What would a movie with these three be about?

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Best Emma killing the other two shitters


They'd wear strap ons and humilate and dominate me.

This, but they kill me after we have sex for hours

>The Quest: Finding Emma

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stone and roberts telling watson to just give up on trying to be female

I seriously hope you are talking about Ms. Watson

worst emma gets bullied for having sharp knees then kills herself, the end.

pusy licking

Daily reminder: Stone > Roberts >>>>>> Watson

I'd watch if Watson dies/disappears in the first 15 min.

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one of them is not an emma

>Emma war is heating up again,

How many lives....

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They bully user and get bred by him.

Nice numbers

an Outer Limits episode where they each swap minds every day

this but lesbian foot domination instead

>Yea Forums debating the best Emma question

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God, I love that show, remember the episode with the guy dropping the nuke on his own planet?

even better that it was a followup episode where robert patrick was the main character
and in yours hes just a suit
dead mans hand is amazing, as is the dude caught in acid spider web, hallucinating hes crashed and back home and doesnt have a fucking clue whats going on

The good
The bad
The ugly

Cinderella and her 2 ugly step sisters

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Oh shit, that was a good one. God I miss that show.

the old guy inventing nanites who avenged his death
>the other nanites who kept evolving the guy
ill start a rewatch tomorrow i guess
>there is an old proverb that says 'be careful what you wish for, for it might come true'
>and if your wish is for immortality, it is something you will have to live with for a very long time
i fucking love the show

and stone, yes

In the movie they all kiss me and I have sex with them. The End

shag: stone
bj: roberts
finger: watson

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Marry kill fuck


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Damn, I think I have to too now


Which Emma has the best feet?


A guy loses control over the sex cult he created

Emma Stone buys two bimbo toy slaves, Watson and Roberts, who must compete for her affection by kissing Stones ass and licking her feet, amongst other humiliations.

probably one where Lawrence sodomize them as Harvey watch it

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>first episode with sand crawlers
>alien makes a better dad to a kid than his dad
>news anchor with small posse finding out about a massive takeover; that fucking ending scene
fuck me i got myself hyped mon

this guy gets it

Would totally pay for this

Charlie's angels, but J Law is the boss and the 3 Emmas are the angels. Chris Hemsworth is in it too for comic relief. No romance, just adventure, action and fun

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pleasing me

Any got these for worse Emma's?

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Emma stone face trampling me relentlessly with her utterly gorgeous feet

Emma roberts using her big mouth for a deep throat blowjob

Emma Watson using her sexy voice to tease taunt and humiliate me

All at the same time

This would unironically make hundreds of millions

>chinese emma

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How come she loses all identifiable features as an Asian?

> All three Emma's bumfucked by JLaw and her huge strapon.

Would this make a good 2 hour movie?

thats how mafia works

i don't think she does, the eyes are still hers somehow. Focus on just her, you'll notice her in there

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Arr rook same. They dont have facial features really.

3 hours movie and we have a contract

I’d watch it, but with Kevin James instead of you.



I’d watch it

Know them by their asses:
Big Bum
Apple Bum
Tight Bum


They recreate pic related together

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Blacked the movie




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>3 young white prison reformists end up stuck in prison surrounded by black gangs

It's what we were born for. Serve best emma until death or glory and heaven will reward you with 42 emmas of your choice.

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Gud! But what about
>3 young neo nazis white prison reformists end up stuck in prison surrounded by black gangs of black men and black women


Who tf is emma roberts? She was in nothing interesting

3 young women who trained daily under Jean Claude Van-Damme are required to break him out of a Hong Kong prison where he ended up for sabotaging the Chinese rail system in order to "de-rail" the nuclear program of a member of Cao Cao's bloodline who plans to reunite the kingdom under his grand ambition. The women cannot fight though, Stone dies early because she's the ugliest, Watson ends up in a cell next to Van Damme where he watches her get raped to death while Roberts finds the key and frees Van Damme before succumbing to wounds received by the prison attack/rape dogs. Now the movie is just JCVD buttfucking slant faggots because he's upset his mentees have all faced gruesome deaths and the years of torture have driven him mad. Make it Hollywood, make it now.

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They're such in a high tech facility designed to brainwash women into mindless fuckdolls.

Who's mind is weakest so as to be the first one to submit?

Emma Stone and Emma Roberts are in a committed lesbian relationship, but their sex life has become stagnant due to the fact that they both prefer to take on the "dominant" role. They embark on a quest to find the perfect submissive sex slave, eager to cater to their every desire, sexual and otherwise...with the small catch being the lucky girl needs to also be named Emma.

>Who's mind is weakest so as to be the first one to submit?
Watson, she bought in to liberalism after all

I would like to see Emma Thompson in this as their boss or mentor or something

>not all holywood actors and actresses submit to liberalism to make shekels
all three actually did

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>people were triggered by an app that works incredibly well
still mad

gang raping me

Adam Sandler in a love quadriangle

>posts a picture from a decade ago to show how pretty she is

Probably a mentor

Basically bound but with three women.

Stone is far and away the ugliest, but the best actress.

Extremely based post

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Fan Service 2020

They’re my girlfriends and we cuddle


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some plot involving a lot of saliva and kissing

Spousal abuse.

What is any chick flick about?


>Them breaking a tough rugged blue collar worker to symbolize the emasculation of men in media


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HERE! the perfect movie for them

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The other 2 turn Emma Watson into a bimbo then she has sex with me

how has nobody posted this yet

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how does that even work wtf

>the three of them are freshman college students from different states that just joined the same sorority
>every night someone keeps killing one of their sorority sisters
>they decide to team up and find the killer despite being so different from each other
>turns out the killer is the professor of dairy appreciation, played by christina hendricks
>she's been purging the campus of any woman who's udders could intentionally outshine hers
>our three heroes defeat her by holding her down and sucking all the milk out of her
>end credit scene reveals kat dennings and ariel winter are her daughters and will be seeking revenge in the sequel
the movie is called Don't Cry Over This

The three Emma's end up in a prison full of black lesbian women, who escape, kidnapping the three Emma's and giving them to their menfolk for further blacking.

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>end credit scene reveals kat dennings and ariel winter are her daughters and will be seeking revenge in the sequel

>The Emmas end up getting ghetto makeovers

>you coming to bed baby?

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entire thing is free on prime video

the picture that saved Yea Forums...

Cool! Thanks.

Stone pegging me while Roberts sits on my face. Watson can fuck off or watch idc.

serious scream queens esque horror deconstruction movie where they are the serial killers victims.
>emma watson plays the college student,
>emma roberts plays the celeb/ internet influencer
>emma stone plays the survivor from a previous attack. which we will see if it does well in a prequel released before the sequel movie.

the entire movie hints at the fact that roberts and watson's character are being stalked by a serial killer from their shared past. watson is a ucla student from the midwest and roberts is a former internet influencer who got a tv show deal. stone comes in a third of the way in the movie when one of watson's fellow students mentions a similar serial killer having attacked stone. the entire movie seriously deconstructs horror movie tropes and gives you a look into what the hell a horror movie character thinks while this shit goes on.

craig robinson will of course play a drug dealer named Dante Thunderstone in a hilarious bit throughout the movie where it looks like he's going to be killed by the killer and it being a near miss only to come out of left field and bitch slap the killer with a shovel and save the day last minute.

the killer will in fact connect all three emma's since it's revealed that stone was a college student who was attending a high school party attended by roberts and watson in which the killer's sister died because of alcohol intoxication and the killer blames them because they called the emergency services and tried to futile help. after he's taken off to jail... the killer escapes and written in his cell mates blood is the words "round II begins now".

after credit scenes is doug thunderstone on various talk shows talking about how he was all badass and writing a book about it called "the black guy lived and kicked the killers ass."

Watson perfectly fast as the meek, submissive little Emma that Roberts and Stone mold into their fuckdoll, objectifying her and making her into a delightful bimbo doll.

Imagine the heartwarming scene where Roberts and Stone do a bro-fist as they violently spitroast Watson.

The Frog (Stone), The Bimbo (Watson), and The Bitch (Roberts).

The Three Cunts.

Watson being turned into a Bimbo is pure kino and based because it's what she's good at.

A 2.0 gpa 4th channeler wins the lottery, Enter college gold digger, heart of gold librarian, and a stalk-.. no wait that's literally every harem anime. Is writing hard?

good writing yes.
writing that appeals to the common person not at all.

Thunderstone sounds awesome


B99 reference. lol

I’d watch that but I’m gonna do that Outer Limits Thing tomorrow

Super duper hard but you struck gold.

Crossroads demon gets promoted and is told to pump those soul numbers up, competitive sales amirite.Demon promises immortality to three gullible women and they're tricked and bound into his servitude for an eternity. Their locks are , ring, necklace and whatever the fuck Watson is wearing on her arm. They all need to get a 1000 souls before demon promises to set them free. One whores into tricking idiots into selling their soul, second blackmails, third pays homeless/poor people treating it as a joke "Give me your soul and this 20 is yours, my guy". By happenstance they all go after the same guy because I am a talentless hack and they meet each other. Memes happen they discover each others secret and the thot avengers are assembled. They realize each key burns or shackles when near each other and they figure out their keys are the key to defeating the demon. They bring demon to cross roads, one final showdown, couple of nip slips and powerpuff girls triumph over evil
I am thinking at least a 4.5 on imdb and 20 on rotten tomatoes. I am on my way to the top boys, this is it.

>Nip Slips
All you had to say

god her skin is so perfect

They all have crushes on a kid played by Jacob Tremblay

That's a thing a serial killer says. I am calling the police.

Good luck with that

One sucks my cock, one sucks my balls and one sits on my face

The committee has come to the conclusion that, while Stone still does not eclipse Roberts, it is close enough to be a matter of Roberts gaining 20 pounds or getting a tattoo. Though the amount of sex emmited by Stone is currently not there yet, the committee does agree that we would all "breed her fat ginger pussy." With this new batch of evidence I can therefore, by the power invested in my through these dubs, make a joint declaration and release the follow statement: "Roberts is 'best' Emma, Stone is 'better' Emma, Watson is literally worse than dog shit."

Kindest regards,
Committee of Best Emma

Evangelion: the unnecessry western live action motion picture

from left to right: Misato, Asuka & Rei

Stone and Roberts are my wives. Watson is our live-in maid and sex slave.

Hell if I know. Fuck Stone, Marry Roberts, Kill Watson.

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Wise choice

Only way to do it

Why not lock Watson in a chastity belt, tie and gag her, and make her watch the other two Emma's get fucked while she gets nothing?

Galaxy Brain level

interesting thread

Emma Watson could get back in the running by embracing her bimbo self.

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Threeway - a story about the trials and tribulations of a lesbian trouple of female entrepreneurs as they endeavor to market treacle flavored tea to a market that favors caramel flavored coffee.

Why is this picture so unsettling to me? It feels eerie for some reason
I feel the same way about the few other blacked photoshoots/stills I've seen posted here, it's like they edit or airbrush it so much that the people look unnaturally perfect
their thousand yard stares don't help either

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Female on male rape.

my dick desu

Caramel is better

Three preppy college freshmen have to get blacked to join a sorority

All three go to an all-girls catholic school. While the other two are just close-knit childhood friends, watson secretly dresses up as a boy and hangs out at a nearby pub at night where she meets the other two. Both fall for her thinking she's a dude and drama ensues as they compete for watson's affections every night till eventually they just do a very gratuitious threesome, finally finding out that watson's a chick. Soon after watson is found out and expelled. She seeks out one of the others to run away together, but the third sees it and kills her because she was actually in love with the second one all the time. They cry, have nasty sex still covered in watson's blood and then run away together to some south american country. Fin.