Why is AJ so stupid when everyone else in his family is smart?
Why is AJ so stupid when everyone else in his family is smart?
“I’m smahhhht”
He was incel
Hereditary. His great uncle was retarded but strong like a BULL.
Implying Tony the mob boss and Carmela the shopping queen were smart to begin with. Tony fucks yo business over gay emotional shit all the time. Meadow does well in scho but she doesn’t scream genius to me either. Meadow is the only one who can claim “smart” and only the lowest rung of it
Did you watch the show? Only meadow is slightly intelligent
Yeah I’m phone posting, tell me a better way to shitpost at a bar, I’m not bringing my thinkpad out
she was book smart but basically sub human level intelligence in everything else, Tony is way smarter than he lets on though.
You just revealed your own ignorance
tony gets away with murder and manipulates everybody around him
He doesn't just get bad grades, he’s just an idiot in every sense.
It’s implied in the show that it’s partially due to Carmella coddling him in a way she didn’t Meadow.
Meadow is also a spoiled brat, but she’s at least smart enough to be willing to work to get the finer things. AJ is just doomed. Probably drugs post-finale.
Why am I a fat drunk failure when everyone else in my family is successful?
Tony is way smarter than he lets on. He was just raised among a boorish set and his mannerisms mask it.
Meadow works really hard to achieve her own superficial goal (like going to a prestigious ivy league school instead of Rutgers like Jackie Jr) but Meadow still lacks Tony’s “real world” intelligence in that she doesn’t seem to realize how precarious her family’s lifestyle and situation are.
Carmella is smarter than AJ but has that housewife willful ignorance.
AJ is an autist.
characters with the junior named are cursed to be stupid:
>anthony junior
>jackie junior
>carmine junior
what about Corrado Junior?
he ended up retarded
in the last episode he's driving around in a mercedes picking up his girlfriend from high school
AJ knew he didn't have to be smart, and he was correct.
and there is also vito junior
Carmine Jr. had a 1000 IQ
And then his father got killed and his family will lose everything
yeah, tonys good with people, nothing more
>your brother billy,whatever happened there
>And I will be; even more so? But until I am, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective.
tony is fucking awful with people, he just intimidates them into doing what he wants
AJ reminds me of myself kind of, sadly.
We both have dads, who deep down love us, but are incredibly controlling, use their wealth/breadmaking status to justify everything they do and don't let you act like "yourself" which allows you being neither yourself or what they want you be....just this repressed, weirdo dealing with trauma
My dad was like that too, you have to realize they’re not any stronger than you and deep down insecure faggots, they get less intimidating