What was his problem?

What was his problem?

That Pizza looks delicious

Attached: 40eb3dd865cbb85aba46cfe1fc79f4da0fd0a9b20114f5900b99f4d706b430b4.jpg (1254x688, 217K)

Other urls found in this thread:


dough was raw in places and that was the thin crust pizza, and excessive oil
Yea Forums goes over this every day

The producers didn't find a sufficiently disgusting restaurant for him so he had to act like an extra cheese sausage pizza with too much crust was some kind of travesty.

y'all must have some terrible pizza consistently to think that pizza looks delicious

fucking americans

back to Plebbit, please

God I fucking hate Americans


Are you a nigger?

fine dining retards are literally incapable of wrapping their heads around pizza. They literally just cannot understand why a classic new york slice is so great and why everybody loves it. every single one of their restaurants will have some kind of retarded "gourmet" pizza that is fucking disgusting but they pretend is mouthwatering "haute cuisine". its always some disgusting shit like salmon and capers with some sort of strong, sharp cheese and of course truffles. dont forget the fucking truffles on everything.

fuck gordon ramsay and all the rest of those fucking retarded idiots.

>same threads every day
simple reason why this place will always stay inferior to reddit

Attached: 8A608FB2CFD54865B75D9416B106E4BC.jpg (500x667, 44K)

Just leave them to it, retards like don't care about how something tastes just how what they're eating looks to other people

>implying reddit doesnt have the same threads every day
of course i wouldnt know because im not a redditor

do you even watch any of ramsay's shows? he's always talking about SIMPLE and RUSTIC dishes that are unpretentious. the pizza was just shit and undercooked, m8.

>proud incel
go take a shower

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he's being dramatic, i'm sure it's good
but it won't be truly delicious like a really good pizza

he always says that but every fucking time, without fail, it is far from simple. always some haute cuisine bullshit. it might be simple in that there are few ingredients but if every single one of his dishes has fucking truffles and quail eggs and its not fucking simple is it? its fucking weird and disgusting, especially on pizza. fuck off.


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all urban americans talk like that.. it's 2019..

this is literally what michelin star pizza looks like

raw onion

Attached: Franco Manca.jpg (2048x1365, 414K)

>t. burger
No, it looks like a greasy piece of shit.

It looks worse than based dominos, pizza should be browned slightly to carcinogenic perfection

That doesn't make the pizza in OP good brainlet

"y'all" was originally said by rednecks, you fucking zoomer

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (904x864, 84K)

That looks delicious.

Denverfag here, I’ve never gone to Pantaleone’s. Should I go and see if it’s as shit as Ramsay said?

Imagine being this triggered by wojack

Potato pizza...
Paddy ain't gonna be happy

I bet you that tastes a hundred times better than OP's pic
Looks like some of the pizzas we make here in Italy, minus that mint

>shitalian thinking Italy pizza is better than USA
Shame you are too poor to find out you're an idiot

my fucking point exactly lmao holy shit

where is the fucking sauce? This is a bloody pancake.

I've lived in the US for 4 years and in those 4 years I have never, never tasted a pizza that could even remotely hold a candle to the worst one I ate back in Italy
New York style is passable, rest is shit

Go back

No u

why is no one calling out the photoshop? is this the thread we pretend to be retarded?

Have you ever seen the show?

yeah so this is total bullshit lmao

and yet here you are

reminder that marco pierre "i like to add knorr cubes to meat" white is far superior to gordon "it's fucking raw" ramsey

no it wasn't. he ordered like the "titan size" or some meme shit that nobody ever orders

simple to him is putting quail eggs on burgers and shit though

I’ve watched pretty much every episode and I can’t remember a single dish he made using truffles or quail eggs.

kek didn't read your post before I replied about him putting quail eggs on shit. he usually bitches about people using truffle oil though.

italinigger went to Idaho thinking he was tasting authentic American Pizza.

don't come back

do any of you have any of his cookbooks? his recipes are about as "simple" and "rustic" as spending $70 at the grocery store for a dinner for two

I've seen most of the programs and recipes he puts out on youtube, and while he does upload more complicated stuff he also uploads simple comfort food that I've cooked many times. My only complaint is that he uses bucketloads of butter and olive oil.

>more simple than that

if you unironically like tiramisu youre a huge faggot

>yanks and tears slice out
>holds it upside down pinching one corner and shakes
>starts shredding crust with fork

Fuck me....look at this mess!

Attached: 52779D6B-8969-4DAA-B9F2-95272108D907.png (500x548, 30K)

I don't, it's just one of his simple videos.

I prefer his recipe for the most amazing cocaine. Delicious

Attached: Gordon's cocaine recipe.webm (480x270, 2.87M)

its a dessert. show me a simple gordon ramsay recipe for an actual meal. you can't. look at the way he turns making scrambled eggs into a fucking ordeal.


>a fucking ordeal
If you think that's a fucking ordeal then you're a fucking lazy asshole, I bet putting a fucking hotpocket on the goddamn microwave and waiting is probably too much effort already for you.

lol no

>not liking tiramisu
imagine being this much of a faggot

dude that is a fucking retarded way to make scrambled eggs and its pretentious as fuck which is the entire point of this thread, that gordon ramsay and "fine dining" cunts like you are pretentious faggots

What's so fucking pretentious about putting butter and cream into fucking scrambled eggs on toast???????

>Put Tomatoes in pan
>Put Mushrooms in Pan
>Do literally nothing to them

>Put Eggs in Pan
>Put Butter in pan
>Mix it and occasionally pull off heat

How the fuck is that an ordeal? what's your threshold of effort for cooking

>what's your threshold of effort for cooking
He's american, so calling the nearest fast food joint and ordering a bucket of chicken scraps

i can tell youre american

>get your fancy fine tomatoes and grill them in the pan with mushrooms
>dont forget your rustic sourdough bread from the artisan bakery
>put your eggs in a pan with butter
>take it off the heat
>put it on the heat
>take it off the heat
>put it on the heat
>take it off the heat
>dont forget to add creme fraiche!
>if you want you can put smoked salmon in it
>he literally says this
>and there you have it, cold slimy eggs that took you 5 times longer and cost 3 times more than if you had literally just chucked them in a pan and stirred them for a couple of minutes

its scrambled eggs. youre a fucking loser. id tell you to suck my dick but im afraid i dont have any truffle oil for you

>I know how to cook better than a Michelin-Star Chef!

Attached: nerd.jpg (1024x776, 93K)

you're the faggot. I once ate a disgusting dessert that looked like that faggot shit and it tasted fucking awful


>comparing making just eggs with nothing added to them vs making a full breakfast that includes bread, vegetables, mushrooms and eggs
based retard

tomatoes are a fruit, retard

>he thinks several people aren't laughing at his fat lazy ass right now
just like real life!

>one half slice of bread
>a handful of cherry tomatoes
>two shitty mushrooms
>a full breakfast
>totally missing the point of what im saying
everything he does is pretentious. you are pretentious. you can make a good, full breakfast without making your scrambled eggs like a spastic retard who fucks around creme fraiche, artisan sour dough bread, and smoked salmon. just like you can make a pizza without the same kind of ridiculous memery. have sex you fucking loser.

>not knowing the difference between the culinary definition of a vegetable and the biological one

No one is impressed by your ability to rely basic knowledge that you don't even fully understand

>one slice of bread
>a handful of cherry tomatoes
>two mushrooms
>not a full breakfast
if we needed confirmation that you're fat, we just got it


Tried out the famous NYC pizza, it was basically a floppy slice of cheese
t. European

high iq post

cope harder retard. nobody is impressed that you try to recreate gordon ramsay recipes from youtube lmao brb while i go fry some fucking eggs like an actual man

Y'all wouldn't know a good pizza if it kicked you in the butt.

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hey bro, wh*te southerners say that too. give us a break.
>inb4 redneck
fuck off yank, im neet. no hard working redneck to be found here.

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Attached: thin crust.webm (512x288, 2.95M)

>ananas and bananas
good taste

I'm sorry the rich kids made fun of you in school user

>all this projecting
>while actually saying his activities are those of "an actual man"
lmao yeah go ask your mom to make you some eggs with ketchup on top

I remember on the show the old man deliberately made the kitchen workers take the pizza out of the oven before it was fully cooked

if you think something is wrong with that pizza you are genuinely the biggest faggot

Pizza is a type of sandwich, why would you want the crust to be thin?

close, tabasco. go whip up a creme fraiche omelette. dont forget the bull semen.

i think the kitchen nightmares quail egg count is zero, and it they were used it was because he found them locally sourced. the entire point of that show is to tell restaurant owners they can get like 10 ingredients from a local market and make a ton of dishes that look fancier than they actually are and taste great.

fuck off you contrarian faggot it's literally still dough

"tiramisu" sounds like the ultimate technique of some shonen manga protagonist
>oh no badguy is getting the upper hand!
>remember your friends! they believe in you!
>giant energy ball obliterates the villain
>all of protagonist's friends gather around him and suck his dick verbally
>protagonist tips his fedora and tells them it was no big deal
>our mysterious yet very cool protagonist disappears into the horizon to fight yet another stereotypical run-of-the-mill villain in the next chapter

Californians can't make fucking pizza to save their shitty lives.

>go to mom and pop diner in buttfuck nowhere indiana
>omg you fucking idiots i cant believe you sell BIG PORTIONS lmao
>a MICROWAVE? i would never dream of something so ridiculous (everyone who has ever worked in any restaurant knows they all use microwaves)
>look at all this FANCY FRENCH SHIT your clients the truck driver and the stay at home mom will go absolutely BONKERS for
gordon ramsay is a retard and the show is pointless

>(everyone who has ever worked in any restaurant knows they all use microwaves)
american restaurants confirmed for shit

imagine being so underaged that the first time you read of tiramisu is in a Yea Forums pizza shitposting thread
and don't even try to respond with "n-no I always knew it it just sounds like that haha"

i bet youre the kind of guy that sends his medium rare steak back in restaurants because he requested it medium

>not cooked
>four times as much bread as topping
>greasy and limp
Yes very tasty

why is that you can go to a restaurant in rural Italy or France and get some of the best cuisine you'll ever taste in your life but if you do the same in the USA you're just gonna get frozen SYSCO garbage?

>go to a restaurant that's failing
>they don't have consistent portions and constantly waste food
>they're too lazy to cook a dish for a few minutes and just nuke them instead
>he provides a few tips on presentation that can make your food look appealing and bring in repeat customers
gordon ramsay did not show up to greasy spoons doing well at being a greasy spoon. he showed up at restaurants serving microwaved meals like they were haute cusine and wondering why they were failing

i would send back my chicken dish if they handed me an egg

gordon ramsays restaurants have microwaves. every single restaurant has a microwave, at least moderate to high volume ones. you would know this if you were just some faggot who reads recipes and watches youtube videos and pretends hes an amazing cook

>literal no u
Ha! Go back your shitty Pizza made with the waters of Venice

more like you would send it back if it was even slightly pink because "muh salmonella". fuck dude honestly you sound like whatever the male version of karen is

We're too busy working hard and making a shitload of money to worry about woman shit

Because Americans don't care. They don't cook at home so the "I could have done this better and cheaper myself" argument doesn't really exist for them

Are you pretending tiramisu is some kind of esoteric dessert no one's ever heard of?

>he thinks the entire world eats shit like USA
Only the worst bottom of the barrel restaurants here use microwaves

>why is that you can go to a restaurant in rural Italy or France and get some of the best cuisine you'll ever taste in your life
this is a total myth. plenty of shit places in europe. its like the meme about paris having all cobblestone streets and like mimes playing the accordion and shit. dont be ridiculous.

>has to work 12 hours a day and still can't afford health insurance
>has to live in a neighborhood full of other races
>has to eat shitty food everyday

Is the USA really that shit?

nope, quite the opposite
it is so well-known that the only reason someone would think it sounds like an anime technique is if they heard it for the first time

so this is what a fat neckbeard with no standards looks like, fascinating

>We're too busy working hard
Has anyone claimed otherwise? Of course you are.

Attached: 1563408917133.png (484x415, 86K)

>hurr americans are dumb and fat
>muh europe

Can you guys believe that these fucking borderline sub-human retards who eat slop and boiled river snakes unironically think they are better and more sophisticated than Americans?


And now I'm hungry despite having eaten an hour ago. Thanks user.

having such shit taste, go back to eating frozen pica

or he was just making a joke and youre so fucking pretentious about food that this thread has you seriously triggered and it just went straight over your head

is this really the hill you want to die on? nobody is going out and paying for a meal hoping to get served a health code violation, i don't care what weird standard of manliness you're grading by

I'm just making fun of how stupid it sounds.

"n-no I always knew it it just sounds like that haha"

>he thinks slacking off and being lazy is a virtue
no wonder european society is crumbling

no one in England actually eats that anymore

we eat delicious kebabs and curry now

>potatoes on a pizza
holy fucking RAGE

the japanese literally eat raw chicken all the time.

we've got a long way to go before we're even CLOSE to being as shitty as the USA

Attached: burger school.jpg (528x660, 78K)

>*stomp stomp clap*

Attached: wagie chant.png (817x195, 22K)

youre coming off as really stupid right now to be honest with you

>ITT: amerisharts try to defend their """"cuisine""""
imagine actually eating that greasy shit and trying to defend it afterwards.

Attached: harv is at it again.jpg (962x653, 202K)

pick one fatso

Attached: chicagopizza2.png (500x333, 272K)

That looks better than the slimy grease bowl in op.

literally could be any school in france, germany, sweden, etc. if not for the flag
>england doesnt have wagies
lol ok dude whatever, dont you have a call to prayer or something?


the difference is that we contain them in big cities

Europe isn't like the USA where blacks and Mexicans are present in every small town

meanwhile in amurika

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ten to one youre an american europhile who has never actually been there lmao

Honestly, American food is MILES better than anything the English or Germans can make.

Especially when you factor in Barbecue and Tex-Mex

thats not even close to true. theres a magical place called the midwest

This doesn't look FDA approved

Huh? Do you honestly believe there's no Europeans on this site?
Or that we actually hate our ability to have vacations and sick days without missing pay?

>implying the british dont eat anything greasy or disgusting
Fish and Chips. Literally the original greasy food. In Australia people literally call them "greasies". The video with the fucking BOILED EELS. Fucking haggis have you heard of that? If you were French or Italian I MIGHT let you get away with shitting on American food but even the French eat fucking snails and the Italians eat cheese with live fucking maggots in it so fuck off.

are mutts really this delusional?

>big portions good
fatass detected


Attached: 1558579481042.gif (326x192, 41K)

I live in a town in Hampshire, England and can go for MONTHS without seeing a single non-white person

In every reality show I've seen that takes place in suburban USA, there's literally Mexicans and Blacks EVERYWHERE

Be careful who you insult.

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American food is pretty good but it's all fast food. Every time some faggot is like "oh yeah the real food is " it's always some fucking restaurant chain with greasy as fuck fast food
Now like I said it's pretty good (especially the variety) but there is absolutely nothing I would consider a proper rustic restaurant

>tfw living in free as in freedom switzerland, the only country not cucked by the eu
mhhm, feels fucking good

>my perception of america is based off of the real housewives of atlanta
find me a reality show that takes place in wisconsin, ohio, indiana, minnesota, montana, nebraska, idaho, etc. don't be fucking stupid. the USA is a big place

what's that chocolatey worm? looks like it could be delicious depending on what's in it

>he thinks they use microwaves to cook entrees

name one British or German dish that can compete with BBQ Brisket

Attached: Feature-Brisket-Big-Dish-Photo-Devon-Knight.jpg (670x377, 71K)

You're on here shitposting, so obviously you're not working hard enough. Does your boss know you're online, peasant?

Wie viele Gewehre hast du im Haushalt, Beat?


what the fuck does rustic even mean you retard

Americans have horrible eating habits and their children have no manners. They eat shit like pop tarts for breakfast. Kids dump a whole bottle of ketchup in their plate. They keep their garage stocked with 24 packs of soda and guzzle that shit all day.

>it's all fast food.
That isn't even true but it is funny riling up Americans by telling them all their food culture amounts to is KFC or some other shit tier fast food like that.

haggis isn't greasy dumbass

I googled "Wisconsin Classroom" and this was on the very first page

Attached: a8a8dcabc3766725a89fab3794ecd4b1--classroom-hacks-in-the-classroom.jpg (474x316, 42K)

>USA invented cutting the chest off a cow and throwing it on a grill

>greasy or disgusting

Brauch keine, weil mein Land sicher ist, im Gegensatz zu Deutschland mit all den Anschlägen :^)

It's a supermarket caterpillar chocolate cake for kids birthdays. It's a chocolate roll covered in chocolate

and it's neither

>Yuropoor thinks grilling and barbecuing are the same thing

Attached: laugh.png (500x743, 227K)

No, it is true. The problem is that Americans only consider restaurants that have a drivethrough as "fast food". When's the last time you ate at a restaurant that wasn't part of a chain?

that's shithole milwaukee

I googled "Hampshire Classroom" and this was on the very first page

Attached: hampshire.jpg (1920x500, 229K)


aww how cute, they're already wearing their little prison uniforms

Christmas dinner with Christmas pudding is the best meal any human can consume

>minced lungs, heart, kidneys, etc. boiled in a stomach
haute european cuisine

Ich dachte ihr nehmt alle ein Gewehr mit nach Hause nach eurem Grundwehrdienst

that's Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts you fucking dolt


>Grilling has existed in the Americas since pre-Colonial times.

thanks for proving my point

>When's the last time you ate at a restaurant that wasn't part of a chain?
Every time I go to a restaurant? I'll admit I had a couple of McDonald's cheeseburgers a few weeks ago because I needed a quick snack though. I'm not American.

more appetising than what goes into a hotdog and it tastes better

Then why are you defending American restaurants? They're all fast food shit

this was also on the first page. I mean the argument is silly. you say youre from a small town. so am I. milwaukee is the capital of wisconsin with a population of 2 million people, of course there are black people.

If we're gonna count techniques stolen from natives we colonized, then the grill is either British or Spanish

>british people dont eat hot dogs
i mean youre really a fucking faggot

>milwaukee is the capital of Wisconsin

>milwaukee is the capital of wisconsin with a population of 2 million people, of course there are black people.

you act like that's a normal thing

even in Southampton (biggest city in Hampshire) at least 90% of the people are white

wow look at those goalposts go

>worst Hell's Kitchen chef ever
More like the best HK chef ever

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>Honestly, American food is MILES better than anything the English or Germans can make.
maybe you could challenge the anglos but you are absolutely deluded if you think you're even close to the rest of europe. which does not consist of only germany you uneducated mutt.
>Especially when you factor in Barbecue and Tex-Mex
that's a great food if your name is jamal and you are of sub-saharan ancestry, otherwise it shouldn't be classified as food.

Attached: seal thinks it might be annuda shoah.jpg (479x320, 25K)

>maybe you could challenge the anglos but you are absolutely deluded if you think you're even close to the rest of europe. which does not consist of only germany you uneducated mutt.

Sorry but Northern European food is SHIT

Only Southern Europe has good food

enough shitposting
post a foreign country's dish that you like
Cordon Bleu for me

Attached: Cordon-bleu-2.jpg (849x639, 258K)

Slavic food is fucking based you mongoloid

>why are you defending American restaurants
Now where the fuck did I do that? Or are you implying there's no decent restaurants whatsoever in all of America because that's just not true.

The argumentation in this thread is borderline retarded and entirely circular. It doesn't matter what anyone says. Everyone here knows there are fast food restaurants all over Europe. Everyone also knows that not every single restaurant you step foot into in Europe is going to have delightful little music and candlelight and you'll have the best meal of your life. I have been all over Europe, it's not the case. Everyone also knows that Europeans eat plenty of fucking disgusting shit. And everyone also knows that the English, on average, eat just as fucking poorly as Americans. Meat pies and sausage rolls and baked beans and fish and chips and really just garbage food. Get off your high horse.

On the other hand, I could talk about amazing regional cuisine in different parts of America and it'll instantly be shut down and cast aside as some kind of cope. I could talk about having a really incredible creole gumbo and all the Europeans would do is say "lmao fucking retard that's just a dumb american version of French bouillabaisse its basically disgusting fast food". Give me a break. Shit thread.

Attached: seafood-gumbo-12.jpg (685x685, 172K)

My nigga.

It's actually very good. Very soft, and moist on the inside. Quite sweet. The Freddos are also very good.

>implying the british dont eat anything greasy or disgusting
I'm not british you mong. and it doesn't compare to the shit you manage to make.
>Fucking haggis have you heard of that?
that's scottish, not british you moronic creatura.
>I MIGHT let you get away with shitting on american food
imagine being this butthurt over your shitty food. just make good food and get an actual culture instead of trying to sound indimidating on the senegalese basketweaving forum.
>the French eat fucking snails and the Italians eat cheese with live fucking maggots in it
meme dishes nobody actually eats, we're talking about the real cuisines faglord.

Attached: cute elephant seal.jpg (960x640, 96K)

great now I'm definitely gonna get some chocolate rolls next time I'm in a supermarket

The dough looks way too thick, it’s probably all doughy and undercooked, looks like there’s probably too much tomato sauce, it’s kinda hard to fuck up the cheese on a pizza, but if I had to guess, it’s probably some shitty low quality cheese, looks super greasy for a pizza that doesn’t even have pepperoni on it. Yeah this is probably a pretty shitty pizza, can’t be worse than the toxic waste pies Pizza Hut churns out, so it’s probably still an alright meal anyway.

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>Everyone also knows that not every single restaurant you step foot into in Europe is going to have delightful little music and candlelight and you'll have the best meal of your life
The problem is that America does not even have any of those delightful restaurants. There's literally no middle ground between fast food and michelin stars

>Sorry but Northern European food is SHIT
>Only Southern Europe has good food
you haven't tried either though, just the negrified versions in some immigrant restaurant.
>reddit spacing

if youre not british what are you
>thats scottish, not british
scotland is part of great britain you dumb fuck
>meme dishes
they are literally culturally iconic and commonplace delicacies. you will find escargot in practically every single french restaurant you step inside of. they even eat them out of cans at home. kill yourself.

hey sealposter, just in case you haven't seen this one

Attached: 1547854573173.webm (854x480, 1.07M)

>t. never actually been to America
there are literally hundreds of places exactly as I described all over new york city

name one decent Northern European dish that isn't bread or sausage


Pizza like this is only ever good in cartoons, the only people who would look at this fat sperglord of a pie and think it would be good are people who grew up in an area with shitty pizza places.

I'm from New York. Shithole as this city may be, one of the few things this city does well is Pizza. This pizza, for starters, is way too thick. It's way too greasy, and that's from someone who doesn't mind some grease on their pizza. But worst of all, it's visibly undercooked and NOT FIRM. When you lift a pizza in the air, the entire top half should not slide off.

So you're telling me that the gumbo I posted was prepared by a michelin starred chef? That the average person in Louisiana can't go into a nice little restaurant and get exquisite, French inspired and one of a kind creole cuisine? I mean you have to be trolling.

Karjalanpaisti, poronkäristys, a shit ton of different fish dishes
t. eri

It's a Southern term, anybody who has no kith and kin in the early settlement of the South is appropriating that term when they use it



>only niggers like Barbecue and Tex-Mex

Attached: wut3.png (178x182, 67K)

It's reheated frozen food
Like I said, fast food

*boops ut snoot*

Attached: 1534437646829.jpg (3024x4032, 690K)

What on Earth are you talking about?

Go back to eat your Margarita pizza fucking gangster

Literally all you have to do is watch, no not even watch... all you have to do is just KNOW what Parts Unknown/No Reservations is and you automatically know that "fast food" is not "all there is" in America. What the fuck is Anthony Bourdain doing in Louisiana and Texas and Maine I wonder? Going to McDonald's?

I fucking hate “fine dining,” this shit looks like someone dropped some pita bread on their front lawn, picked it up, and threw it on a plate.

itt: a bunch of eurocentric retards who have never been to america and a bunch of americans who know better

Attached: randy bobandy.jpg (500x500, 40K)

>if youre not british what are you
>only the british say mong
>scotland is part of great britain you dumb fuck
>nationality is geography
dios mio.
>they are literally culturally iconic and commonplace delicacies.
they are meme dishes, I was referring especially to the maggot cheese. I haven't eaten snails but I have eaten frog legs and they're ten times better than anything you've ever had to offer.
schnitzels and strudels and foie gras.
thanks fren.

Attached: ey voy.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>new york style
Sounds like you went to california and got some cheeze wiz on a pancake

Actually go to new york/new jersey and go to just about any family owned pizzeria, not those 99¢ slice shops in the cities, and have a real pizza.

The hundreds of fish and pastry dishes

Not that guy but I did eat some in NYC
Like I said here >basically a floppy slice of cheese
And I'm sick and tired of Americans going "dohohoho you ate food in STATE OTHER THAN MY STATE? well it wasn't the real deal!"
It's the same disgusting shit everywhere

you're not seriously suggesting that scotland is... not part of great britain are you? and of course you wouldnt also be suggesting something as foolish as schnitzel, strudel, and foie gras being northern european in origin... would you? schnitzel and strudel are both austrian dishes. austria is a central european country. foie gras dates back to ancient rome and possibly as far back as ancient egypt.

also the only people who ever say mong are british, irish, australian or kiwi. all of these are effectively the same in terms of cuisine so fuck off you dumb little cunt lmao

Fuckin hell I hate the way euros make scrambled eggs, the shit looks like a fucking soup, you might as well have just had them raw.

>rustic sourdough bread from the artisan bakery

Lol you can get a loaf of quality sourdough bread from Publix supermarket for literally the same price as a loaf of shitty white bread.

>muh fine dining
>muh "rustic" food

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Genieße deinen Steuersatz Schluchtenscheißer


Didn't you guys like give up your arms or something a few months ago?

yes but they like to pretend they wanted to do it all along

>soul ''''''''''food'''''''''
>literally deep fry everything
>add dem collah greenz, sugah
>oh lawdee dem spices tho
literally every recipe goes like this

it doesnt lol

stfu tasteless nigger go deep fry your jordans

>fat fucks defending this goddamn pizza on Yea Forums again

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>eating a bit of cheesy pizza makes you a fat fuck
i honestly hate it here

21 years old
>42 years old
>37 ish
>13 at the oldest
hard to say

French cuisine is some of the most disgusting shit in the world. If you think raw meat and snails is “the best cuisine” then why even bother wasting your time and money at a restaurant when you can go out to your nearest pond and pick up some snails and frogs and go to the store and get a pound of raw meat and chow down right there in your fucking car.

>blue rare retard detected

>you're not seriously suggesting that scotland is... not part of great britain are you?
>reading comprehension
although it shouldn't be surprising considering the racemixing that takes place in your country.
>and of course you wouldnt also be suggesting something as foolish as schnitzel, strudel, and foie gras being northern european in origin... would you?
>schnitzel and strudel are both austrian dishes.
austria meaning a state of the german people who are northern european.
>foie gras dates back to ancient rome and possibly as far back as ancient egypt.
be that as it may, its connection to french culture is not up to debate. however, there's also soufflé, pudding, and a large part of pastry you know today.
>also the only people who ever say mong are british, irish, australian or kiwi.
>being this new
not really. however, the only people who defend american food are niggers, spics or retards.

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take it to ck/ you crossboarders

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what the hell are collar greens?
t. ESL

heres your world class french food bro, raw beef with a raw egg, bon appetit you dumb fucking retard thatll be 40 euros

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shit meant to reply to
the answer is yes.

They also have much stricter health codes when it comes to farming chickens/eggs.

you went to a shitty place or you are a retard. whats the name of the restaurant you went to?

>chicago deep dish

Nobody in america besides chicagotards actually think a pizza is supposed to be made like that.

Scrambled eggs the Ramsay way is fucking retarded, I agree. He makes some other good recepies though, and its unfair to count him out all the time because of one shitty recepie. Just look at Jack. He has 100 shitty recepies and one good one.

>reading comprehension
no really, what did you mean? honestly spell it out for me because it seems like youve said exactly twice now that scotland is not part of great britain
>oh I meant like the entire state of german people
wow I didnt realise you could just move the goalposts like that. Either way, only NORTHERN GERMANS are northern european you fucking dipshit and even then what does that matter if CENTRAL GERMANS invented all of the things you listed?
>french culture
yeah, France is a WESTERN EUROPEAN NATION you fucking dipshit.
>talking like a fucking autistic robot and posting pictures of omg le cute seals
you know where you have to go

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Next time I visit I'm gonna keep a travel diary so "w-well it was just a shitty restaurant" posters can shut the fuck up

Every brit looks genetically deformed though.

post pics and everything. I lurk this board every other day, so i'll see it.

>40 euros
That's how much food at top of the line restaurants costs? Shit bros I gotta upgrade the restaurants I go to now that I have a job

literally 14 years old. youre that kid in class who thinks hes smarter than all of his teachers but everyone just thinks hes an annoying cringe inducing little faggot. prove me wrong.

Yeah but your little sister gobbles on cock and guzzles cum all day so how much better are you guys really?

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>Scotland is not a part of Great Britain
>Austria and France are Northern European countries
>whatever the fuck is
cant do it lads finished with this thread

Congrats, britbong.

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Raj is a national hero

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>yfw typing out this post actually thinking you aren’t a complete retard

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Only a burger could think THAT think is digestible.

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>writing in all caps makes my post look angry lmao
you need to go back.
>no really, what did you mean?
I meant that the english and the scottish are two different people you moron.
>wow I didnt realise you could just move the goalposts like that.
those were always the goalposts though. you might not like them because you live in a state and not an actual nation but that's that.
>France is a WESTERN EUROPEAN NATION you fucking dipshit.
it's part of the northern region, I don't know what you're talking about. you originally divided the argument into northern and southern europe, now you're assblasted enough to ignore this and draw another line in the "west". those are some fucking goalposts being moved . I think I've proven my underlying point although I should point out I'm from southern europe.

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>The argumentation in this thread is borderline retarded and entirely circular

Yeah, that’s how every thread goes.

Possibly the most retarded post in this entire thread.

>the english and the scottish are two different people
How is that relevant to anything I said? I said the British eat greasy and disgusting shit. The Scottish are British and they eat haggis and haggis is disgusting. Everything here is valid unless you're of the opinion that haggis isn't disgusting which is fine if that's your opinion. You're nitpicking over nothing to try to create the illusion of intelligence.
>those were always the goalposts
No they weren't. Schnitzel and Strudel were invented in Austria, about 1000 kilometres away from the Baltic Sea. You can't say that just because there also happen to be ethnic Germans living in Northern Europe that schnitzel and strudel are suddenly Northern European dishes.
>France is part of the norther region
No it isn't. Literally just google Northern Europe.
>you originally divided the argument into northern and southern europe
No I didn't. There are clear and distinct regions of Europe. North, South, East, West, and Central all included. I didn't "divide the argument" into anything, cartographers, geographers, anthropologists, and statesmen did. Fuck off you absolute braindead cock inhaling idiot.
>I should point out from southern europe
And there it is. That finally explains the retardation.

best pizza ever is American pepperoni sausage pizza with thick cheese and thick bread that has grease on it.

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Quel attardé c'est pas possible.

If you go to the bakery/deli section there and ask for it, yeah, if you grab some “sourdough” off the shelf from some shitty white bread brand like pepperidge farm or wonder bread then it’ll taste like complete shit. If you have a publix near you, I’d recommend trying it

fat fuck

Detroit pizza is best American pizza.

>t. Some yuro who eats raw eggs and unseasoned meat and calls it high class because they drizzled olive oil over it and sliced a tomato next to it.

Yep because the dough is the fattening part

These posts are honestly embarrassing to read.

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16 year old with no friends who has to eat alone in the corner of the cafeteria everyday.

>Yuros BTFO

Nice try, Franco Manca has been purchased by the brits 5 years ago. What you are showing us is quintessentially a pong pizza (which explains a lot).

Sure user. That's why southern food is the best on earth but alright haha

Put some black olives on it and I'm good. Maybe some ranch to dip it in.

needs mushrooms and maybe jalapenos

Shut the fuck up you piece of fucking faggot

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Grilled salmon on top of mozzarella and thick bread sounds very nice, I gotta try that.

>Grilled salmon on top of mozzarella and thick bread
sounds delicious but why did this thread make you think of that?

I’ll cum on that and then it will taste good

Incredibly based chefanon causing massive butthurt to TV dinner retards.
Here’s a tip: cooking like a Michelin chef isn’t hard. The difficult part is running a restaurant. That is fucking difficult.

And these fuckers have the audacity to hate on chains like Papa John's.


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>spend ten bucks on a meal
>probably could dig something more appetizing out of the garbage
>spend hundred bucks on a meal
>could make something better in twenty minutes
I still have yet to spend a thousand, or make it to a three star, but what the fuck is with restaurants. Are people this fucking lazy that they willing eat overpriced drek?

I just always wanted to try it, this thread brought up pizza and it reminded me of that, I call it Purple Pizza.

I do the same with pita breads.

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that sounds very good user.


That's the kind of pizza that's only good after a dozen pints with the lads

Hope you get cancer dude

What's wrong user?

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It's just pepperoni and sausage pizza dude.

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what am I supposed to be noticing here

>BBQ brisket
>not broiled in a dutch oven
Fucking burgers are retarded...

Both of these look like a greasy disgusting mess you retarded burgers just have to ruin everything
I'll take a simple, authentic Italian calzone over that garbage any day


unironically this

Mmmm delicious, I rather have this instead.
Thank goodness I'm an American!

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you sound like such a faggot

>gets heart attack at 34

>ramsay makes fun of burger at a restaurant "how am i supposed to fit my mouth around this!!!"
>ramsay makes his "perfect burger" which is just as fucking thick

This stuff is very good mmmmm.
Ya sure you don't want any?

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Yeah but it was a cockburger so it’s okay that he can’t fit his mouth around

Fuck you you sound gay fuck you homo.

maybe he serves his with knife and fork included

unironically looks amazing

only weaklings would be afraid to eat this because they once read about a guy who got salmonella in 1967 from eating raw beef out of a cow's asshole

you exaggerating this much makes it hard to take you seriously.

suck my dick faggot do it you gay pussy boi

I just think it's stupid when some fat motherfucker wants to lecture me on "food safety" because I prefer my burgers cooked medium

If you're worried about dying from food-related illnesses then stop eating so much

wrong user....

Shut up gayboy I’ll suck you so good you’ll cum like a gay homo!

>Cheeseburgers are snacks for amerilards

We should nuke your fatasses into space.

And yes, Europe has amazing cuisine in every small rural restaurant because we conserve our culinary tradition. You fat fucks have been conditioned to hate amazing dishes like black pudding (every country has their own version, in spain its called morcilla) or liver with onions because your corporate overlords want to feed you cheap beef and chicken. There's a good reason why japan illegally fishes and imports eels from europe and that's because it's fucking delicious. Go die in a fire, amerimuts. People saying that brisket on a fucking bbq is somehow high cuisine is laughable, how delusional can you get?

No you can make the world's best best pizza with simple, straightforward ingredients and then sell it for standard pizza prices. You just have to know what you're doing like they do in Italy.

Thinking acclaimed pizza would be like expensive gimic pizza from some obnoxious paypig restaurant is the most american thing I've ever heard.