Cats Trailer
>mfw thinking about all the degenerate furry shit this movie is going to create
I can fap to this
Neat! Shitty CGI and Hollywood shitting on a beloved property for all to see!
is this cat in the hat?
it's begun
this is fucking terrifying
Why the monkey face?
They're just making outright furry movies now?
The yiff has gone too far...
they still have the ugly human face so...
Why do they do they really expect this not to being a bomb or something there are hundreds of great scripts sitting there in hollywood desks and then this ungodly thing gets produced what the goddamn godforsaken hell is this for fucking christ sake god
massive fucking degenerate here
this is going to create 0 furries, its way too uncanny, even for furfags
i hope at least
>Keep telling furries to yiff in Hell
>More and more i realize we are in hell
This shit will bomb so hard
Fuck why are they cgi?
The best trailer I've seen in a long time!!!
Can't wait to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like John Candy reincarnated as a cat.
>all the fake accounts in the comments
the fuck
why are they botting for THIS movie
LMAO those dislikes. Youtube help! Must be those russian bots again!
$1B confirmed
Why i can see people in mocap suits while watching this?
>He actually went on youtube
Yikes. Have sex.
This is a fucking fever dream
What the absolute fuck
I remember TV ads for Cats the Musical freaking me the fuck out when I was a little kid.
>TS Eliot stage musical
Poor man might be rolling in his grave. He doesn't deserve this.
>James Cordon
Also lol I finally realized this is “Cats” and not The Aristocats
looks like deepfake porn
damn. this looks dumb as fuck
Will this movie kill cinema the way the musical killed theatre?
Fucking amazing!
Can't wait to see this magic unfold in front of me!
>Dame Judi Dench is in this
So, they CGI'd her face onto another body?
someone post a screen of Tay
This is the creepiest thing i've ever seen in my life. Jesus fucking Christ...i have no words.
What the fuck were they thinking?
>black, brown and ginger cats are nogs
Holy shit this looks fucking terrible. Why?
Somethings just meant to stay in theater
>Rum Tum is a nigger
>fatfurry rebel jiggling about
Yea Forums has came together once again to collectively meme this
At this point, I hope so.
Taylor swift as a cat wearing high heels, a choker and eyeliner. Ew
Andy Serkis is vomiting somewhere
That looks creepy as fuck. I know the actual musical has similar masks, costumes and makeups, but this looks creepy.
This is the worst looking movie I've ever seen in my life
You guys are all fucking retarded to think this looks dumb. Because it's not. It looks freaking fantastic!
>This shot looks so beautiful
>all these zoomers that don’t realize how much of a big fucking deal Cats used to be
People are gonna make fun of this all over social media in the next week, i just feel it. It's gonna be the new SANIC. Is this a new marketing tactic or something, release a trailer so bad it creates free publicity for you?
Looks terrifying.
Also, what the fuck is 'Cats' about?
What the fuck is this?
singing cats
The scenery is better than the actors. Creepy costumes and uglier and less athletic actors than the actual dancers from the filmed stage production.
A shit musical that'll make an even shittier movie.
Memories was the best part about it and they fucking butchered that too.
>catgirl taylor swift wearing nothing but heels and a collar
Yeah i'm thinking this director is pretty based.
>looks like absolute garbage
>Yea Forums will defend it because tailor swift in a skin tight furry suit
Holy shit, what the actual fuck.
Not even a big musical fan but it looks to ridiculous to hate
This looks pretty fucking bad though
This is freakish. Why not put them in actual costumes? It'd look 100% less retarded and scary and 100% more convincing to the eyes than this abomination.
hollywood isn't doing very well is it?
they are just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks
>watched cats on vhs one gorillion times growing up for some reason
>somehow not a faggot or a furry
dodged a bullet bros
Cats is massively overrated trash. Phantom is also massively overrated but still has some good songs.
Cats is scary enough on stage why would I EVER want to see it try to be realistic.
In really short and dumbed down version
The X Factor Cat Version
I didn't think there would be a bigger shit storm since Aladdin trailer this year, holy fuck.
furries were a fucking mistake
Its CUTTING EDGE FUR TECHNOLOGY stop complaining and just pay up
I blame Darwin for killing God and thus tipping over the first cultural domino that led to the creation of this film
Gives new meaning to the term pet nigger.
fuck my girlfriends gay brother is going to be obsessed with this he already dances around his room singing musical shit
So how long until Hollywood gives a try with Shakespear again and fails horribly
I don't want to be a furry bros but muh dick is super confused rn. Wat do?
Imagine all the rule #34 that will come along with this.
Lion king
It's an anthology of various short stories with signing cats.
we literally just got cgi cat shakespeare and it is terrible
>Jordan Peele presents: Othello
Sonic would like a word with you
I think a lot of people will be reconsidering catgirls after this movie. In a bad way.
There's constantly Shakespeare movies with varying levels of success
>Idris Elba
We fucking live in a clown world
I'm going to give you a pass since it was a British-French production and not technically Hollywood but this was pretty kino
ITT plebs who never saw the original musical.
This shit is gonna be a hit.
Cats heh more like Fats
This looks much better than Aladdin t b h
what the fuck
This movie is gonna be so fucking GOOD!
>everything is a shitty remake, live action adaptation, reboot, or sequel now
>i-it's totally the zoomers who are asking to go back to an earlier time when original movies were made
Yeah right. Only zoomers who grew up in the current state of Hollywood think this shit is normal. For everyone else it's just ruining things they used to be nostalgic for. Are you even paying attention?
>Not using the far superior catgirl
What the fuck are you on about? Cats was always a punching bag, everyone made fun of it for being shitty. It was basically made for fat tourists who wear matching family shirts, fanny packs and go to stores at Times Square
He cute?
I didn't know we can rely 100% on deepfakes to make a full feature.
Angela was cute. My mom used to play it with until they changed some things.
>rebel wilson
It's not even proper furry because they still have human faces it's somewhere between monster girls and anthros.
The most popular musicial of all time? Seems an obvious choice for an adaptation.
Why the fuck are their heads elongated just enough for them to look horrifying without being so obvious at first?
That's not a catgirl though
We were robbed of an animated Cats kino
Kinda lookslike Taylor Swift is naked except for heels and a collar and a cat face I think it might be alright
She has to be one the most blatantly propped up actors ever.
Ferix is
>used to be
The director made the very good movie Les Miserables and this is the price he has to pay for it.
You don't make religious musical kino and not pay a price. The follow up musical needs to be filled with shitty popstars, blacks, shitty comedians, etc.
This is NOT what I meant when I said I want a movie about catgirls!
This legit looks like something from Tim and Eric's
CGI was a mistake
why the horrible looking uncanny valley cgi?
they are human shaped anyway, you can do all that with good costumes.
Maybe in Burgerland where the first fetish is cucking
it's trying to mimic the play obviously
We are growing
Its like they put a cat filter onto this person does not exist.
It’s just stupid everyone is going on about how ugly and dumb this looks when Cats was always known for looking ridiculous and being nonsensical. The original was ugly too.
>James Corden
If there was any chance of this being good, it's gone now.
really nightmarish
She's singing about not being accepted.
Such a powerful scene.
Yeah it was ugly. These designs are actively horrifying.
>furries claim to be DIFFERENT and AGAINST THE GRAIN
>hold conferences where 7500 people aren't afraid to show up
Looks creepy as fuck.
Hell i’d hit it
there's a fucking difference between ridiculous and actually nightmare-ish
My penis is receding into my body as I watch this. Who fucking thought this shit was a good idea?
Idris Elba looks fucking cool tho
Should've gone the Wind in the Willows (1996) route where they were 95% human
the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
that DOESN'T mean abandon the stage makeup (which deliberately fosters your suspension of disbelief) and make some kind of uncanny valley horror show
>really good jap artist I followed deleted their blog and all the Cats fanart on it
Cats always sucked.
I couldn't even tell which one was tay tay and none of it looks fap worthy.
Why do Rebel Wilson's fat cat tats jiggle?
I am absolutely going to pay money to see this, bdcause it will be a glorious eye-fucking instead of bland Disney horseshit.
What the fuck
In b4 Beatrix Potter CGI reboot.
So many fucking dumbasses in here.
You guys need to go back and watch Endgame for 100th time.
Fucking plebs.
This creeps me the FUCK out
Exactly this. That fat fucking fuck ruins everything he's in and makes it unwatchable.
>I couldn't even tell which one was tay tay
The one that followed the big letters saying "Taylor Swift"
That was last year
>i-if you dont like this faggy abomination you´re clearly into capeshit!
How old were you when you realised Kaczynski was right?
This movie is so far in the future. People of Yea Forums land are so ancient in comparison.
only 2 nipples. fail.
Rip David Lynch you’ve been outdone
Main cat is really fuckable
This look like a truly horrifying disaster that will serve as a legendary communal experience.
OH man
wanna do sex with those girl cats
but honestly this is very disturbing looking, like in regular Cats it's just people in costume so it looks like people in costume, you look at it and you see a man dancing around dressed up as a cat, there was never supposed to be convincing-looking cat people who look like a man fucked a cat and it worked, science truly has gone too far this time
No I mean the stories. Not her fictional biopic.
Fuck y’all niggas I wanna lick on TayTay’s furry titddies
For an industry that supposedly hates conservatives, they really do love conserving the same movie franchises.
Except now their progressive changes like uncanny valley CGI make them worse than the originals.
TayTay will convert a new generation into furbabies and I can't wait.
I want every available picture of cat Taylor Swift, and I want them now
"Beloved property"
Can we talk about idris elba? HES A CAT
yes the movie with funny redhead nazi from star wars
What are you talking about? This looks overwhelmingly faithful to Cats. Too faithful. Because Cats is a weirdass musical no one actually likes.
Oh I forgot about that abomination Petewr Rabbit. Anyhow I was thinking of the ballet movie they did.
Underrated post.
The joke is that the building that's on fire is playing Cats.
It's monstergirl tier at best(worst?), furfags won't touch it.
Cats was always bad. Always.
Dont lie /tv, you would.
This is a thing.
Looks like a massive effect character
Could be good
Da fug...
Not beatrix but they did a live action Wind in the Willows and it actually worked quite well, making them humans with animal characteristics.
I've seen this before.
Hilarious given CATS is the most normie tourist bait musical there is.
>boot up Oblivion
>make khajiit character
>insert into movie
the fuck
That's not really what the song's about.
>this movie
Imagine this high.
Cats is pretty much solely responsible for turning theatre into the consumerist fagfest it's become
It's look like shit, the only shit that would make it watchable is the fat girl cat in OP's picture and nobody else.
More of the fat girl cat please...
Is this from WolfCop 3?
>very good movie Les Miserables
So many shots in this trailer makes me go "Yes, this is the reason why films need to be made."
I don't understand any of it. So the play has everyone dressed in "cat costumes" that are just leotards and stupid wigs, because it's a play.
But here they're CG and now can actually look like cats, but they just looks like people with cat ears.
Should have gone full Lion King.
Cats was popular but Phantom of the Opera and Joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat are far worse offenders.
>tfw you've seen far too many ALW musicals at the West End...
>Imagine popping an edible and watching this in IMAX
Well judging from the trailer, looks uncanny
I'm sure it was big back in the day dude
But not just making them anthro was big mistake, like that recent "sonic" freakshow
>conservative politics = literally conserving shitty media from the past like Cats the Musical
Holy shit what a brainlet take.
>that early 2000's era cgi
>that star list looking like some Yea Forums shitpost
>director of les miserables
ok this is gonna be kino
It's when companies are lazy, or afraid, to just do the justice and make the big bucks at the same time
Think they decided they wanted the cat costumes then then some art deisgner went "we should make the costumes more realistic!" and this was the natural outcome.
>Swift now has boobs after having her chest inflated
>her most notable feature is her very long legs
>So let's make her cat form flat chested and make her chubby and stubby
this cant be real lmao
Cheetah for Wonder Woman 84 movie
Imagine thinking marijuana is le whacky trippy drug
>Idris Elba
>Rebel Wilson - followed by interrupting the trailer for a fat joke
If you told me this trailer was made by feeding an AI Yea Forums posts until it made an output, I'd believe you
it's a play on words
that's the joke
They can't seem to makeup their mind whether they're going to look like cats or look like people. The end result is just human faces on cat bodies. Like a deepfake.
What a time to be alive
Cats is still one of the most popular musicals, it just tours now
Ireland would start a war for that ass.
But the cat costumes are for the stage. They're not because they wanted cats with human faces. There is no way this is what the costume designers of the musical had in mind when they made those costumes a million years ago.
Anti cats posters are allnpic related.
They’re combating male gaze. No boners allowed, you fucking rapist.
Fear not, citizens of the Imperium. 40kino is on its way. We shall strike back and purge the furry once again.
The Emperor protects.
unironic shitposting aside, that shot made me gag
it gave me the same feeling than having baby spiders coming out of my skin or some weird shit like that
I'm into furshit and this is just some digusting uncanny valley shit. Spielberg did it a lot better.
Is that CIA?
Believe in what? Cats?
what bothers me more is rebel wilson and james corden.
I mean, this is basicly a movie for the musical, not for the story that the musical tells, so its very much about the songs, dancing and all that shit. Maybe they could have used suits, they would probably look convincing enough without feeling weird in moments, like it does in 3D.
Other then that I dont mind it much, not even that much furry faggotry since the faces are straight up people faces.
They became iconic though.
Besides, I'm sure they'll trot out Andrew Lloyd Webber for him to say how this was his vision all along etc.
Cats don't have boobs. Just nipples.
Catnip isn't pink
REal people jiggle, it's real footage with fur deepfaked on to it
>they even think a cat-people would have spiked dicks
>they think it's "realistic" because the primitive earth animal has them
You can't make this shit up
This movie is meant to appeal to faggy boomers that saw the Cats musical, it's hollywood's attempt to cash in a final time before everyone that saw it dies.
Braaps fishy smells in your face
I wanna fuck a cat woman
Yea Forums in the seats
>no multiple nipple sets
fucking dropped
actually looks better
we're going backwards
>it's not all bad
same, Tezuka did it better in the fucking 80s
What in the living hell?!
Iconic in the sense that they've been around a long time. Does anyone actually like Cats? It's weirdos prancing around singing nonsense forever.
>tfw taytay fucks you
Was about to post his
Would this have been so hard?
Jesus, really hope Cameron and Spielberg worked hard together on those Avatar sequels
This movie is about stage 3
It looks like they got a bunch of broadway dancers to do mocap and just had the actors face's captured and then pasted on the bodies. notice how everyone's face seems to float around. fucking weird decision. i guess it's cheaper than paying the actors to put on makeup and actually dance.
This is disturbing and uncomfortable to look at
Take it to with the rest of the furshit.
>dialogue and songs drowned out by the sound of furries fapping
Visually it looks fine but the cat faces, jesus fucking christ
Sonic was better than this
All the cats need like hair sticking out of their cheek areas so it doesn't look like skin tight suit makeup.
And it looks 90% CGI
it wouldn't be enough like the broadway musical its based off of, that's why they didn't go that route
is it sad that we're looking at "Ready Player One" as a positive example?
Khajiit has wares, if you have the coin
I love how they gave him big eyelashes.
It should be noted that thanks to behind-the-scenes material, we know that the setpieces are almost all real and scaled in size to make the acting talent appear cat-sized.
My question is that if they're going so far as to mo-cap the actors to give them digital cat costumes, why not go the extra mile to make them appear more cat-like?
Literally nobody likes Cats, despite how heavily it was being marketed. Total disconnect between the industry and what kids actually like
Coming soon, starring Steve Buscemi and Paul Giuliani, Foxes!
I remember the ads back when I was a tyke but I didn’t give a shit about stage plays. Also everything looks uncanny as fuck. I feel like this budget could have gone to something else. Like who the fuck was event asking for this?
Why they didn't just change the design for the movie?
It's an adaptation after all, of course stuff have to change for the movie or otherwise you finish with creepy shit like the trailer.
i want to fucking die
Corden like him or hate him is actually theatre trained, you almost never see him do it seriously but he he can dance
Positive example of the depiction of an anthro furrybait that is on screen for a few seconds. We're not really praising the movie here. I haven't even watched it.
Cats is shit and always has been shit.
oh fuck can someone photoshop crying mj on there
Looks like utter cat shit desu
I don't think it is mocap as such. I think they filmed them in leotards and then put fur on it like a filter
Why in the world would they digitally put costumes on them while not changing their physique instead of just sewing some costumes. Surely that must be an easier job.
>yfw cinema will die in your lifetime
Do you think they'll ever find a fix for the floaty-face syndrome in these CGI shitshows?
speaking as a furry, this shit isn't furry. It's basically just catgirl tier
Because there is no way general audiences would go for it anyway if they did that (might as well make it a Zootopia CGI movie if that's the case), if they stray too far they'll lose all the broadway musical fans too so they tried to make a safe bet.
So are they supposed to be cats or people? Or cat people? Why not just wear cat costumes?
Ah, fair enough. I too would smash that.
Honestly, all they need to do (for now) is give the actors fake cat noses. That will at LEAST make them seem more cat-like if only subtly. Even the Broadway show had cat-nose makeup.
Nah, it's mo-cap. A behind-the-scenes featurette shared as much at least:
You also get a look at the sets in this video, and they're genuinely impressive.
James cameron pulled it off 10 years ago
why didn't they just make a fucking animated adaptation? why the ungodly fuck did they think this was a good decision? i remember liking the musical as a kid, but i didn't want to see any sort of revival. this shit just looks terrible
>"beloved property"
in what fucking universe. Phantom is the Webber one everyone loves, Cats is like the fucking meme show
Absolutely embarrassing
what the fuck
This is a play that features a "Rum Tum Tugger". It was never going to be good.
that looks fucking horrid. not fappable.
Is universal deleting comments? lmao
The CGI always cost more than costumes and makeup. The problem is CGI is easier and faster to do than to waste time putting on makeup and costumes or train the actors to do dance choreography. It's the fastest way to get a movie made.
Who's playing based Mr Mistoffelees?
who else watching it for Tay?
Looks fine
The universe got mixed up.
"The Lion King" was supposed to be the Broadway musical that got a live-action adaptation with CGI augmentation, while "Cats" was the one that was supposed to be completely animated in a photorealistic style.
>broadway musical fans
Fuck them, look what we got because of them!
>tfw a Wicked movie died for this shit
Wait, did they animate those cat costumes?
Just like LK, they spent millions to animate carbon copies of irl junk?
it's 2019 and Hollywood is still producing cgi nightmares like this
The CGI is dogshit. How horrifying.
>chenoweth is now too old and bogged to do the wicked movie
Menzel can still do it but its not the same
The Aladdin trailer was already eclipsed by sonic, easily
I lost my shit when I saw his name.
As if that would be any better.
Wicked is shit.
why is this timeline so fucked?
Les Mis sucked
where are them titties at
This is literally just the design here user, if the characters themes, situations, and world look the same, it'll work
Whoever told you this must've been trying to sabotage competition
>CGI is easier and faster to do
What a fuckin lie
Cancer always does.
Trump winning the election fractured reality.
Idris Elba should've played all the characters
Ironically The Lion King did get a stage musical where everyone is in silly animal costumes, but it's superb and widely acclaimed.
While Cats is the one that absolutely needed photorrealistic cats singing and dancing, not Lion King.
Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable to see a black adult male wearing a cat suit and a cat face? Or am I just racist without knowing it?
I firmly believe this, reality is getting too weird not to.
A thing I've already jerked off to
When the DEH movie drops those songs will be so fucking overplayed
He's not wearing anything.
The face is shopped onto a CGI body.
they give them fat lips that look unnatural on cats
I don't know what DEH is but they're making a Hamilton movie too.
the anatomy is fucked
the ear canal would be penetrating her brain
No its definitely way more disturbing for some reason
Jason Derulo looks terrifying
At least the Wicked movie died for this AND a Dear Evan Hansen movie (which got announced last year), so I call it a fair trade to be honest
No. For the actors, it is much easier for them. Look at uncomfortable J Law is in the X Men movies. The same reason these actors don't want all that shit on their faces. CGI makes more bearable.
Did they use face swap?
The point of Cats is that they're supposed to be cats but the medium of theater meant either cat puppets or dressing like cheap furries. They went with the latter, and presumably when actually adapting Cats to a flexible medium the story would be presented showing ACTUAL fucking cats, not horrifying furry abominations. This whole thing is a travesty in attempts to be faithful to the original without actually stopping to ask if this needed it at all.
i remember really liking it as a kid when i saw it on VHS even though it was super fucking weird. i'll have to give it a rewatch though
stop making fun of faggots you jerks
It's almost like humans aren't cats.
Not going to lie, I had to pause the video so I could stop laughing at Judy Dench.
This would’ve been better as an fully animated Illumination movie with real cats, but not real enough to be soulless like the new Lion King movie. There, I said it.
>wiccan cat mom
Many such cases
Top Gun is garbage.
I don't know how you guys can suck so much Tom Cruise cock.
I mean, it's theater, so that's a given.
>furry friendly
I mean, they're cats, so THAT'S a given too.
Now you've lost me.
I'm not talking about the actors. CGI is not fast at all, or easy. That's the whole reason movies have such a long post-production now, because CG takes a long time and a lot of money to do.
>feelings and emotions
Disgust? Revulsion? Fear? Hatred? Disappointment? Loathing?
How are those feelings?
uh, are you sure it's not just the human face slapped on entirely?
They should just cut their losses and cgi nipples and genitals onto everyone. Really crack down on the furry market. There's a hidden goldmine there afterall
I want to say you disgust me but then I thought about how they're really not that much under par for American animation studios at this point what with Pixar drowning in mediocrity for like a decade now
007, we have a vital mission for you. You will receive your briefing en route, time is of the essence. You'll need to leave for Budapest right meow.
just real feral quadrupeds? not lyrans?
Some of the cats look not completely terrible - like main cat and Taytay - where they've cgi'd the face semi-convincingly. But most of them just look like human faces combined with cats through a shitty snapchat filter
Avatar 2 looking good
Dear Evan Hansen, it's where the pic I replied to comes from. Great musical but it's normiebait like hell so those songs will be everywhere
If the jason derulo cat doesnt start singing by stating his name I AM WALKING OUT OF THE THEATER
I was hoping it was a joke account but it appears to be 100 percent real
>For the last time M, I'm not stealing the world's largest ball of yarn for you. This is not a matter of national security
I could see a Chris Tucker working with it (obv a super shrill Ruby Rhod)
>but they're making a Hamilton movie too.
Ew. They're gonna WOKE the fuck out of it and WE WUZ
He's Rum Tum Tugger; his name is all over his own song.
>furry friendly
What? If anything it takes a dump on the whole idea of anthropomorphism
This has to be fake twitter b8.
That and it has like 5 god tier songs, tops. The rest of the songs in DEH are ”move the plot along” tier, at best.
someone post the picture of the cat with its eyes all fucked up on catnip or weed or some shit, i need it
Oh user. If only you knew how bad this shit is lol.
no i mean he better say Jason Derulo
>it's true
fuck i want to die
All musicals that are not Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, South Park movie, or Team America are shit.
The casting for Selina Kyle in the new Batman movie looks great.
You acting like this is a action heavy blockbuster requiring tons of work on rendering tons of effects. This is a mid budget musical that was already made. I was clearly talking about the actors and this particular movie having a easier time doing CGI than costumes. Could have just read the entire comment instead of focusing on one part.
Okay this person is actually creepy