/bb/ Big Brother 21

HOH: Nick
Veto: Bimbo
Noms: Cliff and Nicole

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


why does no one on twitter understand the concept of waterfalling a beverage.

w-whoa, he's fast..

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What did they mean by this

nobody on twitter can afford groceries

two past allies, now pitted against one another.

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Bomb squad members, stand up

stop posting about winston and shit island

he SUUUUUUUCKSS and so does that shit of a show


i think the only time it should be 'acceptable' is before a thursday episode, and i suppose before a wednesday episode unless feeds are active. otherwise yeah, i understood shitposting for the first week for fun about it, but its old news now, make your own thread for it

i think you should eat my asshole

watch the n-bombs bro

Is it nicole or cliff tonight?

Cliff unless something flips
I just hope David gets back in over Ovi, Kemi, or Cliff

As long as Nicole is safe idgaf I like Ovi but he has no shot if he comes back.

cliff has been dead since this moment

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>the houseguests jackson banished on day 1 are getting evicted prejury
he did what monte and cody couldnt do

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her looksmatch roped on prom

one of them is coming back tonight

>born in 1997
Zoomer follower beta



imagine ruining someones game over them wanting to work with you

Thanks for the (you), I feel better now.

thats not a bed but i feel you

kevin wore slippers around to avoid such things and it triggered panda

that's not a bed, but i agree

I still think it was dumb that right after she heard this, she ran and told the others. Logically, If you know something others don't that should give you an edge.

she's mentally ill she does not make smart decisions

she told bella and nick about her power

jess could make it far if bella/nick/sam become immediate targets for the 6

david will get auto hoh for winning the comeback

grodner loves her showmances and she knows the fans hate the current ones. kat will dive on his dick if he is hoh

the last night of poovi

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david is not gonna win, sadly. he's too white.
they're going to rig it for kumi, because she slays so much and is the most interesting and the best player

She’s gonna throw it
She hates being there

unironically this


she was crying last night and wanting to self evict earlier

i hate being the type to say its scripted but it really does feel like they told them already who is coming back. ovi was all over the house last night taking it all in as if he knew it was his last night. kemi crying... david up bright and early cooking for the HGs... hmmmmmmm

imagine sleeping with all that poovis farts.
it's almost like being in the same thread as bbo

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I agree with this wholeheartedly.
there is a time and a place for it but they should make their own thread about the show if they want to discuss it all the time.

>ovi, kemi, and cliff all gone in about 5 hours

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6 hours

not based

6 hours, 13 mins, 45 seconds

im gonna laugh if david loses to cliff in the battleback

wtf is love lesbians now

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cbs hasn't sent out press info saying there will be an endurance comp to watch tonight but they may later today

Grod probably wishes she could give Ovi's power to David. Dude tanked the early game for all of the outcasts.



nicole jack

I can't take it brehs when Nicole is crying

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jack looking like a redneck

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jack trying to take sam's persona as the truck driver

suck muh dick goy

Jack got that “imma lynch the next nigger that talks to my daughter” look going on

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jack pretty much told nicole hes voting with the house aka shes going home lol

watch the n-bombs bro

what did you think he would have said? we know that they want it to be a blindside

sorry bro
I’ll be sure to put the money in your pocket

we dont take kindly to you types around these parts

I hate eviction days

>dresses like this the same day all the minorities get evicted

operation bimbo is a spy infiltrating nick and bella is a go

>holly telling bimbo to vote out nicole

What’s the point of this
Just evict those two morons, they offer nothing

imagine thinking they will actually go through with the blindside

they're still going to evict them but they're going to let nick and bella think bimbo is working with them when she's just gonna be gathering info

I can't wait until ovi loses the comp to come back in

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>when I come back, some thing are gonna change
*doesn't understand the house dynamics at all, doesn't know cliff is being evicted*

I hope they bring back slop, I’m tired of seeing Jackson prepping chicken every day

I want to see the fatty on slop

jack just went from austin to clay

whats some other things that can be added to the pillow fort?

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>4 more hours to kill

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he looks like such a scum fuck

Is the 8 against Nicole now?


She is done isn't she?

>its a jack shaves and gets uglier episode

awwwwww you are SO cute
i kinda want to fuck you :3

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poor hogg. he doesnt know

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based ugly jack

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bimbo butt

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you are getting all dolled up for the big event too, aren't you /bb/?

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bimbo told cliff that nick confirmed with sis and christie that they voting out nicole

aw baby's first mist

honestly cant believe how bad the superfans are in this season

quarky getting ready to go to war

What’s wrong with white women?
Are they all mentally ill?

tommy is complimenting david on pooping quietly

societal pressure or something

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Why doesn't she look as bogged here.

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because its a photoshop

she still has make up on, just not as much as usual.


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jack looks like a complete incel now that he's shaved. it's unreal. a beard is the line between megachad and complete autist.

still waiting for those big waves lmao

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I suspect they aren't superfans and just claim they are or think superfan = seen one whole season of episodes.

>dying her hair with her period blood
god damn this crazy bitch is ready for war!

remember dustin from stranger things?
you'll never believe what he looks like NOW!

I always put on a suit

I swear that's fucking robbie rotten.

>cliff the fag admitting to browsing gay porn sites

quarky celebrity crush is tom felton

he looks goofy as fuck without the hair

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face blindess is a common trait in autists

>no friends
>no family
>his letter was from his co-worker thats watching his dog

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guys, david fuckin sucks. lets pray for a kemi or ovi win today.

nicole in a garbage bag like the trash that she is

Haven't been here for a while. What's the general opinion on the nominees? I kind of like both of them.

dont open if ur christie

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over the line, bucko!

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I kind of see it lol

Quarky is based and cute
Cliff is a fucking snooze, zero game sense, just carries around a stupid fucking owl all day

they look like brothers now

literally the spitting fucking image of the right in

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I think we will see a noted decreased in Anal's interest in Jack and we will see Nick grow out his beard.
book it.

i just noticed nick is growing his beard

we're mostly big nicole fans like everyone. some of us think cliff is fine, some of us dislike him. i'm in between, he's somewhat endearing but just not very interesting. if he was actually able to do some shit and split up the big alliance he'd be way more fun. i think he's doing his best to just ride out the stability of the house due to camp comeback. it's smart, but not fun.
of course, somehow he hasn't caught on to the fact that he's done for this week.

I don't watch this show, but I knew Bella (back then she went by Isabella) throughout middle/high school. Ask me anything.

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not even remotely, autist


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did she bully you?

a few people will tell you we all have the same opinions but we don't. make your own opinion

was she as stupid and crazy as she is on the show

just realized they got a cordless vacuum this year

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was she a slut

she's the most hated HG on the show

jokers currently has her at 0.49

how does it feel knowing she'll forever be known as that lying bitch from big brother?

are you one of the 2 guys she had a threesome with?

she was popular? was she nerdy? did people like/not like her?

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she cute

this question and a footslut?

we do all have the same opinions (besides the autistic jacksonshit and the redditors who want ovi back)
our opinions are as follows:
kat and david are based and /ourguys/
quarky is qute
anal is cute but too dumb
christie is mentally ill
nick is a cuck

kats tips sitting proper


Why did they force him to change his look lmao

rotated for posterity

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do you think we could call her kitty?
then we could say "kitty's titties sittin pretty" heheh

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when I posted my yearbook of the Willetts during OTT nobody here believed me


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how would brandon vanemburg do on big brother?

cause they want to be able to give him the incel edit

holy shit you had a threesome with the willetts in high school? damn dude

>cliff: nicole is panicking

I feel like it’s not even her, it’s just that Asians all look alike


Why do the boomers always fall so far, bros.

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I went to school with her too, what year did you graduate?



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when david starts talking and I'm not looking at the screen I think its swaggy for a second


>cliff never went full MAGA
shitty petro aggie

No, we were friends and she was always nice to me. But I'm a guy, and it was mainly girls who had a problem with her.

She was one of the first girls in my grade to fuck, and there was that one time she hooked up with some girl's boyfriend...

Lol, what did she say about this? I know there was an incident she had with two guys, but from what I heard it wasn't a very pleasant experience for her.

not that guy but yes it was ok

Class of 2015, same year as Bella

hes a closet gay

did u fuck her

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Also 2015, didn’t think anyone from MO posted here much less my grade. Apparently Mellisa and some of her friends are tweeting against her. I’d ask who you are but idk if I’d get a serious response or initials

>mainly girls who had a problem with her
>one of the first girls in my grade to fuck
kek, so somethings never change

also holy fuck there are lots of zoomers here

why don't you tell us your name

Go Kemi!

sam asking bella why she always has to complain

Are you on board to get her to kill her self after she gets evicted?

Let me guess, you're still raw over how I fucked Avery? Shove it up your ass and go suck off Chet, faggot.

that's a valid strategy implemented by the great Dr Will

is she sniffing coke?

I'm rooting for Jackson, not because I see him as my weird racist self insert, but because he seems like a genuinly likable bro who is def not racist!

go back to twitter, nog

all these frivolous whores painting themselves

hes a solid player

Initials BB, your turn

Are you okay chink?

melissaposters rise up

can't wait till david finna COOK these FOOLS


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No, I probably could have though if I really wanted to.

I've said too much now to give my name. I have a good guess who you are though. Is your name Brian?

beat me by like 5 seconds

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meant for

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Posted a Middle School picture indicting they didn’t fit in enough to justify buying a high school year book

Unless you were in another grade the only Avery was the AP Lit teacher and she was old as fuck

She’s a step above Bella for at least hosting parties that were fun

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Nah, I said BB because there were two people I knew of in our grade with those initials who could have been believable enough to be on these threads

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post the anti-bella melissa tweets you absolute fucking cowards

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You're that Michael weirdo aren't you? Stop posting before I come over there and beat your fat ass.

Not Micheal but which one were you thinking? There were at least 3 weird ones lol

You better stop with this shit. I know it's you, Martin. Next time I see you you're fucking dead.

>Lol, what did she say about this? I know there was an incident she had with two guys, but from what I heard it wasn't a very pleasant experience for her.

she started mentioning it on the feeds to the christie character but they cut away.. something about trust issues

Not Martin either but I almost feel bad some guy who watches Big Brother is going to get his ass kicked by another guy who watches it

Man, I hate to see Nicole upset like she is. Fuck Michie.

about 99% are for sure

how do you think she feels about her dad getting btfo by paul again?

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He's throwing random first names out just in case one of them hits to scare you, Greg

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doubt she cares, what happened the first time though?

guys i know its off topic but go check out the trailer for the Cats movie

it is legitimately the weirdest, most uncomfortable thing you'll ever see

this user is correct
judging by your reaction i believe that your name is actually michael
worry not mike, i will not beat you up
unless you're liam, then you're fucking dead

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for once we'd have to just let /pol/ do its thing because it would be too funny, what if its a swimming comp lol

Yeah I mean I agree with this.

Is there a chance Nicole has Downs or special needs? Maybe we could get him auto-evicted by BB.

post fucking melissa's anti-bella tweets already
fucking block out her username nobody is going to care about some bitch who probably wants the attention anyway

what the shit did i just watch

Interesting. I'll just leave this here then.


based retard

I’m pretty sure there wasn’t someone even called Liam in our grade, but nah not Micheal. Was friends with 2 of them though so it wouldn’t surprise me one posted on here

someone please post the nicole/kat feet webm

Why are you so buttblasted friend? You can use Twitter without logging in to it.

Jennifer Hudson in that weird CGI Cat Technology suit was nightmare fuel

its like nightmare fuel for 99% of the population but 1% of weird gay guys, furries, and people who secretly want to fuck catpeople who'll love it

Here faggot. I don't know about the tweets the other guy was talking about, but this girl's name is not Melissa.

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Thought it would be worse. I think i got my brain broke by the creepy sonic the hedgehog


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Feeds are gunna be LIT tonight

cant wait for bella to win hoh

nvm i found it like 6 threads back

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That’s Heather’s yeah. If you have that then there seems to be a third person from our grade here

only if someone from shitty 6 doesnt win hoh

>40 posters in the thread
>3 of them went to high school with bella
anyone else got any secrets in case we're all sharing?

i smoke rocks

>not calling them the six shitters
i am dissapoint

i went to middle school with Cliff

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why havent the outsiders formed an alliance yet?

I'm manifesting a Nicole HOH tn

and then Kat seduces her [\spoiler]


i found the song from the walgreens commercial that always plays during bb

Yeah I’m rooting for Cliff to make it through this week despite being a Zoomer

i was on a past season

I got the cash in my pocket [\spoiler]

will you be my BB bf?

I've gone to big brother meets and met a ton of houseguests, mainly newer ones

they look a lot different in person compared to on tv/feeds

because they suck


Better or worse?

Because in three hours, they'll be outnumbered 4 to 9?

one of my (mostly facebook) friends from college was on the show
there was a challenge where they had people dress up as real-life statues and just stand there still and he was one of them
i wanna say bb19 maybe? Like I think my buddy might have been holding an apple that was either good or poisoned


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im talking like week 2 they should have formed it by then

im a girl

perfect, im a boy

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I haven't watched this season but my mom has.
She told me that one of the girls in the house has absolutely stunning feet.
Does anyone know who she might be talking about?

hi vapes4vets

>black antisocial woman who everyone hates
>retard boomer redditor walking around the house
>a fat lady who couldnt win the last power
>a woman who is in a showmance with a member of the alliance
gee i dont know why

season # or it didnt happen

worse i guess, on screen they look more plastic-ish? in person you can see they look like normal everyday people, don't know why it was a surprise but it was

sounds like the brigade 2.0

how do they get viewership up on that second to last ep?

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>bb16 ratings tank when devin gets evicted

Are there any F2s?
The only ones I know are jack, christie and tommy

you guys see the new retarded twist for survivor 40?



>le fat latinx feminist has to shit up the otherwise perfect webm
still amazing

>lists three people

no, post it

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love island had 2 million viewers last night and finished second to last

its averaging .5 in its demo lmao

holly sis
bimbo and jennifer

really wish analyse beheaded the owl

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not make it a worthless clip show


>drop Survivor around season 32 because it's not the same game anymore
>read about season 40, many of my old faves are back
>decide to give it one more go

>they shit it up with two trash twists
I was so excited, lads.

why did the editors leave out nick asking if nicoles anxiety was real in last nights episode?

EoE is back from last season, plus they have in game currency now to buy food and shit


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you can always switch over to The Challenge

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josh and paulie playing next season

Jackson or Kemi HOH pls

i know, i was just looking at the cast the other night on vevmo or whatever that website is. based turbo is coming back too. i dont want any other spoilers than who the cast is, though

Imagine BB19 but instead of Paul being the sole returnees its Devin


Alright guys, you're in charge of making the next big twist for the next season of BB, what's your idea?

you cant say no twist

hoh nominates 3 people
POV winner has to use it on someone

seal the backdoor


every houseguest gets paired up with someone they hate the most irl. whoever evicts their partner first gets a bonus cash prize of $10,000. basically a combination of bb6 duos twist and bb8 rivals twist

coaches: derrick, tyler, vanessa, paul

No n bombs

You could probably come up with a lot of things to try to stop big allianceball, but it'll still be the best strategy for the early game. Like even battle of the block puts more people in danger and creates less analyse "do nothing lol" slots, it just didn't work out the right way in bb16

one of these is not like the others

Go to bed Ian

Get a new house that has two halves, exactly identical, separated by a clear wall. For the first four weeks, play out the game in each half of the house with two groups of ten as usual. Each can see everything in the other game, but not directly interact with them. Drop the wall after after four weeks and proceed as usual.

Person to finish last in the HoH competitions is automatically put on the block


america votes for their favorite player and their least liked player every week

if the least liked player gets nominated, americas favorite that week gets a power, if the least liked player gets evicted, the power gets even better (ex: nominated gets you safety for the following week, evicted gets you and someone else safety for the following week)

this twist would end when pre-jury is over

this sounds like it could work with a few tweaks

delete this post before grodner sees

*loses bb21*

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post jury returnee voted back into the house by the jury. sunday episodes focus entirely on jury house.

this would be horrible

new thread

Fucking mount olive shitters. Our high school BTFO yours in my senior year in my sport. Finally. After years of being beaten over and over and over and being made to look like fools.
I actually like you guys and your school a lot. Not like those livingston shitheads.

you know what i like some weird shit and even i don't get it