>Are you implying that antisocial incels who spend all day on an anime image board will... breed?
Are you implying that antisocial incels who spend all day on an anime image board will... breed?
yeah dude, all they need to do is sell weed in high school
No, but some will try it through a half assed transition to the female sex, no frog DNA implied in the process tho.
Why do men think this is a good idea? Please unless you're white and as good looking as an actor dont bother us in the street or at the mall
why is there so much incel shillposting?
Crazy how this character was evil the whole time!
Is that andrew yang, democratic presidential candidate?
the dramatic pause he does is awful
He wasn't evil the whole time, he was just gradually corrupted by forbidden knowledge
I want to believe that pic is an isolated incident but it’s probably the daily life of at least 75% of all posters here
It's weird to think that I'm a chad compared to these people
those are turboautist incels, most guys understand that approaching some girl that doesn't know you like some jehovah witness is just a waste of time. And stop pretending to be a girl in the internet you humongous faggot.
>Why do men think this is a good idea?
Because they keep getting told by blue-pilled retards to "just approach bro."
yeah, like reading some shit in diff boards here makes you feel like freakin james bond in comparision
> Asking people their name arbitrarily
Why would anyone think this would work
Are they literally just taking Boomhauer's advice
looks like they don't get the "you interact normally with humans, some of those humans are women, maybe attraction happens and you kiss, fuck etc" sounds basic but they don't wanna do it the normal way.
Why do normalfags always move the goalpost with incels? You tell them over and over to approach, then they do and when it doesn't work you just be even more nebulous.
>I do say 'what's up bitch' to a random girl.
I need to see more posts by this autist. I bet they think their incel forum is better than a Micronesian basket weaving forum.
My problem is I make connection with a girl and later without her telling me I find out she has a boyfriend. Every girl I've had a crush on has had one. Feels like I'm always too late.
he was already a villain in the book though but more in a arrogant scientist who think he's god way and not super evil mastermind
approach like normal people in normal situations, not like some creepy motherfucker, no wonder why you guys can't get their dicks wet, why do you expect from women exactly?
>tfw sold weed in high school and still an incel
At a party a girl once approached me and said “I really want to fuck you.” Shit was fire
tfw this happened to me a few times but i sperged out and turned her off
Approach then in a social setting, like a party or something. Not just bother random chicks while they’re shopping or working. It’s not moving goalposts, it’s just that neurotypicals assume you don’t need the subtleties of basic human interaction explained to you.
gotta be more direct and lowkey ask if she has bf, saves time
>using a pencil
>in 2019
spotted the incel
Looks like an asian version of edmure tully
You probably did the smart thing. This girl was a turboslut though. Ended up fucking her in the ass.
Based. Pencils are for spineless faggots who live in constant fear of making mistakes.
kek, some women and men would cheat no mater what, even if they got the perfect girl or chad, is like the standard procedure for them, women tend to be better at hidings thing tho.
direct in the sense that you want to know it asap, lowkey in the sense that you bring up that in the conversation as early as possible, or you can just ask if she has a bf, not a big deal
You're moving it right now.
>but this, but that, but this situation, no not that one
It all just comes down to being attractive, just admit it.
>My name is "it doesn't matter"
Are you implying that mai waifu isn't real?
damn, you inept faggots don't wan't to do anything that actually works, just ignore the real world where average guys get pussy and keep coping then.
>just ignore the real world
lmfao right
What the fuck??? Same guy???
don't think it was that smart, some fun casual sex would have been nice
Isnt this nigga gay
well it's definitely weird for him to address her when he himself is using it lmao
>do something for that autism
InGen psyop
Do you like pina coladas
I need a name