Why did the ending feel so weird? So does He go back to being a racist? also what exactly did the black guy do for him in prison? is it about how ironic it was that it was his own people that only did him bad in prison and everyone else showed him kindness as he did to his black firend?
American History X
The black guy protected him from retribution by THE BROTHAS. As to what the ending truly is, that's up to you to decide. iirc the original ending had him shave his head again, but that just might be a bullshit rumour.
>black guy is nice to you in prison
>black teacher helps you
>so just focus on those two and ignore the fact that black people and mexicans destroyed your whole neighborhood
when I was young and naive I watched this film and thought, "wow, hate and violence only beget hate and violence". But then I got older and noticed how awful blacks can be, even when you try to be nice to them. It's always whitey's fault, no matter what.
We need a director's cut
>that's up to you to decide.
lol no. Do you really think the movie was about justifying racism? Moron.
do you think that footage would exist at this point, even if it had been made? Genuine question for a movie this old. Do directors typically hold on to that stuff?
Of course the movie isn't justifying racism. But the point is supposed to be that people hate each other because they treat each other badly and hold grudges. I'm pretty sure it's telling everyone of all races to forgive and forget, otherwise the fighting will never end. Which is a great message but when you're dealing with low IQ people it's pretty much a pipe dream.
The whole film is basically "No matter what you believe or like, reality will eventually show you something you don't like because reality is neither your friend nor an enemy"
The moral of the story is that hispanic gangs can ruin your neighborhood, Asians can take over your businesses, and blacks can murder your firefighter father, but you're the bad guy if you become "racist" because of it all.
*tips fedora*
>not knowing Ed Norton took over and butchered the ending
Ah yes the eternal "you're right but I don't like your tone" response
Nah the moral of the story is that you need to go back to Europe and take all your pets with you blacks and Asians and all the other middle eastern trash too this is native lands only then will you have peace European anchor baby.
*tips fedora harder*
no, the movie is just about the cyclical nature of violence and the error of racism. It's spelled out plainly like an after school special. For one thing, the people who do the most harm to Derek aren't black, they're white. Sure, the nig nogs tried to steal his truck, but the whites sucked him into a criminal nazi gang, raped him in prison and tried to indoctrinate his own brother and turn him against him. Surely you people aren't this retarded??
>caring about whether you're right on a basket weaving forum
>this old
Nigger, it's not fucking Metropolis.
Why would they make a movie about how racism is bad but then have the black kid kill the white kid in the end proving white supremist right?
Why did the black kid even kill the terminator boy in the first place? Just because he defended that other white kid from getting beat up by those black kids and blowing smoke in his face? Is that all?
So I'm right? Just because Derek had racist believes doesn't mean the world will be going as he envisioned
>does he go back to being racist
Literally the whole point of the ending
What happens to Norton's character after the fact is irrelevant, that's why they didn't show it. The point of the ending is to show you that the cycle of violence destroys everyone involved in it; the movie is a condemnation on tribalism and racusm as a whole, and to show that all races can be perpetrators or victims in a world like this.
At the end he was supposed to shave his head. The nigger friend protected him from the other niggers in the joint. Derek hated that the AB did business with the niggers and was too outspoken about it, which got him raped and excommunicated. He supposedly ((('sees the light'))), but his brother's death would have sent him right back to WN.
The director wanted to take his name off the film. Norton was trying to change the movie.
Almost certainly yes, they keep anything they film. If you want to waste half an hour of your life look up romainien salt mine movie reels. Its where ALL kino master cuts are kept
Its over two decades old, user.
Curb stomping is racist
The true ending thing is a myth, Tony Kaye has never mentioned it and Edward Furlong denied that an ending like that was ever intended.
>nigs get btfo in black panther thread
>immediately 3 blacked threads pop up
Why are niggers so fragile bros? Also Yea Forums is a lot more redpilled on race realism than it was 6 months ago. Have based anons been watching ryan faulk or something?
that's not at all what i meant. whether or not the ending would've been like that wouldn't even imply that the movie is about justifying racism.
His speech putside the Korean owned store was iconic and is more relevant than ever.