Was it gay?

was it gay?


Attached: tomholland_sneak1_1280hfadj.jpg (1024x576, 121K)

Attached: tenor.gif (498x228, 2.03M)

Yeah probably.

Attached: Tom Holland.jpg (640x455, 49K)

No because she's an FtM

There is literally nothing wrong with being gay

Who in Hollywood isn't a faggot?

it's 2019

Attached: women2019.png (639x538, 25K)

I have charts and graphs that will shatter your entire cucked world view.

It was one of hottest things ever filmed, and yes gay

Not gay, just British.

No you don't and any statistics about STDs etc. says nothing about being gay itself.

Yeah, so they should just come out of the closet and prove that with actions

Nope. Just pandering.

Degeneracy is inherent to this particular brand of mental illness

No sweetie

There aren’t many British boys who act like Holland, he practically jizzes every time he’s near anything male.

tom looks better looking than that mutt

He wasn’t pandering, he had a Britney routine lined up if he couldn’t be Rihanna, and he’s talked about wanting to do it against the ‘big men’ of the Avengers so that he ‘looks small’... the kid seems bent as a nine bob note.

True that, but he’s prettier than all the MCU women too

>created by Stephen Merchant and John Krasinski

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-18 at 21.24.37.png (536x508, 211K)

bit gay innit

I wish this was a regular look of his...
