Capeshit? Hahaha. user why do you call it that?

>capeshit? Hahaha. user why do you call it that?

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Look do you want to suck my dick or what? Me and the boys are going to go cycling in an hour and I need to switch into my new gear.

she was so cute...

But nothing between the ears, unfortunately

Because they wear capes and it's all shit.

but captain america doesn't wear a cape

Imagine being that much of a worthless cuck that you're hopelessly attracted and obsessed with some $5 whore that debases herself in camera for money

How is she faring these days?

Someone post the tweet about how she never fucked white guys off camera.
She was born a low IQ whore.

Name of girl in my pic

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I almost called marvel movies capeshit at work one time.

>licks asshole for cash

omg dude LMAO

Same old same old

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uh, the same reason I call you a roastie?

try and look it up because it's not real

she looks hurt. not cool

>You never told me you were unemployed
>It's fine, don't worry, I got the bill

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Why is coalburning legal? Who said "Yeah, let's just go against every basic instinct for suvival and self-preservation, and allow niggers to fuck our women."

butthurt more like

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Is she bogged now?

>Those hairy arms
Why do women shave their legs, pubes, and ass, but so many don't shave their arms? I had a gf who had dark hair and pale skin which is a kino combo, but she didn't shave her arms, so her tiny bit of hair there was super noticeable.

Lmfao have sex incel wh*teoid

bend over

How do I become as based as Suraj?

Sorry I dont kiss manlets


I really miss her old looks.

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poo anywhere but loo

>Cool, I'm going to get a dessert to take away as well

BASED suraj.777

Yeah but what's her name? I think she's a porn star

That's just a peach fuzz and not even hairy.

Shut up, nigger, your kind get just as pissy over it as well.

Is she trying to re-invent herself as wholesome?