Civilians can't legally fly military planes so I've been trying to wrap my head around how they filmed the take-off, and I think I've got it
They mounted the camera, had a real pilot do the take-off. Plane lands and is taken back to base, camera still mounted, Cruise hops in and acts out the movements while the plane is stationary. Cruise's cockpit is digitally placed on top of the flight footage. Notice how the light on Cruise or his helmet doesn't change at all in the take off, it's because he's stationary
I'm guessing the other shots are CG with Cruise in a cockpit rig like what Nolan did for Dunkirk, look at how the nicks and scratches on either side of the cockpit glass in the take-off are all gone in the other shots
or they just CG'd it all like Avatar and I'm just a faggot
...or they just put him in the backseat
2 seater plane, user. Mainly used for training thee days as navigator seats aren't needed.
the reflexction is on his helmet tho
will there be f-14s? if not i think my interest in this is gone. never wanted to have sex with machinery before but hey im just living my life
lol boomer flick
Watch the trailer. There is a tomcat in it.
Is Tom Cruise shaping up to be the US Jackie Chan? It seems like his gimmick is staring in films with practical stunts performed mostly by him.
This is Cruise we're talking about here. He figured out a way to get the controls for a few minutes guaranteed
that's an F18 son
>Implying Tom gives a fuck and is going to break is own rules and not perform his own stunts
>Implying his OTV III ranking didn’t help him persuade and charm the US navy into letting him fly their planes
Search you heart and know it to be true, this madman is bringing back plane kino and nobody even stood a chance at preventing it.
There are
And fictional combat drones.
A little worried they didn't reveal any of the plot, but aesthetically - it looks kino and proves why all great films are comprised of a majority of white actors.
Why did people doubt him? This looks cool.
Does this mean comfy Clancy-style military kino is also finally back on the menu boys?
fucking hell he just never stops
based is too small of a word for this man
Something about drones
Female protege
>Your [human pilots/Maverick's] time is up
>Not today
it's a teaser trailer, it's purely so people know the movie exists and to set the mood
Jesus. Fucking. Christ, you are stupid.
But there is enough geopolitcal conflict and potential hotspots in 2019
>Korea vs Korea
>Russia vs China
>Russia vs Europe
>Iran vs Saudis
>Israel vs Iran
>India vs Pakistan
>Africa FFA
Why are republican directors so cowardly and incompetent?
Oh, another fucking dummy.
AAAND another. I've got to get fucking out of this thread.
Big Yikes
the synopsis they released months ago has Cruise running Top Gun, Miles Teller plays Goose's son, and Cruise tries to get him to become a pilot
there's one 20-something chick in the cast, I'm guessing she's a rival pilot/love interest for Teller
Cruise is not a Civillian
>he doesn't know
Hornet is cute but nowhere near tomcat performance levels. Little bit of a let down but I am exited nonetheless.
I've never seen Top Gun, guys.
So embarrassing. Is this Go Pro footage? These "movies" are just Tom Cruise home movies while he plays pretend.
Super Hornet. Literally an entirely different aircraft.
Cruise only does kino
it's honestly pretty boring and not that great but you may as well watch it just to understand this one
Did you know Tom Cruise didn't have to be instructed when flying the F18? He immediately took control and knew how to handle the vehicle thanks to scientology resources and 1 hour of flight simulations.
hes a top gun...
F18 has a two-seater variant that they use for cockpits shot. However a civilian can fly a decomissioned aircraft hence the F14 at the end of the trailer.
lmaoing @ ur brain if you think that iranian f14s can do shit against aamraams that can aquire and fire on them from a range that they cant even fathom detecting a f18. also, ur a fag
Could we finally get jet jousting kino?
>thread about planes
>i can post my non relevant picture for some (Yous)
fuck off idiot
cope, vatnik
You do know that Tomcat Phoenix missiles have a longer range than AMRAAMs, right?
i wish i could capture like 20 iranian f-14s and lead a new f-14 squadron wouldnt that be cool
Trailers looked dumb. It looks like a movie about nothing but an old man who thinks he's 25 yo again.
>they removed the japanese and taiwanese flags for the chinks
What's this movie even about?
Been 40 years since the US stopped sending spare parts to Iran or servicing. Doubt those Phoenix missiles still work.
>every fat boomer on his motorcycle going down Main Street
What plane is this?
This does not look like the F-35 or F-22
read about iranian f14s in the iran-iraq war, they btfo the iraqis and the pilots were literally released from jail to fly them
Fuck off zoomer. Cruise is the only celebrity worth liking.
The new poster has a patch for one of Mavrick's cruises. The original movie jacket has one for his father.
No reason to seethe, Hiroki.
Probably the F-35C. Stealth cockpit and helmet.
Reminder Tom is a huge Nascar fan and to this day never misses a race. He and Jeff Gordon were such good friends Tom asked to gave the speech at his retirement.
How the fuck does he keep doing it?
the first scene of the trialer of him flying in the desert and all that info about him being a legend feels a bit like ace combat 7
Take my fucking money
>Civilians can't legally fly military planes
I want to see him in a F22
You are fucking retarded
>Faggot shitskin OP just watched this on Netflix for the first time.
Holy fucking shit this is better cinematography than Dunkirk!
too many Dresden allegories for amerifats, sorry
Dunkirk had a ton of real footage too using a two seater plane
>thinking that their phoenixs still work
>thinking that the 1970s vintage radars in the f14a's that they have can aquire BVR targets anywhere near as well as the radar in an super hornet
>not taking into account that most combat missions where there are super hornets there are also growlers that will not only aquire the tomcat at well BVR ranges, but also jam their shit so hard that anything besides a non radar linked ccip reticle will stand a chance at functioning
>thinking that they have any aim9s
>thinking that even if they have any old aim9s that they are any match for the newer aim9x and the helmet cued locking system which can lock and fire on targets at the 6 oclock position
>thinking that their pilots have enough skills to master the f14as temperamental flight characteristics especially up against well trained pilots with a fly by wire system that doesnt lose wings in some turns and go into flat spins if you look at it wrong
>comparing a hornet to a super hornet
>comparing the f14a's that iran has with the under powered engines that get pilots into literally unrecoverable flatspins before they upgraded to the f14b like in the video you provided
I bought the f18 and f14 modules on preorder and have hundreds of hours in each. The only thing that an iranian f14 could possibly beat the f18 in is a close fight where for some reason the f18s forgot their sidewinders at the base.That being said the f14 is a much more fun plane to fly
iran has their own version of the phoenix missile with a max range of 127 miles
Fuck, i was going to Yea Forums but fuck those Yea Forumstards
give me some classic and nu good Nascar games, last time i played a good was was this baby kino on >pic
Not F-35C
This looks like a super sekrit space plane
I just want to see a big budget adaptation of R6 closing battle when Team Rainbow pwns ecohippies with Aliens-style motion scanners.
Are they going to fly thenice F-35 in this?
Navy SEALs with Charlie Sheen
Delta Force with Chuck Norris
So is anyone in the movie going to comment on Maveric being ancient for a fighter pilot?
whiter than you tyrone
Yes, it's literally in the trailer.
it depends, options suck as far as new "games" go, the only thing there is is the HEAT series and 4 comes out next year I think. I haven't played them but I haven't heard good things.
The consensus in motor/sp/ort seems to be that RF2 is the best for stock car oval situation. Everyone seems to think iRacing sucks, but I'm sure you'll do your own homework if you go that route.
For classics NR2003 (the last iteration of your pic related), Nascar '06 Total Team control (EA), and Nascar '05 was pretty good too.
Literally the only dialogue in the trailer is about that.
Are you retarded?
Theyre doing Without Remorse starring that nigger Michael B jordan as Clark lol
That's Classified.
nigga go to a podiatrist tomorrow
I'm not Goose!
>giant RCS the size of a small mountain
>absolute shit BVR capabilities
>no awacs support
yeah, the US Navy would shit all over Iran's Tomcats
I honestly would have preferred if he flew pic related instead. F18's are so ugly. F15 are the most aesthetic imo. He's in the Navy so I understand why he's not flying it
Lol and the racial difference between Clark and Chavez was actually important in later novels.
what attracts you dune coons to this site?
And it's gonna be as faithful to the books as The Sum of All Fears was.
You do know that the Phoenix is only good against low moving targets and actually terrible against aircraft with any decent maneuverability, right?
It would probably be incredibly difficult to get actually f-35s for a movie so the super hornet is the next best thing.
They used up all the phoenix missiles in the war against Iraq, they've managed to couple the Tomcat with Russian and French missiles though so the buttblasted reactionary amerifats in the thread are still wrong.
Okay Mahmoud, whatever you say.
t. american mongrel
Is it weird that this trailer gave me a boner?
t. hooknose goatfucker
>they shredded all their F14s
lmao seething fat mongrels
A man with taste I see
Based. Vatniks btfo.
Haven't been to the cinema in a long time, might have to go for this one.
i worked on the plane that Cruise flies for about a day, AMA
Did he really fly the plane?
Honestly we might have to build some again, the multipurpose fighters that replaced it do not excel at air superiority the way the Tomcat did.
>tfw he is propably flying the jet himself
>implying Cruise didn't just steal a jet and these others jets behind him are trying to bring him down
It's Tom Cruise, dipshit.
It won't happen but I wish there was at least one scene with a Rafale in it. Like a random cutaway to a US/FR collab or something. I love this plane so much but it's not been in any good kino.
It's already a day one but this would make me instant diamonds.
insane anorexic kike
Step aside incels
I just hope the soundtrack won’t suck.
7s confirmed Scientology digits
Hang loose?
Is Tom Cruise the last great superstar? I can't think of anyone else that comes close.
You can legally fly decommissioned military planes.
>the cruise can't lose
i played this too. i always put burger king logo on the hood of my car.
for me, its goose
there are still more Super Hornets than F-35's.
I really don't get the f-18 hate. Its no 16 or 14 but its still a sick jet.
Cringeboys for the . . .
>WTF ?!?!
>So many retard basedboys
>tfw Cougar was a giant cuck who got too nervous in the sky
Jester >>>
A new plane for Space Force.
Tom Cruise is not a civilian.
Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise. Of course he can go in the backseat of the real thing.
It's the same old fart scoring from the original.
Really the crew is based. Imagine if Tony Scott was with us too..
Hopefully we never have to use these in anything more strenuous than blowing up towel heads, they are engineering nightmares and I guarantee we lose more to equipment failures over them being actually shot down.
>no iceman in trailer
I know kilmers a fucking wreck now but I hope he makes more than just a cameo appearance.
my mom's going to be so excited for this movie. she loves Tom. it's kinda cute. you should have heard her when she came back from watching M.I.VI by herself because none of her middle aged women friends wanted to see it with her
>Omigod, user, it was so good! I was on the the edge of my seat the entire time. Tom cruise did not stop running. I'm serious. It's like he was running the entire movie, it was amazing.
What about stunt planes based on decomisioned military planes? Repaint it and add fake weapons, there.
why should we listen to a guy who can't even identify planes correctly?
I never was a fan of Gordon, but dammit I got feels when Tom was on stage giving his speech and Jeff was getting teary eyed.
Tom Cruise had a missile named after him, he can do whatever the FUCK he wants
painfully obvious he's not flying it, ruins the immersion completely
>Civilians can't legally fly military planes
Oh I wish I had the alpha of a hornet
Living to fight slow when others scorn it
When I can still pitch and roll
That other guy's going out of control
I wish I had the alpha of a hornet