Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
ross, for not dicking best girl instead
yeh i agree, the show didn't have nearly enough incest considering how many whites were in it
i hate friends so fucking much
You, for watching.
How come 90's girls had superior eyebrows? Tumblr bitches try their best with numerous cosmetics, but they never get the same effect
They were on a break
checked and true.
not a dog in sight either.
ultimately ross for being a clingy little bitch. Beyond that, they were both in the wrong.
Stopped reading right there
He's ultimately at fault for sleeping with xerox girl, but he was right on the money about that guy from work. All Rachel had to do was admit Ross may have been right and that guy who is constantly seeking her company is interested in her, but she pretended to be blind. I wouldn't be sprerging like Ross, but I also wouldn't feel safe knowing my girlfriend is a dumbass and a guy she spends most of her day with wants to sleep with her
The only real answer
>He's ultimately at fault for sleeping with xerox gir
no, he did nothing wrong there because they were literally broken up at that moment.
rachel for saying what she didn't actually mean in the heat of the moment
>ross and rachel are bickering
>ross: okay, let's go for a walk and calm down before we say something irrational
>rachel: fuck off ross, I don't want to see you anymore
Ross was always wrong. He didn't even read her letter.
Ross was an obnoxious, aggravating dweeb, so he was wrong.
You mean best character
Rachel and Monica were the most attractive, so they were the best characters.
Don't worry, fashion is cyclical, so it's coming back, alongside with cheesy perms and spandex leotards. Well, possibly.
they were on a break
They were on a break and Rachel immediately brought over Mark, the guy Ross had been suspicious of, and got caught, making Ross think she was sleeping with him. Ross literally did nothing wrong.
fucking this
if ross didn't call rachel, 100% they would have sex
>Ross literally did nothing wrong.
except start the whole mess. They were both wrong at multiple times
>if ross didn't call rachel, 100% they would have sex
except they wouldn't have because she wasn't into mark.
this, a break means there are no relationship rules
yes, they would
rachel is a slut
the 90s cuck