>Character is evil because... he is evil.
Character is evil because... he is evil
Even worse. He’s evil because he’s intelligent
how was he evil
Why wasn't he defeated like his assistant? Were they planning to make a sequel?
AnDrOiDs HaVe FeElInGs ToO
Is ambition a form of malevolence? I don't think so, Wallace did nothing wrong.
It’s more kino to leave it open ended. They can make a sequel in another 35 years.
Wallace didn't do anything wrong, unironically.
What does it even mean to be evil?
Do you think he told Luv to choke him during sex?
To keep the movie smaller scale. It's the same reason they show the android rebellion and do nothing with it. It's just a matter of world building.
Why did he want his robots to be able to give birth when that would eradicate any advantage they have? The plot is so stupid it still baffles me
I can't even remember anything about this character or his motivations, if he even had any. He had like two scenes where he just sat there in his weirdly coloured room looking all glassy eyed and speaking in a monotonous voice. BR2049 was a shit movie.
Exponential growth
>Character is evil because... he is white.
godlike thrill, knowing you literally gave birth to an entire new species
Not the movies fault you're a brainlet m8. His motives are made clear from the opening scrawl and from multiple scenes in the movie. Top kek
Replicants aren't robots, they're genetically engineered humans; so their children would probably be superhumans too.
That's the fucking point, you absolute retard.
He was not evil. In the end, his true goal was not very different from what the replicants wanted.
The movie has no bad guys, only people opposed because of circumstances. They all do what they think is better for humanity.
They are not robots but replicants. I also wondered why the fuck breeding would be desired when they are obviously grown to adult age in much less than 18 years. I like the mood and visuals but the plot is just retarded
Ok so I get that he wanted robots to breed so he could ramp up production exponentially and conquer the galaxy or whatever but why was he so fucking evil. Like what the fuck was up with that one scene where he just kills a fresh robo
>Character is evil because... he is evil.
You can't build factories to produce replicants on shithole planets. Thus, breeding.
He was insecure due to latent homosexual feelings and impulsive due to a drug addiction. Surprising amount of depth actually
He was an incel
>i will make an army of replicants and raid the garden of eden
Nu-tyrell was a bad joke
>He was not evil. In the end, his true goal was not very different from what the replicants wanted.
If the director was going for that, maybe he shouldn't have had him cut a bitch open in a very much psycho way.
>Like what the fuck was up with that one scene where he just kills a fresh robo
She had come out imperfect and he was feeling angsty. It's not complicated user
Way too angsty
The point was that that replicant was a failed product.
He specifically built that replicant trying to make it reproductive, if it wasn't already obvious with the barren pasture or "dead space between the stars" talk and an entire monologue about reproduction beforehand.
People might think "oooh he killed that replicant" but that is just one failed product in the process, merely a crumbled up piece of paper from an artist. Add in the god complex and it makes perfect sense
it was just a faulty end product
Yeah ok but if I make a shitty pancake, I don't caress it and slice it up real edgy-like, monologue about my ambitions as a chef, then finally throw it in the trash
even if leto hadn't turned in by far the worst performance in the movie, including him still came off as too much of a remake. IMO it wouldn't have detracted from the movie to just keep him offscreen, just insinuate that joi is special to him, and cut ford from everything after he gets captured until K rescues him
Based on Nexus Dawn I was expecting him to have some kind of higher motive, but he's literally just trying to optimize replicant production.
Waste of a villain, really.
>I can make people, but with limited features
>fuck it, I wanna make them as good as possibly, they're like my kids and I'm gonna die some day anyway
I'd do the same as Wallace desu
Yeah because you don't plan to conquer the entire galaxy with your pancakes, atleast I think you don't.
He literally explains his reasoning in the scene. Im sorry you cant understand simple dialogue. Maybe try watching something that is made for a younger audience until you are sure you can retain simple informations.
The homosexual stories are totally unproven. And he didn't have a drug addiction until the last few years
Holy based
>I was expecting him to have some kind of higher motive
He had a higher motive. Basically becoming God.
Nothing wrong with saying he was an underdeveloped villain. No one is shitting on your favorite movie babs
Yeah, no
In early drafts before Bowie died they had him listed as the casting.
haha yeah nothing like real life
Cant they just have the factory in space? Make it inside an asteroid and rotate the thing for some gravity, and he could easily produce the fucking things way easier than trying to play god.
He wanted to defend humankind from the coming Xeno hordes.
>I will recapture Eden
I love how the movie just gives you small, interesting tastes of what is obviously a massively deep lore.
Do you know what exponential growth means? Building them one by one is nothing compared to them being able to reproduce. Then every single replicant becomes a mobile factory of replicants. No need to build a factory on every single planet he wants to conquer.
"Millions, so we can be trillions more"
he literally explains it
They weren't robots though, that's what confuses me most. They were biological creations with DNA yet they couldn't make them reproduce? Retarded
interesting, one thing I loved about both blade runner films was the irrelevance of the protagonists in the world the lived in. also how they don't go much into detail about the lore of the universe but leave most of it up for interpretation.
this, he literally says that he needs them to be able to "manufacture" themselves to achieve the scale of things he desires.
>villain has two scenes in a movie and is left out of the plot by the end
>no motivation
>wants to figure out how to breed replicants so he can seed the galaxy with human colonies thus making his company infinite amounts of money
Pick one
>Why did he want his robots to be able to give birth when that would eradicate any advantage they have?
Did you not watch the movie?
>due to latent homosexual feelings
So you're saying the most evil person in human history is a homosexual?
I watched the original Blade Runner last week for the gazillionth time after a long time without watching it. I never bothered with 2049. Should I?
Is it worth it? Is it fucking worth it?
And what does he truly desire? A world filled with his creation? That he wants to be God?
t. never saw the film
Show don't tell. It's a movie not a book and old films were a shit tonne harder to make so it made sense they had to rely on a wall of text at the start (especially for sci fi)
>this character
he literally saved the world. it's in the opening text
or could your porn and video game addled mind not finish the single paragraph in the one minute the director opted to give you to read it?
Because it's still a noir brainlet.
how many 3 year old movies still get daily threads user?
He needs a massive disposable workforce for humanity to conquer the universe.
how can he be evil if he's not even human
Based Fagitler
Slaves to fuel human expansion into the galaxy very based really. He is not a bad guy.
weak bait
how was he evil?
they're robots, not human
>That he wants to be God?
He thinks he is one
He literally saved humanity from starvation, imagine the size of his ego
>world building
A video game term
This is exactly what make this movie appeal to “gamers”
>A video game term
Just like in real life. Makes you think huh?
he was going to have Deckard tortured
>he was going to have Deckard tortured
Deckard wasn't going to be tortured. He was just going to have his memory scanned off-world so they could find the one-eyed replicant who knew where Deckard's daughter was.
Wallace did nothing wrong.