whole New-Republic Faction if you ever actually tried something like this after winning a gigantic civil war.
It feels like the entire post-ROTJ nu-canon was written by a woman who doesn't know what actually happens after wars end.
From day 1 they should've had the New Republic using all the old Imperial ships and equipment as they try to restore the old order of things and stamp out Imperial Loyalists, becoming increasingly authoritarian and showing how quickly liberty slips into tyranny. Movies can't have any depth though nowadays where the Empire would be the Rebels and the Rebels would be the Empire. We just have to have Rebels vs Empire AGAIN even when it doesn't make any sense.
/pol/ convinced social media that the gay prostitute attire callsign for "sex with condom ok" meant that you where an ally and a "safe" person to confide in.
Just shidded and fardded :DDD
>shit trooper
I've noticed that lots of Anons have come up with their own treatments and stuff over the years, myself included.
The reason I don't make more threads like "what would you do differently?" is because I hate Disney so much for their bullshit that I don't want them to see any good ideas to steal.
I want to watch them fucking burn before I start asking for user's fan fictions and concept designs. This will be a new genre of fucking web literature and it will not profit disney one bit.
But yeah, your ideas are good and logical.
source for that old definition?
The Sith Troopers will by Kylo’s army and the regular troopers will be Hux’s army
TFA was always dogshit. I thought it was good the first time I saw it off pure hype and then realized how absolutely steaming it was halfway through the second viewing
See, it actually looks tighter in brown than bright red
I did some tweaking to it and also added the work done by at the end
Do you like this though?
>Maybe they even are trained in the force by Sheev?
they'll be cannon fodder that Rey kills with ease
I gotchu fampai
the virgin sith trooper
Based user
literally a tank commander from rogue one with larger eyes
See this one for the middle
IIRC the post-ROTJ thing came from here:
Which is the book where this excerpt came from.
Thats top quality shit!
I feel like this retarded idea was tried before when I was a kid...
>It's losing its coolness
>Make it red, it'll be fuckin' cool again!
>Was not cool again
>New Republic using all the old Imperial ships and equipment
Well the old EU had the Imperials literally ALL pick up and leave with their shit, becoming warlords.
The Rebel doctrine and ships were superior anyway, so it made sense for the captured imperial wharfs to start building Rebel ships.
But another moot discussion, Thrawn has been offed by fucking space whales and the Mary Sue is now "canon".
I just stopped caring.
Don´t even give much of a shit about the Mando show.
It´s shit, we love it!
nah it was just vietnamese history
Dang, that's a good idea, but I'll have to do that later.
Years later, when Social Justice and Disney has completely bankrupted, do you think that Star Wars can in any way be revived?
Shut the fuck up, Filoni.
Oh shit it's the nWo Wolfpac
For me, it's these red niggers.
That looks more like olive drab military color. And fuck, it actually looks pretty good!
>those blade things were actually meant to shoot projectiles and they point them at vader in a deleted scene
nu wars is a piece of shit
but all of you will pay to see it haha
They're like some sort of anti-Jedi weapon in the new canon. Kinda like a handheld version of the stasis field used to restrain Obi-Wan in AoTC.
We can only hope, but the (((Mouse))) craves sheckels.
For awhile I was hoping that user story was true, with the Star Wars hiatus after this flic, but then came the Mandalorian TV show.
Fuck you, NEIN.
Will NEVER watch Last Jedi, and this one I´ll pirate, just to see how JarJar fucks it up again.
Looks like the Mouse might experience some withdraws from shekels, if Galaxy's Edge is anything to go by.
Sure thing, but remember, completing this is the difference between perfection and obvious memetics.
The other one could actually pass for real.
Hopefully, though I believe they just made an exceptionally shitty park.
This movie WILL actually be the test.
I hope it crashes and burns, THEN we´ll see some real heads rolling.
I like Star Wars but I'm honestly okay with letting it die at this point. I thought Vader freaking out and chucking Palpatine down the chasm ended the story nicely. There are enough Star Wars films at this point.
Maybe they actually KNOW the force
Wouldn’t that be interesting
And with the excuse of kylo and Rey working together we could get some cool lightsaber fights
what if they're all mildly force sensitive just enough to where they can finally land their blaster shots reliably
>paints a nu-stormtrooper red
>suddenly completely different..... somehow
JJ is such a fucking hack.
Oh shit, I just realised he has no "poop" on his head :'(
It's like 100% confirmed Sith Troopers are of the First Order. They're just called Sith Troopers because... no clue.
this and maybe deflecting the occasional blaster bolt and being able to know where a force user is taking cover. they should still be shitty though.
imagine if one of these guys takes out a main character with just a blaster
like it's your usual situation where "oh no lots of stormtroopers we'd better book it" but instead of just easily escaping Finn fucking dies or something
I just realised, that looks really good, so good you might be a pissed off ex-lucasfilm ILM or lucasarts guy.
Are you dave filoni?
I didn’t pay for The Last Jedi, Solo, or Rogue One.
That would unironically be the most retarded thing Disney has done. During the Old Republic when there were thousands of Sith they just kept on killing each other because they all wanted power. It got so bad that Darth Bane had to make the rule of two which said that only two Sith could exist at once to prevent the Sith from killing themselves. Now Snoke decides "HEY WHAT IF WE MAKE AN ENTIRE ARMY OUT OF SITH?"
I completely agree with you. Letting Star Wars die would be an act of mercy at this point. To me, only the first six Skywalker Saga films are canon.
>darth bane
You say?
ew shut the fuck up you smelly retard
I wish Lucas was able to move on and keep directing different things instead of obsessing over it so much. He could've had some other crazy idea in the tank.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Who even wrote this character and backstory? Whose self insert is this? Did they get Anita Sarkeesian on board?
I wouldn't mind seeing a more modern take on the design.
Yeah, but he's got RED armour now. Fuck Disneyshitters, man.
I actually legitimately like it. The movie will be shit, but the armor looks nice.
That would massively subvert my expectations.
This just makes me so said I immediately reached the bargaining stage of sadness.
This must be done purposely right? Disney wants to overload you with feminist bullshit and purposely hires shit amateur writers that only write selfninsert Mary Sues so that literally every single person on this planet learns how cancerous and disgusting forced diversity and feminist pandering is that even a franchrise like Star Wars will crashband burn trying to implement it so that their artists are finally free from the feminist agenda and can return to create whatever they want.
This is what's happening right?
They got the idea for grooves in the armor from all the modern superhero movie costumes. That being said it's more visually interesting than the normal troopers. And it's not dopey looking in the face.
post the real version
I remembered a dialogue in Xenoblade where two of the female characters would connect to each other by their shared interest in astrology and I thought "Man, Japan really is sexist, thinking all women are just into astrology" especially because both characters were extremely rational people but it was to show their feminine side.
Now I know it's just a realistic depiction of the women.
They literally admitted to it
agreed and the EU was already there for the obsessed people that were hungry for more. people would continue to produce EU content forever for them anyways. it's easy to take it or leave it as a Lucas fan because none of them are called episode:x. the idea of Mark Hamill having to butcher Luke's character on camera is saddening.
The stormtrooper accuracy thing is blown out of proportion, it is no different from any other action movie from the time. But for some reason, only Star Wars autists obsess over it to the point of wanting to have it acknowledged in actual canon. And then those faggots Filoni and Hidalgo went ahead and actually did it.
it's just a meme but it's funny to think they are the forced that conquered the galaxy. your typical war movie or action hero film operates on a much smaller scale.
Literally in every battle the Storm Troopers completely blow the Rebels out of the water. The only time in the OT they don't actually hit anything is on the Death Star when Tarkin ordered them to let Luke, Han and Leia escape so that they could follow them to the rebel base
Damn, I knew I forgot someting. I'll try that again later too, though it'll have to be shown in some other thread.
the rebels are just even worse
maybe it could be explained by the force sensitivity of the protagonists
It's already been deployed to the field.
See here
Actually looks practical
Basic green, gray and brown, are generally the best camo around.
I remember the days of being such a happy kid when the prequel trailers would be showing before a random movie. People would pay to just watch the trailer. THE FUCKING TRAILER TO PHANTOM MENACE. Disney have soo much money that ruining Star Wars is just one way of demeaning all the good in the world. Disney can’t get a fucking grip on a decent feel of Star Wars even Jj sucks dick TFA is so ass. The toys don’t sell either. Dumpster fire.