Please consider donating to help the victims of the KyoAni studio fire

>Please consider donating to help the victims of the KyoAni studio fire

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I could buy a Yea Forums pass with that money lol!

Consider it user.


looking at the pictures it baffles me how people didn't just jump out of a measy 3 story building.

Also I don't get why whole of Yea Forums is grieving for the studio that has literally killed off anime. Is this just a 90% zoomertown nowadays?

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>Is this just a 90% zoomertown nowadays?
You're really slow on the uptake. This has been underage normie land for YEARS.

>The median lethal distance for falls is four stories or 48 feet, according to the reference book Trauma Anesthesia. This means that 50% of patients who fall four stories will die. ..
You learn something new everyday

They already got their 750k goal too. Stop begging from NEETs.

>Please consider donating to help the victims of the KyoAni studio fire

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lethality is even lower if you consider you don't have to account for brittle grannys in this incident

Why didn't they just run out the door?

Did we start the fire?

They waited until the boss left first, it's customary in glorious nipland.

Yes, the fire rises!

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Japanese are drones. They weren't allowed to leave their desks while the fire was raging and killing all of them because grorious Nippon spirit.

they're already dead whats the point
>lets play money making corporations money for their loss

let the insurance do it
also countries need to start taking care of mental health more instead of tranny stuff or niggers. thats gonna be more important in the years to come, specially with UBI becoming the norm.

b-but Yea Forums has some old ass cool cats and Yea Forums is decently old as well if you avoid the college freshmen & /pol/ bait threads

Why do incels want to destroy anime?

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>looking at the pictures it baffles me how people didn't just jump out of a measy 3 story building.

Didn't they have like anti-suicide windows or something?

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Trannies are also a mental health issue

just if they do haruhi s3

Hopefully one of those buzzwords will land.

>$916,958 raised of $750,000 goal
Jesus fucking Christ, I hate weebs

David sounds like he gets fucked by black guys.

hehe I, too, am edgy >:)