What are some actors that may post here?
What are some actors that may post here?
Other urls found in this thread:
me (jonah hill)
William Shatner is a confirmed poster
Brie Larson and James Woods possibly
Idris Elba is replying to every "cast him" thread with his name, obviously.
that's classified information.
here, have a screencap instead.
I once "acted" in a clorets commercial
does that count?
maybe. we'll see
do we?
lol. ok....
Shatner, and he's all we will ever need.
gtfo shill
>William Shatner is a confirmed poster
I'm gonna ask for proof beyond reasonable doubt or I'm gonna call bullshit.
I post here on occasion. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you don't dox me, that will be the end of it - I will not look for you, I will not pursue you... but if you do, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will kill you.
Based newfag retard redditor
My nama jefv
holy fucking Lois is Liam Neeson here!?????!!!!
considering most actors are retarded faggots which is a requirement for this board, I'd say a substantial number of them
he has literally tweeted that he posts here
That thread was obviously posted by a shill or someone connected to the production.
The only people "confirmed" are low-level directors like pic related and has-beens/b-listers like Shatner.
People who've been here a while may remember Taylor Swift theories. These where never confirmed, but if they're true she's probably the most famous person to use this site.
Shatner definitely does. I think there was rumors based on something he said that Dane DeHaan does as well, but I don't remember the specifics.
But I have zero doubt that there are more than a handful of recognizable people who regularly go to Yea Forums in secret.
Literally who
I know for a fact that he does
First of all: literally who?
Second of all: what a fucking redditnigger. Just cause he's famous (he's not) doesn't mean he isn't a massive faggot.
Safdie bros, most known for directing "Good Time" starring Robert Pattinson (pic related).
The face of the incel movement
Still a redditnigger.
lurk more
Me. I'm a fairly well known actress, probably B list. No I won't post who I am, or tits, or respond to (you)s. Just letting you guys know. I also see threads about myself every now and then which is always amusing.
He usually does on /biz/
Ok larper.
If you were actually famous and successful you wouldn't post dumb "look at me" posts like this.
No doubt, (they're) reddit tourists and mediocre filmmakers. But they're some of the only public figures confirmed to be Yea Forums posters.
>insulted liver sausage
That was just some drunk German shitposting
Isn't that half of what being famous is?
Based professional Hollywood slut poster
Lot's of pornstars post on Yea Forums. Which isn't really that suprising, I guess.
ITT schizos and autists
Post feet
B-brie? I-is this y-you? Or is it MEW? (mew is fine too) Anyways, I love you both.
Not him but I disagree. You have to have a particular set of narcissistic traits to become famous. Make no mistake, they love attention, and they'll pine for it even on an anonymous imageboard shithole like this.
i've been an extra in like 20 different things
There's a 7% percent chance it might be her, simply because she won't stop posting feet pics lately, and we established that she knows about the footfags already. Probably a LARP tho.
Captain Marvel was pretty fucking bad, Brie. You almost ruin Kong Skull Island too but that was campy enough to be fun despite you being there
I remember that thread. It was pretty cool
I doubt Brie would be humble enough to introduce herself as a "B-list" actor.
She said she was B-list, so no it's not Brie. But that being said, I suspect she at least knows about the threads here, if not lurks here
She'd never introduce herself even as a B-list actually. But she would also never post here, even if she knew about the place.
I can see her hate-lurking the site. Perhaps unironically posting "have sex" here and there.
have sex
I'm thinking she might've stumbled on a thread a while ago, but the sip/feet posting is an odd coincidence, as the sip meme started exactly on Yea Forums.
Have sex, but unironically
God I wish
Yeah pic from was taken earlier this month, not long after sip posting became a thing
he'd probably post on Yea Forums
What was the thread?
>the sip meme started exactly on Yea Forums.
I was always told they were a /ck/ thing
Peter's cumdumpster.
>the sip/feet posting is an odd coincidence
It's the most obvious disney shill viral marketing campaign of the year, nothing in the /reylo/ generals league of obvious but still
Trevor Moore Anton got the pic
>triggered by feet discussion
>only mention is an insult for Rooney's feet
Roon Roon?
making awareness of super unknown upcoming projects jodelle 'projects'
Hey it's me the real Norm, ask me anything
Sip posting gained traction on Yea Forums
Reddit for example hasn't acknowledged the sipping at all
>I doubt Brie would be humble enough to introduce herself as a "B-list" actor.
Exactly. She is trying to be anonymous so she says what she considers a lie.
Sip posting is organic on Yea Forums no shill operation at all
>shills on Yea Forums
user, there's like 50 people total who come to this board. Nobody gives a shit about us.
Oh, I apologize. I thought you were talking about the monster thing.
This. I see posts and pictures that are obviously from the same people so often I can't help but think there are like 50 regular posters here tops.
I'm an actor/director/writer/cinematographer/composer/editor. Ask me anything.
Where'd your ball go? 10 years ago you'd have walked all over those The View clowns. But then you go on them recently and they've got your dick in a death grip.
>I'm putting together a team
>Drake Bell
>That fella that played Lex in BvS
>Couple of the dudes in those Franco and Rogen movies
also a bunch of YouTube cucks like Maxmoefoe and Pewdiepie
i would say there is actually quite a bit that do. they get anonymity here that they wouldn't elsewhere
> I also see threads about myself every now and then
So this cuts off any of the constantly and daily shilled actresses here, who's left?
>Companies that spend billions of dollars a year on marketing don't send even a single second making free posts on an anonymous website that consists solely of a self selected sample of their target audience who are in many cases, actively asking for recommendations and opinions.
I don't understand how anyone could believe shills don't exist here.
I'm actually a famous actor, but I won't say who I am. I've been in some very famous movies and stuff. Btw I'm Ryan Gosling. Sneed
How do I break into porn? Not as an actor, but, like, just the industry as a whole.
Could just mean they only come here occasionally, which makes sense. No actor is going to be posting on Yea Forums all day every day
>Btw I'm Ryan Gosling. Sneed
but if you come here at least for half an hour, every day, those shilled actresses threads are always there.
What's that supposed to be exactly?
Dude, I've posted pictures of her myself. I'm not a shill. While I find the concept interesting, why would a shill come here of all places? It's like the shithole of the internet. The majority of Yea Forums dislikes Disney.
She's such a damn tease and she knows it too. I fuckin' love it.
How's it going Mr.Vincent Gallo
You are 100% Zendaya. You are a great MJ. Keep it up.
how big is harvey
How many anuses have you raped?
>that picture
Jesus Chist Brie...
>What's that supposed to be exactly?
Find it out yourself.
I think it's safe to say that everyone involved in Internet shit, including youtubers, has at least lurked the chan for a while. It's too notorious and part of e-culture to ignore.
>That fella that played Lex in BvS
These sound probable.
I think Swift was a one and done kind of thing. It's unlikely that Shatner visits anymore either.
Proof of shills?
Tay Tay, or at least she used to
In terms of Youtubers, I'd reckon a solid 30% have visited, but actual celebs are unlikely. I think there was something about Jim Carrey going on Yea Forums once.
I'm not necessarily calling YOU a shill, but I believe that anyone who genuinely believes that shills never come here is dangerously naive or willfully ignorant.
I outlined my reasoning in the other post. Companies spend literally billions of dollars on marketing, and almost all of them have huge social media departments. Even shitty companies have at least one guy devoted to spreading their brand 'organically' through websites and consumer interaction. Posting on Yea Forums is free and does not require an account. Companies don't care who you are. They don't care about the type of place they're advertising. There are billboards in the worst parts of any city, deep in gang territory, after all. And even if they did - hey that's another point in Yea Forums's favor because there's absolutely no way for anyone to track posts or find an account history so this would be the only way they can advertise to these people!
Why the hell would a company NOT post here? There are a half dozen threads up right now discussing just trailers. Guess what trailers are - ads. Why do you think a company wouldn't at least be interested enough to look at what people are saying about their product and their ad of their own free will and in real time? They pay millions for information like that from marketing firms that research this.
We know.
Trump Jr. posts on /pol/, that's not so shocking though,
Does he really?
Adam Sandler
Kevin Smith
Seth Green
And any child actor that made money and hasn't done shit since
Any american male actor around his 30's who is single is or has been here.
>but I believe that anyone who genuinely believes that shills never come here is dangerously naive or willfully ignorant.
I can agree with that, but to be fair, I've been called a shill probably more times than anyone else, at least in terms of Brie-posting. I get that it's counter intuitive that someone might unironically like her on an alt-right website, but it is what it is. That being said, you don't see me defending Ariel or Jane Bond, so you can throw that shill argument out the window, at least as far as I'm concerned.
>They pay millions for information like that from marketing firms that research this.
And yet they clearly continue to piss off moviegoers with their decisions. I'd love for a "billion dollar company" to actually listen to the polls/market research for once.
If shills do come here, they don't do a particularly good job it seems.
Brendan “ChamCham” Fraiser, the Justed, breaker of alimony, father of memes.
Try 50,000 and now factor that you only need a couple of interns giving (you)s to each other to spam the board. Only shills deny the shilling at this point, buddy
That was an unexpectedly good movie. Unironically expectations subverted.
Is the casting couch hard or soft?
50 000 posting. At least double that lurking.
fuck off kike
You can just tell
Hi, I'm gay actor Michael Douglas and I love Yea Forums
>Only shills deny the shilling at this point, buddy
No, it's just genuinely annoying because it implies that it's down right impossible for X person to like X thing, and it also implies that the time I've objectively wasted could've at least been paid in some way. If there was a way I could shill, depending on the circumstances, I probably would. But I don't have those kind of connections.
>you only need a couple of interns giving (you)s to each other to spam the board
Have you read any of those (you)s? It's usually thirst comments that have nothing to do with the actual brand being "promoted".
Only instance of suspected shilling that I've personally come across is people saying the new Hellboy was a good film, but even then, it's bound to be liked by a small minority, so I can't be too sure.
As far as the Endgame vs Avatar thing, I think people do it just to piss each other off, but obviously it could be some form of shilling too.
Netflix is going overboard now that the writing is on the wall. I swear the Dark shills are trying to get a general going as if any Netflix show has ever been able generate sustained interest after the initial 2 week binge window.
Me, although I mostly come here to browse /fa/.
I’m an actress who lives in LA, though I’m hardly famous. I’d say I’m barely D-list, but I’ve only been in the profession since around 2014.
I play a recurring side character on a current sitcom on one of the major cable networks. It isn’t a super famous show, but we do keep getting renewed. I won’t say much more than that. Also, I’m in an upcoming film whose trailer just recently dropped.
I’m not white btw
>I’m not white btw
based T
were you born with a vag or a peenus?
i’m a female (female)
>I'd love for a "billion dollar company" to actually listen to the polls/market research for once.
They do. You are just not in the majority.
back to /r/movies, please
It’s Emilia clark
Tits or gtfo.
brie is not cute
I wish.
Based "brie is not cute" poster. You must be a shill too, eh? We're all shills.
Post tits whore
>No, it's just genuinely annoying because it implies that it's down right impossible for X person to like X thing
It is possible. It's not reasonable that one minute after a trailer is released the entire catalog is pure shilling for it. It happened with Thor Ragnarok two years ago, it was so bad the fucking mods had to make a sticky about it and it lasted a couple of weeks. Not to mention the Reylo threads that got sneeded off the board. Disney has shills here, this is hard to argue. Now what would they want to shill here now? Brie Larson is clearly the weakest link in their strongest chain, so I'd be shilling her if I were them and surprise surprise, suddenly we have /sip/ fucking generals, come the fuck on.
Jennette McCurdy 100%
I like your butt
looks like a white john boyega
>When Samuel L Jackson mansplains how you can become a better actress if you change a few things
Whenever Yea Forums gets namedropped in shows like Law and Order or Homeland, the actors involved decide what all the fuss is about? If so, some of them are bound to be enticed by the site. I would also argue that the writers and directors of those episodes have both lurked and posted and probably got btfo.
I assume most young white men age 18-39 post or at least browse on 4channel
>suddenly we have /sip/ fucking generals, come the fuck on.
I think you're underestimating the anons here who are obsessed with Brie, they're not shills but they do it for their waifu
Elementary had a good representation of anonymous
I'm actually gonna guess Daddario. I remember seeing a screencap of her saying she posts in reality show threads on anonymous forums, she didn't say Yea Forums specifically, but...
Let me guess, Sherlock communicated with someone via coded messages on Yea Forums?
CIA is ''aware'' of his status. So my guess is he has probably talked with Big Guy about it.
>probably B list
>It happened with Thor Ragnarok two years ago
Possible. I had taken a break from Yea Forums at that time so I wouldn't know. Maybe it was because Yea Forums tend to be closeted bi-curious cases who really like discussing chads, i.e. Hemsworth.
>Not to mention the Reylo threads
I don't think those were shilling. People were writing fan fics/drawing art. Doubt a shill would go through the trouble. If you ask me, the reylo relationship angle was one of the few decent elements in an overall bad film. Reylofags were simply lonely people who self-inserted.
>Disney has shills here, this is hard to argue
Possible, but until there's concrete proof, I can't accept that as fact. Your Ragnarok argument is the strongest, but ironically I wasn't there to see it. I've noticed that there are one or two anons who praise that movie till this day, but I'm not sure if it's related.
> Brie Larson is clearly the weakest link in their strongest chain
Yeah, it makes sense. But it's simply not the case, at least for me. I unironically used to post pictures of her feet and touched up clips from the trailer because I really disliked her in the past, but she grew on me (not with the help of Yea Forums).
>suddenly we have /sip/ fucking generals, come the fuck on
It's a waifu thing like Alita, granted I haven't visited those generals. But consider the fact that all kinds of people browse Yea Forums. If everyone who liked Brie was a shill, how would you explain the Reddit generals, fans on twitter/IG, etc ?
No, give it a watch though it does start of genericly and bland but really becomes a good detective show
Elizabeth Debicki PLS BE MY GF
I remember that, they made him put his show on his head to give him doxxed info
>I think you're underestimating the anons here who are obsessed with Brie, they're not shills but they do it for their waifu
Exactly, but it's not comfy, because you either get called a shill or that your taste is shit.
BR2049 must have the biggest shills on Yea Forums.
were you really dating Tom? is he going out with a blonde girl just a cover up for you secret relationship?
if it's really you just post something we can identify on instagram
Tom Holland is confirmed too
>100% guaranteed someone told her it makes her face look slimmer or some bullshit like that
is that you winona? i am a big fan btw love your work!
you JUST know
shes been getting awfully skinny recently
I think you are vastly overestimating the number of anons who would waifu Capt. Foot Fungus
>25% of tv/ are pol/lacks and h8 the cunt with passion
>25% of tv/ think Moner is 3 years post wall
25% of tv/ are femanons and stay exclusively in faggot island general and ffg/
25% of tv/ are tranny shills who can't into typing fast because one hand is busy dilating
25% of tv/ is namefags and internet front pagers who post once then get called by their parent to dinner
which leaves...(checks math)...approxomately 3 Brieders shilling that skank just to piss me off
And where do you fit into all of this? The 1% Chad. Get the fuck outta here with your inaccurate broscience analytics. Simply believing the female percentage is as high as 25% and there is even a single tranny on this board means you're full of shit.
>25% of tv/ think Moner is 3 years post wall
Are you defending her? You must be a shill then. Paid by Viacom & Sons.
I thought the Alita generals were viral marketing threads but the movie is out of theaters and they're still here, so that's authentic autism. Do you wanna know how many Thor Ragnarok threads did we have since it was out theaters? Quite a few, all of them calling it GARBAGE. I'm sure the /got/ generals were viral marketing too but then real autism took over and now, after the show is done for, we have people waifuing Clarke. I can respect that, but this Brie shit linked way too clearly into the "have sex" narrative that was used by shills to neutralize the bad word of mouth of Captain Marvel. My verdict? It's shilling. Way too late to be genuine waifu autism because her latest roles have been mediocre or awful, two years ago I'd buy it but now I don't
Show proof.
I watched the first 2 seasons. Dropped after realising they weren't going to use Dormer after the s1 finale. My croft x Jane was tumbler tier chucking too.
Seriously though, I just grew tired of procedurals and never ending shows with more than 10-12 episodes per season. I will admit it was fun while it lasted for me.
fucking Ryan Gosling try to larp as a Yea Forums shitposter, you were good in Lars and the real girl, i hope you get more roles where you showcase your autism
>BR2049 must have the biggest shills on Yea Forums
It's autism kino whatever that means and it drew a certain kind of devoted posters.
t. one of them
>so that's authentic autism
Eureka! So consider that the Brie posting is authentic autism then. Being constantly reminded that I'm wasting my time and not getting paid to do it is more annoying to me than that "feminazi cunt" will ever be to you.
>I'm sure the /got/ generals were viral marketing too
As far as I know, that was a Reddit tourist thing. Don't watch GoT or participate in the threads so you could be right for all I care, but there's a fine line between suspicion and paranoia.
> to neutralize the bad word of mouth of Captain Marvel
I've seen that mostly on Yea Forums. Personally I could give a shit about the movie, or Disney in general. I sincerely wish she never signed a deal with them so I wouldn't have to appear as a paid Feige shill, but it is what it is. My guess is there are some left leaning anons who are pissed off at the general reaction to Captain Marvel, hence they defend the movie. Or they simply like Brie too much and feel the need to defend it either way. I try to be as objective as possible. Half of the films she's been in have been lackluster, but I also really enjoyed her acting in a couple of them.
> My verdict? It's shilling
Fair enough, but I'd like to see that argument in 5 years when someone makes a thread and she gets mentioned in a positive light.
And if there are/were any shills, they clearly failed, so you can rest easy.
I know that, I was being sarcastic. But a similar argument could be made about Brie. She's autism kino that drew a certain kind of devoted poster.
Actually this is the case, unironically.
post feet
Based D-list actress poster
If you're Aubrey Plaza I think Legion is great also you're cute plz date me haha j/k no but for real you're super cute please respond.
We just need more time Jonah, I'm sorry.
I know companies that shill here.
It's a real thing but you can recognize shitposts from a majority of the top shitposters.
Lena Paul was here too
>I know companies that shill here
Care to name some?
>you can recognize shitposts from a majority of the top shitposters
Obviously, but what do we do with honest discussion? Say someone likes something that the majority will dislike. How can you be sure they're not a shill?
There is proof she was posting on Yea Forums a bit earlier this year.
Too bad it is was bi threads when people found out she was making out with other women.
You type like a big fat person
Post pic of forearm, tubby
that show with Milo Ventimiglia?
He was talking about currently filming Heart of the Sea, anons guessed who he was, then he got shit on by Yea Forums autists because the poor kid was naive enough to tell them his favourite film was Avatar
emma roberts posts the pic that saved Yea Forums
>t. newfag
This is with all board but
>some indie shit
>a shitload of companies on /pol/ don't ask me why it is just a thing.
This is what I know and a majority of them are interns or indians. Just report shit that is repeated constantly and then you won't have to deal with shills.
This is Mackenzie Foy
About as accurate as calling me a shill. Not a mutt either. Keep going through the canned insults, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually.
Give a clue, did you have a music career or start with Disney or go on lip sync battle...
Hi, user! How was your day?
I gotta report myself then, I guess. If you're serious, and there are actual shills here, then they're doing a piss poor job. Make no mistake, if I was shilling, I feel like I could sell you brainlets a can of shit for 20000$.
Those companies you listed need to hire some new shills.
I've never found black women attractive, mostly just hot. But I find her really cute in these Spider Man movies.
Trevor Moore from the whitest kids you know is a shit poster
And yet got showered with (You)s from gullible retards.
>famous actresses have read your lewd greentexts about them
I wish RPat shitposted on the KStew threads and drove those faggots away.
sup mr. carruth
Well most shills are indians or interns so they don't get paid a bunch to shill.
>she saw the brap post
Where's the thread?
Robert may have browsed Yea Forums since he's pals with Death Grips
I made that post, not you and I already said I wouldn't respond to (you)s. Do not believe this user. I didn't respond to any posts about it and I won't respond to anything else, anyone claiming to be me is lying.
Hi there. My day was alright, very warm here in Nebraska tho! How was your day?
Some may have slicked to them, thought about them while fucking, or maybe even reenacted them. We will never know.
white features
>she makes brap posts
I'm not him but if that's you Aubrey please please please please please get me an in to talk to Elizabeth Olsen.
Nice larp there, faggot.
I didn’t like how they wrote her character in Homecoming but I love her in FFH, I’d take her over Dunst’s nasally MJ.
I'll be the first non-indian shill then. Looking it up in the coming days, preferably employed by a movie studio so I can finally come and shit up Yea Forums with believable shilling.
He admitted it on stream once. He said he doesn't see why it's stigmatised. He's a confirmed crypto trader (or used to be) so his story of mostly posting on /biz/ checks out.
I don't know, maybe you're right. She's definitely a mutt.
I guess it's also her tomboyish demeanor and a "childhood friend" kind of charm.
How should I know? It was years ago
That Emma with small ass
That who wins a oscar
Paul Dano, of course.
>B list.
Gadot or Brie Larson
Swear to god, what the fuck kind of name is Gadot.
I think if I was a celebrity I would badmouth myself on here desu.
Literally Jewish
She's sick?
kenny from Kenny vs Spenny 100% posts here
She pronounces it gad-ot as well
>all of the Brie hate threads are made by Brie
>Mr. Stark I Don't feel so good
how can she stand on these legs?
wtf she has really nice legs in photos
Most famous people would never ever reveal that we post here.
>controlled opposition
>she can now point at an ''army'' of misogynist who reviewbomb her movies
I think you may be up to something.
All my irl friends know that I do. They think it's weird because DUDE DARK WEB ASSHOLE OF THE INTERNET but who gives a shit. They are cool offline so they can reddit all they want.
losing/gaining weight is a mystery for this user
Need balls for that
One day, buddy
why come to a television and film board when you clearly don't even watch movies?
Because it's a shitposting general now.
that's fucking sad. this board is full of retards
Cavill 100%
Warwick Davis comes here.
Personally I'd starve Warwick Davis. It should not take too long given his size. Make my stick thin and so feeble. Then I would feign pity and serve him a plate of delicious char siu meat, with rich, sticky sauce, perfect pancakes, refreshing drinks... go all out. Give that little bastard a banquet. Watch him greedily devour the meat. His lips, teeth, and fingers sticky with the sauce as he throws manners and decorum out of the window in a mad rush to satiate himself. Then, when he's satisfied and feels thing are looking up, I shall reveal he has not been feasting on char siu pork but... char siu Harrison Davis. Yes, I will have ensured Warwick Davis greedily gobbled up the flesh of his mutant son that I butchered after growing bored with torturing him. As the tears well up in his eyes and he refuses to believe me, I shall let out a truly evil, bone chilling laugh and upend the contents of a box I'll have near me; it will be the mangled remains of his son. His legs gone, his skin flayed, castrated, eyes missing, his fingers and arms broken, and head twisted around. That is what I would do to that little bastard. The louder he screams and cries in anguish, the louder and more evil my cackle becomes. Hell, it may just kill me because I'll be struggling to breath as I'll be laughing so hard. I will then loop the footage of his son being raped by a dog, tortured, and then butchered by me 24/7 at maximum volume. This is the fate that awaits you, you vile little goblin.
Every now and then there's good threads/discussions but yes, the majority is shit. Until a better alternative comes along, I'm stuck here.
>Warwick Davis comes here.
Bullshit. He can't reach the keyboard.
not an actor but I’ve done work as third AD on TV. I’ve sniffed Kiernan Shipka’s used set costumes before
He walks through the inside of the fibre optic cables and comes here.
Sure. Tits or GTFO.
Are you ever gonna go back to get revenge on that woman for completely and utterly embarassing you and making you look like a little girl?
Yeah, wasn't it her former agent or someone that she wanted help finding?
This is probably the most probable
I agree with their being some good discussions, even some of the shitposting is funny. but for the most part people here are fucking dumb as rocks that cant even come up with clever ways to shitpost
Yes. Leave while you can.
Aidan Gillen here, AMA
Emma Watson or Rachel McAdams.
Was he a big guy, or was it an optical illusion all along?
She actually went through with the cat name, based and honorable.
Mister Manchild often shitposts on /biz/
He may visit Yea Forums too
thats some high self praise, Munn
Shit, it probably IS Munn.
...i-i cant
Then stay here and be a 5% Chad like me.
heh. Yea Forums doesn't even stand a chance
The Caprica lass
They do, but it's slim.
not famous, but i actually play roles in mexican telenovelas
This is from back when Yea Forums was cool.
What the fuck is a NIGGF?
You tell me
>mfw used to think "ngl" was short for nigger, turns out it's not gonna lie
>"ngl" was short for nigger
Hi there Ragnar Redbeard.
This one's a classic, and actually makes sense.
That's years of Yea Forums for you. Racial slurs everywhere I go.
So, why does he wear the mask?
Natalie Mars
>browse /fa/
You come here to get bored?
Me in the background.
Man, this is ancient. Back then someone like her could actually announce this on Twitter and have the majority of people never know about it. I'm sure someone has the "cake is a lie" pic she did.
She was in that new HBO show Euphoria but I think he was just getting fugged
I cringe every time I see a Robin Williams thread because I always imagine her stumbling upon it, even though she likely doesn't browse Yea Forums anymore.
I don't get it, how did they guess who he was? Was there one user who used to constantly post about Heart of the Sea, or something?
here ya go
Why the fuck isn't he a voice actor yet?! He only has a few voice credits.
Jonah who?
Most of this thread is just conjecture. AFAIK the only celebs & E-Celebs that have publicly interacted with Yea Forums are William Shatner, Trevor Moore, Jenna Jameson, Pewdiepie, Sam Hyde, Natalie Mars, Zelda Williams, MAYBE Dane DeHaan, and MAYBE Taylor Swift.
stick down reviewbrah too.
Oh nice
how do you forget Notch
Oh yeah Notch as well
There is one more. Me. Yes, really. No, I'm not revealing myself. There's also a single person who I know that you've seen in movies, who knows about Yea Forums. I don't know if he browses anymore, but he learned about this place from me.
I gotta say, Shatner's pretty ballsy to openly admit browsing this place, but then again he's "I don't give a fuck" old, and his career is practically on life-support. For a younger person in the biz, this would be PR suicide.
Hannah Hays
He was filming it, I don’t think anyone really knew or gave a fuck about it at that stage, and he revealed stuff about himself, obviously it was more complex than the details I gave
God bless Reviewbrah
Just reveal, what are we going to do?
So yeah be smart and never ever fuck around with your anonymity. EVER!
Those IT zoomers Wolfhard and Jack Dylan Grazer publicly associate themselves with “edgy” youtubers and don’t get shit for it. So give a bit of evidence that you’re at least famous or just fall into a sea of forgotten posts. This thread is almost BTFO anyway.
Yeah, sure thing user. Im sure all these cocaine parties, the promo campaigns and rubbing shoulders with powerful people leave you enough time to shitpost here. Im pretty sure Hollywood in general looks down on this site and thinks that people who post here are bottomfeeder troglodytes that have no purpose in life. They probably lurk at the threads that are being mentioned, and laugh at the miserable anons that waste their day trying to impose their """opinion""" to others. Thats what I do here. Point and laugh
Not that person but I want to be a Hollywood screenwriter, though it’s an absolute pipe dream, if it ever happened I’d probably do it. Just use the “not every board is /pol/“ excuse.
Movies hopefully.
Anonymity is godsend for people like me, who by the way CARE to bring you """"kino"""" but don't always deliver.
>or just fall into a sea of forgotten posts
I can live with that. Sorry user. But I'm not a zoomer, I'll tell you that much. That Wolfhard guy is great though. Solid down to earth kid.
No, he's said before he's purely /biz/ and /pol/.
>here is a picture of an eye
>here is the same eye with no time stamp
>definitely not the same picture haha lmao
Alright fine, I’ll bite, though I’m sure it’s a LARP. This isn’t a question about you, but are there certain people/sites that are blacklisted in terms of associating with them?
Have you met my waifu?
>Because Reddit is for fucking idiots.
I knew that weirdo was based but didn't expect this.
>but are there certain people/sites that are blacklisted in terms of associating with them?
There isn't a guidebook on this, but common sense is a thing. In today's political climate especially, Yea Forums is simply PR suicide. I don't necessarily want to keep you in the dark, but at the same time I have to take the possible consequences into consideration.
Yes, actually, met her semi-recently. We haven't talked for more than 30 seconds though. I can tell you literally nothing about her. Super normal conversation.
I can agree with him on that one, but you guys have shat up this place too, and you know it. I'm not talking about Sneedposting either. Film discussion is practically dead.
You're lucky dude. Where did you meet her? Are you in any Marvel films?
I fucking love that fact he posts on /pol/. Oh Jesus that's great
>Are you in any Marvel films?
No. It's highly unlikely that I'll ever be in a comic book film, unless it's something more mature ala Daredevil. Call me an edgelord all you like.
I'm not saying where I met her, but I'll give you a hint. The thing on your wrist shows something.
Oh you troll you.
>Too bad it is was bi threads when people found out she was making out with other women.
It's really common knowledge that she is a lesbian.
Cara Delevigne
Karlie Kloss
Kendall Jenner
Even if he's LARPing, I wanna see how he answers.
You dumb nigger.
photoshop + camera angles.
Not saying it's fake but in 2019 there is a golden rule that u can't judge someones appearance until you see them in person
are you invited to the moloch parties yet?
The "My dissapointment is immeasurable" line has a totally different meaning now
I get lesbian vibes from Tessa Thompson actually. But then I heard she was dating some musician on the low. Might be bi.
Well, I have. She looked fine. Taller than I expected. But not my type, and I'm in a relationship anyways so I wouldn't dare make any advances. She had a really nice scent to her though.
I wish.
>Tfw got down to 8.4% last Summer
I haven't worked out since September, I really should stop being so lazy.
Do you have connections to Hollywood, son? If not, then no matter how talented as a screenplay writter you are, you cant do jack shit. Everyone is """scriptwritter""" these days. You saw those two idiots in GoT. All connections and no talent. However, theres
the long road you can take in order to do this. Start writting your shit for small time projects, like youtube shit, then climb your way into netflix b-tier productions and then pray that some talent scouter(probably some bussinesman I dont know dawg) from hollywood discover you. While you doing this, you gonna need too attend in movie festivals and celebrity parties and try to make friends with people that have their name established in the cinema bussiness. Just be careful not to lose your soul in this whole process. Lots of people do, and regret it for life.
have you done theatre work?
This guy is onto something. The internet is your friend. I'd also consider investing in an alternate career just in case your aspirations as a screenwriter don't work out. I've been broke 50 times because all I ever had was acting, and I would probably be cleaning toilets right now if I didn't get lucky. The struggle in Hollywood is soul-crushing.
No. The only real "training" I've had has been tv/film centered. Theater acting is a different beast, and you go through separate classes for that.
>The girl of my dreams when i was a teenager shitposted on Yea Forums at the same time as me
my peepee got hard
Any advice for an aspiring actor?