Movies about hacks that can't do anything but make the same styled movie over and over again?

Movies about hacks that can't do anything but make the same styled movie over and over again?

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>ITT: movies that only Reddit wants

ahahaha theres going to be some faggy dance number

He's seen and copied all the old movies, so now he's going through the modern repertoire.

Dead Klingon storage


there's going to be a hallway with glass floor and we watch people walk over but one of them is a girl and she isn't wearing shoes

holy fuck that sounds awesome

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Hey should we make a Star trek movie faithful to gene roddenberry's original vision?

>naaaah fuck that shit, get that guy who is known for his witty dialogue in criminal underworld films with murders and fist fights.

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and you know what? it'll still be better than the last one.

It will be just as bad

can't wait for someone to scream nigger for no reason. it will be like that alice eve scene in into the darkness

what if there was an alien species that looked like a giant human female foot like wouldn't that be something hahaha

he's not going to do it, why does he keep talking about it? he's a perma boomer who has a hate boner for digital shit and I'm sure the studio would force him to do stuff he doesn't like, if anything they'll use his script
Thing is I'd love to see what he does outside his comfort zone

Female Vulcans do the salute with their feet.

beyond literally killed the franchise.

suck my dick, the last few star trek movies were trash and getting someone to come along and throw everything out the window and piss everyone off is a great idea

I really want to see what he comes up with, it's a weird match but it's good to take risks like this, especially now that the franchise is very stale.
He can just do most of it with practical effects.

why in the FUCK did they think simon pegg should be in charge

>the last few star trek movies were trash lets bring in Tarantino who can't do anything but make the same damn movie over and over again with swearing and ultraviolence

based. Fuck Star Trek.

And Tarantino is going to rape the corpse infront of everyone
He pretends to be a nerd

At least Shatner will be in it.

I genuinely think he'd be capable of making really good straight star trek if he was so inclined

you're proving my point for me, please continue

it still won't be as bad as playing beastie boys to kill the baddies

May as fucking well make this a double feature and have Tim Burton do one too.


8 academy award nominations

new trek had so much promise. what happened?

It could have been any song. They used that song already in the first movie so they were consistently cringe

>pulp fiction in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace

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Meant for

star trek fans are such whiny cucks, you're lucky that a kino director wants anything to do with your shitty space show

>kino director
His only good flicks were in the 90s

Beyond was better than into darkness.

more like early nineties. Jackie brown, and kill bill both kinda sucked.

i can't wait for them to break some iconic star trek props

He's trying to get producers to cancel his contract. He absolutely doesn't want to do Star Trek anymore.

>A little suffering for niggers is good for the soul
>How we deal with niggers dying is at least as important as how we deal with life
>Conquest of niggers is easy. Control is not.
>You either believe in yourself or you don't, nigger
>Death.Destruction. Disease. Horror. That's what war with niggers is all about. That's what makes niggers a thing to be avoided.

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Kill Bill was in the 2000s. Yeah, Jackie Brown is kind of overly long and boring but it's better than the stuff he's made since. So his only good ones were Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.

>iEnterprise, courtesy from Apple fagworks
>red matter "plot" ripped off Plan 9 from Outer Space
>NOKIA merchandise
It was stillborn.

yeah, but the trailer was kino

they played that song at the awards ceremony later and now it's been given honorable awards from over 51 species fucking thanks beastie boys for saving the day

if you watch the trailer to his latest feature it's got DAE REMEMBER PULP FICTION written all over it

Christ almighty when did that shit happen

it's star trek canon bro

I rolled my eyes and wanted to puke on everyone face who was praising it in the comments section when I first saw it.
It's so obviously soulless and it's getting rave reviews as a masterpiece, looks like shit

you're projecting

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dance off, you and me

I thought he just wanted to remake Yesterday's Enterprise or some shit.

>are you okay captain?
>no. i'm eighty four fucking parsecs from being okay

I'd say it was better than the first J.J. Abrams one as well. It still wasn't that good, but it's the best of those 3 movies.

I've never watched Star Trek, am I going to enjoy Tarantino's version?

Beyond literally gives me a migraine every single time I've attempted to watch it/watch it. 3 times.

The first one is the best one but it's still mediocre shit that's only really good because of Hulk Bana hamming it up.

vulcan ass rape?

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If you enjoy Tarantino then I suspect you will, but that's because I'm inclined to believe it'll feel like it's more of a Tarantino property than it is a Star Trek property.

there's that scene in 2001 where they're traveling to the site where the monolith was found. they're eating synthetic sandwiches, and they talk about how the scientists who make the fake sandwiches keep getting closer to tasting like the real thing.

imagine that for 2.5 hours

the movies have just failed to connect, which is odd, because I feel they nailed the casting for the most part.


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That's not that unlike Star Trek, they talk about how shitty replicated food is compared to the real deal on occasion.

I don't need you to tell me how fucking good my earl gray tea is, okay? I'm the one who buys it. I know how good it is. When Ma'niga replicates it it's SHIT, okay?

And they hid the most interesting thing for the movies.
These clothes are perfect for work in the boiler room engineering.

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They do have good casting, particularly for McCoy, and even the casting that isn't that great like for Spock isn't awful, it's just adequate and nothing more, but the casting is one of the only notably good things about them.

He should quit before the normies wise up.
Hopefully he honors his statement of only making 10 original flicks and spends the rest of his days making capeshit and remakes.

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Is ving rhames asshole still available?

The casting is good, the ideas have been lackluster. At least the first one did it's job and set up sequels. Then they just made the sequels action movies and ripped off Wrath of Khan.

They wanted him to direct it I don't know what else they were expecting

and you obviously haven't seen both of the things I was talking about

I bet he'll put in a very, very foul mouthed Ferengi.

I've seen lots of stuff the spock guy is in and I think he's near perfect for it based on his archetype they just flibbed the writing for him

Zack Snyder

Apparently he wants to write novels or screenplays after directing

To think, after all that guitar has been through, all the people that have hold it in their hands and played on it, it gets smashed to the quote "music time's over". Tragic, yet poetic and kinda beautiful.

Nobody's gonna hurt anybody. We're gonna be like three little Spocks here. And what's Spock like? Come on Yolandar what's Spock like?"
Yolandar: "Logical?"
Kirk: "What?"
Yolandar: "He's logical."
Kirk: "Correctamundo. And that's what we're gonna be. We're gonna be logical.

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You can't have TOS without ham.
The cast was near the best that could have been selected, but Jay Jay ruined it.

>muh city on fire tho!!
cringe take

From this it seems you hated The Motion Picture. I find your lack of taste disturbing.

they nailed Kirk and Bones so fucking hard though. I think Pine is legit a very underrated actor.

What actually happened
>QT doing his 40th interview that day during promo tour, being asked the same stupid questions over and over again, feeling bored, tired and hungry
>retarded """journalist""": so I hear you're doing star trek haha but you're famous for violence and curse words haha so will it be like pulp fiction in space haha will captain kirk go back in time and kill hitler and spock will say motherfucker a lot??? haha just an original thought I had???
>QT: (internally: wow you're literally the 40th journalist making the exact same comment to me today, fuck you retard, and I still have to do 20 more of this shit today FUCK) oh yeah yeah, absolutely, absolutely, (forced fake laugh to go along with the retard)

Pine is a better actor than
Tom Hardy
Leonardo Dicaprio
Jake Gyllenhaal

normies wise up!

He's a hack because the style dictates the story instead of having the story dictate the style.

Pretty much this. Tarantino is notorious for losing his temper on interviews, which makes journalists interview him already with the intention of pissing him off. He is like the easy victim.

Sure thing Quentin

>it doesn't conform to what i expect therefore it's bad

Refrain from posting in the future

Sounds better than any other Star Trek product for the last 20 years or so.

The documentary about the Marvel Cinematic Universe that will get made in 2030 called "All of them are trash" directed by me

>The mind behind Family Guy is the only thing keeping the Star Trek spirit alive

I love you
