Other urls found in this thread:
Blade runner 2049 was better than the original
>no noir
maybe for a cringe incel
What does it feel to be loved by the woman you love... Within cells
yeah, BR2049 is a fucking masterpiece
>be me
>shop at the same grocery store every week
>memorize the qt cashier’s name, always ask her how she’s doing
>she barely reciprocates
>doesn’t even ask how I’m doing
>doesn’t flirt with me or ask me out
>build up some courage and buy some flowers, as she’s scanning them I say “I bet there’s a lucky lady in here who would love to have these”
>all she says is “yeah maybe” and rings up my stuff
It’s like she doesn’t even know I exist, hold me bros...
lmao, that's sad
Someone lived this
god I hope so
With incels, interlinked.
I don't agree that it's better but that it didn't ape the original was a smart choice.
>be me
>go to grocery store
>qt cashier hands me my change
>during the transfer you make skin-skin contact with her hand
>time slows down as I notice how soft and warm her skin is
>feel a sudden jolt of life in me for a microsecond after
>spend rest of day depressed
Do they teach you how to feel finger to finger?
I love this board
My man Q deserved better
it's the little moments like these that make the life worth living.
>this copy pasta again
Do you long for having your heart interlinked?
>user K-Y-S-4-dash-three-dot-seven, let's begin. Ready?
Yes, sir.
>Recite your baseline.
And reddit newfaggotry began to spin... A board of posts crosslinked within posts crosslinked within posts crosslinked within one (you)... And meaningless memes against the blue, a short fat neckbeard cried.
>Have you ever been out of the house? Posts.
>Do they make you post? Posts.
>When you're not shitposting, do they keep you in a little room? Posts.
>What's it like to hold the pillow of your waifu? Crosslinked.
>Did they teach you how to feel nothing and nothing? Crosslinked.
>Do you long for having your quints crosslinked? Crosslinked.
>Do you dream about being crosslinked?
>What's it like to hold your fapfu in your hands? Crosslinked.
>Do you feel that there's a cancer inside you that's trying? Crosslinked.
>Within posts crosslinked.
Within posts crosslinked.
>Why don't you say that three times: Within posts crosslinked.
Within posts crosslinked. Within posts crosslinked. Within posts crosslinked.
>We're done. Constant user, you can pick up your tendies.
Thank you, sir.
It's better paced. Doesn't seem like a chore to rewatch multiple times.
wtf were they thinking lol
scott is barely a hack, but he's still a hack
based and redpilled
no 2049 doesn't have a scene as kino as this
>be me
>discussing runnerkino with my mates at work
>qt 8/10 girl co-worker asking to join the discussion
>nah okay, what did you liked about the movie?
>says that she liked the visuals, directing, the soundtrak but also disliked Goose's performance saying it's too emotionless
>dumb cunt.jpg
>confidently explain to her why ourguy was top-tier with examples of GODDAMNIT and death of Joi scenes
>she silently agree
>asked if her bf liked the movie
>I-i always go to the cinema alone
>tell her that we should watch the movie together sometimes
>she blushes and smiles
>o-okay user!
>never invited her to watch movie together after that
Pic related is basically the same exact scene, just instead of a character reciting lines into a camera it's expressed entirely visually.
Tried watching Bladerunner 2049 last night and only got 30 minutes in. Skipped around and it’s the same grim dark rainy, same hologram gf, same hover car, same cold room bullshit blah blah blah.
Why does Yea Forums pretend this movie is kino?? It’s soooo pedantic.
based phoneposting zoomer tranny
What the fuck does interlinked chanting scene even mean, why is he fighting some random bug farmer, why does he live in poverty with no gg but drives a futuristic hover car?
>just turn your brain off bro, the visuals look cool! Goose is /ourguy/
>why is he fighting some random bug farmer
Holy shit this dude is actually retarded.
To check how focused he is by comparing against a baseline.
The bug farmer was an escaped replicant.
The hover car was owned by the police department and not his.
>What the fuck does interlinked chanting scene even mean
It's a new version of the Voight-Kampff test from the original BR, the difference is in the original they tested to see non human responses while here they are testing to see if the replicant is showing any human emotional responses by asking him highly personal emotional questions, while he has to just reply unphased by the previous question. The phrases repeated like a mantra at the end are there in order to invoke the subject into assigning patterns and specific meanings to the words -- if they don't, then they've passed. Keeps the new replicants in check, at their emotional "baseline"
>why is he fighting some random bug farmer,
That's his job, he is "retiring" older models of replicants that do not obey as much as the new ones and that bug farmer is an older model.
>why does he live in poverty with no gg but drives a futuristic hover car?
Because he's an LAPD Blade Runner that's a new model replicant, so he get's paid only as much as needed. The hover car is not bought by him byut issued from the LAPD for his job.
any more questions my dear mental midget?
Leaving intentional plot holes isn’t a substitute for depth of content. I’m not gonna let them glow over every detail to keep you artificially hanging onto the movie for reveals. They couldn’t hit me with anything interesting in 30 minutes and the whole movie is visually monotone. Dogshit over rated movie. But, I can see why stupid people would think it’s great.
Where are the plot holes?
Based ADHD poster
>I can only watch things for half an hour before becoming bored
I pity your generation.
This movie is amazing, that's why it caused an eighty million dollar loss
>durr, he lives in squalor and glues gaping knife wounds together but also drives million dollar futuristic hover cars because it looks cool for da movie
It’s pseudo-intellectual bullshit for people like this to feel smart for “getting” just because they sat through the whole thing.
Based if true
Again, where are the plot holes?
serious question, are you 12
>get a job
>lift weights
>leave your momma's house
>go to college
>quit jerking off
>quit doing drugs
>eat healthy food
problem solved
The whole movie contradicts itself and puts mood and visuals over content. Make the main character a ((replicant)) so you can churn through whatever contrived plot then make him human again but only when it counts for emotional effect. Yawn. Even Star Wars is better because except Rian Johnson they don’t take themselves so seriously and they end up actually entertaining.
Meanwhile my gf smothers me with contact and affection to the point where I avoid her. I just ignored her 3rd call just today. She refuses to text because she wants to hear my voice. She won't let me hang up for an hour if I talk to her. So fucking annoying.
I have a job. I lift for 6 years now, don't live with parents for 3, eat better than anyone around me. Final year of college. Never did drugs.
I jerk off like once or twice a week.
Never even kissed a girl.
>intentional plot
Every single thing you complained about was explained either explicitly or could be implicitly inferred by anyone with an IQ over room temperature. I'm not going to fault you for being a retard since that's genetic, but you should keep your retarded opinions to yourself.
based uglycel
>The whole movie contradicts itself
The rest is you listing out plot points as if they themselves are any argument at all. The starshit "entertainment" comment is just laughable.
Stick to capeshit my dear discord phoneposting zoomer friend.
>lives in poverty glues wounds back together
>still walks around just like nothing happened
>drives future hover cars never steals it because he’s a robot
>also cries and is human when it counts, loves his hologram gf
Cringe, and lowest common denominator. Probably the cheapest excuse for “Cyberpunk”/ Sci Finive ever seen. Even Spaceballs has more continuity and more substance in the plot with less artificial reveals.
Kill yourself
>I jerk off like once or twice a week.
that's why you're a loser
just be yourself bro
are you 14?
>still walks around just like nothing happened
wow almost like he is a bio engineered strong human being huh?
>he’s a robot
replicants are not robots you dumb pea brain
>also cries
he never cries in the entire film
love the seething tranny
I'm 29 and my gf is 22.
and most of all: Just be yourself.
>you don’t like movie because you stoopid!
Well user that’s just a really compelling argument that refutes all my points. Enjoy your pseudo-intellectual shovel-ware Sci-fi if you think grimdark makes you an edgy cool guy.
>more buzzword insults
See above. You people are really only proving my points about the fan base.
The funny thing is I'm not ugly. Not "attractive" either, just average. Not tall, not short. Don't dress like a manchild.
Tried the nofap meme for a good 4 months, the only thing that happened is that I had wet dreams every other week.
>wow it’s almost like
Let me stop you right there, reddit. I don’t care if he is supposed to be a super human tough cool guy sociopath edgelord torn muscle tissue doesn’t get glued back together good as new that’s a plot hole.
>pea brain
Wow really pulling out the big guns huh.
You honestly legitimately didn't know why did he fight Sapper even though it's literally directly told. You honestly legitimately can't comprehend that an LAPD detective get's a vehicle for his job.
At this point you must be baiting so here's my last (You)
>that refutes all my points
Two other anons both explicitly addressed your points. Do you want me to do it a third time and then call you retarded, or save us both time and skip to calling you retarded?
They have flying cars, bio engineered human beings, holographic waifus and you have a problem with some surface level glue wound medications made for those new advanced models of replicants?
Turbo autism is astonishing
>at this point, I can’t come up with any arguments so here’s my last (you) and a passive aggressive tone
Cool. I accept your concession.
>more insults with no substance
Wowie, now I feel like I’m the one being trolled.
New user, nice dubs, but you're actually fucking retarded and you've shitted up the thread to a stunning degree, bye dude
There were more detective moments though, im sorry they weren't spoonfed to you though
Ahhh yes, there you go. I almost preemptively refuted this point. There are like 3-4 butthurt nerds flaming me ITT so I addressed their inane replies first.
>surface level glue wound medications
Never ever indicated that it’s medicine. Specifically (and wasting run time) explains that it’s just glue. Leaves the wound gaping and infected the entire space ship ride home to his box. Why wouldn’t his “laps detective issued vehicle” come with even rudimentary first aid? Why, when you’re sending men out to fight violent robots, did you spend millions on cars but not include first aid future glue? Why wouldn’t he just bring it along himself?
Dude gets home and he’s like >damn, I tore my shirt to sell the poverty grim dark vibes but it doesn’t make any fucking sense. He owns two glasses for liquor that costs more than stitching a shirt up.
>b-but it’s the future maybe he used future glue to heal his gaping knife wound!
Shouldn’t he have had a first aid kit anyway. Trying to brawl with a violent man with a knife and you can’t even bring your magic stab-wound-glue with you? Just gonna keep that wound gaping open with in-usable muscle ligaments until you get to your bathroom sink?
Face it. I watched this inane pedantic one-note excuse for Sci Fi movie for 30 minutes and found irrefutable plot holes and the ONLY counter arguments to my scathing reviews have been personal attacks and insults from fanboys. They even gave up on defending it, too angry about the truth. Moody dark edge fest movies aren’t content and leaving more gaps between story than substance isn’t depth of film. Sorry, it’s not that I “don’t get it” because I stopped watching it’s that I can’t be bothered for a movie to drag me around the rain in the dark for 3 hours just to fill in their own gaps. Hit me with something actually interesting in 30 minutes or fuck off. ESPECIALLY, considering the blatant irrefutable plot holes. Weak ass movie no wonder it failed the box office even when the industry hardly gives it any competition in the first place.
He clearly could use it just well even after that. He clearly didn't have to worry about any "infections".
You keep comparing yourself getting stabbed to a highly advanced bio engineered fighting replicant that can easily run through brick walls getting stabbed.
>scared of interacting with females because i know i'm going to fall in love with the first one that's going to be nice to me
>i will just end up hurt
u r gay
>everybody itt feeding the trolls
>he clearly could use it
The scene shows a gaping wound in his arm down to the bone which would physically render muscles unusable regardless of how your super hero android doesn’t feel pain or “infections”
Calling him a super duper badass cyber mecha replicant space God with a big dick doesn’t make it good writing that makes it capeshit. You still neglect to explain why he wouldn’t just being his magic space glue with him in the first fucking place.
>Be me
>go to the opticians
>optician is a qt Indian chick
>One of the proper qt british-indian ones, not a smelly poo-in-loo
>at one point she rests her hand on my face while she's lifting up my eyelid
>genuinely the most female contact I've had in years
>it felt so comforting
>durr, it’s just trolling nobody could possibly dislike my lowest-common-denominator pseudo intellectual grim dark cyberpunk movie!
You’re literally a idiot for deriving any kind of depth from this movie. It’s the most cleaned, washed and pressed example of dystopian cyberpunk with absolutely no new elements brought to the table. Plot writes questions on questions just for the sake of it as an excuse for depth.
>The scene shows a gaping wound in his arm down to the bone
Why are you lying?
>You still neglect to explain why he wouldn’t just being his magic space glue with him in the first fucking place.
Because it's not an emergency problem? Why would he get naked and treat himself for a wound he can fix in seconds after?
Im honestly depressed that nobody can defend this movie. I don’t wanna insult you guys for enjoying it anymore I just really hoped someone could show me why it’s actually good. Turns out, it really isn’t and the fans are really just stupid. Man, we desperately need more cyberpunk and Sci Fi movies. You know it’s bad when basic bitch shit lie this movie get praised to hell on Yea Forums just for having a good mood and the director at least trying to create depth. Even if it’s artificial depth and the priority on mood eclipses anything else with genuine plot holes right away.
I wish they had something unique or interesting to say with this movie, instead of just filling a demand for movies in the genre like the soulless Hollywood complex does.
Even cherry picking that scene where he already magic glued the wound and it’s STILL obviously an extremely physically impairing wound. Are you really trying to brush away that plot hole by saying he’s so badass that he didn’t even need to bring it with him, so why bother? Bruh, that doesn’t make any sense. Don’t take extra risks and leave open wounds on the way home. Bring your wound glue in case you need it to finish your mission in the first place.
>be me
>go to the dentist
>dentist is a qt asian lady
>slender figure, fair skin, wears glasses, sharp features
>at one point she asks me if it hurts
>I say "no it's perfectly fine"
>she replies "aw thanks user, you're the best patient I've had"
>been a while since I've been complimented, and by a qt lady at that
*stares at gay poster above*
>did this
>find out girl has a boyfreind
>think I am in the freindzone but she keeps being nice to me, telling me I'm cute, and sending lew flirt message to me via text and whatsapp
>feel like I still have a chance
>literal Cinema Sins-tier nitpicking of plot holes
Yet somehow, you think you're better than Yea Forums?
>Even cherry picking that scene where he already magic glued the wound
Nope, this is how it looks when he fixes it. Also you're lying, not cherrypicking.
>Are you really trying to brush away that plot hole by saying he’s so badass
No he's not le badass, he's an emotionally stunted bio enginereed replicant made for fighting. Again you're comparing him to yourself.
Please no twitter speak.
>Don’t take extra risks and leave open wounds
Do you think if a policeman get's some skin wounds he manically searches for a band aid right on the scene of a crime? Get's his first aid kit immediately for such a trivial thing?
>be government agent sent to fight and murder other androids
>get million dollar space ship hover car
>neglect to bring any first aid magic super glue
Dude, just turn your brain off. Why are you nitpicking? Didn’t it look cool when he got stabbed down to the bone and ignored it then flies back in his space ship through rain and neon lights city? Wasn’t the white room debriefing scene disturbing and the hologram gf cuck shed apartment interesting? It’s like he’s feeling emotions about the hologram but then he doesn’t feel pain or emotions when it’s convenient for the plot. So cool, so edgy.
Again, Cinema Sin-tier nitpicking isn't actual criticism and it just makes you look even more like complete dunce.
I actually wrote it myself but it was inspired by some incels who kept posting here about muh qt cashier
>be me
>have a 30 second conversation on lunch with a girl who works in the building next to me
>go home and spend hours trying to find her social media
>scroll through years of facebook and instagram posts
>make notes on the things she likes and who she hangs out with etc
>do the same with all her friends
>imagine hanging out together and living my life with her
>next day at work actively avoid going on lunch at the same time again
>never speak to her or even make eye contact again
Feeling emotions is different from feeling physical pain. Keep seething.
If it's so washed up, name 5 movies that delve into the same topic.
Don't forget to dilate when you're researching a topic you obviously despise.
I bet people say youre very negative
fucking idiot you blew it CELLS
>this is how it looks when he fixes the wound
Now show when he first gets the wound and he’s stabbed down to bone level but doesn’t react and keeps using his arm despite having half his muscle fibers cut in half 4” deep.
>he’s a bio engineered fighter so he doesn’t feel pain
Not about emotion or pain (which are both used as plot conveniences) it’s about physical inability to continue functioning with severed muscle tendons.
>do you think a police man would bandage his wounds after being stabbed and executing the criminal
Yes. Especially if he was a future cyborg with magic muscle mending glue he knew he would need which is why he owns it in the first place.
Stop justifying plot holes by saying he’s a super hero. That’s capeshit tier excuse making for poor writing. You’re allowed to love the mood theme whatever about this movie but it’s style over substance and everything else is a plot convenience or artificial depth and nothing more. Don’t let your desire for a quality cyberpunk dystopian Sci Fi movie convince you this movie is so good. It’s average as fuck.
People are shitting on you but I can relate. Girls have practically wanted me to ask them out to but I'm too embarrassed because I don't drive a car and still live with my parents at age 25.
But my whole argument is that there is a lack of movies in this genre so people don’t have anything to compare it to and therefor think this movie is great. What would posting 5 more movies prove?
>don't go anywhere my whole life
>would rather play vidya games
>one day realized i pretty much cucked myself out by not socialising
>now i am friendless social loser with 0 experience and no idea where to start
>and it's only downhill from here
it's all my fault, i know that.
Alright I'll coach you through this. Describe your situation.
>on meds
>jack off twice a day
>change one med
>jack off twice a week
It goes generic in Dec 2020 and I'll change back to it in a heatbeat, but goddamn does not giving a shit about sex have its benefits.
I mean, I’m pretty sure he drinks his 2 shots of vodka (from 2 glasses for no reason) with the same arm that got stabbed. It’s all meant to make him look edgy badass, with undertones of emotional struggles. It’s executed poorly.
>Go to local store few times a week
>qt cashier (blonde, petite, with glasses) is usually there at least once. She always shines up like the sun when she sees me and more or less shouts "OH HI!" every time
>Think she's just a bubbly personality and that she does it with every customer, until last time that is
>Be at store again, 3 people in front of me
>She greets them in a normal, subdued manner
>My turn. She shines up as usual and shouts " OH HI AGAIN!"
Should I go for it?
>4” deep
A medic scalpel is not 4"
>it’s about physical inability to continue functioning with severed muscle tendons
A straight cut doesn't make your entire arm suddenly inoperable, especially if you're a bio engineered human being.
You're immensely dumb then. Find me a single policeman on the planet that puts band aids on himself on the scene of a crime.
Your mental gymnastics are only dragging you deeper. From delusion to straight up imaginary headcanon lying.
Yes. Just keep it casual. You do know how to keep it casual don't you?
>from 2 glasses for no reason
One is for him, the other is for Joi. But Joi can't drink, obviously.
>with the same arm that got stabbed
Yeah he already took care of it, closed the wound and cleaned it.
> It’s all meant to make him look edgy badass
Nope, he desperately wants to mimmick a conservative actual relationship and life, husband coming home from work to his 1950s housewife making meals while he drinks some alcohol after a long day at work.
Avoid these kinds of women user. If they're willing to treat their current bf like this, you can be sure as hell the same fate is in store for you
Pro-tip for making friends user. If you know how to play video games, go to in person tournies for any kind of fighting game, boom, free friends. A lot of them will be useless autists, but there are some normalfags there, even Chads. Its no way to get a gf, but if you genuinely have no friends or social experience I strongly recommend it
What does interlinked mean
interlinked? interlinked
Of course. People tend to like me well enough and say as much, men and women alike. It's just been a long time since I talked to women about things not related to studygroups. It's not like I'm gonna ask for her number right away. Maybe ask her about work or talk about the weather? I tend to shop when there's few people around so I should have some room for a casual chat.
interlinked is interlinked. you interlink when you interlink
Unironically agree. Although I will say that I saw the directors cut of the original so I don't know what the theatrical release was like.
Work is fine, but don't talk about the fucking weather that's the most boring topic in the universe
Based and patrolpilled
>what I actually meant was something else!
Please get a trip so i can filter you.
This. If she's not loyal to him she's probably not going to be loyal to you.
yes, now you've become lonely AND miserable
>he throws another
>be handsome af
>qt working at the place I go to get coffee in the morning asks me how I'm doing
>draws a heart on the papercup instead of writing my name
>have really bad gyno
>she is going to find out sooner or later
>say thanks and leave
>spend the rest of the day thinking about how great it would be if I was average looking without manboobs
>go to bed wishing I was dead
nothing to coach through
>bee yourself
>go to gym/clubs/college
no motivation to do any of that and i would probably sperg out if i'm all by myself anyway
does anyone else quote this movie like every single day??
I want to be loved.
True enough. Gonna give it a shot when I get the chance. Thanks user
It really is. It's a better movie.
You think you do, but you don't.
>managed to make a few friends towards the end of middleschool
>can hold a conversation pretty well but starting one is a herculean task
>almost never contact any of them because of this
>make no friends in highschool
>the one girl I talked to regularly and that seemed to enjoy my company changes schools in the second year because she's a basketball player and needed a school with better sport support
>lost 4 years of my life in highschool
>have a much harder time holding a conversation because of how little I communicate
>my face muscles have atrophied to the point where I have a hard time pronouncing certain things and can't smile without the corners of my mouth twitching
God I hope collage pulls me out of this state.
No see that's where you're wrong. You don't have to lift or be yourself. You just have to fit into a Jungian archetype. I think most of us on the boards go through life just observing, this type of behavior flies over the radar of most normies/npcs. You could be a raging alcoholic burnout and still get girls. You just have to be that guy and be vocal about it. It's about fitting in.
Be aware that it's all on you, nothing outside of you will "pull" you out.
I'm in the final year of college and I'm absolutely the same, if not even worse.
>be a social loser my whole life
>waste childhood playing games, no gf no anything
>graduate high school with no social life/skills
>decide on a uni far away from home, despite my parents suggesting a close one so i could still live with them
>i am going to be all alone in a big city after living in a shithole
this is it. i'm throwing myself at the deep end. i either make it and become an actual adult or fail after a few months and come back with zero chances to ever making it.
My best friend from middleschool and pretty much the only person from back then that I have any contact with (about once every e months or so) is going to the same place so he's my lifeline.
Just don't burn out by forcing yourself into parties and doing shit that fucks you up for life. Try to pace yourself.
I did this and I only became more autistic.
the chances are i won't go to any party and will lock myself in. i just want to have a social life, not planning on ruining myself.
>girl at local sandwich shop always flirts with me when I go in
>she’s probably a 7/10
>last time I was there she started telling me about her new apartment and how easy it is to get to
>I am moving to another city in one month
>kind of want to have a brief summer fling with her
how do I approach this subject with her? Just ask her out to dinner and go for there? I’ve only had sex once over a year ago but it was with a close friend, I’m still inexperienced asking random girls out.
Please tell me this is a screenshot from some amateur ukranian porn
this just focus on school and be chill, don't make it all about whoring and drinking. you'll thank me in a few years time
>the absolute state of Yea Forums
god if i become more autistic than i already am they might actually diagnose me. do you have any tips, user?
I can't take it anymore
fuck off chad
>started telling me about her new apartment and how easy it is to get to
She wants you to break into her house and take her without consent. Trust me on this.
damn nigga
>get invited to some college picnic being hosted by administration before my freshman year starts
>decide to go
>everyone has nametags with their chosen major
>holy shit there are a lot of cute girls going into engineering
>strike up conversation about normie shit, spongebob and the like
Is this what college is like?
Did I make it bros?
well I basically became an alcoholic trying to treat my social anxiety and everyone could tell. If you do have that problem, I'd go see a therapist and maybe get a benzo script, although they're very addictive. Other than that, just try to avoid whatever awful habits you've developed. If I could go back I would stop playing videogames completely and never go back to Yea Forums.
>qt smiles at you
>instantly go to a mirror when you get home and re-do the smile to see if you looked retarded
>see scene in your head once an hour for the rest of the day
i don't actually like getting drunk . as for vidya games it's basically all i have at the moment.
similar situation - there's a trip for people starting their first year in college and i don't know whenever i should go. it's basically few days with people you absolutely don't know and i fear that people will form groups, leaving me alone again
Sober and nopilled
well I legitimately have diagnosed aspergers so we may have a different situation. There's probably nothing I really could've done to be more normal.
>qt gives you a flyer
>talks about some event for 30s
>good god her smile is killing me
>still thinking about her weeks later
that's my only interaction with a non-family female in the past few months.
it's because i get drunk really REALLY fucking quickly, so everyone talks shit like
>lmao user is already drunk
>lool user you drink like a woman
>maybe you need to take a break haha
So it seems a lot of us here mostly interact with cashiers/waitresses INTERLINKED
We should own the stars.
Basically if you don't attend a trip like that the groups will already be formed and you'll never be as close to them as the people who attended the trip.
If your college is similar to how uni is here then people are different and will actually talk to you even if you're not a part of their group.
so they wont as openly cut you out, they still do it though and it still sucks just as bad. im switching major this year and im not planning on attending, i've come to accept that i'm not going to make friends in such a place.
>walk home from uni all alone as always
>an extremely cute petite girls walks my way and smiles at shyly at my glance
>proceed to walk that same exact path in the same exact timeframe for weeks (sometimes even when I don't have uni) just to maybe see her once again and approach a girl for the first time in my life
Fuck no, if i tried anything with the cashier and it fails i'd have to switch stores and the next one is a mile away.
Same goes for the office, it would be extremely painful going to work every day, especially knowing how quickly rumors spread.
Your best bet is waiting for girl to make the first move desu.
>never see her again
have links
>Your best bet is waiting for girl to make the first move desu.
this will never, ever happen. women have it too easy so they don't actually have to make any effort, as there's literally hundreds of men ready to fuck them at any given moment. a pretty girl WILL have tens of men hitting on them each week, so why should she make a first move on YOU?
A system of incels interlinked with incels interlinked with incels within one board.
>What was your first kiss like? Incels.
>What was the name of your first girlfriend? Incels.
>What age were you when you lost your virginity? Incels.
>Do you remember Prom night? Interlinked.
>What’s it like to hold the hand of a woman you love? Interlinked.
>Do you feel lonely? Interlinked.
>Do you long for intimacy? Interlinked.
>Do you have many friends? Interlinked.
>Are you an incel? Interlinked.
>With Incels interlinked
With incels interlinked.
Why don’t you say that three times.
>with Incels interlinked with incels interlinked with incels interlinked.
I still have retarded hope.
Recc me a comfy, but melancholic movie, fren.
>this will never, ever happen
It will happen, but it will be too subtle for your average autist to pick up on
Since self checkouts became a thing, not even that.
>dream of a girl classmate from middle school
>haven't seen her in years and i never liked her
>instantly fell in love with her in the morning
>still daydreaming about her few months later
beat that
>no first kiss, no gf, still a virgin, didn't go to prom, never held hands, lonely, 0 friends.
that's a bingo i guess
Stay away from this website while you can. Lives are ruined here.
It has happened but we had nothing in common so i decided not to act on it.
listen to this fagot, he's right
Paris, Texas
>be me
>crooked teeth, skinny Manley
>the only way I can make friends is, who would have thought, by being genuinely nice, humble, hard working person
>fast forward to college
>get fit, fix my teeth, still a Manley
>the moment I start getting chicks, my friends comment that i have become a jerkass
>no friends, no motivation to get in a relationship
Will i ever make it Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums? What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?
and go where? reddit? tumblr? there's no difference between shitposting on Yea Forums and watching youtube videos the whole day. i might as well stop using internet
This is me, except I got my associate nearby my parents first. I think that was the right decision, I was just a very shy child, I needed some years. Now, I feel fine about heading out. Maybe I’ll crash and burn, but I hope not. Good luck, user. We’re all gonna make it.
were you a jerkass though, honestly? you already proved you can make it if you tried.
Thanks, fren. Didn't know of it, but it seems nice.
The fact that random people all around the globe have the same experiences, share the same feelings and can talk freely about anything is amazing desu.
Why would i want to stay away ?
thanks, user. my shyness borders on actual autism, the worst part is the beginning but if i manage to actually met some people and get in a "routine" then i think i'll be fine.
this. the same thread on reddit would have you painted as an incel, downvoted, and shunned by everyone, just because you're not a normalfag.
Have sex
The real problem is finding people with common interests.
Normies are boring as fuck.
>Normies are boring as fuck.
i only have autistic interests like vidya and computers, i am the boring one
We get it you dont like the movie you nitpicking faggot
Earlier today I enjoyed a discussion about got and harry potter followed by a few vacation photos from instagram and then a few memes from reddit. It was painful but I endured it
give me my bonbi VR experience already!!!
Guys I have one shot because I'm going to a festival
How do I fuck a girl
I have been to about 5 different music festivals in my life and I'm still a kissless virgin.
What I can tell you is that you still have to initiate and approach if you want anything to happen, don't expect girls just landing on your dick out of nowhere.
Atmosphere, no.
Everything else, yes.
are you good looking? or charismatic?
These tests will be mandatory for all virgin men in the future, along with chemical castration.
You don't.
>be good looking
>be yourself
actual autists don't get pussy on festivals, don't delude yourself
Here’s a Kino for that feel
True, the original is shit
>Atmosphere, no.
Yes of course 2049 needed more marketing ads plaster across the movie.
With your dick.
6 ft and at least not ugly
>Do you dream about being interlinked?
They hated him, because he spoke the truth.
>get a job
>leave your momma's house
Any job I get doesn't pay well enough to live alone in the region necessary to hold that job
good start.
Could you approch a 1 or more women and start talking to her/them without looking like a creep?
After, it depends what kind of festival it is and generally on how much drug/alcohol you have on you.
I could depending on the context I guess but approaching dancing women seems literally impossible
>Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing?
You seem like a fucking faggot.
well.. if it's a european techno kind of festival, you will have plenty of passed out women in their car or tents all around but.. I would not touch that if I were you...
Honestly, the best is either to go wth your (male) friends and try to approch a group of women OR to actually meet people before going to the festival.. this kind of dege.. people are always looking for a suc.. nice guy to drive them there.
thanks for the advice
I'll do my best
well last advice if you manage to find a girl:
1) definitely use protection
2)Be ready to fight her "boyfriend". even if she says she doesn't have one, there's probably a guy who think he is.
Holy fuck how have you made it this far in life without dying you goddamn mouth breather
Go for it. Smile, eye contact, and keep the conversation ABOUT her. Girls always love talking about themselves
>Should I go for it?
Yes, but first, tell us what you're planning on doing... just in case.
Zoomers can't understand true depth, he just wanted to mow some lawns, but they kept pushing.
Gaf alone was better than 2049.
The trick is to not try, treat others like the expiration dates they are.
It depends on how old you are. If you're in your 20's there's still hope. Go find yourself a club or something.
If you're above your 30's you're pretty much fucked.
There's a line of no return. Past the age of 33 if you haven't succeeded you're toast.
Here you go zoomy. Something a little more your speed to keep your adhd entertained.
Was this just written arbitrarily to sound cool? It did, but the replicant test in the original was cool and actually made a bit of sense
>be average looking
>talk normal most of the time
>no problem talking with women except when it's some sensitive stuff
>not enough confidence though
>as the talk progresses you notice the glances and they of talking changes
>soon you realize she's already put you in the friend zone as she's talking about menial stuff like you're her classmate or something
Women can notice that stuff in air, I give it up bros.
Yes. Gosling adapted something he learned as an actor.
K's full baseline is an excerpt from the third canto of Pale Fire.
When he first reads it in its entirety at the beginning of the test it establishes a baseline to innocuous stimulation, like a lie detector test first asking you banal questions like your name and favorite food. He's then made to recite excerpts of that excerpt after emotionally stimulating questions that may exasperate him, and the response is compared to that of the baseline. The clever part is that sometimes the otherwise innocuous excerpts of excerpts segue into meta questions that would throw the test subject for a loop and make it difficult to cheat. Before having to recite 'cells', they'd ask "when you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box" in direct relation to the word 'cells'. Before having to recite 'interlinked', they'd ask "what's it like to hold the hand of someone you love" in direct relation to the word 'interlinked'. He eventually fails when he's so overwhelmed by everything happening on top of him feeling trapped in his miserable life and dubious romantic situation.
Hope that helps.
>freshman year of college
>become friends with the cutest girl who has ever talked to me, legit 10/10 uber qt
>both pretty similar but I'm awkard and she's much more social
>develop an obsession/crush
>been thinking about her for more than 2 years now, but she's since transferred schools
>have drifted away, and rather than sending messages back and forth in a group chat all day every day we briefly talk maybe once a month
>after refreshing her social media as I do every day I find a picture of her with a boyfriend
>cry and lay in bed all day
I knew this was coming but I just didn't want to believe it. My other friends told me I should ask her out but I was too afraid to do it. I'm probably like a 5/10 on a good day but I deluded myself into thinking I could maybe do it. Looking back I was probably friendzoned pretty early when she just called me "bud" and shit. I did the same to feel less embarrassed about it, but it was nice to maintain an illusion that it was possible. I had nothing but optimism and happiness for a few months at the time, it was nice. I'm going to die alone.
he’s a badass killer, latest edition robot you dumbass of course he can fight and not feel much pain. You saw how he overpowered that giant dude in the first scene, right?
You make some good points but
>so he get's paid only as much as needed.
Why do replicants even get paid? Why aren't they treated like slaves, or even non-living property?
>be on a group where everyone is a complete stranger to each other
>awkwardness ensue
>already accostumed to it so I'm the most outgoing and confident
>after a while everyone gets comfortable
>lose confidence
So they have an illlusion of an actual life, just like wagecucks of today.
the worst advice is 'treat girls like guys'. my whole life the guy friends i had were absolutely fine with shittalking eachother all the time, but any slightest remark aimed at a women (in a joke manner of course) results in them being offended.
treat women like soulless creatures they are. don't speak your mind, think of it as a dating sim with the highest difficulty possible.
>think of it as a dating sim with the highest difficulty possible
and there are only bad ends
>talk with old people just fine, carry out conversations pretty normally
>when it's people my own age I just revert back to a nervous wreck
>the worst advice is 'treat girls like guys'.
true, that shit only works if you are a Chad.
you have to actually be friends with the women you jokingly direct insults at, user.
This so much.
I went through my entire life exactly with that "treat women as just your friend" meme and everytime I just become a mere acquaintance to them. And because of that flirting as a concept became so alien that I would feel as if I'm being extremely rude to the other person if I tried to flirt in any kind of way.
>be me, finally met a girl willing to talk with me for more than a few seconds in college.
>she asks for my number.
>she texts me right away.
>I'm a first timer when it comes to this kind of stuff.
>it's nice to have someone to talk about my day.
>we have so much in common.
>we text every day, and even go out a few times (as friends).
>I like this girl.
>I'm going to confess.
>"so what are you up to?"
>"not much, I'm watching a movie with my boyfriend"
>rookie mistake, completely forgot to ask if she was in a relationship.
>we keep texting for a few more days.
>one day she just ghost me.
All this in the spawn of two months. Never again.
then you just need to start asking girls out one after another. worst thing can happen is someone says no
You're getting sent straight to the friend zone like this. There's only one way to attract girls and it is offering something.
You're either hot and they want a piece of you or have something to offer that makes her time worthwhile.
that's the safe thing to do really. if you let slip you know some details about her life you'll look like the creeper type that you apparently are
>super autist
>stuck doing sales of all things
how do I escape
>meet girl online
>she's not okay in the head, "love-bombs" me, says she wants to meet up and marry me, etc.
>become sort of an e-couple anyway
>know full well she probably does this with other guys on the internet and I'm just one of many suckers
>still go with it because it's the most significant relationship I've had with a girl in my life
>everything you want to hear/see.exe
>i was hurt once so I'm gonna write off any potential girlfriend and chance of happiness
>everything you want to hear/see.exe
well, why don't you meet her irl?
>coworker tells me she wants someone to take her out to see Toy Story 4 cause she doesn't want to go alone
>start flirting every day
>tease her about how she should kidnap a kid so she'd have someone to go with
>she laughs and tells me she has a list of guys whom she'd like to go see the movie with and looks me straight in the eyes
>laugh nervously and tell her she just wants someone to pay for the tickets *drop spaghetti*
>she ended up going with some chump from tinder that she ghosted straight after getting out of the movie
Haha fuck you
might be the worst ITT if true
She doesn't even live in my country. She's also very manipulative and unstable, all the "I love you"s came out of nowhere one day, there's no way she actually loves me because she doesn't even know me, she doesn't care about my interests/goals, I never get to talk about myself. She's just a typical e-girl.
Fix that shit man, you literally have no excuse. Unless you don't actually have "gyno" and are just fat like 80% of all men who think they have gyno
is she ugly or are you that autistic?
ah ok...As long as you know it's going to go nowhere it's ok.
literally me
Whats it like to hold the hand of someone you love?
She's a 6/10, 6.5/10 with makeup and also moody as fuck and always whining, but it's not like I can do any better than her.
I just like messing with her honestly cause she's the first girl I've connected with in years since she doesn't give a fuck about anything and just speaks her mind. If I tried to fuck her I'd have to stand her bullshit outside of work too and it'd stop being funny.
you might want to check if you're autistic, user. I'm dead serious
>the worst advice is 'treat girls like guys'
People usually give this advice to guys who feel like they don’t know how to talk to women. Lonely guys are afraid of women and act like they’re alien species. The “threat them like guys” is supposed to be a way for you to get past your initial nervousness and interact with a girl like you would a guy. The problem is that you decided to apply that advice to all your interactions, and never flirted with or asked out any girls.
so you are 100% not in love with her right?
Nah, I've felt stronger feelings for other girls. I just find her shenanigans funny as fuck since she's got no filter. The other day she threw a pendant her ex mother in law gave her out the office window. I think she's got BPD.
better than sex
>be on first date with a qt
>go in for the sudden hand hold while we're walking around the park
>she blushes and moves closer to me
>2 months later i get dumped because she's BPD
>this was 3 years ago
You make it sound as if all of us have a legitimate chance at happiness. I haven't seen a woman show the tiniest shred of interest in my since high school, 10 years ago.
Are you in shape... be honest.
>tfw no romantic bromance with kissing, snuggling n shit, but no sex
I've given up on womyn, lads.
I'm in the best shape of my life right now. I have no social circle though so I just go to work and go home.
checked and pasta-pilled.
She thought you were an upgrade from her current loser boyfriend and once you started acting like a sadguy after you realized she was in a relationship you got stale and she dropped you.
that's so fucking sad
You did good user
stop being ugly
> the smell of her hair
Talk to as many women as you can. Don't pussy out. And for the love of god, just fucking touch them but not in a creepy way. First tell them that you see some kind of bullshit in the signs and how the planets are lining up and then immediately tell them that youre babbling bullshit. Give them a high five or something for saying some dumb shit like "wow, awesome. I like that too! High five for ____!" then keep holding onto their hands and tell them some bullshit about how you can already see the townhouse you'll own one day by a lake and add something funny about how you're future dog (or current dog) will shit in the yard. That's my general bs i do for those types of events. It's all young women who have their head up their ass about reality and think they can live life as a princess forever.
you know what
I'll try that
thanks for the advice man
grow up
>cute girl comes in every day to chat before she buys her lunch
>always leaves me a tip
>ends all conversations with have a fantastic day, brother.
>brother zoned
2049 BTFO'D
>Have you ever spread your seed? Sneed.
>Do you have anyone at home to feed? Sneed.
>When you aren't posting Sneed do you act like a worthless city slicker? Sneed.
>Formerly Chuck's.
Formerly Chuck's
>What's it like to fuck someone you love? Formerly Chuck's.
Formerly Chuck's
>Do you long to have your penis sucked? Formerly Chuck's.
Formerly Chuck's
>Did anyone ever teach you what if feels like to be fucked and sucked? Formerly Chuck's.
Formerly Chuck's
>Do you feel like there's a part of this meme you're not getting? Formerly Chuck's.
Formerly Chuck's
>Sneed's, formerly Chuck's.
Sneed's, formerly Chuck's.
>Why don't you say that for me three times. Sneed's, formerly Chuck's.
Sneed's, formerly Chucks. Sneed's, formerly Chuck's. Sneed's, formerly Chucks's.
>We're done. "Autistic user." You can collect your (You)s.
Massively underrated
>when she starts calling you "bud"
Holy shit what is the fucking context
But that is only good part of whole movie.
>>just turn your brain off bro
maybe you should turn your brain on sometimes
I don't like how it was less of a police drama compared to the original. There also needed to be another replicant Blade Runner hunting down K and Deckard. I really didn't like the addition of Luv. Also, Wallace didn't even die in the film and no one knows what happens to him.
How hard is it to pay attention to a movie?
Also, the fights weren't even great either. Putting K up against humans. *bang* you're dead. *bang* you're dead. No challenge whatsoever.
>Also, the fights weren't even great either
I don't think anyone came to see 2049 for the action scenes
I guess it's fake
>all desires and aspirations have been removed
>minimum wage job I work just to continue my meager existence
>suicide planned and prepared. Just waiting for my grandmother to die
>someone asked me what I would do if I could have any job I wanted
>couldn't form an honest answer as my only desire has been death for two decades
Don't be me. Force yourself to change.
there was no suspense. K up against Bautista early in the beginning was exciting. By the time you get to the end of the movie where K fights Luv, you already know he wins because it's so predictable. There is a lack of tension missing throughout the droll of the slow pace.
Remind that Deckard is a terrible detective and got lucky all throughout BR
I had an incredibly similar experience
>at the store
>qt girl approaches me
>starts chatting me up
>after a while she offers her number with me asking for it at all
>ask if she's on Facebook so I can stalk her
>she just says her number would do
>text for a while
>even go get coffee
>later that day i find her Facebook and she she's had a bf the whole time
>I just completely stop trying
>she occasionally still tried to talk to me but I just find talking to her depressing now
All women have backup plans. You were on her list of potentials if 1-15 failed.
in 2049 there was only one real shot of k in the actual city streets interacting with people. the original felt like a real city, in 2049 he just wandered through empty set pieces.
>Complaining about ads and marketing in a cyberpunk movie
Thots must be stopped
Just go to parties and get drunk till you can speak to women lmfao
We're doing the right thing user. People who'd advise otherwise don't understand what it's like