All I could think while watching this film is someone out there only likes this because it makes them look smarter for doing so
All I could think while watching this film is someone out there only likes this because it makes them look smarter for...
i prefer atmospheric slow burn horror movies
Jumpscares are cheap and not scary imo
I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy the movie because you were too worried about other people's perception of it
>horror movies
except this wasn't a slow burn, this wasn't anything. It just wasn't a horror film. It's more akin to Mother than it is any horror film.
I thought it was just plain entertaining. I got more laughter and enjoyment out of this film just on the most surface level than any blockbuster I've seen this year.
That just speaks to how boring it is I had to think of why someone out there would like this onions garbage nigga
Anyone who uses boring unironically is a brainlet
Wtf did I watch last night bros? Was it an attempt at some deeper meaning that went over my head, or was it intended to be so confusing at the end?
>this is what ari jewster believe
Nu horror fans are such faggots holy shit lmao
Meanwhile in real life an affirmative action hire stole $300,000 and spent it on witchcraft.
So glad I went to see Annabelle Comes Home instead of this onion snoozefest. No pretentiousness, no anti white agendas. Just good old fashioned based jumpscares.
It's not 1650 anymore, grandpa
Yadda yadda men suck and you shouldn’t manipulate significant others. Also here’s a cult doing weird things because lulz so randum
pleb filter: the film
didn't enjoy it? good.
Quick, take a moment to check what thread you're in.
Brilliant concept, shitty execution
But it's not random, this is the same movie they had already made twice.
Sounds frigging superior user
The trailer made it look cringy as hell.
>dude let's remake the wicker man with modern "woke" themes
>brilliant concept
>shit film=pleb filter
Every single time