Tv adverts
God I love huge wobbling tits.
Now this is some sexist shit y'all
Shit version, the flat qt is the only good thing about this commercial.
gay as fuck
Using the female body as a marketing ploy is inherently degrading to every human of that form. Humans shouldn't be used as props whatsoever, this goes for males as well before some incel starts frothing at the mouth. It would be different if they were "normally" dressed and actually presenting the product in some way, but this is obviously not anything more than fapbait. This is not even considering how they are mocking women who aren't as curvy or that soiboy who is openly groping their breasts.
Yikes, please control your fat fetish issues.
have sex
how does that shitwater taste?
> Sex is private and icky and shameful
Normal, attractive people don't mind using the gifts god have them. If showing their hot bodies can make others happy and earn a salary while doing so, why not?
>Sex is private and icky and shameful
Who are you quoting? I'm against the human body being a commodity. If someone wants to be public about their sexuality/body that is just fine as long as everyone exposed to it is fine about it. But when someone is being paid for it it turns from personal expression to sexual exploitation.
>Flat qt
We get it, your a pedophile
post some
That is one cute and funny campaign
Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *defecates out in the middle of the street* baby i show pretty pusy please *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~
based and hornypilled
hey, that's Kenny Power's retarded step brother !
Yeah I'm thinking OPs based
trannys look like that?!?
What was she advertising?
My poor dick saw a MILF yesterday in work and one today in the cafe. And now I see this.
I'll need some kind of release asap...
sneed's feed and seed
Have sex incel.
DFC > disgusting cowtits
dude fuck you for trying to get this thread purged before we can find out the name of the russian actress in the commercial.
you're just a destructive dickhead
>big bobers
absolute kino commercial
God look at the fat dribbling under her chin
We've had this thread a million times but no one's ever sauced anything
She's chucking and sucking him all right.
Use the archives and reverse image search OPs webm.
the random dick ruins the gif desu
I've actually been looking for "Piv & Ko/Piv & Co" the company that makes the commercials.
like i said. a destructive dickhead.
Eh, they volunteered and received compensation for services rendered.
good stuff
>Sex is icky and shameful
>Sex is private
Also I'm not sure who you are quoting.
have sex
all I can think is about "saving" her. Maybe I shouldn't go see an escort lol.
Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved.
Nikita Denise
>saving people
You can lead horses to water, but you cannot make them drink. Just worry about yourself.
Are some people really beyond saving?
everyone is
You sound under age if you think that "everyone" is beyond getting help.
Most are, yeah. I mean...the main part of it is that they don't realize they need help.
are these advertisements?
It doesn't take a genuis to figure out that certain habits are destructive in of themselves.
>drinking, more so alcohalism
>hard drugs like meth or herione
>even an atrocious sleep schedule
All those thinga can fuck up someone's for a long time. Meth or herione permantently.
>please buy our product
is this what capitalism has come down to?
Yes. Now seek our sex for and buy our Trojan condoms tm.
ever see a beer commercial before?
Kill yourself, blue hair.
Yes. Blame men. They are retarded enough for it to work.
>be human
>use warped logic to justify actions
>engage in denial or rationalizations
People aren't logical.
>watching the flat qt get btfo is the best part of this commercial
fixed that for you
If humans weren't logical we wouldn't have society as we know it arm chair pychologist. Go to university and learn if you actually want to know what you're ralking about.
My question is how they manage to find four whores with naval piercings that aren't covered in tattoos
Lol, computers are logical. Humans aren't. Humans may sometimes use logic, but human behavior doesn't make sense. The examples you gave are a testament to that.
>be me
>be alcoholic
>alcoholism is objectively bad
>make excuses, rationalizations, and engage in denial regarding the matter
Is that logical?
anyone with a tits lower than size 3 is basically a man
Not every human is an alcoholic. You're arguement is all humans aren't and can't be rational because alcoholics exist, which is a shit arguement.
Naval pirecings are way more common that you think you boomer.
Disgusting boy fucker
its all 1 girl
I never made such an argument. If you carefully look into every human's life then you'll find plenty of illogical behavior. Our faultiness, if you will, is what distinguishes us from computers. If everything we did always was perfectly logical, well, the world certainly would be a lot better than it is now. Listen, you can waste your time trying to, "save" this woman, or you can just acknowledge my rightness.
Honestly it's a trend that needs to go away. But whores will be whores, at least they mark themselves as such.
t. cuckstian materialist magapede
>my rightness
Learn english grammar.
>trying to, "save" this woman
I came into this thread 10+ minutes ago and don't give two fucks about saving a whore from fucking for a living. Look at the post count newfag and you'd know I'm not the same user. or use 4chanx, but I doubt you know what that is[/spoiler
>Our faultiness is what distinguishes us from computers
Emotion, memories, and life experience distinguish us from computers, unless you're arguing "emotion" is humanitys fault. I won't even get into the difference bewteen AI and AGI since that would likely make your head spin.
Go to if you want to have a semblence of what you're newfag ass is talking about.
>hotdogs and chips on a burger
was this made by america's brightest scientists? unironically want to try
goddamn this is fucking kino
So was it actually sexual harassment?
the more important question is WHO IS THE GIRL
>this porn is still up
Anastasia Gorbunova