I'll tell you as much as I know.
First, we're early introduced to the Beyond which is basically a realm outside of space and time, whoever goes there returns changed, as do knights of Ren who are basically zombie Nazguls.
When the movie starts the rebels are basically just a bunch of fugitives, we first see Rey and them on a swampy planet but I don't know its name, they don't appear to be at odds with FO really.
Zori is a bounty hunter that was hired to kill Leia but has a change of heart.
Phasma is back, her armor is burned, rusty and patched up with some bronze matte metal.
Matt Smith is introduced as a Sith from the beyond who took over the Knights, but eventually revealed to be Palpatine. Inb4 you ask, there's ZERO explanation for his appearance or how he survived, just that it's beyond space and time bullshit and he was playing 5D chess.
Kylo and Rey sort of team up to find the artefacts that can close the rift to the Beyond and stop the Emperor who's basically bringing armies from the prequels and OT through it, we see clones and stormtroopes and death stars.
Kylo double crosses Rey like a stereotypical bullshit villain (which is a fakeout too) when they get the first artefact, which is a metal ball found by C3PO's muscle's memory, kek - I know how retarded it sounds.
To be continued.

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Other urls found in this thread:



And how do even know this nigger

Overall, as established, Kylo and Rey team up against the Sith.
Near the end it's revealed that one of them has to sacrifice themselves to close the rift and THAT'S WHY THEY FIGHT, the winner is going to sudoku.
Early in the movie Rey is told that she's going to have to make a sacrifice to save the galaxy by the way.
As they fight in the rift, they're thrown around what's basically a total fanservice, scenes and locations from all the movies.
Eventually Luke comes out of nowhere in the Rift and he sacrifices himself to close the rift.
The Rift is on the Death Star and was opened by Emperor as he died, I've forgot to mention this.
And that's basically it, no closure really, it just ends with everyone being happy that they've stopped the Sith.

What are these Chad Troopers?

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>Matt Smith is introduced as a Sith from the beyond who took over the Knights, but eventually revealed to be Palpatine. Inb4 you ask, there's ZERO explanation for his appearance or how he survived, just that it's beyond space and time bullshit and he was playing 5D chess.
Congrats on outing yourself as a larper this quickly. Matt Smith isn't in the film

Post pics, like the "time travel" leaker, or you're full of shit.

>we first see Rey and them on a swampy planet
*licks dirt*
"It's a mangal"

Random NPC number 23123123, nobodies really, just stormtroopers that Palpatine brought along for a ride.
Worth mentioning:
The movie is super clear on having Emperor's/Sith things red, as these troopers, the starships he brings are painted red, he's wearing red robes etc, even knights when they're unmasked are glowing red, if taht makes sense, it's basically white and black vs red when it comes to color coding.

so. freakin'. epic.

who else is pumped for this movie?! yeah yeah TLJ wasn't the greatest but JJ is saving this franchise

fake and gay

sneed troopers

This actually sounds very realistic and dumb enough to be written by JJ abrams. Stop using spoiler tags, nobody cares

But the Sith Troopers are already revealed as First Order military. We see Kylo pilot a red-colored TIE, so if anything Kylo's turning the FO redder.

>so. freakin.
Stopped reading right there

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>close the rift to the Beyond and stop the Emperor who's basically bringing armies from the prequels and OT through it, we see clones and stormtroopes and death stars.
>Near the end it's revealed that one of them has to sacrifice themselves to close the rift and THAT'S WHY THEY FIGHT, the winner is going to sudoku.
>As they fight in the rift, they're thrown around what's basically a total fanservice, scenes and locations from all the movies.
you're just writing fanfic based on Endgame

Fren, who cares, it doesn't come out for like half a year. Stop obsessing over star wars.

>Matt Smith isn't in the film
Yes he is, user.

No, no he's not. You haven't been paying attention.

This actually sounds legit.

hey pal, you gotta problem with the way I talk?

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> but eventually revealed to be Palpatine. Inb4 you ask, there's ZERO explanation for his appearance or how he survived, just that it's beyond space and time bullshit and he was playing 5D chess.
>The Rift is on the Death Star and was opened by Emperor as he died, I've forgot to mention this.
so there is an explanation for his appearance you fucking retard

Now that is podracing.

He most definitely is in the film.
Honestly from what I heard from production the movie is shaping up to be very fun so who knows, apparently the smoothest SW release so far, rumour is that JJ had an iron grip on the project and basically told other execs to fuck off.>But the Sith Troopers are already revealed as First Order military. We see Kylo pilot a red-colored TIE, so if anything Kylo's turning the FO redder.
Sith Troopers are most definitely not Kylo's. As for red details in FO, there's was some thought put to it, but I don't know the details on why.
>you're just writing fanfic based on Endgame
I'm sorry, they're going for this trope again, but it's subverted by Luke's intervention.

Maybe. Sure is weird to introduce all of this in just one movie.

He was taken off the official cast list and has said himself that he doesn't believe he's in the film. For whatever reason, he's been cut.

I mean, there's no explanation for why now, what's his plan, what's the reason, why he looks young. It's clear that it's some sort of an emergency plan of his, but nothing besides of that.

Star Wars is dead. Sorry, but that’s the truth.

this sounds stupid enough to be real

>no explanations


>He most definitely is in the film.
No he's not and you're a terrible larper. I guess now you know to change that detail next time you try pretending to be an insider

How does Chewie die?
How does R2 die?
How does 3PO die?
Does the Millenium Falcon get destroyed?

>Honestly from what I heard from production the movie is shaping up to be very fun so who knows, apparently the smoothest SW release so far, rumour is that JJ had an iron grip on the project and basically told other execs to fuck off
1 shekel deposited onto your account

none of that will happen because of toy sales

Why does the Falcon have its circle dish back?

They kind of have to after the second movie killed off all their plot threads.

Stopped reading right there

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Member when Kylo killed Han? I am glad Kylo gets a happy ending

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big if true

if fags can just come back to life and save the day why dont they do it more often?
why didn't obiwan materialize out of the black emptiness of death to jetpack some nukes into the exhaust port?
why didn't yoda will himself into a corporeal form and put the emperor into the sharpshooter until palpatine tapped out in ep6?

why would the movie hint at the possibility of OT and prequel armies/machines without using them, there's no way they'd fail to capitalize on that to sell toys.

>believing literally anything published online, whether it be matt smith in the movie or that anons post
go drink your sugarmilk bugman

If this is real it just further proves what a hack Abrams is and that he belongs in TV, not cinema. This is the kind of shit you write for the finale of a TV series, not a movie.

what is kylo's end?

I don't know much OP, but I do know this:

your a fag

time travel

kylo deserves a happy ending and his penis inside of rey

>How does Chewie die?
He's closed off in the beyond with Lando, so frankly doesn't die.
>How does R2 die?
Doesn't die.
>How does 3PO die?
Doesn't die at all, actually becomes a demi-god, kek. They find his original parts which magically awakens his memories from millenniums back, he's as old as the galaxy.
>Does the Millenium Falcon get destroyed?
Not destroyed, closed off in the beyond.
>Why does the Falcon have its circle dish back?
Just does.
>if fags can just come back to life and save the day why dont they do it more often?
I don't think he comes back to life, he just ascended to the beyond and was waiting for them there.

get over it you faggot
Harrison was the one who wanted your precious Han dead
shut up and cry in the corner

That was so awful it nearly physically hurt to read.

Don't know for sure, heard that they're just back to where they were, so Kylo is back to being the rules of the galaxy and Rey is back to being a hermit.

Why does a bounty hunter have a change of heart? (Sounds a little silly to me)

>As they fight in the rift, they're thrown around what's basically a total fanservice, scenes and locations from all the movies.

Ah you're telling the truth lol.

This sounds like reylo fanfic.

I do like Kylo Ren more than any other nu-wars character, but there's simply no way he won't die. Westerners have this wicked notion of divine punishment, and they can't let a character who did something bad get away with it, for some reason.

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Phasma was confirmed dead.

>First, we're early introduced to the Beyond which is basically a realm outside of space and time, whoever goes there returns changed, as do knights of Ren who are basically zombie Nazguls.

Ripped off from Rebels.

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ripped off from the same universe? not like it can be a set up? no? you fucking idiot

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1. She sees Finn&Poe&Jan saving furry lizard people. 2. Leia tells her that Kylo is her son.

I almost believed it, but Phasma.... alive? nope. not happening

>no shitty time-travel plot

I'm disappointed. They're just half-assing it now.

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They clearly did this entire plot point in Rebels so that they could do it in IX user

>Why does a bounty hunter have a change of heart? (Sounds a little silly to me)
Yeah it's completely retarded. A bounty hunter is also different from an assassin. The kikes writing these movies have no idea what they're doing

>but there's simply no way he won't die.
Yep. it's larp anyhow but that's the biggest sign.
He will likely redeem himself somehow but he's 100% dead by the end of ep9. You could literally gamble all your money on it.

He said they're bringing armies from teh prequels. It's worse than linear time travel, it's multi dimensional crap were anything goes. why should we even, care about this timeline?

I could see him going on some type of self-imposed exile as well

Hux leads First Order Wolfpac?

why would anyone care about mcu after endgame?

Sounds legit, but every single leak before TLJ premiered was bullshit, so this will be too.

He was so close to being right

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>bounty hunter wants to kill Leia but has a change of heart

More like the Franchise had a change of actress.

>bunch of tired cliches and tropes from capeshit, anime, fantasy and scifi

sounds legit to me

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>stop the Emperor who's basically bringing armies from the prequels and OT through it,
lmao no fucking way this is real

JJ might've had plans for her & TLJ screwed it up so just like Kylo rebuilding his mask, it's a "fuck you" to Rian.

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>The Plot twist of the Rise of the Skywalkers will be a Time Travel/Groundhog Day scenario.
>There will be a point in the movie where it is revealed that Sheev, Rey, and Ben Solo have repeated episodes 1-9 several times.
>This is alluded to in the Last Jedi when Rey has that trippy tunnel vision of echoes of her future and past selves.
>Whenever the final “confrontation” between Rey and Sheev occurs, Rey and Ben are forced to cause the Groundhog Day scenario to occur by disturbing some Sith Magic/Artifact/Ceremony.
>The time loop always takes Sheev, Rey and Ben back years before Episode 1.
>Sheev Rey, and Ben, being at the center of this loop, are the only characters that know of it.
>When time resets, Rey goes to Tatooine to fulfill her role as Shmi, Anakin’s mother, with Ben Solo as the father.
>Anakin’s status of Chosen One is due to his lineage of both Dark and Light side force users.
>In each loop, Ben always abandon’s Rey and Anakin to face Sheev himself and die.
>Rey Resigns herself to her death on Tatooine, so that Anakin can fulfill his destiny.
>Rey hopes that her future self will figure out how to break the loop.
>Anakin’s story arc from Tatoonie to his sacrifice to kill sheev is a necessary step in breaking the loop.
>Sheev’s easy manipulation of the Jedi Council and the Senate is due to his many repeated loops.
>One issue Sheev always faces is that no matter how he corrupts Anakin, he always betrays him.
>Luke acts like an angsty teenager in the Last Jedi, because he is being confronted by his grandmother (Rey) to take charge and responsibility.
>This also explains all of the different versions of episodes 1-6 that George Lucas has made.

>As they fight in the rift,
literally this from TOS

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ching chong ding dong!

What about the news about reshoots happening? What are they changing

So what's the overarching message of this trilogy?

This is what I heard, but I can say with 100% certainty only that we're going to see old star destroyers from clone wars, but painted red.

>confirmed dead

>wears heat proof armour
>has a grappling hook
>they literally obscured her face intentionally in a comic last week

Shes alive

love is how we win

it would be halfway cool if she turned out to be a clone each time

>as much as I know
You don't know anything. Disney is keeping the script very quiet. Beyond the "writers" and the editors, nobody knows the entire story. Even the actors are only being told what they need to know. See also: Hamill who didn't knew Luke died. The only thing we know is that's going to involve time travel because: it's fucking stupid, it deconstructs the OT even more, and perfectly fits the hack writers' MO.

since when was star wars anything better?

Why team up when we know Rey can solo a Death Star and wookie cock all at once?

Isn't this essentially just the ending to LOST except through a starwarsy filter?

JFC if this is real it is even worse than I could have imagined

If this is true Star Wars is 100% dead and buried.

Op here, with TFA or TLJ you probably would be right, but not this time.
The scenes were basically edited the day they were shot, they're testing out a whole new workflow with this movie. Everything is making rounds, it's not being worked on linearly as your usual film.

Why is it called Rise of Skywalker?

Honestly bringing her back and having her do something is the best thing they could do

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I'm guessing since this is a JJ Project, they try to fix the fuckups from the last two movies by not showing, but telling us.
>there will be a scene where Finn tells Rey she has gone through so much hardships and she tells Finn he's grown
>everyone says how great and powerful Luke is and how they all loved him
>Luke himself tells everyone what he's going to do and isn't the bitter lonely failure from TLJ
>someone tells Po he's a good leader
>Kylo is told he's powerful and not a whiny bitch

Luke dies again? wtf

I didn't new phasma was a jean gray of star wars universe...

Redemption is pretty common in asian media, where the villain after losing to the main character repent of his ways and change sides. No dismemberment, no extreme pain, no punishment. They just say "guess I was wrong" and go to the good guys side. This is something that you can see then doing in all types of media, from animations to video games, from movies to books, and even on folkloric tales.

Westerners though, have this karmic idea that the character should pay for their crimes, and if the MC won't punish him, than the punishment just happens out of nowhere as mere causality. It is actually hard to find western media where this don't happen, the villain can repent, but they end up dying anyway, because this notion of divine punishment it's hardwired in the collective consciousness of the western culture. That's why I absolutely don't believe Kylo will live, he killed his own father and was involved in destroying planets with trillions of people, he will absolutely, 100% sure die.

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Would her weilding a (Kylo’s) lightsaber to fight Finn be too over the top?
t. Writing my own autistic Episode 9 screenplay

You tell me. I'm hearing that Luke appears in the movie only in the end to save the day, earlier he's only mentioned by other characters.

>JJ might've had plans
He didn't even have a script for TFA you stupid mongrel

>bringing back Phasma
Why? She’s a joke. No one cares.

so they can kill her again in a stupid way?

It's sad when I can't tell if you're joking or not. That would be the sort of lazy idea they'd do.


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Ripe for the reboot. Cast Vader.

Nah, what you want is to take in the fact she wears crush gauntlets

You want her to kill Finn like The Mountain killed Oberyn Martell

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So in which act do Kylo and Rey fuck?

Why don't they just hyperspace ram the Death Star remains?

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Oh yeah? What's the reshoots about?

During the costume display they're described as troopers serving an ancient legacy whatever in the shit it means.

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>destroying planets with trillions of people
it's not like our heroes had done the same but by their own hands aka Luke, poe... but oh no they were enemies their life has no value right?

>Letting JJ "Mystery Box" Adams write your trilogy closer

You should have seen that coming user.

Mickey please, you're not that clever

This is so stupid I'd believe it.

Itll be Idris Elba.

>oh no they were enemies their life has no value right?
Pretty much, that's how people who write this stories think.

Also, don't say this like it is my fault, I'm just telling how it is. If I had total power to write this mess, Kylo would repent and the next trilogy would be officially about him.

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TLJ killed Star Wars, TROS will Weekend at Bernies it.

I can answer actually!
There was an animatronic creature supposed to be living in the swamp, but there were issues getting it to run properly during the shoot, so they shot everything with the creature as a static prop with intention to replace it later digitally. They're shooting the creature as a puppet now, because JJ was unhappy with CGI, I think it's only the creature that will be composited in post.


Says they're inspired by it. I'm guessing Kylo bases the new troops of the First Order on old Sith Armies from the past.

Adam Driver is really sexy

>movie opens
>rey has been trained off screen by some swam jedi alien
>we just get to see him die and fade off

You know JJ will be tempted to copy RotJ.

personally for me this trilogy is about him, he is literally the only new character I care about

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of fans suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

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I really hope the scenes of kylo and rey fighting wile clips of older star wars plays is true. It would be the greatest 'fuck you' to any fans by far. there's something so symbolically fitting with two nobodies fighting on a decaying icon of the franchise's past.

2/10 I stopped reading after 4 lines

You get a 2 for the effort. You must be very bored. At least you’re using creative skills; no matter how autistic. They could be applied to something else instead of fanfic tho.

You like nu-wars characters outside of Kylo? Cease posting forever.

I don't see how they can spin a satisfying and hopeful ending if they kill Kylo off. Then again, they are just bullshitting their way through marketing so it will likely be an unsatisfying and shitty ending anyway.

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Not sure if it's THIS exact creature, but there's a wise jedi voodoo creature that tells Rey her future early in the movie and tells her that she'll have to make the ultimate sacrifice or the galaxy will be doomed.

100% fake because John Boyega said very clearly that Phasma is dead and never coming back. It's always funny to me that people who make up "leaks" and shitpost about nu-Wars don't even watch the basic fucking interviews to make their shit even the least bit believable.

It was literally at Celebration. Everyone fucking heard him say it. More proof that the people making these threads aren't even SW fans and just shitpost purely for the sake of (You)s. Pathetic.

Put some effort in at least.

this episode was depressing. that poor dude having to fight off his dark self for eternity.

what is your source?

at least he knows he's doing it for the ultimate reason

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his fat ass

Formerly chuck trooper

>believing the words of an actor
>ignoring that they keep inte tionally hiding her face
>ignoring that they made no mention of her "death" in her recent comic (despite all the other comics in the series menyioning the characters death of the comic was about a character who died)


both correct answers for once, wow I'm impressed


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As I said, at least put some fucking effort in. This is just embarrassing. Like, so much info has already come out and you retards are like 10 years behind.

>Shit like this is retarded as fuck, but it's plausible since it's Disney we're talking about.
Time Travel doesn't fit Star Wars at all.

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not as sad as an episode "choose a number" in the "carnivale" where dancer/prostitute spirit is forced to stay in a ghost town and be repeatedly raped for all eternity by ones who raped and murdered her...

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>so. freakin'. epic.
>JJ is saving this franchise

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Oh nooo, no no no

At least Rian was honest, every fucking word that comes out of JJ's mouth just sounds like marketing shlock bullshit lies. Just fucking look at the TFA trailer.

he's correct though all red SW villains are pure kino

Why are so many decade-spanning stories now tying their narrative knots with fucking time travel. It's fucking stupid. Unless time travel is a present element from the start, leave it alone.

>all the time travelets in this thread

Thus actually would have been a good plot, but onions wars days wouldn't approve of it

oh, the lobster guards in TLJ were kino? Really?

>no explanations
yep, i buy it. that's typical j.j. bullshit


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They already introduced these concepts in the new canon.
We had a world between worlds in Rebels and a hint that force users can survive beyond the physical realm if they're attached to objects and their consciousness is not confined by time.

>shmi literally says she got pregnant out of nowhere a la virgin mary

Dear God, this sounds so stupid, they actually copy pasted the Infinity War script unto Star Wars of all things. Where did it all go so wrong? The first leaks sounded like a much better story.

Star Wars is completely dead, I am not even going to pirate this load of steaming bull crap.

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Where is this from?

Dont mention that waifufagging shit in this thrrad

Dangerous bounty hunters were hired all the time by the empire to kill dissidents you fucking lorelet, go back to the avatar thread

oh yes they were you little incel

yeah a joke character being alive after being a joke from 2 movies and dying in both? that's impossible!

Watch as they actually do it

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One of the only good things about the film.

Star wars is all about space magic, and time travel is the most basest of space magic.

Choose your Sith Trooper

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So Mike was right? Time travel?

Why did he shill for TFA?

people here have been saying it's gonna be time travel before mike did

They're already in order

Time travel apart from maybe Sith Holocrons and Force Ghost time--fuckery doesn't fit in Star Wars.

Star Wars isn't capeshit, but space opera. The mouse execs forced the writers after TLJ disaster , to copy the Infinity War plot line and copy paste it into Star Wars.

This is such a train crash in slow motion.

The first or second order?

Pic related is my reaction

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Even that space magic was contained, Palpatine was supposed to be the embodiment of the Dark side yes, but even he had his limitations.

I miss him

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My favourite eye colour in girls - none.

In that recent video I think he was in the bargaining stage, where he said he stood by the idea of JJ only directing and not writing.

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Calm down Exile. Do not mate with Visas

Sounds like fucking Avengers endgame again so maybe is true

It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.

Good design, that's it. Fuck off cucks, Kylo and Reylo were the only GOOD things about the film.

>Doesn't die at all, actually becomes a demi-god, kek. They find his original parts which magically awakens his memories from millenniums back, he's as old as the galaxy
He was built by Anakin, you sperg.

She lied. Ben fucked Rey's virgin sandpussy for days. Literal days. He filled her entire body with his cum. That's how she got pregnant.

>Absolutely zero mention of Poe, Finn, Rose, or bow and arrow bitch
That's honestly the most believable part of this whole thing.

From scrap.

They're just the shield generator team essentially, a side plot everyone fast forwards through

I miss him

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Anakin put him together from parts he found in Watto's garage, he didn't build him from scratch.

Wtf is fucking sneed? It keeps making me laugh but i dont know why

Seed and feed

>Ben Solo is Anakin's father
>he always thought of "Beni" Kenobi as his father when he was younger

at last I truly see

>Hey Leia, honey. Let’s name our firstborn Anakin next time. And let’s have more kids and name them Jacen and Jaina.

user, I..

Formerly Chuck’s

is that hk-47? if so he was fucking great.
Semi-related: i only played kotor1, years ago. Honestly should probably replay it since i got it in some bundle a few years back to put it on steam.
is kotor2 worth it?
i've been replaying tie fighter and it's surprising how well it's held up. actually dusted off an old flight stick that still worked and having a blast. The same bundle had other old shit, dark forces, xwing vs tie fighter, some other space sims. pretty sure i beat dark forces 1 and 2, less sure that i ever did the jedi ones. I vividly remember the dark troopers.

KOTOR 2 is TLJ done right.

Neat. I'll replay kotor1 and move right to that then. Thanks, user.
also semi related, swtor fucking sucks.

>Kylo Ren is his own grand-grandfather

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As a required reading before doing KOTOR 2, see Nietzsche.

>the Emperor who's basically bringing armies from the prequels and OT through it, we see clones and stormtroopes and death stars

i’m walking out of that theater if this shit ends up looking like a reverse Endgame, instead of good guys walking trough portals it’s the baddies.

What if Mandalorian armies show up?

It's a Simpsons reference

Imagine if they went back in time in the multiverse and into the office of jj before he a disney agreed to make a new trilogy and took a big shit in his mouth stopping the decision from ever being made and he smiled, ate it then looked to the camera and said "thanks for the shekels niggers"

looks like a fan tried to make the new stormtrooper design and then decided to be edgy and paint it red and call itself an emperor stormtrooper.

The Incest is strong with this one.

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Mandalorians are shit

.t Revan

You son of a bitch, you almost made me burst out laughing in public with that shit. Lol

>Near the end it's revealed that one of them has to sacrifice themselves to close the rift and THAT'S WHY THEY FIGHT, the winner is going to sudoku.
so a scene we just saw in Endgame?
fuck man. I just dont care

Infinity War > Endgame

Beyond sounds like Underverse
Necromongers better than First Order too.

The Beyond isn't the time portal. It might be the place where Ezra, Thrawn and the creatures went at the end of SW Rebels.

Nonsense. When Don Draper defeated Pete Campbell on the shory hills of suchnsuch, he halted his final blow at the advice of a wise master. Afterwards Pete repented, purified himself of his vile ways, and joined Don Draper in the light.

Thanks for nothing you fucks

>Obi-Wan took on the name "Ben" when he found out that was the name of Anakin's father


>t. Mandalore the Ultimate

>Idris Elba
with his mask off.
>Tom Hardy
wearing the mask

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Nobody cared who he was before he wore the mask

They can bring back Luke in new movies to make the ultimate sacrifice each time. Pure perpetual kino.

He’s like Optimus Prime meets Jesus, dying for your sins every day.

This is the dumbest shit ever so I hope it's real

Till a thousand generations... are one.

when did the real plot get posted before TLJ ???

>the new troopers are completely different
>still can't hit their targets
Bravo JJ

Watch him push Rey aside as she's about to close the rift and die (as in, really give up the ghost) while going
>My name is Luke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you.

But they can if they want. They’re just ordered to miss.

I think just a few weeks before releasing

After the premiere.

lol, that's just fucking 12 year old material right there.

God Disney drove Star Wars off the fucking cliff

un the fuck ironically 3>2>1

I guess that means........no one is ever really gone.

yeah OT was 7 year old material

I miss him

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The sad state of Disney Trilogy Shills

Is he having a stroke

When does this fucker show up?

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I swear, every supposed leak of this movie sounds worse than the last. it's as if Star Wars and Marvel had a retarded baby.

...its truly over then isn't it? Star Wars has been utterly ruined like Star Trek before it.

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Marvel does Star Wars comics now. They even resold old dark horse comics under marvel.

lol star wars wars in general are retards
go jerk off of slave leia you incel

The rectangle dish is shot off by a TIE in the crystal caves of Crait in TLJ.

>Rey is Shimi Skywalker

I can actually kinda accept this. The idea of a closed loop could actually work and repair some of the damage The Last Jedi did.

Everytime I read something about Ep IX it's so bad that it has to be true given Disney's nu Wars track record. Amazing.

>The scenes were basically edited the day they were shot, they're testing out a whole new workflow with this movie. Everything is making rounds, it's not being worked on linearly as your usual film.
In other words, this movie is heavily rushed.

So Star Wars is a tale of an infinitely recursive incest?

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Kylo's "romantic tension" with his kinda great grandmother would make it weird though.

Well yeah.
>have to change plans for IX when Trevorow walked out
>have to change plans when Fisher died
>have to change plans when JJ starts

And all this in such a small time frame, honestly they should just delay it

On the plus side (or bad side depending on how you look at it), these shitty rumours can't all be true

>repair some of the damage The Last Jedi did.
which exactly?

Not much room for hooks, really. What's left to solve after the Last Jedi? It's a dead end.

Oh fuck I can see it. It's going to happen, isn't it?

>They even resold old dark horse comics under marvel
Yep, but it's worth noting MArvel had the star wars rights before Dark Horse. late 70s to mid 80s, i forget when they stopped. I have the last issue somewhere because I bought them back then like a fucking dork.
i think, if im not mistaken, at least a few of those old characters made it through to the "nu-canon". The telepathic bunny aliens, i believe, are one of those.

Also i think Dark Horse sold compilations of the old Marvel series in the 90s/early 00s when they had the rights.

Anyhow, not really relevant, I loved some of the Dark Horse books but even some of their stories had beginnings in the goofy marvel books set between the movies and post jedi. Some really fucking cool stories too, at least if you were 9 years old. I remember feeling bummed when Shadows of the Empire (not sure if that's still "canon") fucked with the marvel stories set in the same time period.

Your movie sucks Rian

The earlier "leaks" were more convincing.

>The idea of a closed loop could actually work and repair some of the damage The Last Jedi did.
No it won't. It'll just turn off more people from Star Wars as a whole.
On the other hand, the idea of Rey being Shmi who'll inevitably end up being a slave and getting raped and tortured by Tusken Raiders will cause all the SJWs who praised the ST to "REEEEEEEEEE" with the force of a thousand suns as they realize that their favorite stronk womyn mary sue self insert ends up being dead thanks to the "patriarchy." One can dream.

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I think that the core of the Last Jedi, Kylo vs Rey, was great. However, everything else about it feels like filler or mandated by Disney's executives.

So how do they kill Palpatine? I get they close the fucking unknown bullshit rift or whatever but who stops him?

I'm guessing they don't, you need to keep the big bad as a viable option for one of the 10000000 other upcoming movies user.

Yep. so much of The Last Jedi makes much more sense if Rey turns to the dark side...but Disney almost certainly nixed that idea.

So, does this movie ever mention or explain what Snoke's true purpose was, where he came from, and whether or not he was connected to Sheev?

Snookie is not even mentioned in the recent TLJ->TROS visual dictionary book, they're erasing him from existence.

>I'm guessing they don't, you need to keep the big bad as a viable option for one of the 10000000 other upcoming movies user.
But this new movie is the conclusion to the Skywalker Saga + Daisy Ridley doesn't want to act in any more Star Wars movies after this one. If Sheev still remains alive after everything, then Anakin's sacrifice will still be left in vain.

Daisy Ridley has signed a multifilm contract, she's locked in

ROS is the last shot I'm giving SW. I've fallen off ever since TLJ and no longer care for the new canon and refuse to give Disney my money. If they do this then I'm truly walking away from the franchise and will stick to re-reading my dark horse era comics and old eu books like I've been doing since TLJ.

I'll probably find a way to pirate The Mandalorian but that's about it.

>sacrifices himself

why? hes already dead, are they going to make him ultra dead? who the fuck wrote this shit?

in a way it's more interesting then snoke being alive and knowing oh now they will have to defeat this big bad

As if it wasn't in vain already.

this time he'll be SUPER sleepy so he will SUPER die

if you see a "leak" in which kylo ren lives, it can safely be written off as a larp.

yeah, it seems like even rian didn't care about any other plot except of force luke/rey/kylo staff
to be honest, I can't blame him

>Daisy Ridley has signed a multifilm contract, she's locked in

She signed a 3 picture deal and Rise will be it for her current contract. She has stated repeatedly she doesn't want to renew.

It sounds retarded enough to be true

>Daisy Ridley doesn't want to act in any more Star Wars movies after this one.
That slut really thinks she has any future in acting without mouse?

>refuse to give Disney my money.
just say you are a broke nigger

She's signed for 5 films user.

see you in december bitch.

BASED alert

Nah he’s just terribly unfunny and too dumb to realize it

We learn who Snoke's master is, and it's a totally new character with a stupid name (and it has Ren in it).

looks like /rlg/ kino is back on the agenda

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See it could be real but you literally haven't mentioned a thing I didn't know from the other leaks.
So it could be bullshit, you've just stuck leaks together basically.
The one new detail is some woman being hired to kill Leia but she changes her mind.

gonna come out looking like

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no, I just don't support Lucasfilm because it clearly thinks I'm not worth it to them

>She's signed for 5 films user.
Prove it.

He’s probably not broke, since he doesn’t waste money on frivolous things like movie tickets

>ROS is the last shot I'm giving SW.
Imagine being this retarded.
Anyone that gave them money after TFA is an idiot.

Yeah that's BS. All the new heroes in tfa got 3 pic deals with options for renewals.

Only Ford had a one and done deal. No one has 5.

>LARPing this hard

Exactly this.
If what our LARPing OP says is true, the situation at Lucasfilm has become so dire that they're desperate enough to rip off Endgame's plot, but unlike Endgame, which had sufficient buildup to its climax from previous movies, TRoS has literally nothing of any logical value leading up to it within this trilogy. They've completely fucked themselves, and JJ's blatantly admitting that he's winging this film through his "Fuck it" Freudian Slip interview. He just wants to get this over and done with so he can move on to his Warner Bros. contract and continue making shekels off his shitty movie ideas. Star Wars is dying far faster than I thought it would.

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Honestly at this point it's super extremely plausible that they're going to rip off Endgame, but S U B V E R T it.

classic disney shill tactic, dismiss people smarter than you as incels

0.02 cents have been deposited into your account

>through his "Fuck it" Freudian Slip interview
link please

fake and gay

no one is ever really gone if Disney owns its copyrights


>link please

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He's Anakin's father, fuck off.


lol retards actual believed Shmi

If Disney mandated that 3rd act, Rian is based outside of humor. If it was all his vision, he sucks.

For what tactical purpose would you make your soldiers wear red armor, when they work on a space station that has grey walls/white lighting?!
Even if your countries' flag was redder than China's wouldn't make more sense to have their armor be, I dunno, black? With like a red emblem on their shoulder?
If it's to distinguish ranks that's even more retarded for obvious reasons (display that shit on stormtrooper's HUD)

right now user RUN

wolfpac 4 life

He is literally turning it into Anime and it's glorious.

>tactical purpose
If by some chance the larper is right, Palpatine's faction is gonna be red just because his elite guard was red in the OT and white stormtroopers fighting other white stormtroopers might confuse the retards who are gonna watch this.

Could be a planet where all vegetation is red or some stupid shit where the rocks are red.

It's not like white stormtroopers were exactly practical either.

They literally did this shit already with the Crimson Stormtroopers. Some sourcebook had a blurb that Royal Guards are rumored to have sets of red Stormtrooper armor for more serious missions and a couple years later Hasbro released an actionfigure, regular Stormtrooper painted red with a sniper rifle.

Classic Abrams hackiness, didn't even get a single original thought together.

Just give it 30 years and we might get a nice canon purge but yeah, it's basically just as defiled.

Fucking hell Star Trek will at least have to decanonize Discovery and burn all copies at some point purely because of the plagiarization lawsuit. Star Wars will never get anything remotely like it due to Disneys lawyers.

I think the 80s Marvel comics have less problems with the EU than with the actual movies.
The best retcon of all time has to be Mosep Binneed, formerly known as Jabba the Hut. He is Jabba the Hutts personal accountant who talks to people as if he were Jabba himself but avoids spelling Hutt with two Ts because of in-universe legal reasons.

>what Snoke's true purpose was

Preventing Luke from training any Jedi so he could rule the galaxy despite being rich as fuck already in the Unknown Regions which are big enough as is.
Maybe they retcon him into only being able to afford his golden bathrobe after turning Kylo into a schoolshooter.
I also hope his upcoming 22 page comic issue in the Age of Resistance series will give us something. Would be fucking hilarious if they are going to detail his entire backstory in it as opposed to a novel like is normally done for characters that notable to the overall plot.

Absolutely based individual

Based trips, what is kek trying to tell us?
There was a scene filmed for TFA where Leia was negotiating with Hutts to help the resistance.
They're going to edit it into this movie.

>paint rebels and xwings in blues and cool colors when they where reds in the ot
>villains are all red to the point of a near straight color wash if this is true and it's dumb enough to be
I'm starting to believe the tinfoil retards saying it's a clumsy political statement at this point.

Stormtroopers are already white and rarely if ever use camouflage due to the imperial policy of cockiness inspiring fear.
Royal Guards were inspired by an ancient Sith cult and statues. It's all just about Sheev declaring his superiority since he is obviously the most powerful person in the universe.
> HUD is used for anything in-universe

idk, this actually sounds enjoyable to me.

They already said in the novel Bloodlines that 5 years before Episode 7 the Hutts had close to zero influence in the underworld anymore because they were humiliated by a holovid of Leia choking Jabba to death in ROTJ (and the loss of their leader of course).

kek based

when was the last time we got leaks that ended up being correct?

They didn't have Carrie Fisher dead by that point and weren't desperate for any footage of her alive.

I work for LucasFilm and I can reveal that JJ is a talentless hack

Were the Hutts practical on set things? I can see them switch the Hutts for that Farscape looking dude from the first few leaked pics.

It's obviously just niggers watching Reddit Letter Medias newest video and elaborating on their thesis but there is some truth in their thinking.
They were rather spot on with Solo except that Boba Fett was entirely absent from the actual movie.

People in fatsuits that were supposed to be replaced by CGI Hutts.

Don't have to be an insider to know that much