>”Remember Simba, it’s easier to hunt the baby or sickly animals. That Zebra over there was born 3 days ago. He’ll be the easiest one to kill. After all, it’s the circle of life”
Did they go too far with the realism?
”Remember Simba, it’s easier to hunt the baby or sickly animals. That Zebra over there was born 3 days ago...
Other urls found in this thread:
>"long live the king"
>bitch slap that fucker
there will never be a moment more kino than this
>”after I kill Mufasa, I’ll kill all the Cubs in the pride so the females go into heat and I can mate with Sarabi and the others”
no idea why i read that in Liam Neeson's voice
aslan looked cooler
>Simba, if you encounter the offspring of another male lion, be sure to kill it so that your bloodline is the only one that prevails
>”everything my piss touches is our kingdom”
would be kind of neat to have an animal movie like that where they do and discuss actual animal things
>that one documentary where the people behind the camera disregard 'the rules' and save the penguins who got trapped in a hole.
Why is it always penguins that make for the best documentaries?
Lions are f tier btw.
Just like the old days. Based...
> Ghostbusters 2016
What doc?
>You see this, Simba?
>This is where I and my brothers slaughtered all your half-brothers and half-sisters
>We ate them. Here rest the turds they became.
>There were dozens of them, Simba.
>The little baby lions in their little baby cribs.
>We murdered them. I have no remorse.
>Was the only way to get your mom to wanna fuck again, you see.
>Also I ain't no cuck.
>Then me and my bros ran a train on them.
>These are the foundations of my kingdom, Simba.
>No worries, Simba. That’s why I roll around in my own feces!
Yes. The people that just film the suffering are awful awful people. They can easily step in and save the animal but they never do. Stop trying to pretend your gigantic camera rig and walking around is undetected by the animals. It's all bullshit and they are complicit.
Not really because it's all instinct and not something they would be actually aware of. Them talking strategy would kinda lose all the cool predatory instinct stuff.
Seriously though they gotta eat something
Isn't that what Seth Rogen usually does?
>>Simba, if you encounter the offspring of another male lion, be sure to kill it so that your bloodline is the only one that prevails
How do lions even know to do this?
watching their babies get murdered makes female lions horny af
>And remember Simba we like to toy with our dying prey just because
There's an evolutionary pressure that gave them the instinct to do so.
>I’m brushing up on looking down, I’m working on mating as much as possible because life expectancy of a newborn cub is not high.
>The little baby lions in their little baby cribs.
>We murdered them. I have no remorse.
What is Mufasa's Tax Policy?
>Simba, did i ever tell you about Cecil the Lion? He was a good friend.
nature isn't pretty you fucking sheltered pansy.
You forgot to mention how his mom screamed in agony getting raked by daddy’s spiked penis.
What a disgusting creature
just like humans
What the fuck are you talking about you retarded faggot. Go eat more of your own fucking shit from your diseased crusty asshole.
animals are so fucking disgusting why do people even like them
They don’t know. This behaviour is the expression of a gene. This gene is passed on because the genes of Lions who eat cubs have fewer rivals and are therefore more successful.
haha his lion dick looks silly
I sincerely hope this is bait
They don't, they're pretty retarded about it. Lion males tend to kill any cubs they come across, forcing lionesses to give birth in secret away from the pride, which often gets their cubs killed by other predators like e.g. hyenas. They only bring them to the pride once they're fairly old, and even then they make sure to keep and eye on them so they don't get too close to the males who may just randomly kill it out of instinct if it gets too close.
It's honestly shocking how stupid animals are. Remove all the romanticism surrounding them and most are just barely ambling by on so little brain power it genuinely is surprising they're able to survive at all. But I guess since all of them are just as stupid it just sort of evens itself out.
that would be pretty awesome is true
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Some people fuck them
This makes sense.
Animals kill/rape/torture other animals no matter are humans there or not. Chimps rape frogs to death. Komodo dragons eat deers alive for hours. Cats intentionally play with their prey to adrenalize their blood and only they kill them.
If you think all of that should be stopped you must be some kind of disconnected sheltered tranny.
>Cries over nature
>Thinks he can pull le faggot card
Kill yourself, bitch tits
So Wakanda, MLK, Mandela...all bullshit right? sneed
those reflexes tho
LOOK, LOOK, a disney shill.
No, I'm not going to watch your movie, no shekels for you.
>good friends
>jeez man you must not realize nature is so hardcore, like myself
kill yourself clown
It looks like she was pretending to sleep, but the crazy thing is that she isnt
>save the animal
Why is ‘saving’ one animal a virtue? You’re meddling with evolution for no real purpose and with no goal.
You spare those cubs so now there are more lions and they all kill many more ‘helpess’ antelope and zebra. Congrats you just caused more suffering.
This is why there are so many playing god & prime directive type stories. You think emotionally and short term. You don’t want to think about the consequences of your actions because you wanted to be the hero, the savior. In short, this is why food aid to africa makes things worse.
Cats are just asshole selfish creature and one instance that a feline specie actually live together in society, they are absolute assholes to each other still.
What do you propose, every predator on Earth to be killed as soon as possible? All humans should slit their own throats right away?
Evolution works on a scale of successful vs unsuccessful —not smart vs stupid—which is why you are here.
Need that documentary. Always pissed me off they couldn’t see themselves part of nature and help out. Another one that always got me was those fuckers who see the sea lion cubs come up to them and snuggle and try not to move
> oh we don’t want them to see us as a source of affection
Bitch really? That thing will be eaten by a leopard seal in a few weeks give it a hug.
tastes good but makes a big mess
Projecting human traits onto animals is not a good way to understand animals.
What did he gain from doing this?
Is he just a chad who likes keeping his bitches on their toes?
>That thing will be eaten by a leopard seal
Don't you want to have a leopard seal mama fed and be able to give milk to her own cub, asshole?
>bitch all you do is lay on your ass all day go get me some muthafuckin zebra
They should all have sex with each other under a happy beautiful rainbow with flowers and glitter stuffed up my asshole.
You sound like a black person who uses twitter
>alphas come in and beat up the men, kill their kids
>lady lions so turned on they demand to be fucked every 20 mins, 100 times per day
Wow dude
kruger sightings is a based channel
this one is for rabbit lovers
>intelligence is a human trait
nigga, you just gone and went full-retard
but don't worry. I see a way out for you. just declare yourself an animal. big face&ego-saving move for you.
>slow motion
What a guy
The virgin female, the chad male
It is not bait. It's a valid criticism. They like to hide behind the veil of non-interference yet their entire presence is an interference. The second they got their with a camera shit changed and they pretend it didn't. I've seen clips of Attenborough and a sloth literally walks up next to him and takes a shit, you think it didn't choose that spot because it knew that it wouldn't get fucked with there.
Steve Irwin was the only one to do shit right, get really in there and teach you about the animals. All these so called documentarists are unfeeling and watch animals be ripped apart and then moan if they didn't get it on camera.
Remember they see HUNDREDS OF ANIMALS GETTING KILLED before they finally find a shot they like. It's disgusting. A lot of these animals can be trained to eat animals that died of natural causes.
Turn off your caps lock you autist
imagine how dirty a wild lion's mane is
Wow, just like real girls!
>They like to hide behind the veil of non-interference yet their entire presence is an interference.
Even as a kid I wondered what was their excuse for this. I guess creating awareness to avaoid human predators?
Imagine the smell.
>A lot of these animals can be trained to eat animals that died of natural causes.
Are you for real
This is like that webm of women failing to park so the man kicks her out the car and does it for her
Why are you retards?
>Oh no the lion is gonna get the antilope baby, we must save it!
>Meanwhile, lion's cubs are dying of hunger
Why do lions look like kings?
>why would this stupid lion eat his kids?
>a human killing its own offspring is stupid, therefore a lion doing it is stupid!
You drew a conclusion using a human frame of reference for a species that isnt human. That actually is stupid
And they can't find some food to give to that lion cub? No, let it starve and film its mother trying and failing to find food over and over again.
I don't think you understood my post lad
Because they just can't wait.
A Lion killing his own kids is stupid you absolute mong
Valid criticism of what? What if they literally just put a camera in one spot and let it film while they are not there? Should nature not be documented in any way at all?
>Remember they see HUNDREDS OF ANIMALS GETTING KILLED before they finally find a shot they like
And? You are aware that hundreds of thousands of animals are getting killed right this second as we speak? And the same would happen if not a single human existed?
>A lot of these animals can be trained to eat animals that died of natural causes.
Fucking hell you sure are a sheltered clueless disconnected tranny. Just put every animal on earth in a zoo am i rite. Just make them go insane without them being able to go through with their natural hunting instinct.
And the best thing about disconnected trannies like this is they only care about the le cute animals, they don't give a fuck about a let's say ant eater eating 30 thousand ants per day. Or a bat eating thousands of mosquitos per night. But omg a lion is killing a cute deer oh no please someone put that lion in a cage and tell him to wait for the deer to first die of natural causes!
>”no Simba, lions are not monogamous animals. You gotta smash as much pussy as possible. As a male, you’re much strong than females so you can overpower them and mate against their will
I go doody real good though.
Wildebeests are a giant mass of retards on hoofs that are just there to be eaten.
>implying you would hunt the baby when it wouldn't sustain you
it's easier to hunt a grasshopper than it is to hunt a deer, but one of them is going to sustain you for much longer
Are you pretending to be retarded? Do you think lions eat your soi products or?
hey tranny look at this
as a journalist/filmmaker/photographer/artist you have to separate yourself from the scene, if he had intervened it would've compromised his journalistic integrity
that's the same reason the guys who go and film dying african babies don't take slack
What happens if you chase the lion off and kill the cubs, would the lionesses be ready for your dick?
> God isn't real
> btw there's a mysterious force pressuring everything into evolving lmao
Why are atheists as stupid as they claim the rest of us are ?
>Remember, Simba. One day you will grow up and challenge me to the thrown so you could mate with your own mother. But guess what, I’ll fucking kill you
Best thread on Yea Forums right now
baby killer had it comin
doesn't that violate the Prime Directive?
>a mysterious force
who said it was a mysterious force, retard
the things that are best at reproducing are reproduced, it's not at all hard to understand
>Simba, my son, you either shit cub remains or are a turd yourself. Such is the way of our kingdom
it all happened so quickly...
>took this lion 40 fucking hours to die
Are big game hunters psychotic?
If it was stupid (stupid actually being an irrelevant term here) then the genes which caused that behaviour would not be passed on today for you to criticize it. Yet here we are. Perhaps they might do it when there isn’t enough food to go around which then increases the chances of the other cubs surviving.
>Simba, I will not be around forever
>You see, we are on a big game reserve. Soon I will be shot and killed by a white male Trump voter
Do you realize that everything comes from somewhere and your logic just goes around in circles forever, right? What do you want us to do, train every individual animal in the wild to never hunt another animal, while simultaneously feeding every predator with our own food? You sound really naive. Even if we did magically accomplish some solution that made it so no animals ever had to kill each other under any circumstances, they would then just breed endlessly until the problem presented itself again, this time even worse.
is this some sort of lion food delivery?
I can see where you're coming from with saying these photographers are interfering no matter what but you lost me on the rest.
I can't tell if you're being dumb or shitposting to make people who say this stuff look bad and I fell for it.
Based obsessed schizo christoposter.
lions are niggers of cats
>all the faggot animal lovers in this thread
Let me tell you guys a story about the value of animals. You see I drive around on back roads a lot and I see dumb fucking animals all the time and of course them being dumb fucking animals they often run out in front of my 4500lb car and get fucking squashed. Now this one time a big fucking mountain lion jumps in front of my bump and goes fucking flying, I mean it must have gone 50 feet easily. So I get out to see if any part of my car is damaged and as I'm getting out the lion which I thought was dead for sure starts making the most godawful screaming noise imaginable and I look over to it and see just a fountain of guts shooting out of a tear in its belly. And do you know what came out when its stomach finally slid out of its body? Baby mountain lion parts, lots of em. This lion must have killed and eaten several babies that day and when it hit my car the pressure just burst its fat fucking gut wide open. That's the nature of animals, killing machines devoid of consciousness. I've never felt bad about crushing an animal since that day.
>Cats intentionally play with their prey to adrenalize their blood
I always believed cats are just bred to be serial killers that enjoy fear and suffering of their victims. Heck they even have the habit to leave their chopped heads in line on your doorstep sometimes.
As a result barn cat would kill 10 mice for fun, not 1 for food and go to sleep
Does that mean it's okay to have sex with animals?
>compulsively hate white people
>can't actually beat them in a war because they hunt lions and play with guns in the woods for fun
>decide to outbreed them instead by appealing to their women's maternal instincts, allowing hordes of foreign invaders into their country
>rub palms together jewishly
>I'm too stupid to understand the word "stupid"
please stop
all of it. everything you're doing. stop all of it.
adam pls
>Slow Motion
>the hare is staring right at the camera
>mysterious force
>what is survival instinct
Atheists may be stupid, but they are geniuses compared to religious folk.
What drives said living creatures to feel the need to propagate? We're a supposed accident of the universe, as must be every other living creature on our planet. What within the great vacuum of nothinginess compels us to live, and want to live, and to thwart the living of others?
If you hunted down and fucked a male lion into submission would you automatically assume ownership of his territory?
Wait what is the alternative? To believe that some superior being made these things? Cub muder included?
Christianity probably became popular because most people were ignorant of the world outside their cities.
Those who did not want to propagate are not here anymore. Why is it such a hard concept for you people? It's not a fucking mystery. Many mysteries out there but that's not one of them.
Sounds like you want the answer to life. I'd recommend reading the bible, since it gives you a simple but bullshit answer to that. In the real world, things aren't so simple and you may have to settle on never getting that answer. Because why the fuck do you think you deserve an answer to why there is life?
> A lot of these animals can be trained to eat animals that died of natural causes
Who wants to bet this idiot is a vegan?
These are the important questions.
Seethe, cope and cringe.
Have sex with each other.
It's a mystery that's still being contested in scientific communities. I'm not religious. I'm just curious to hear people's responses.
>Those who did not want to propagate are not here anymore.
See above. Curiosity. The origins and drive of life are fascinating questions. Consciousness and self-awareness, too. I just like to see where the conversation leads.
>t. H.P Lovecraft
>mysterious force pressuring everything into evolving lmao
>What drives said living creatures to feel the need to propagate?
Evolution just means that anything that can't procreate, will perish and be forgotten. Everything you see in nature is this way because of literal trial and error, climbing to it's current stage on mountains of corpses. It is mindless savagery, this universe is mindless.
I don't think anything you've said is contested even by religious folk who begrudingly (or not?) accept evolutionary theory. It still doesn't answer the question as to what causes the desire to live/reproduce in the first place, knowing or not-knowing that such acts will propagate one's species if even at the cost of the individual self. Do animals have this knowledge? Does a drunk teenager fucking a college chick have it? I'm not saying anybody has the answers. But I think maybe that's where the original user saying "mysterious forces" was aiming the comment. It's an unanswered question, and everybody waving their hands as if it's self-explanatory are doing themselves a disservice. Have fun, nerds. It's this or capeshit. Debate the origins of the unvierse.
Sorry for assuming you're a christcuck.
I think the whole reason for living is to fuck and survive. Humans have removed themselves from their genetic predisposition so far that we now spend time wondering why we exist. Wake up alive? Good. Get laid? Good. The day is a success.
>Baby mountain lion parts, lots of em
OR, idk, you hit a pregnant mountain lion idiot
>If it was stupid then the genes which caused that behaviour would not be passed on today for you to criticize it
>not understanding evolution/natural selection
That's enough mate, you tried.
>causes the desire to live/reproduce in the first place, knowing or not-knowing that such acts will propagate one's species if even at the cost of the individual self.
You are literally still too retarded to understand. One animal protects it's offspring, one doesn't - which gene do you think will continue?
>what causes the desire to live/reproduce in the first place
You've already had it explained to you several times user. You may as well ask what causes the desire for a rock to roll down a hill. It's the composition of the vehicle, the entity's body. It's oriented towards that goal by the mechanism of its configuration.
>what causes the desire to live/reproduce in the first place
Should have ended your post here.
The answer is that all living being's purpose is to reproduce and perpetuate the species. Why? Because survival instinct or something? Where does the survival instinct come from? Well shit stuff doesn't want to die/get eaten. Going deeper than that is a useless discourse that will lead nowhere and no one will be satisfied with the other's answers.
Tell me this is pasta. I cant believe someone is unironically this retarded.
Wish science would stop using words like successful or fit because it is making a value judgment that confuses is/ought
>the thing that we all just agreed on is true is still true
Understood. Back to my original question. What drives the initial desire to protect/survive. What within the primordial soup gives way to something that aspires to unmitigated growth. What you've answered is not what I've asked.
>Why? Because survival instinct or something? Where does the survival instinct come from? Well shit stuff doesn't want to die/get eaten. Going deeper than that is a useless discourse that will lead nowhere and no one will be satisfied with the other's answers.
Are you replying to yourself?
jesus that fucking downwards dodge to avoid horns then bite back up on the neck.
Those reflexes!
I've got a better question. Have you ever farted so hard that it sent vibrations into your underwear and tickled your balls?
>this is how basically every rabbit is fated to die, unless they're really lucky and get an early heart attack
Daily reminder that humans are the only worthwhile thing on this planet.
>nature isn't pretty
me neither
I'm the second person you quoted, not the first. I don't think the anons understand that they're repeating what I already agree with. Everybody's got such a hard-on for being right that they're missing the fact I've asked a question which, at this moment, is still being excitedly discussed by people who are experts in the field. I'm trying to stoke the imagination and I'll I'm getting are people who hate Christians. The question can't be answered at this time. I'm well aware of that. I'm just tying it back to the other user's post here Why is this waifu-wanking cuban forum so mean.
>As a male, you’re much strong than females so you can overpower them and mate against their will
Funnily enough this never happens, males always wait until the female is in heat. They do rape other males, but that's a dominance thing.
No. I'm very healthy, my farts are supple and sublime. Heavy farts are the products of untamed diets.
I think you're just using that common religious argumentation gambit where you purposely reduce the argument to such an absurdly philosophical level that it can't technically be answered, then you get to at least feel like there's this tiny nook where your dumb beliefs can flourish outside of scientific logic. I think your question was answered perfectly adequately multiple times in this thread. Survival instinct comes from genes. There.
>I've asked a question which, at this moment, is still being excitedly discussed by people who are experts in the field.
No it isn't.
>The question can't be answered at this time.
Yes it can. Literally, you just need random change and non-random selection and you have the answer. Apparent complexity beyond that is just a result of that interaction.
I guess you could try to invoke some beyond-logic-tier bullshit in the incomprehensible cloud of interactions you see when you look at the 4.4 billion years old results of that process and feel confident that nobody can prove you wrong, but you're just a bullshit artist at that point.
How tight fitting are these genes?
>every predator on Earth to be killed as soon as possible
Jumping in this is my first post
I think either Peter Singer or some other philosopher for environmental ethics talked about
ok no I looked it up it was Jeff McMahan
He's a utilitarian which tl;dr more happiness is better than sadness, let's do ethics with a fucking calculator, he proposed that one day the carnivores should be driven extinct, bc hurting herbivores is sad and they're living things too. He's not saying like we should do it right now, but it's something to consider.
Thought that was interesting. Mistakenly thought of Peter Singer bc he's also insane
The Japanese made a steak out of human shit. Pretty soon we won't need animals for food.
>something that aspires to
bacteria don't aspire you imbecile
it's as if you are looking at a black hole, and asking what makes a hole aspire to attract more and more mass, and get bigger
you are looking at the end result, a chemical reaction got stuck in a loop, gave rise to another chemical reaction, but perhaps slightly different and so on, in the end producing something very complex
It's always really creepy to talk to these objective happiness/sadness people and hear their ideal visions for the future. Depending on how long they've thought about it, it's usually some full-on eldritch horror-tier shit usually featuring something like a super consciousness dwelling in an eternal and maximally blissful dream, growing to fill the entire universe as armies of mindless automatons serve its every need.
I wanted to agree, but your being stupid. Of course they should help when an animal gets in a bad situation like when a baby penguin gets separated. But fucking with predator-prey situations is dumb, because the predators need to eat too.
Sure it's sad seeing a baby zebra get mauled by some fucking Cheetah. But it's also pretty sad seeing a baby cheetah die of starvation.
From what I've heard lions are given food beforehand for tourists to have something to gawk at. She was probably full.
I shouldn't be laughing this hard at a piss joke.
Females love the barbs and can't get enough. They will fuck the male for days until he gets for mercy. Why do you think male lions spend half the year sleeping?
So they have the prison bitch system. Maybe lions really are black people.
When a cat leaves you a dead animal it's their way of expressing that you are the pack leader. They are basically saying "here, you can take the choice meats."
Are you 12 years old
Remember kids, if you see someone in danger don't call an ambulance or the cops, take your phone and document it, interfering with it it's interfering with evolution after all.
here is the answer, whether you will accept it or not: randomness and time. there was no initial desire to protect/survive. life began as arrangements of molecules, that, when brought to existence, had a tendency to propogate themselves. not by will or anything, but randomness. think of a single cell reproducing. it doesn't want to, but out of all the random shit that has existed in the history of the universe, it happened by an incredibly small chance to be able to reproduce a copy of itself. hence why we haven't found life anywhere else. this is a crazy anamoly. and so the cells could reproduce themselves and therefore began spreading as you would expect them to because they can reproduce. does that make sense? there's a twist though. some of the new cells have random defects. these random defects are the foundation of evolution. gene copying as we know it not only mixes up traits, but occasionally an entirely new trait is produced due to external factors during the reproduction. most of these mutations end in the organism dying, but if one happens to increase the organisms chance to reproduce more in its lifetime, then the gene will spread like wildfire, for reasons that should be obvious. over a huge amount of time these single cell organisms mutated and combined to become larger organisms, due to the nature of favorable genes passing themselves on.
Everything is a predator technically. everything eats something else that is living.
are you actually equating humans to animals to make a point?
in that case you must be against owning animals (slavery), eating meat (cannibalism), and selective breeding (eugenics)
Females are awesome.
>Simba, did I ever tell you that despite making up 13% of the animals, the hyenas cause 50% of the kills in the Pride Lands? That’s why you must never go beyond the northern borders. Around hyenas, assume misdemeanours.
But having sex with them is still ok right?
Evolution has no real purpose or goal edgelord
I don't condone having sex with animals and I'm not sure where you got that from my post. I didn't intend to exhaust every single way we treat humans and animals differently, just pointing out a few large ones.
>Around hyenas, assume misdemeanours.
My sides were not prepared
>Females are SLUTS
I just want to fuck one to see how it feels.
well that isn't true or life would never have started
please don't. I promise you it won't be worth it
Why wouldn't it be worth it?
Is that not just the logical end game of technology though?
Why is this thread so shit
>not available in the US
Time to invade dad.
I'm just imagining the sort of mental damage it might inflict upon you, not to mention your life would be over if anybody found out.
>Around hyenas, assume misdemeanours.
What a flower spits it seed sploodge out into the world, it’s not being “driven” to do anything. It’s following its biochemical mechanism to spray pollen.
Why does it have a biochemical mechanism to spray pollen? Because all the plants of this type that didn’t have this built-in didn’t reproduce. So there weren’t more generations of them. The ones that did have it made more of themselves that also had it and so on until we get to the current plant coating everything in pollen.
Scale up the complexity for animals and humans but it’s all the same basic shit.
Im always kind of taken aback by how much people struggle with this concept. The desire for a "purpose" really seems to bog down any rational thought on that subject.
>Remember Simba, sometimes it’s easier to just kill a cheetah and still it’s prey. After all, it’s the circle of life
When they leave me a live animal does that mean they think I’m a retarded kitten that still needs to learn how to secure my own food?
what about this one? youtube.com
Yes, actually.
So, incels are 100% right, but it's not looks it's physical strength.
what do the lions contribute to the circle of life, again?
in reality male lions aren't very good hunters, too big and slow. females are much better at it
They kill and eat things. Their shit fertilizes the ground, so plants can grow and be eaten by more prey animals.
other animals shit too, what's so special about lion shit?
> Everything the light touches is our kingdom.
> What about that shadowy place?
> That's beyond our borders; you must never go there, Simba.
> Because despite being only 13% of the population...
Among our many instincts, anthropomorphizing is a big and persistent one with an obvious reason to be selected for, so it’s probably not that surprising. I remember I never really mentally tackled it until around college-level chemistry where we had to stop thinking “Carbon ‘wants’ to form double bonds” and start thinking in terms of energy potentials.
Based and sneed.
There is just no real answer to your question. It's like asking "why does atoms core consist of protons and neutrons?". What answer do you expect to get? That's just how it is. You would be going into the whole God / creation of the universe territory if you want to get answers.
Prey population control. Things go to shit if you don’t have something to keep the herbivores from outpacing the available plants.
Answer me this: do the characters have black voice overs?
The lions all do.
Yes. Except for Pumbaa who is DUDEWEED jew.
>intervening with what you're recording
Today has been a slow day so you get the trophy for most retarded post of the day.
seems like a good way to get a shit ton of starving herbivores
They protect the plant resources from over-consumption by herbivores.
We are part of evolution though, you can't "meddle" with something you are a product of and participant in, we are not outside of evolution. I suppose the goal would be to make evolution and nature conform to our whims and sentiments, so that man is the master of it.
does singer actually advocate for these actions to be taken though? they seem just like thought experiments to take their philosophy and logic to extreme ends for examination purposes. singer defintely has some weird viewpoints and i am also more or less a utilitarian but most of these philosophies can't be universalized like good ol' kant says without upsetting the natural order. we should only really interfere if the natural order seriously infringes upon individual rights or has catastrophic consequences. predators hunting herbivores is not that kind of situation.
Anyone have the WEBM of the Lions having a fight with the wildebeest quietly leaving?
>everything eats something else that is living.
Impossible as half of life on earth uses energy from the Sun or other chemical processes.
>Did they go too far with the realism?
Did they show genitals?
>>"You know, Simba, with great power comes great responsibility. Mewyard Katnip called it "Lion's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Mufasa looks directly at the camera.
>"The hyenas, the antelope, the monkeys...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from pride rock. The Day of the Maul is near, Simb. We'll have every hyena in this plain is dead or in chains in 10 years, and may a poacher have me shot in a hunt this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the African Nazi Party."
based thread
>Remember Simba, never give her your credit card
>Simba, due to climate change its time for all of us to jump off pride rock. Lets go now, together.
>Rudyard Kipling
he was a british imperialist through and through and despises the germanic menace.
>and may I be betrayed and killed by one of my own brothers this very night if I'm wrong
Either bait or retardation. Either way, kill yourself. Evolutionary forces aren't mysterious - another term for it is survival of the fittest. Animals with the most advantageous traits pass on their genes and push the gene pool in the overall direction of that trait.
>Dad, why are we in a zoo?
>You were born here after I mauled 2 other potential mates.
>What is there to do here?
>Nothing Simba. Lets just lay by the door and wait for food to come out.
>*dies 5 years later*
it was a different time
Anyone genuinely confused at normalfags' love for lions? Seriously they murder their young, get shit in their fur, and unironically propagate their own species extinction. If you show a normalfag what lions actually do they get hysterical.
h-he's fast!
They are the music makers, the dreamers of dreams.
Are you saying that the more common the suffering is, the less it matters? When humans hunt foxes with hounds, that's considered cruel sport, but when owls prey on them, that's just "part of the plan"?
>we live in an ecosystem, herbivores rise up
Daily reminder humans are the apex predator. A fat and out of shape old man can kill a lion easily.
>king of the jungle
This is what lions deserve btw
Best live action Lion King coming through.
"A lot of these animals can be trained to eat animals that died of natural causes."
What about carrion eaters, animals that feed on dead rotting flesh, like vultures? Wouldn't training non carrion eaters to eat animals that have died of natural causes screw over the vultures?
You're just dumb, it's a good thing that you didn't work on the new Lion King movie because your writing is atrocious.
man FUCK the prime directive
>A lot of these animals can be trained to eat animals that died of natural causes.
Yes go train every Lion in the wild. Let's see how that goes you retard
Smoke me a kipper faggot
>the men actually do the killing
>Yea Forums incels blame the women
Lame, you shill it sucked all the magic from the original
with a gun, if he isn't retarded
Neccesity is the mother of invention, let a couple hundred million Africans die and i'm sure they will get their shit together. But nooooooooooooo let's keep sending more money to the corrupt warlords ruling the countries there and keep the situation as fucked as it is.
>holding animals to human ethics
It's retarded, because for every lion they save all the other lions still die. It's completely meaningless except to please retarded sensitive faggots like yourself. And even if they save a cub or two, who is gonna take care of them then? The cameramen who saved them? Like they know how or be able to raise fucking lions...
Play fighting i think.
Best post of the day. Well doen user
>that baby coming back
What are you doing you retarded nigger run the fuck away.
Jaguars are the true chad cat
It's only instinct is to follow mommy. It's completely fucked even if it gets away
Oh yeah, cats are brutal murderers. And the fact we think they are cute just made them more arrogant. Which fucking animal is gonna fuck with a cat surrounded by godlike beings who can do magic (in the animal's eyes). And so they murder all the small animals in the surrounding area for entertainment with their bellies already full. I still love them though.
He is right though, if it really was "stupid" the lions who kill baby cubs would be extinct by now. Apparently there is a biological drive for them to do it. Even putting labels like stupid and smart is retarded with such an abstract concept of evolution/survival. It just is what it is, lions like to kill cubs.
Fuck nature
>And so they murder all the small animals in the surrounding area for entertainment with their bellies already full. I still love them though.
This reminds me of about a decade ago.
>Father runs into my room and yells to look out the window
>We both pop our heads out and look down on the ground
>Our cat is playing with a baby mouse
>Watch it unfold for 15 minutes until he gets bored, snaps it neck and walks away
Well, let's look at the opposite site. What else is there to do for living beings but to survive. The result is the way to go. Living beings don't just lie down to die from the moment we were born, because why would they. Hell, even the most depressed people who want to commit suicide have an innate desire to live. It's all meaningless, but that is also the meaning of the life. That there is no meaning, but to exist.
Not true, cats don't have a pack mentality. In fact the actual truth is . They think they own you.
>not taking time to savor the cruel irony of the hunter becoming the hunted
The lion would have appreciated this irony the most, could it appreciate irony. In that context it was a mercy.
it's probably because domestic cats are bred to be playful to entertain us, they keep kitten traits that wild cats would lose
Not true at all. Managing to survive doesn't mean it's literally the only thing they could've done to survive. There's plenty of batshit retarded ways evolution has screwed over humans for example, like our spines, knees, pelvis, exposed testicles, how our retinas work, recurrent laryngeal nerve etc.
Specifically domesticated cat breeds mind you.
>it's probably because domestic cats are bred to be playful to entertain us,
The fucker never saw us until he after he stopped toying with it.
I don't mean that they're purposefully being playful to entertain you, I mean that they've been selectively bred to be playful because it's entertaining to us
Because it has a negative and positive core and those attract each other?
But we kinda are beyond it. We can pick and choose who survives and beyond being barren everyone can be "fit" as in reproduce. Humans are so far beyond the animal kingdom that we are like a different species.
The only mysterious force in this universe is magnetism
Everything else is just Murphy’s law
you missed the part where the females fucked both at the same time so they wouldn't know whose kids were from what father
They are beautiful creatures and watching those big muscled cats ripping something apart leaves me in awe.
>chimps rape frogs to death
Well that explains why France is in the state it’s in
because thousand years of different human cultures associated them with royalty
But that's a whole different discussion. No organism is perfect, but if it's alive you could say it's perfect. Because it is alive. And organisms that might be perfect aren't, they don't exist.
>Lions kill babies. That’s awful. Humans would never do something like—
joe rogan would be proud
>literally 10 seconds old
gets to see its mother murdered and get killed
we live in a society
>this whole thread
When did Yea Forums got so fucking infested with weak faggots like these?
Jesus christ, it feels like i'm browsing fucking reddit or something. It's disgusting. Grow some balls, retards. The world isn't a sea of roses and rainbows like your shitty internet safespaces.
>Simba, when you're king, you will have complete control over the whole land. However, as per the generations before us, ther is only one golden rule. Do NOT mess with the honeybadgers.
You have your caps lock on btw
wow dude you are so cool
teach me your magic
Get him out of here
Are you that guy who said we should train carnivores to eat animals that died of old age or something?
every dog on the farm will maul rats, mice or rabbits if they have the chance
it seems the way you see it because cats are more successful
Yea Forums /an/ crossovers are the greatest threads
>may a poacher have me shot in a hunt this very night if I'm wrong
Kek but yeah should've gone with the bit about Scar or being stampeded to death by wildabeasts.
>God bless the African Nazi Party."
Maybe Long live the King or something. Come to think about it maybe go with "Circle of Life" over "Lion's burden"
Solid effort though for best copypasta.
Jesus fucking christ.
lions are basically the chimpanzees of the animal kingdom
Tim Treadwell threads are guranteed kino
/an/ is a great board but(because?) little traffic
unlike chimpanzee, who are basically the coconut crabs of the animal kingdom
Seems pretty humane unless you are one of the chicks on the bottom for those few seconds before the machine swallows you all.
Chimps are the niggers of the monkeys.
>Gets poisoned by a King Cobra, whose venom can kill a human
>sleeps it off
Jesus what a chad
>that ending
fuck what a bro. i almost teared up a little.