Who is your favorite tv/movie critic? For.me its.Movie Bob

Who is your favorite tv/movie critic? For.me its.Movie Bob

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They're all shit. Critique movies yourself. Don't rely on others to form an opinion

stop posting this thread phag

>that second post
Extremely redpilled

lmao we're still learning how to placate minorities, not white people. If we still just cared about white people we would definitely be on mars already.


Except he's directing it towards the wrong group, so he's infinitely goypilled.

Funny how the starships we did have were engineered by former Nazi partymembers.

Stop shilling yourself, you fat retarded fuck.

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>he thinks consciousness is immortal

Maybe if he contributed towards those goals instead of being a screeching twitter autist he wouldn't be "stuck on this rock"

>white working class
That’s an odd way to spell Basketball Americans

What did he mean.by this?

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>BMI >19

Only redpills that Movie Bob takes are jelly beans.

reminder that this is the guy who would gladly murder everyone he doesn't like if he had the chance and he would feel justified because he was bullied

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>stole the future I EARNED

What did he mean by this?

Think about how much he bitched on the internet and ate to get to this point.
That's hard work.

I can only assume he hates himself.
His job is reviewing media, perhaps the single most obsolete job in the world with the advent of social networking.
Someone really ought to set him aside and let him know that it's ok to not be absolutely necessary to society in order to matter.




Has anybody ever managed to get through to Bob for at least a moment how arrogant and worthless he is?

Dis nigga racist as fuck and he doesn't even know it.

How can one person be so completely tone dead and oblivious?

How is that in any way racist? Its a critique on thw obvious fact our society gives too mich of a fuck about white males at everyone else's expense

>thinks consciousness is digital

It's literally the opposite of that though.

>'very bad' makes up over 50% of chart
>'good' is less than 10% of chart

what a rip

saying one type of people is the 'real' working class over other another type of people - based on race - is racist.

Discrimination based against white people is still racism, because the definition of racism can only pertain to all races, lest the definition itself be racist (and thus form a paradox which would render the word meaningless).

>What did he mean.by this?
He wants somebody to develop an app that can replace electrical line workers.

>tfw overweight and borderline obese
Trying to lose it but it takes months to see real results. Depressing.

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Weren’t those people the bedrock of liberal and left-wing parties for decades ?

no he's just incredibly oblivious. he truly believes he is performing an essential service

This faggot is so retarded his consciousness probably could be uploaded to a flash drive.

this. what a faggot

exercise harder (unironically)

Is he being unironically? because we're still stuck on a rock due fucking caring about buttfuckistan countries, PC culture, inventing chairs to stop manspreading, hiring over skin color instead of merit, etc

>thinks he can "upload his consciousness"

Democrats are paying attention to the demographic changes and are abandoning ship. They'll lose some more elections but when this country becomes Mexico 2.0 they'll own it.

>we're totally not trying to displace and replace white people in their own countries goy

Racism is Prejudice+Power, nazi. Can't be racist towards whites. Or sexist towards men, fyi. Also, since I have your attention, anti-discrimination means CORRECTING FOR discrimination by helping marginalized groups climb up to where they belong. This is the meaning of equality. If you disagree, you're on the wrong side of history. #MicDrop

>second post
wow bob, that's not a nice thing to say about blacks

>Bob earning anything in his life

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Society is clearlynset up to favor white.peope. consider how overrepresented white people are in media. They are just 9% of the world population but almost all of the media roles are given to them.
You cannot be racist to whites because they have always enjoyed the position of power and wealth that comes from the exploitation of minorities

Get an actual degree, find an actual job.

>placate the "white working class"
but your kind already destroyed them culturally and economically, Chipman, and now you're eliminating the few that remain with opioids, I think you mean placate the "shitskins so they don't chimp out", and I'm sure you'll do what you've always done- give them more welfare and buy another year of relative calm, no skin off your back.

>"men" that weigh less than 200

>socially obsolete
ok retard enjoy starving, where does this retard think food in the US comes from, China?

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I hate that there are people that actually think like you.
I'm sure you don't believe what you're selling otherwise you wouldn't be here, but it's a depressing thought that there are people so far up their own ass as to think being unapologetically racist isn't being racist because of the race of who they are shitting on.

but racism must be about all races equally
because racism cannot discriminate against any race
because racism is discrimination against race
thus the definition of the word cannot be changed to something that is the opposite of what it means
thus the definition of the word cannot be changed to what recent special interest groups have tried to change it to
>sorry friend, you're just gonna have to find another word to use to mean "the advantage of being white." May I suggest "whitevantage"?

Bob Chipman thinks that food comes from McDonalds.

>consider how overrepresented white people are in media. They are just 9% of the world population but almost all of the media roles are given to them.
you're not fooling me user

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> Yea Forums is a chud hugbox for white genocide conspiracy lunatics
Nope. Go fuck off to pol and whine how white women wont fuck you because of the jews.

I imagine when BMI charts were invented they had no idea that one day the average person would have a BMI of 30+

muscle is dense, BMI is for sedentary numales
>inb4 yaassss slay
if you have over 20% bodyfat you're a lazy, unhinged, fat piece of shit and this chart applies to you

moviebob is a whiny bitch with an annoyingly forced bronx accent

Imagine being poor and white in current year. How is it even possible lol?

Its about raising everyone up to where whites are due to past inequality.

I never said Yea Forums was a hugbox, but thank you for not engaging my argument it saves me the trouble of continuing to listen to your bullshit.

the future he "EARNED"?

no, white farmers are racist, stupid, and too expensive. We need a slave caste of mexicans to do that for us for cheap.


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I'd really love to know what MovieBob defines eugenics as.
I assume he wants to just kill anyone who calls him fat.

Go back to Plebbit you stupid tranny faggot

you can say nigger here you fucking pathetic worm

ill take your onions and raise you a chocolate onions

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the fuck is a chud

cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller

It's an derogatory term for the alt-right.
Used to just be a general put down, but it's political now.

>McDonald's employees should be middle class

"Working Class" has long been a euphemism for "white people" because brown people chimp out whenever any politician even implies any policy should benefit white people.

the "middle class" is make-work bureaucrat jobs that subsist on stolen money

That's what's funny about it. You know his "profession" is probably writing blogposts or posting movie reviews or some similarly recursive nonsense that provides 0 value to society. Yet he will sit there on his fat ass and criticize the working class for actually doing jobs that require sweat. Of course, we all know these twatposts don't really have anything to do with "class" whatsoever, and are just a way for these slimy kikes to wrap up their compulsive hatred for whites with a palatable pretense.

Aww, did the mean worx trigger your snowflake sensibilities? White male fragility is amazing to behold. People like you are why I,a s a white man, resist the white male power structure

urbanites produce nothing and it amazes me how they manage to maintain such a bloated ego of self importance.

He thinks twitch streamers are on par with Farmers.


seeeething pussy

Beat me to it.

Also because minorities don't work.

lol lowkey admitting he wishes he could change his body to be white

I don't think he knows what obsolete means...

>if the singularity happens, minds like moviebob's may very well be uploaded to machine consciousness and live for the rest of eternity
think i'm gonna firebomb an advanced robotics research center lads

>190 at six foot is overweight
>weighing under that is like skeleton territory.

bad advice. Real advice would be to eat less. Exercise is supplementary to weightloss.

No it is not. I am 6'1 and even when I weighed 185 I had some flab to lose. Modernity is too fat.

Jay Dyer

Im overweight

White american men are so pathetic.

It is but if you weigh less than that at 6'1" you have no muscle buddy. My brothers a lanklet like that and I can carry him around like a baby.

To lose it and have it stay lost requires a huge lifestyle change. Are you up for that?